

Vigil Mass – 4:00 pm (Confession 3:30 – 3:50 pm)

Spanish Mass – 6:00 pm (Confession 5:30 pm)


8:00 am

Family Mass at 9:45 am (Confession from 9:00 – 9:20 am)

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am

Friday – NO MASS

Telephone Rosary:

Every day 12:00 – 12:30 pm

Call (508)924-3039

Eucharistic Adoration:

Every Thursday at 9:30 am

Every 1st Friday at 6:00 pm

Every 4th Tuesday at 7:00 pm (Spanish)

Parish Rosary:

Sunday at 7:30 am

Saturday at 5:30 pm (Spanish)

October 12th & 13th – 2024
(28th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

** If you are new to the area, welcome to St. Francis, your new spiritual home! Please stop off at the Welcome Counter in the narthex and chat with Fr. Slawek (pronounced Swa-Vek), Deacon Ralph, Deacon Tom, or Deacon William to find out more about us, register, and become a part of the family!

The Annual Diocesan Altar Server Training will be held on Saturday, October 26th, at 12:00 p.m. Any persons interested in serving this Ministry for the 2025 Liturgical year, especially those new to this ministry should attend.

Procedures and schedules will be discussed. Younger servers should be accompanied. Please contact Deacon William at altarservers@stfrancisyulee.org for more information.

Come & shop at the Craft Boutique on Friday, Oct.18th thru Sunday, Oct. 20th. See the bulletin for complete details.

Click here for more information

This year’s prayer burst will focus on our country as we face a crucial election. Next weekend, cards will be given out after masses in the narthex.

We ask all to pray each night at 7 p.m. from October 6th to November 3rd. Together we can move mountains.

All Saints Day MassFriday, Nov 1st – Holy Day of Obligation

Vigil Mass 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31st and a 9:00 a.m. Mass on Friday, Nov. 1st

Mass of Remembrance – All Souls Day is Saturday November 2nd

Adoration with candles and names at 3.30 p.m. followed by Mass at 4 p.m.

Family Follow Me All Saints Potluck DinnerNovember 3rd at 4:30 p. m.

Next Playdate is November 12th.

St Francis of Assisi Young Adult Ministry is open to everyone ages 18-25. It is a place where you can build authentic relationships centered on following Jesus. Come as you are. You belong here!

Next meeting Friday, October 25th at 6:00 p.m.    

For more information, please contact Ms. Jackie Sanchezyouth@stfrancisyulee.org         

(next: November 15th)

Thursday, October 17th at 6:00 p.m. please join the St. Francis of Assisi Youth Group for a night of fellowship & fun. All youth and friends ages 13 and up are welcome. Refreshments are provided.

For more information, please contact Ms. Jackie Sanchezyouth@stfrancisyulee.org       

(next: November 21st)

The Youth Group Praise and Worship band will rehearse on Thursday, October 24th from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All youth & friends ages 13 and up who play any instrument or love to sing are invited to join the fun.

For more information, please contact Ms. Jackie Sanchezyouth@stfrancisyulee.org       

(next: November 14th)

Join us for  Bingo on Friday, November 8th from 5 p.m

  click here for more information

If you would like to represent our church as the first best impression, we would  be glad to have you. A great chance to meet, greet, and assist your St. Francis family. If you feel the call to serve, please look for Fred Sanchez (ushers@stfrancisyulee.org). All Are Welcome. 

If you have not signed up for Prayer Watch (prayerwatch@stfrancisyulee.org), please do so that you can join with others to pray for one another in this powerful ministry. Check the bulletin or click for details.

Join us for our weekday daily rosary at 8:30 a.m. in the chapel as we ask Our Blessed Mother to intercede for our needs, especially in this election season.

First Friday Adoration is the first Friday of each month from 5 – 6 p.m.

You will find additional information and announcements in the bulletin, on Facebook, or right here on our Website

BAPTISM:  The Sacrament of Baptism is a serious obligation and requires a faith commitment on the part of the parents. This commitment is exemplified by being a practicing, active Catholic, having been registered in the Catholic Mission of St. Francis of Assisi for at least 3 months prior to the Baptism. Parents seeking Baptism for their child should contact Deacon Ralph at deaconralph@stfrancisyulee.org to register for the REQUIRED Baptismal Preparation Class. The class takes place on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00 am in the “Quiet Room.” The sign-up and registration documents must be done at least 2 weeks before the offered date. Baptisms are scheduled individually for every family.

