BINGO is held on THE SECOND FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH in the Parish Hall at 5:00 p.m. There are door prizes and a raffle. Food and beverages are available for purchase at 5:00 p.m.
There will be NO BINGO in March or April 2025 – NEXT BINGO – Friday, May 9th from 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Every month we collect for one of our supported charities* – Everyone participating in supporting the monthly charity (TBA) will receive one free Early Bird bingo card with the purchase of one or more.
Dinner can be purchased at 5:00 pm
Early Bird Bingo begins at 6:00 p.m. at $1 per card
Regular Bingo begins at 6:30 p.m. at $25 per booklet of 6 games on 8 sheets, or $15 per booklet of 3 games on 8 sheets
There will be door prizes throughout the night
50/50 Raffle
Must be 18 or older to attend and Cash only
*We collect items and products for Gracie’s Kitchen, Micah’s Place, Senior Center, Animal Rescue in Yulee, Toys For Tots, School Supplies, and Soldiers. Check back to see which charity is being collected for each month.
For more information, contact Cathy McKnight at events@stfrancisyulee.org

The Prayer Shawl Ministry would like to invite all women of St. Francis to join us. Meetings will be on Friday mornings for two hours after the 9:00 am Mass. No experience is necessary – beginner lessons will be given. We create homemade “comfort” items that are provided to members of our parish who are homebound or residing in assisted living facilities. We also knit and crochet items that can be utilized by Human Life & Dignity. Everyone is welcome! We also always appreciate yarn donations for our projects! If you would like more information or know of anyone who would benefit from one of the beautiful shawls or baby blankets, please email Wendy Edwards at caloiboy@att.net or call (904) 583-5540

The Women’s Activities Ministry is involved in numerous activities, charities, and events. It partners with and helps other ministries and sponsors several of its own events, such as bake sales, dinner clubs, Angel Tree, and craft fairs. For more information, email Georgia Capobianco at women’s activities or visit the Women’s Activity Ministry Page.
The next Meeting : Thursday, April 3rd at 11:00 am
- Topic: Understanding Social Security Benefits
- Speaker: AARP
Refreshments will be served. Bring a friend!
“Make us know the shortness of our life/ that we may gain wisdom of heart.” (Ps 90:12)

The family ministry revolves around family activities including fun activities, get family togethers, and community service. For more information, contact Lauren and Ryan Ketelhut at family@stfrancisyulee,org
MARCH 2025
Tuesday, March 11th – 9:30 am Playground Playdate (William Burgess Playground)
We also open our arms to any family who would like to join our ministry – where we focus on family events such as serving the community or families just spending quality time with each other. We would love to have you! Please contact Lauren & Ryan for more information family@stfrancisyulee,org
Click HERE to view photos of activities.

The SFA Youth Group meets on the third Thursday of the month. Come join us for a night of laughter and fellowship. All youth, and their friends ages 13 and up are welcome. Refreshments will be provided. Please email Ms. Jackie Sanchez at youth@stfrancisyulee.org for more information, and visit the YOUTH page.

Meetings will be on the third Friday of every month at 6:00 p.m.
Next meeting: TBA
St Francis of Assisi Young Adult Ministry is open to everyone ages 18-25. It is a place where you can build authentic relationships centered on following Jesus. Come as you are. You belong here! For more information, please get in touch with Jackie Sanchez at youth@stfrancisyulee.org

9:30 A.M. Family Mass:
Children from Pre-K through 4th grade will be offered an opportunity to better understand the Sunday scripture readings. After opening prayer, the children will be called up and escorted to the Chapel where they will hear the scriptures at their level of understanding. They will return to the Mass at the Offertory.
This will be offered on the third Sunday of the month during the school year. The Children’s Liturgy has ended for the summer and will return in September 2022.
“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
For more information on educational opportunities, visit Religious Education or email Victoria Blackwell at religiouseducation

St. Francis Adult, Youth, and Children’s choirs welcome all parishioners to participate in and enjoy them. For more information on this joyful ministry, email Andy Wallace at music@stfrancisyulee.org and check out the Music Page.

There will be a collection Drive for YUM before and after every Mass on the weekend of March 15th and 16th. MORE INFORMATION
St. Francis of Assisi enjoys its partnership with the Yulee United Methodist Church food bank. Our food and monetary donations help serve needy families in our area. Contributions from St. Francis of Assisi, both in terms of food and cash, are integral to providing food to so many people in our community. Collection drives are held periodically. The next one will be towards the end of August. More information will be posted as available. Pastor Abigail Fields and the Food Pantry Team are so grateful for our help and for the generous food and monetary donations made by St. Francis Parishioners! They could not meet the needs of those they serve without our help and partnership!
For more information email Mary Flanagan at charities@stfrancisyulee.org

