Human Life & Dignity
Located in the Diocese of St. Augustine, First Coast Women’s Services is a not-for-profit organization providing free-of-charge pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, counseling, and referrals. They are teaming up with the Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APR), which connects women who regret their abortion decision after taking the first abortion pill with a medical provider who starts the Abortion Pill Reversal Process. First Coast will perform weekly ultrasounds. These visits will be coordinated by APR when a client calls the hotline. They are excited about the opportunity to minister to these women with a hopeful outcome of a happy and healthy baby. In a 2018 peer-reviewed study, 64%-68% of the pregnancies were saved through Abortion Pill Reversal with no increase in birth defects and a lower preterm delivery rate than the general population. Visit Pregnancy Help & Information Jacksonville, FL • Free Pregnancy Clinic Services or phone (904) 549-6122 for more information.
Healing the Pain of Abortion
Have you ever thought about this: for every hurting abortive woman there is a hurting abortive man and hurting grandparents? Rachel’s Vineyard retreats are not just for women who have had an abortion. If you know a man who was involved in an abortion whether voluntarily or not, invite him into this healing process. Perhaps you are a grandparent whose child or in-law had an abortion and you have struggled with it. Moving testimonies of healing can be found at and can be shared with others.
A Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat is a beautiful opportunity for any man or woman who is struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion in their life. Come and receive peace, the forgiveness of self and others, and the compassion of God. These retreats are private, strictly confidential, and for people of all faiths. For more information, call 904-221-3232 or email All calls & inquiries are very confidential. Come and be restored!
There are over 375 locations where Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats are currently held. This includes Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, Europe, North America, and South America.
We need to be aware of the endless numbers of babies aborted, and in the aftermath, the endless numbers of mothers & fathers soulfully wounded. Know that through prayer, education, and advocacy, you can reduce, if not eliminate, the choice of abortion.
If you would like to learn more about the creation of Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat and the woman behind it, please email human life and dignity to borrow the book, Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion. Or, you can read the information on the website,
Diocesan Fourth Annual Rosary Congress
One God, forever and ever. Amen.
You have entrusted us to the care of one another,
and called us to be one Body in Christ.
You call us to rejoice with those who rejoice,
and to weep with those who weep.
Hear our prayer today
for our brothers and sisters who have lost children to abortion.
Help us to understand
the pain that is in their hearts,
and to be a living sign to them
of your welcome, your mercy, and your healing.
Help them to undergo with courage
the process of grief and the journey of healing.
Never allow them to feel alone;
Always refresh them with the presence of Your Spirit
and of their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Console them with the sure hope
that you love and care for their children.
Give them new strength,
that even while they grieve what they have lost,
they may look forward to all the good
that you still have in store for them.
Lord of healing and hope,
give us all the forgiveness of our sins,
and the joy of your salvation.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
For all couples who are using contraception in their marriage, that the Lord give them the strength and the courage to understand the truth and the beauty of their sexuality and embrace God’s plan for love and life through natural family planning, we pray to the Lord.
Discover Natural Family Planning
“Natural Family Planning” is an umbrella term for safe, effective, and ethical methods of family planning that use naturally occurring signs and symptoms to help a couple identify the most opportune time to achieve as well as avoid a pregnancy.
To locate an instructor:
The Office of Family Life is pleased to share the following new NFP resource for those in need of financial assistance. Catholic Couples Natural Family Planning (CCNFP), together with My Catholic Doctor, provides FREE teaching of fertility awareness and NFP for Catholic Couples and women. If you need more information about this program, visit .
Planificación Familiar Natural para Parejas Católicas (CCNFP) en asociación con My Catholic Doctor provee cursos GRATUITOS del Conocimiento de la Fertilidad y de Planificación Familiar Natural para parejas católicas y para mujeres solteras mayores de edad. Si desea más información sobre este programa, acuda a su sitio web y regístrese.
Red Bird Ministries is a Catholic grief support ministry serving individuals and couples who have experienced the loss of a child, from miscarriage through adulthood. These events are sponsored by the Diocese of St. Augustine, Office of Human Life and Dignity. Click HERE to visit their website. Download the REDBIRD APP:
Human trafficking destroys lives. Rethreaded exists to restore choice, eliminate vulnerabilities to exploitation and break the cycle of generational trauma for survivors of human trafficking by providing employment, career development, and supportive services.