MARRIAGE:  A minimum of 8 months’ notice is required by the Diocese of St. Augustine because of the sacredness and the seriousness of this Sacrament. Please contact the office (904-849-1256) for an appointment.

MASS INTENTIONS:  Every Mass at St. Francis can be offered for the intention indicated by you. Make a great gift to someone you love and offer a Mass for them. You may request a Mass intention by contacting the Parish Secretary in the office at (904-849-1256).

HOMEBOUND: The aged and ill should feel free to contact the office about Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick.

HOUSE BLESSING:  Upon request, your house can be blessed. Please contact the office (904-849-1256) to arrange a date and time.

FUNERALS:  Before making arrangements with a funeral home please call the office (904-849-1256)  for the available schedule and needed information.

NEW PARISHIONERS:  A warm welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission in Yulee, FL.  PARISH REGISTRATION

CHANGE OF ADDRESS:  If your address has changed or if you are leaving our Catholic Mission, please notify the office.

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In 2024 the following will be observed as Holy Days of Obligation 


Solemnity of All Saints – Friday, Nov. 1st  – Masses at 9:00 am and 6:00 pm

Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord

Tuesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve

4:00 pm Christmas Eve Children’s Mass

6:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass

8:00 pm Hispanic Christmas Eve Mass

Wednesday, Dec. 25th

10:00 am Christmas Day Mass

The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God – Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

Please Note: In 2024, December 8th occurs on a Sunday and will be observed in the Roman Calendar as the Second Sunday of Advent. The liturgical observance of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is transferred to Monday, Dec. 9th, 2024. However, the obligation to participate in Mass for the Immaculate Conception is not transferred.

Also, please note that a Funeral Mass may be celebrated on any day except solemnities which are days of obligation, Holy Saturday, the Easter Triduum and Sundays during the seasons of Advent, Lent and Easter (cf. GIRM 380).

Finally, a reminder that the Solemnity of the Ascension is observed on Sunday, May 12th, 2024. The Solemnity replaces the Seventh Sunday of Easter.

“We are brothers and sisters in Christ who gather to worship God and witness our Catholic faith by serving the community.”

A Message from Bishop Erik T. Pohlmeier on the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion”

I was deeply troubled to learn about the effort to amend the Florida Constitution to enshrine abortion. Now that the Florida Supreme Court has confirmed that the amendment will be on the November ballot, it’s crucial for voters to reject this proposal.
Efforts are underway to educate the public about the risks of this amendment. The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops stands united in opposing this disregard for life. More information will be provided as we work to inform voters about the dangers of this amendment.
The debate around abortion has persisted throughout my entire life. Personally, I have witnessed the profound suffering of women who have chosen abortion. While society has a responsibility to support women and families, terminating a child’s life never leads to a solution.
Key arguments promoting abortion often overlook a crucial point. Phrases like “abortion is healthcare” or “my body, my choice” ignore the fact that another life is at stake. Once a baby is conceived, there is another body to consider. It can never be considered healthcare when it results in the death of another person.
The lives of many mothers are complex, and the news of a pregnancy is not always met with joy. While we should strive to improve the lives of those who struggle, we must remember that the unborn child is never to blame.
In the coming months, there will be a significant amount of information about the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.” It’s essential not to ignore this information and to understand what is being proposed. The title itself is misleading because the government should prioritize protecting life.
Lastly, we must recognize that this is also a spiritual battle. Any effort to end life must be resisted with prayer. Remember, God’s strength and seek his grace. Only with the power of the Holy Spirit can we help shape our society to value the gift of new life.

The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops filed a brief with the Florida Supreme Court that identified ways in which both the ballot title and the amendment language are misleading and fail to provide voters with the full impact of the amendment on existing Florida law. To read the brief and the statement released on April 2, click here.