Begin the New Year with the goal of deepening your prayer life through a study of the Psalms. The Holy Spirit inspired them. Israel sang them. Christ himself prayed them, as did our Blessed Mother. In the Psalms: The School of Prayer, discover how these sacred hymns become our heartfelt response to God’s loving and wondrous deeds for us.
Not only will our presenters, Jeff Cavins, Dr. Tim Gray, and Sara Christmyer help us study the many ways the Psalms foretell the life and mission of Jesus, but we’ll learn how to meditate fruitfully on their captivating words using lectio divina. Choose a Monday session beginning on January 20th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm, or a Wednesday session beginning on January 22nd from 9:45 – 11:15 am. The 11-week course ends the week before Holy Week.
Before each session, you will answer questions in the workbook and view an online video which will be discussed within our groups. The cost of materials and video access is $37. Checks to St. Francis of Assisi or cash can be paid at the first session. Scholarships are available. More info can be found at www.ascensionpress.com. Register by email to asukotsky13@gmail.com no later than Monday, January 6th.

For those who have lost a loved one
He is Risen and in Him is all our Hope.
The next gathering: TBA You MUST RSVP for meetings to jesuswept@stfrancisyulee.org as space is limited. Drinks will be provided, but you must bring your own lunch.
The “Jesus Wept” Honoring Your Grief” program was offered for the first time on May 20th, 2022. It was so well received and considered to be such a wonderful blessing, that it has evolved into the “Jesus Wept Consolation Ministry at St. Francis.”
For over a year now this ministry has been evolving under the wings of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the comforter, and the Father who supports and welcomes us all, especially those who have suffered the loss of a loved one.
After much prayer and guidance from the Diocese of St. Augustine and our Pastor, Father Slawek, we are now a full-fledged support group for our brothers and sisters in the frightening stages of grief. Sometimes, that even includes comfort with anticipatory grief. A strong faith team guides and presents each program. Jesus Wept meets on the third Friday of each month from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm. One need only contact Tom Sintes at jesuswept@stfrancisyulee.org or leave a contact number with the office and we will connect with you.
The Jesus Wept Ministry (our short endearing name for it) welcomes anyone who has lost a loved one such as those losses that occur before birth and all through childhood and onward. Our children are always our children, no matter their age. Loss of a spouse, loss of a sibling or a precious friend, loss of a parent-all are losses that often find us in need of the support of those who have walked this path as well as the need to be consoled through faith. Jesus Wept can do that.
The Jesus Wept Consolation Ministry at St. Francis is Christ-Centered and has at its heart the hope of the Resurrection.

If you have a prayer request- especially an urgent one, e-mail us at prayerwatch@stfrancisyulee.org. Prayers by a growing number of parishioners will cover your need. Currently, there are almost 100 prayer warriors. There is no set time to pray for these intentions. You may pray at any time. To be part of this expanded beloved ministry, BECOME A PRAYER PARTNER by sending your e-mail address to Prayer Watch and you will be added to our list and receive intention requests via email. No matter where any of us roam, or the difficulty before us – reach out, your parish is here for you. For more information, contact Tom Sintes at prayerwatch@stfrancisyulee.org
The more we pray together the more powerful our prayer!
For more information on Spirituality events, click HERE

Are you seeking to deepen your prayer life? Over the past year, the participants of Prayer Share have learned about different methods of prayer, share the stumbling blocks we have encountered, and more. We meet on the first Thursday of each month from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm in the Chapel. To join us, RSVP to spirituality@saintfrancisyulee.org. What better time to join us than Lent? A time to dive deeper into our relationship with Jesus? The next meeting will be on July 4th. Space is limited, so register now.

Project Isobel for St. Gerard’s was started five years ago in honor of a parishioner’s grandmother. St. Gerard’s is a non-profit maternity home and Christian high school in St. Augustine for young, unwed girls who have made the decision to have their babies. The facility makes sure they receive the proper medical attention they need as well as making sure they attend classes on campus and receive their high school diploma. For more information, or to become involved with Project Isobel and Human Life and Dignity, contact Liz Milo at ermfl@att.net

The Breaking Bread Ministry
New to St. Francis? Or, have you been here for a while and want to meet more of your fellow parishioners? Join us! The Breaking Bread group is starting up for 2025. It’s not too late to join. Breaking Bread provides an opportunity for parishioners to meet other parishioners by sharing meals in each other’s homes. Answer that age-old question: Who sits in front of me every Sunday? Join Breaking Bread and find out by inviting them to dinner. For more info, contact Mary Flanagan or Tony Vellucci at funactivities@stfrancisyulee.org Pax Vobiscum

Heart2Heart sends “one of a kind” greeting cards handmade by our own artists to those who are ill, recovering from surgery, needing encouragement or are celebrating a milestone event. If you know of someone who needs a card, please send their name, address (if you have it) along with the general reason for the card to charities@stfrancisyulee.org.
Thanks to our artist, Sandy, for her time and talents in creating these cards. Angela, thank you also for your time and effort providing comforting messages and thank you Angela Sukotsky for following up with those who need our support.