Common Questions on Amendment 4

  1. Doesn’t Amendment 4 simply restore Florida back to when Roe v. Wade was in effect? NO. Amendment 4 goes dangerously beyond what was permitted in the Roe v. Wade ruling. It would eliminate important health and safety measures that protect women, remove parental consent for any minor seeking an abortion, and allow for abortion through the third trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Aren’t late term abortions very rare? Because they are currently not permitted by Florida law, they are extremely rare. There are exceptions in the law that allows late-term abortions to preserve the life of the mother or to avert serious risk of substantial, irreversible impairment of a major bodily function. However, if Amendment 4 passes, its broad loopholes would allow nonphysicians to cite minor, treatable conditions to justify abortions, and there would be many more late-term abortions in Florida.

Vote No on Amendment Four, Florida’s Extreme Abortion Amendment

A grassroots group called Florida Voters Against Extremism is working with the Florida Bishops to defeat Amendment 4. Florida voters looking for more information or ways they can help defeat Amendment 4, visit www.TooExtreme4FL.com. 

Pick up Amendment 4 materials at the tables outside of church after all the masses this weekend. Learn more and spread the word!


As we approach the final phase of our efforts to defeat Amendment 4, Bishop Pohlmeier and the Office of Human Life and Dignity are asking us to focus on a spiritual and prayerful response especially during Respect Life Month.

First, he is inviting parishioners and priests to join the Diocese of St. Augustine to commit to fasting each Friday in October and on Election Day, Nov. 5th. He quotes from Ezra 8:21-23, one of many passages in Scripture that highlights the power of fasting, “So we fasted, seeking this from our God, and it was granted.”

Secondly, he asks us to join in the praying of the rosary “which has long proved to be a powerful response to the needs of our lives and our society.” Pray with fellow parishioners before all the daily masses in the chapel, or on Sunday mornings at 7:20 am in church, or call the daily noon SFA Call-In Rosary (508-924-3039).

Thirdly, the Divine Mercy Chaplet will be livestreamed from the Sacred Heart Chapel of the Diocesan Catholic Center every Tuesday at 3 pm throughout October and on Election Day, Nov. 5th.  It is also prayed after SFA daily masses (M-W).To view the livestream, visit Facebook.com/dosacatholics  or YouTube.com/dosacatholics.

Bishop Pohlmeier states, “We remember that we are resisting the evil that wishes to destroy lives.  We pray to engage this enemy with God’s grace so that our hearts are filled with charity.  We continue to love those who do not perceive God’s gift of life, and we seek the ongoing conversion of each beloved soul.”

Every human life is a gift from God, belongs to God and is destined to return to God!






“We urge all Floridians of goodwill to stand against the legalization of late-term abortion and oppose the abortion amendment. In doing so, we will not only protect the weakest, most innocent, and defenseless of human life among us but also countless women throughout the state from the harms of abortion,” said the bishops of Florida in their statement on Amendment 4. 

Are you interested in getting involved to help defeat Amendment 4? There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer in a variety of different areas. Scan the QR Code to the right to sign up, or email HLD@dosafl.com


1.  Type the word “Give” to (904) 606-9630 and click the link in the text you receive in order to make your contribution.

2. You will be guided through a quick one-time setup and receive an immediate confirmation.

For more information or if you have questions, contact Jackie at bookkeeper@stfrancisyulee.org

Prayer for Our Country

O most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care.

Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son.

Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to you from the depths of our hearts and seek refuge in your motherly protection.

Look down with mercy upon us and touch the hearts of our people. Open our minds to the great worth of human life and to the responsibilities that accompany human freedom.

Free us from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion and threaten the sanctity of family life.

Grant our country the wisdom to proclaim that God’s law is the foundation on which this nation was founded and that He alone is the True Source of our cherished rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

O Merciful Mother, give us the courage to reject the culture of death and the strength to build a new Culture of Life.

 (Say three Hail Marys)


Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends

This program is for anyone who has experienced the loss of a love relationship—whether through divorce, death, or the end of a long-term relationship. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how their relationship with God and the community can support them through this difficult time.

Course details:

  • Duration: 10 weeks
  • Schedule: Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., Sept. 10th – Dec. 3rd (No class on Sept. 24th, Oct. 22nd or Nov. 26th)
  • Location: San Jose Catholic Church Community Center, 3619 Toledo Road, Jacksonville
  • Cost: $50 per person (includes textbook and handouts)
  • Extras: Light refreshments provided

For questions, please contact Father Tony Palazzolo at (904) 280-5422.

 Click here for the flyer. To register, visit https://form.jotform.com/232124683479159.

Visit the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, 121 E. Duval Street, Jacksonville, for the Eucharistic Miracles of the World exhibit. This photographic display lets you “virtually visit” documented Eucharistic miracles. The exhibit will be at the back of the church and Leon Hall and will be open all week. Free-will donations are welcome.

For details, call (904) 359-0331 or email office@icjax.org.

Join the Offices of Youth and Young Adult, Family Life and Evangelization for a 3-part series on discovering the importance of cultivating authentic friendships and sustaining communal relationships. This series, which is from 7 to 9 p.m. each evening, is for young adults 21+ and will include activities, speakers and practical tools to take along with you.

Speakers include Sister Brittany Samuelson, SCTJM, Joseph West and Mike Day. 

The first session, “The Gift of Self,” is on Aug. 30 at St. Joseph, 11757 Old St. Augustine Rd., Jacksonville.

The second session, “The Gift of Other,” is on Sept. 27 at St. Paul, 2609 Park St., Jacksonville.

The final session, “The Gift of Communion,” is on Oct. 18 at San Jose, 3619 Toledo Rd., Jacksonville.

For more information, visit   https://www.dosafl.com

Flyer: https://dosafl.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Friendship-Series-Flyer-FINAL.pdf

This year’s Friends of the Seminary Gala, benefiting St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, will be held on October 18th at 5:30 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, 10701 S Military Trail, in Boynton BeachThe Principal Celebrant and Homilist for the Mass will be the Most Reverend Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami and Chancellor of the seminary. Followed by a reception, silent auction and dinner.

Join us for our largest fundraiser, supporting the formation of priests after the heart of Christ for the future of the church.

For more information, visit www.svdp.edu/friends or contact the Development Office at development@svdp.edu or call (561) 732-4424.

Join us on Saturday, Oct. 19th, at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in the Fr. López conference room for a special Book Panel & Signing Event in honor of the late Dr. Michael Gannon. The event will kick off at 2:30 p.m. with an opportunity to purchase the recently published book, “Catholicism and Native Americans in Early North America Parish, Church, and Mission,” edited by Kathleen Deagan.

From 3 to 4 p.m., join the authors Kathleen Deagan, Susan Richbourg Parker, Timothy Johnson, Keith Ashley, Rochelle Marrinan and David Hurst Thomas for a panel discussion. Following the panel, from 4 to 5 p.m., there will be a book signing and hospitality.

Remember to reserve your book by Sept. 30th and secure your seat soon, as space is limited.

Register today for FREE:  Click Here

The Multi-Cultural Youth Conference (MYC) Youth Gathering will take place on Oct. 19th at Christ the King Parish in Jacksonville from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The event is open to youth aged 12-17 and will feature speakers, cultural performances, and more, closing with Mass.

The registration fee is $10, and interested individuals can register at https://dosafl.wufoo.com/forms/myc-youth-gathering/.

For more information, contact Robin Shipley at rshipley@dosafl.com.

Young adults are invited to a casual discussion on church teachings over drinks at Legacy Ale Works, 14965 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, from 7 to 9 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 21st. Deacon Larry Hart will discuss Amendment 4, on the November 2024 general ballot.

It’s a great chance to socialize, learn and engage in meaningful conversation. Don’t miss it!

For details, email rshipley@dosafl.com.

The Northeast Florida Human Trafficking (NEFLHT) Coalition is offering Ambassador Training on Saturday, Oct. 26th, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Offices, 7596 Centurion Parkway, in Jacksonville. Ambassadors represent the NEFLHT Coalition at public events to build public awareness of human trafficking, educate about appropriate responses and encourage others to become part of the Coalition’s Community Action Team.

Ambassadors must be at least 18 years old. There is no cost for this training, but interested individuals must complete an application, include a letter of recommendation and receive a background check.

For an application, contact Ruby Peters at rpeters@ccbdosa.org or call (904) 631-7082.

Those recovering from addiction and family members impacted by addiction are invited to the Grace and Recovery Retreats.

Each retreat offers fellowship, meals, witness talks, scriptural reflections, the 12 steps of recovery, Mass and confession.

Retreats will take place on the following dates and Jacksonville locations:

  • Blessed Trinity Parish: Sept. 28th from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. & Sept. 29th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • San Juan del Rio Parish: Oct. 5th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Young Adult Retreat)
  • Assumption Parish: Oct. 26th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • San Juan del Rio Parish: Dec. 14th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Click here to Register. For more information, call (732) 425-7949.