Do you know that we have a Men’s Bible Study group right here at St. Francis?
We meet at 7:30 a.m. every Tuesday morning in the Quiet Room, and spend an hour delving into the gospel writings. All men of St. Francis are invited to join in this interesting and exciting study of our faith.

Soles4Souls (located in Gracie’s Dining Room) collects shoes and socks for those in need. This was started when one of our volunteers observed children without shoes and socks coming in to eat in Gracie’s dining room. Soon after, we collected donations of all sizes and genders for those in need. Men’s work socks are always needed. We also need flip-flops, sunscreen, face and hand lotion, and chapstick.

Fun Activities encourage parishioners to enjoy social get-togethers. For more information, contact Mary Flanagan or Tony Vellucci at funactivities@stfrancisyulee.org.

Knights of Columbus 4th Degree
The Knights meet on the third Monday of the month from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. in the Quiet Room.

The Book Club is reorganizing and will not be meeting until further notice. For more information on the Book Club, email Mary Gustafson at marylgustafson50@gmail.com

Monthly Meetings are on the 1st Tuesday of Each Month at 6:30 pm. There are no meetings in July or August. All men of the parish are welcome!
Refreshments will be served
The Men of St. Francis work a great deal behind the scenes assisting the various ministries and their functions. They organize fundraisers and support numerous charitable endeavors.
• Support the YUM Food Pantry. Make a run once per month to pick up food at Feeding Northeast Florida and deliver it to the food pantry.
• Check the food pantry contributions from our parish and deliver the goods to the YUM food pantry once a week
• Salvation Army Red Kettle Program
All men are welcome! For more information on Men’s Activities, email Deacon Bill at mensactivities@stfrancisyulee.org

We are also part of Gracie’s Kitchen, an interfaith dinner network that provides hot meals to single mothers, senior citizens, military veterans, the disabled, and low-wage workers. Our St. Francis team cleans, cooks, and serves meals to over 200 guests on the 2nd and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Periodically, our parish donation holds a donation drive for Gracie’s Kitchen. The next drive will be on the weekend of January 18th and 19th after all Masses.
REQUESTED ITEMS: shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, Dental floss, Chapstick, Soap, hand sanitizer, & Razors.
CLOTHING ITEMS REQUESTED: Caps, hats, scarves, gloves, Men’s/women’s socks & Rain ponchos.
Thank you so much for your continued support! Many blessings during this beautiful season of giving.
At Gracie’s Kitchen, we also provide supplemental pet foods for dogs and cats. The Pet Corner began to encourage guests to eat their full dinners instead of taking part of their food home to feed their pets. With donations from our congregation, we can provide supplemental pet food for our guests’ dogs and cats. The St. Francis Pet Corner welcomes any donations to our pet food pantry. The pet corner is helping around 200 pets a month. We need pet shampoos if anyone would like to donate. We appreciate our parishioners’ support and are grateful. To make a pet food donation or to arrange pickup/drop off, contact Pat at: jpjanco@bellsouth.net or by phone: (904) 225-9702, or bring your donation to the 4:00 pm Vigil Mass on Saturdays
For more information, email Mary Flanagan at charities@stfrancisyulee.org.

If you would like to schedule one of our ministers to visit and spend some time with your loved one(s) who are homebound or reside in assisted living facilities to pray the Rosary, read the Bible, or talk and listen, contact Ron and Rossana Hebron at liturgy@stfrancisyulee.org

Adopt a Soldier collects items for our armed forces and organizes them into gift boxes for our troops. JoAnn is asking for Chapstick, coffee (ground or K-Cups), snacks (granola bars/peanut butter crackers), baby wipes, ramen noodles, foot powder, medicated lotion, hard candy, and Gatorade for our troops. 2023 Calendars, greeting cards, and notepads are always accepted. Feminine products are also requested for our women service members. Please place items in the “Soldiers’” Box located in the Narthex. Thank you!
Jo-Ann M. Pimentel (904) 583-0338

Sacred Environment is in charge of maintaining the plants and flowers inside the church. Volunteers are needed to commit for a month to the weekly watering of plants and removing expired flower arrangements. Help is needed for watering the Altar flowers.
1. Check the soil with the meter to determine if plants should be watered (there is a water dispensing bulb in each plant.
2. Ensure flowers have enough water in vase(s), pruning may be necessary to keep them alive for a few days during the week.
3. Dispose of flowers after 9:00 am Mass during the week.
4. Check the calendar in the Bulletin for any conflicts.
5. Time commitment: 15 – 30 minutes/week. If you can help contact Sally at sgbrai83@gmail.com