Are you a young woman curious about religious life and seeking to deepen your faith? Join the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary’s Vocational Discernment Group for an engaging four-part series with discussions, Q&A, prayer and communal dinners.

Open to women aged 16-35, the group meets on Saturdays from 4 to 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 26th, Nov. 23rd and Dec. 7th at the Infant Jesus of Prague Convent, 3003 Madrid Ave., Jacksonville.

To RSVP or learn more, contact sctjm-Jacksonville@piercedhearts.org or call (904) 687-8883.

Join Catholic Charities – St. Augustine Regional Office for their 3rd annual Under the Harvest Moon Gala.

The event will occur on Friday, Nov. 1st, at the Tringali Barn at Heritage Farms, 7310 US-1, in St. Augustine.

Guests can look forward to a delightful evening under the autumn sky, featuring dinner by Asado Life’s Leña Urban Asado, live music by Sidewalk 65, a silent and LIVE auction, local cocktails and more!

All proceeds from the gala will support the organization’s programs aimed at helping the most vulnerable residents throughout St. Johns, Putnam and Flagler counties.

For more information, please visit ccbstaug.org/harvestmoongala2024.

If you have any questions, contact Tara Provini at tprovini@ccbstaug.org or

Lisa Kunkle-Meyers at lmeyers@ccbstaug.org or call (904) 829-6300.

Bulletin Ad 1: https://dosafl.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/UTHM-Gala-Bulletin-Ad-Long-red-8.24.png
Bulletin Ad 2: https://dosafl.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/UTHM-Gala-Bulletin-Ad-Long-white-8.24.png
Bulletin Ad 3: https://dosafl.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/UTHM-Gala-Bulletin-Ad-Square-8.24.png

The Young Adult Memento Mori Mission presented by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (CFR) will be held on Nov. 1st and 2nd! The day will include prayer, service, talks from the Brothers, and community time.

The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (CFR) is a religious community founded in 1987 in the South Bronx of New York City. Their lives mimic the life of St. Francis of Assisi as they devote their lives to prayer, serving the poor and proclaiming the Gospel worldwide. All are welcome to join them in remembering how to live with the end in mind!

 Click here for more information.

On July 6th, the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche at Mission Nombre de Dios will host the Five First Saturdays for Life event from 7 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. The event will feature speakers Dr. Angeli Maun Akey and Dr. Jason Phillips who will present “Mother Mary’s Prayer for Life and Consecration.” Additionally, Mass, the confession, Eucharistic Adoration, rosary, fellowship and refreshments will be offered. This event aims to unite
in prayer and action to protect the sanctity of life and defeat Amendment 4.

For more information, call (904) 262-3200, ext. 109.

or email hld@dosafl.com  or  mshilkunas@dosafl.com

The Five First Saturday’s series will continue Aug. 3 & Sept. 7 & Oct. 5 & Nov. 2 leading up to election day.

Flyer:  https://dosafl.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5cbbc6030d8ad8295bee54a60&id=b1770a0d12&e=f670d57aa2

Join us at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception for the annual “Red Mass” in downtown Jacksonville on Wednesday, Nov.6th, at 5:30 p.m.

The Red Mass tradition, dating back to 1243, seeks the Holy Spirit’s guidance for the legal community. Take advantage of the opportunity to honor this tradition and celebrate with us. The event will include a reception in the courtyard with food and refreshments.

For more information, contact Nicholas P. McNamara, Esq. at nmcnamara@appellate-firm.com or Elizabeth Webb at ehw@pd4.coj.net.

Join us on Nov. 9th for the next Shrine Second Saturday lecture series with Father Thomas Willis as he delves into the Catholic History of St. Augustine.

The Shrine Church opens at 9 a.m., with the speaker presentation beginning at 9:30 a.m., followed by a question-and-answer session. Don’t forget to join us for the rosary at 11:15 a.m. and noon Mass in the Shrine Church.

The Young Catholic Professionals Jacksonville will hold their member-exclusive retreat on Nov. 9th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be a spiritually enriching day at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Le Leche at Mission Nombre de Dios in St. Augustine! What you can expect:

Mass | Confession | Adoration | Talk on the Catholic History of St. Augustine | Learn to pray the Seven Sorrows of Mary | Light breakfast and lunch included.

Join us on Monday from 6 to 8 p.m. for our Monthly Discernment Evenings with Fr. Clay Ludwig. The event will begin with a Holy Hour in Marywood Chapel, followed by a meal and small group discussions.

This event is open to young men ages 16 and above interested in learning more about priestly vocations.

To RSVP, please email vocations@dosafl.com.

Mark your calendars for future dates: Nov. 11th and Dec. 9th in 2024, and Feb. 10th, Mar. 10th, Apr. 14th, and May 12th in 2025.

Flyer: https://dosafl.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Discernment-Evening-Monday-Oct-14-2024.jpg

Experience “Splintered with Sorrow,” a healing retreat for grieving couples who have lost a child at any age and are seeking the hope of Christ. The retreat will take place at Marywood Retreat Center, 235 Marywood Drive, St. Johns, from Nov. 22nd to 24th.

Bishop Erik Pohlmeier will welcome participants and open the event.

Registration is $725 per couple, including a private room and bathroom. Couples will be grouped based on
their child’s age.

To register, visit Redbird.love/couples-retreat.

Invite your scouts to join us on Saturday, Dec. 7th, at the St. John’s River Base at Echockotee for a fun-filled day of adventure! The event starts at 9 a.m. and features activities like climbing, archery, fishing and larger-than-life games. It’s also a great opportunity to explore our Catholic faith. We’ll conclude the day with Mass at 4:00 p.m., which fulfills the religious medal requirements for scouts.

This year’s theme is “The Eucharist—Source and Summit,” and we can’t wait to explore this important aspect of our faith! Volunteers are needed to help us make this event unforgettable. For questions or to volunteer, contact Linda Byer at linda.byer07@gmail.com. To register to attend, email rshipley@dosafl.com

Click here to volunteer

Join us for the 8th annual Baby Steps Camino pilgrimage from Dec. 13th to 15th. This three-day pilgrimage covers 30 miles along the beautiful Florida coastline. The event starts with Mass on Friday, Dec. 13th, at St. Paul Parish in  Jacksonville Beach and concludes on Sunday, Dec. 15th, at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine.

This pilgrimage offers a unique opportunity for prayer, sacrifice, worship and fellowship. Don’t miss the chance to take part in this ancient form of prayer during the Holy Season of Advent.

For more information and to register, please visit https://www.babystepscamino.com/

Registration opens in October.

Join us on Dec. 14th for the final Shrine Second Saturday lecture with Mary Soha, M.D., exploring the history of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego.

The Shrine Church opens at 9 a.m., with the presentation at 9:30, followed by a Q&A. Stay for the rosary at 11:15 a.m. and noon Mass.

Those recovering from addiction and family members impacted by addiction are invited to the Grace and Recovery Retreats.

Each retreat offers fellowship, meals, witness talks, scriptural reflections, the 12 steps of recovery, Mass and confession.

Retreats will take place on the following dates and Jacksonville locations:

  • Blessed Trinity Parish: Sept. 28th from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. & Sept. 29th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • San Juan del Rio Parish: Oct. 5th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Young Adult Retreat)
  • Assumption Parish: Oct. 26th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • San Juan del Rio Parish: Dec. 14th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Click here to Register. For more information, call (732) 425-7949.

Join us for DYC X, a dynamic youth conference at Camp Kulaqua in High Springs, from Feb. 21st-23rd. Our keynote speakers will explore topics such as discovering God’s love, finding joy in following Christ, understanding the gifts of the sacraments and embracing a community life within the church.

Featured speakers include Michael Merchand, Carol Wiget, Oscar Rivera and Marlys Adjevi. Musical performances by Stella and a special Mass celebrated by Bishop Pohlmeier will also be part of the event.

The cost to attend is $175, but scholarships are available.

For registration and further information, contact your youth minister at your parish or the diocesan office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry.

Bishop Pohlmeier will confer the sacrament of confirmation on baptized Catholic adults who have received First Communion on two occasions:
Saturday, Feb. 8th, 2025, at the 5:00 p.m. Mass at St. Patrick Parish, Gainesville

Sunday, June 8th, 2025, at a 2:00 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine.