Pastoral Council

‘Whenever we do something together, something good, something beautiful, everyone changes.

All of us change in some way and this does us good.’  Pope Francis

If you would like more information on the Pastoral Council, contact Bob Bell at: pastoralcouncil



We must not stumble upon tomorrow, we must build it, and we all have the responsibility to do so in a way that responds to the project of God, which is none other than the happiness of mankind, the centrality of mankind, without excluding anyone.” Pope Francis

Tuesday January 28, 2025, 6:30 p. m. (Refreshments at 6:00 p.m.)

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)
  1. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  2. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  3. Welcome to Andy Wallace, Bill Tighe
  1. OLD BUSINESS (15 minutes)
    1. Christmas Season Review – All
    2. Financial Update – Bob Eggleston

III. NEW BUSINESS (60 minutes)

  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries
    1. Liturgical Events – Special EM/Server/Usher/Banner requirements?
      1. Ash Wednesday Mar 5 – Mass times 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
      2. Palm Sunday – Apr 13 – Ordering of Palms (Jackie Sanchez); blessing and procession/distribution; Additional Readers?
      3. Holy Thursday – Apr 17 – 6:00 p.m., Selection of parishioners for washing of feet (Bob Bell/Deacon Ralph) Five Altar Servers needed (Jacqueline Castaneda).
        1. Portable Tabernacle – Chip and Maryfaith Stone/Deacon Ralph
      4. Good Friday Apr 18 – Veneration of the Cross and Passion 3:00p.m.
      5. Holy Saturday – Apr 19 -Blessing of the Food 11:00 a.m. – Deacon Ralph
        1. Easter Vigil Rehearsal – Deacon Ralph
      6. Easter Vigil – Apr 19 – Mass time 8:30 p.m. (tentative); Candles for parishioners (Jean Stanley); OCIA (Deacon Tom); extra chairs (Fred Sanchez)
      7. Easter Sunday – Apr 20 – 8:00 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. Mass
        1. Chapel open for parishioners
    2. Stations of the Cross – 6:30 p.m. – Mar 7, 14, 21, 28, Apr 4, 11, 18. – Looking for Ministries to lead
      1. Mar 7 – Mens’ Activities
      2. Mar 14 – Womens’ Activities
      3. Mar 21 – Ushers Ministry
      4. Mar 28 – Liturgy Ministry
      5. Apr 4 – Youth Activities Ministry
      6. Apr 11 – Fr. Slawek and Deacons
      7. Apr 18 – Living Stations of the Cross with the Hispanic Community @ 6:30pm 
    3. 5 minutes of Silence before Mass during Lent –– Bill Tighe
    4. Parish Penance Service – Tuesday, Apr 8 at 5:30 p.m.
      1. FST Set Up requirements
    5. Covering of Cross etc. – Mary Flanagan/Deacon Ralph
    6. Altar of Repose –Hispanic Ministry to lead. Office to order flowers (Jackie Sanchez)
    7. Fish Fry Dates – Mar 7, 14, 21, 28, Apr 4, 11, 18 – Susie Bryant
      1. Adjust time for 1st Friday Adoration
  2. Jubilee Year of Hope 2025 – Bill Tighe
  3. Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal – Feb 22-23
  4. First Communion May 18 – Retreat May 17 – Victoria Blackwell
  5. Confirmation May 13 – Retreat May 10 – Victoria Blackwell
    1. Reception -Victoria Blackwell
  6. Coffee and Donut Sundays – Bob Bell
    1. Need volunteers for February through June
      1. February
      2. March
      3. April
      4. May
      5. June
  7. Facilities Manager Comments – Jean Stanley
  8. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 27, 2025 @ 6:30 p.m.

V. CONCLUSION (3 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen


How can an action that ends an innocent and defenseless life in its blossoming stage be therapeutic, civilized or simply human? Pope Francis

Tuesday September 24, 2023, 6:30 p. m. (Refreshments at 6:00 p.m.)

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)

Opening PrayerDear God, as we commence this Pastoral Council meeting, we begin with hearts full of gratitude. We thank You for the opportunity to come together, for the gifts and blessings You bestow upon us, and for Your presence that guides us. Lord, may this opening prayer be a heartfelt expression of our gratitude for Your love and guidance. May we proceed in this meeting with hearts filled with thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek

  1. OLD BUSINESS (10 minutes)
    1. Eucharistic Revival Congress – Sandy Pineault
    2. Facility Support Team/Meeting Scheduling – Jess Simpson
    3. Financial Report – Bob Eggleston

III. NEW BUSINESS (65 minutes)

  1. EM & Lector Training – Ron & Rossana Hebron
  2. Amendment 4 Vote – Marcella Claridge
  3. Procurement Accountability – Bob Bell
  4. Feast of St. Francis of Assisi – Friday, Oct 4
    1. All Day Adoration 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
    2. Narthex Exhibit – Sandy Pineault
  5. All Day Adoration, Friday, Oct. 4 & Oct 25 – Sandy Pineault
    1. Ministry/Youth Involvement
  6. Blessing of the Animals/Pet Food Drive, 11:00 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 5 – Bob Bell
  7. Parish Picnic, Sunday, Oct. 6 – Susie Bryant
  8. All Saints Day Mass – Friday, Nov 1 – Holy Day of Obligation – Fr. Slawek
    1. Vigil Mass 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31 and a 9:00 a.m. Mass on Friday, Nov. 1
    2. Lector, EM, and Altar Server requirements?
  9. Mass of Remembrance – All Souls Day is Saturday November 2
    1. Adoration with candles and names at 3.30 p.m. followed by Mass at 4 p.m.
    2. Candles, lighters and box with sand – Ann Mitchell
  10. Advent/Christmas Season Schedule, – Fr. Slawek
    1. Advent Wreath – Mary Flanagan ?
    2. Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Celebrated on Monday, December 9
      1. Not a Holy Day of Obligation this year in the U.S.
      2. Regular Weekday Mass at 9:00 a.m.
    3. Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration – Thursday, Dec 12 – Javier Yllanes
    4. Decorating the Church and Set up of the Creche for Christmas – Georgia Capobianco/Deacon William
      1. After 9:45 Mass on Sunday, December 22
    5. Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule – Fr. Slawek

Tuesday, December 24th Christmas Eve

4:00 p.m. Children’s Christmas Eve Mass – English

6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass – English

No Hispanic Mass

Wednesday, December 25th Christmas Day

10:00 a.m. Christmas Mass – English

Tuesday, December 31st

4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass

Wednesday, January 1, 2025 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

10:00 a.m. Mass

    1. Streaming of Christmas Mass – Fr. Slawek
    2. Children’s Christmas Mass – Lauren Ketelhut
  1. Ministry Highlights – Limited Discussion by Ministry Chairs (Please limit your comments to those items requiring action/concurrence by Fr. Slawek and those matters of relevance to all the ministry leads)



1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. – Lent and Easter Planning.

V. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

2. Closing Prayer – As we close this meeting, Lord, we want to give honor to You. Thank You, God, for the time we had today to discuss issues and make decisions. May You bless each person who took the time to gather here today and let Your hand of protection be on them throughout the rest of the week. Let the work done here tonight come to fruition, and let it all be for Your glory. Help us each to do our parts to bring the plans discussed to life. Amen.


“In the Bread of Life, the Lord comes to us, making himself a humble meal that
lovingly heals our memory, wounded by life’s frantic pace of life.
The Eucharist is flavored with Jesus’ words and deeds, the taste of his passion,the fragrance
of his Spirit, when we receive it, our hearts are overcome with the certainty of Jesus’ love.”
Pope Francis

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024, 6:30 p. m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)

    1. Opening Prayer – Lord, as we go into this meeting, we place ourselves before You, for You are filled with beauty and light and care deeply about us. Help us to value and appreciate those we are gathered with. May Your light enfold us all. Amen.
    2. Welcome new attendees – Deacon Bill, Georgia Capobianco, Suzie Bryant, Ron & Rossana Hebron, Marcella & Tom Claridge; Jacqueline Castaneda

    3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek

  1. OLD BUSINESS (15 minutes)

    1. Easter Season Feedback – Deacon Ralph, All Ministries

      1. Stations of the Cross – Fr. Slawek

      2. OCIA – Deacon Tom

      3. Fish Fry – Cathy McKnight

    2. First Communion and Confirmation Feedback – Victoria Blackwell

    3. Coffee and Donuts Sundays – Bob Bell

      1. Need ministry volunteers for June through December 2024

III. NEW BUSINESS (60 minutes)

  1. Requirements for Corpus Christi – June 2nd, 2024 – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries

    1. Procession

  2. Requirements for The Assumption of Mary – Thursday, August 15th, 2024; a Holy Day of Obligation – Liturgy, Ushers, Altar Servers, Sacristans

    1. Mass times – 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

  3. Parking congestion between 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Mass – Fr. Slawek/All

  4. Finance Report –Bob Eggleston

  5. Turnover of Ministry Leads – Bob Bell

    1. Commissioning of new leads June 9th at the 9:30 Mass

    2. Still looking for a Charity leader

  6. New Parishioner Welcome Event Results – Deacon Brian

  7. Parish Calendar Scheduling for next FY – Bob Bell

  8. Relocation Update – Ashley Powell

  9. Facility Support Team Responsibilities/Coordination – Jess Simpson

    1. Impact on other ministry scheduling

  10. General Housekeeping – Jean Stanley

  11. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs as necessary, time permitting


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, September 23rd, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m.

V. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

2. Closing Prayer – Thank you, Lord, for your presence with us this day. As we depart from this space now, we ask you to bless us throughout the remainder of the day and guide us safely home, Amen


The Lenten journey of penance and the journey of the Synod alike have as their goal a transfiguration, both personal and ecclesial.” Pope Francis

Tuesday, January 30th, 2024, 6:30 p. m. (Refreshments at 6:00 p.m.)

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)

  1. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  2. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek

  3. Welcome to Barbara Strang (Charity) and Lauren and Ryan Ketelhut (Family) – Bob Bell/Fr. Slawek

  4. Farewell to Gene Hudak (Volunteers)

  1. OLD BUSINESS (15 minutes)

    1. Christmas Season Review – All

    2. Financial Update – Bob Eggleston

    3. Building Committee Update – Ashley Powell

III. NEW BUSINESS (60 minutes)

  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries

    1. Liturgical Events – Special EM/Server/Usher /Banner requirements?

      1. Ash Wednesday, Feb 14 – Mass times 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

      2. Palm Sunday – Mar 24 – Ordering of Palms (Jackie Sanchez); blessing and procession/distribution; Additional Readers?

      3. Holy Thursday – Mar 28 – 7:00 p.m., Selection of parishioners for washing of feet.

        1. Portable Tabernacle – Deacon Ralph/Ann Mitchell

      4. Good Friday – Mar 29 – Veneration of the Cross and Passion 3:00p.m.

      5. Holy Saturday – Blessing of the Food 11:00 a.m. – Deacon Ralph

      6. Easter Vigil – Mar 30 – Mass time 8:00 p.m.; Candles for parishioners (Jean Stanley); OCIA (Deacon Tom); extra chairs (Fred Sanchez)

      7. Easter Sunday – Mar 31 – 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Mass

    2. Stations of the Cross – 6:30 p.m. – Feb 16, 23, Mar 1, 8, 15, 22. – Looking for Ministries to lead

      1. Mar 29 – living stations of the cross with the Hispanic Community @ 6:30pm 

    3. Parish Penance Service – Mar ?? at 6:00 p.m.

    4. Covering of Cross etc. – Mary Flanagan

    5. Altar of Repose –Hispanic Ministry to lead

    6. Fish Fry Dates – Feb 16, 23, Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – Cathy McKnight

  2. Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal – Deacon Brian

  3. First Communion May 5 – Retreat May 4 – Victoria Blackwell

  4. Confirmation May 21 – Retreat May 18 – Victoria Blackwell

    1. Reception -Victoria Blackwell

  5. Family Ministry Restart – Lauren Ketelhut

  6. Charity Donation Drives – Barbara Strang

  7. Offsite Storage Unit – Bob Bell/Tony Vellucci

  8. Coffee and Donut Sundays – Bob Bell

    1. January – Men’s Activities

    2. February – Charity Ministry

    3. Need volunteers for March through June

  9. Ministry Head Nominations – Bob Bell

  10. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 28, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m.

V. CONCLUSION (3 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen


Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 6:30 p. m. 

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)
    1. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
    2. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  1. OLD BUSINESS (10 minutes)
    1. Ministry Budgets Update – Bob Eggleston/Fr. Slawek
    2. Orderly Evacuation of the Church in an Emergency – Fred Sanchez

III. NEW BUSINESS (60 minutes)

  1. Daughter of the King Retreat – Sandy Pineault
  2. Commitment Weekend Sep 23-24 – Deacon Brian
  3. Eucharistic Revival – Sandy Pineault/Deacon Brian
  4. Parish Weekend – Deacon Brian
    1. Transitus – Traditional Franciscan Feast Vigil – Oct 3
    2. Feast of St. Francis of Assisi – Wednesday, Oct 4
    3. All Day Adoration, Friday, Oct. 6 – Sandy Pineault
    4. Blessing of the Animals/Pet Food Drive, 12:00 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7 – Bob Bell
    5. Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Pohlmeier Sunday, Oct 8, 9:30 a.m.
    6. Parish Picnic, Sunday, Oct. 8 – Shawn Trego/Deacon Brian
  5. All Saints Day Mass – Wednesday, Nov 1 – Holy Day of Obligation – Fr. Slawek
    1. 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. – Lector, EM, and Altar Server requirements?
  6. Mass of Remembrance – Thursday, Nov 2, 7:00 p.m. – Ann Mitchell
    1. Lector, EM, and Altar Server requirements?
  7. Advent/Christmas Season Schedule, – Fr. Slawek
    1. Advent Wreath – Mary Flanagan
    2. Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Friday, Dec 8 – Holy Day of Obligation. – Vigil Mass 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Dec 7, and 9:00 a.m. Mass Friday- Lector, EM, and Altar Server requirements?
    3. Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration – Tuesday, Dec 12 – Ish Hernandez
    4. Decorating the Church and Set up of the Creche for Christmas – Mary Flanagan/Tony Vellucci
    5. Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule – Fr. Slawek

Sunday, December 24th Christmas Eve

Regular Sunday Mass Schedule?


4:00 p.m. Children’s Christmas Eve Mass – English

6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass – English

No Hispanic Mass

Monday, December 25th Christmas Day

10:00 a.m. Christmas Mass – English

Sunday, December 31st

Regular Sunday Mass Schedule?


4:00 p.m. Mass – English

6:00 p.m. Mass – Hispanic

Monday, January 1, 2024 – Solemnity of Mary

        10:00 a.m. Mass

    1. Streaming of Christmas Mass – Fr. Slawek
    2. Children’s Christmas Mass – Cathy McKnight/Mary Flanagan
  1. Wildlight Relocation Update – Ashley Powell
  2. Disaster Recovery Plan – Tony Vellucci
  3. Ministry Heads Reach Out to New Volunteers – Bob Bell
  4. Parish Office Privacy – Jackie Sanchez
  5. Donation Collection Bins – Bob Bell
  6. Rotation of Ministry Heads – Bob Bell/ Fr. Slawek
  7. Ministry Highlights – Limited Discussion by Ministry Chairs (Please limit your comments to those items requiring action/concurrence by Fr. Slawek and those matters of relevance to all the ministry leads)


       1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek

       2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. – Lent and Easter Planning.

V. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

        1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

        2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen


Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 6:30 p. m. 

We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace.Pope Francis

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)


  1. Opening Prayer – Lord, as we go into this meeting, we place ourselves before You, for You are filled with beauty and light and care deeply about us. Help us to value and appreciate those we are gathered with. May Your light enfold us all.
  2. Welcome new attendees – Bob Eggleston (Finance Council); Maria Owens (Secretary); Genevieve Barker (Facebook)
  3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  1. OLD BUSINESS (10 minutes)
    1. Easter Season Feedback – All Ministries
      1. RCIA – Deacon Tom
      2. Fish Fry – Cathy McKnight
    2. First Communion and Confirmation Feedback – Victoria Blackwell
    3. Coffee and Donuts Sundays – Bob Bell
      1. Need ministry volunteers for June through December 2023

III.  NEW BUSINESS (50 minutes)

  1. Pentecost – May 27-28 – Fr. Slawek
  2. Corpus Christi – June 11 – Fr. Slawek
  3. Budget Submission/Finance Report – Bob Bell/Bob Eggleston
  4. Parish Calendar Scheduling for next FY – Bob Bell
  5. Relocation Update – Ashley Powell
  6. Emergency Evacuation of the Church – Fred Sanchez/Mary Flanagan
  7. Office Procedures – Maria Owens
  8. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs (time permitting)
  10. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek
  11. Next Meeting – Tuesday, September 19, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m.
  1. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek
  3. Closing Prayer – Thank you, Lord, for your presence with us this day. As we depart from this space now, we ask you to bless us throughout the remainder of the day and guide us safely home, Amen


Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 6:30 p. m. (Refreshments at 6:00 p.m.)

“Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each community and every believer. Above all it is a time of grace.”  Pope Francis

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)


  1. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help.  We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly.  We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  2. Farewell to Julie and Jerry Kara (Family Ministry); Tina Clark and Beckie Bliss (Facebook) – Fr. Slawek
  3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  1. OLD BUSINESS (5 minutes)
    1. Thank You and Well Done to all involved in the visit of Bishop Pohlmeier, Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration, and the Christmas Season events.
    2. Volunteer Agreement and Release form status – Gene Hudak

III.  NEW BUSINESS (60 minutes)

  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries
    1. Liturgical Events – Special EM/Usher requirements?
      1. Ash Wednesday Feb 22 – Mass times 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
      2. Palm Sunday – Apr 2 – Ordering of Palms; blessing and procession/distribution; Additional Readers?
  • Holy Thursday – Apr 6 – 7:00 p.m., Washing of Feet?
  1. Good Friday – Apr 7 – Veneration of the Cross and Passion 3:00p.m.
  2. Easter Vigil – Apr 8 – Mass time 8:00 p.m.; Candles for parishioners; RCIA
  3. Easter Sunday – Apr 9 – 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Mass
  1. Stations of the Cross – 6:30 p.m. – Feb 24, Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Apr 7. – Looking for Ministries to lead
  2. Parish Penance Service – Mar ?? at 6:00 p.m.
  3. Covering of Cross etc. – Mary Flanagan
  4. Altar of Repose –Looking for a Ministry to lead
  5. Fish Fry Dates – Feb 24, Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Apr 7 – Cathy McKnight
  1. Purchase Order Requirements – Jean Stanley
  2. Coffee and Donut Sundays – Bob Bell
  3. Sound System – Bob Bell
  4. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs
  6. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek
  7. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 23, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m.
  1. CONCLUSION (3 minutes)
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek
  3. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen


We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace.  Pope Francis

Tuesday November 8, 2022, 6:30 p. m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)


  1. Opening Prayer – Heavenly Father, as we begin this meeting today, we bring your presence with us. We speak your peace, your grace, your mercy and your perfect order. We acknowledge your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided and done within these walls.
  2. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  1. OLD BUSINESS (10 minutes)
    1. Parish Weekend Lessons Learned – Deacon Brian
    2. Mass of Remembrance – Ann Mitchell
    3. Grief Ministry – Sandy Pineault
    4. Lock up and Clean up – Bob Bell/Jean Stanley

III.  NEW BUSINESS (30 minutes)

  1. Visit of Bishop Pohlmeier – November 27, 9:30 a.m. Mass
    1. Special Requirements – Fr. Slawek
    2. Reception – Cathy McKnight
  2. Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Thursday, December 8th – Holy Day of Obligation

9:00 a.m. Mass followed by regular Adoration

7:00 p.m. Mass

  1. Preparations for Advent and Christmas
    1. Advent Wreath – Mary Flanagan
    2. Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule – Fr. Slawek/Walt Paskowski/John Sullivan/Ann Mitchell/Beth Jurovcik/Fred Sanchez

Saturday, December 24th Christmas Eve

4:00 p.m. Children’s Mass – English

6:00 p.m. Mass – English

No Hispanic Mass

Sunday, December 25th Christmas Day

10:00 a.m. Mass – English

Saturday, December 31st

4:00 p.m. Mass – English

6:00 p.m. Mass – Hispanic

Sunday, January 1, 2023 – Solemnity of Mary

8:00 a.m. Mass

9:30 a.m. Mass

  1. Streaming of Christmas Mass – Fr. Slawek
  2. Decorating the Church and Set up of the Creche – Mary Flanagan/Tony Vellucci
  3. Children’s Christmas Mass – Cathy McKnight/Mary Flanagan/Julie & Jerry Kara
  1. Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration – Monday, December 12 – Ish Hernandez
  2. Building Committee Update – Ashley Powell
  3. Parking Lot Security concerns – Jean Stanley
  4. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs
    1. 2023 Catholic Calendars – Bob Bell
    2. Salvation Army Ring the Bell – Bob Bell
    4. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek
    5. Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 24, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m. – Lent and Easter Planning.
  1. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek
  3. Closing Prayer – Gracious Father, we thank you for the opportunity to meet together today. As we leave this place, surround us with your love. May we see your beauty, feel your love, know your wisdom and experience your power. May we find the comfort we desire in you and the strength we need in your name. May your presence be with us every hour of the day. May your love be the passion in our hearts. May your joy be our strength when times are hard. May your presence be the peace that overflows in our lives.  Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.


The Church must be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven, and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel.  Pope Francis

Tuesday September 13, 2022, 6:30 p. m. (Refreshments at 6:00 p.m.)

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mision, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)


  1. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help.  We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly.  We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  2. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  1. OLD BUSINESS (10 minutes)
    1. Budget – Bob Bell/Fr. Slawek
    2. Facility Support Team – Jess Simpson/Bob Bell
    3. Storage Room Cleaning Date/House Keeping Reminders – Jean Stanley
    4. Copying Needs – Bob Bell

III.  NEW BUSINESS (45 minutes)

  1. Ministry Minutes – Bob Bell
  2. Quest Women’s Retreat/Prayer Burst 2022/Come Let Us Pray/Prayer Watch – Sandy Pineault
  3. Commitment Weekend – Deacon Brian
  4. Feast of St. Francis of Assisi – Tuesday, October 4
  5. Parish Weekend – October 6 – 9, 2022 – “Come Follow Me!” – Deacon Brian
    1. Koffee Klatch, Oct. 6 – Mary Flanagan
    2. MOSF BASH, Oct. 6 – Jess Simpson/Ish Hernandez
    3. Day of Adoration, Oct. 7 – Sandy Pineault
    4. Blessing of the Animals/Pet Food, 12:00 p.m. Oct. 8 – Kathy Waldrop
    5. Parish Picnic, Oct. 9 – Cathy McKnight/Ish Hernandez/Deacon Brian
  6. Mass of Remembrance – Wednesday, November 2nd, 7:00 p.m. – Ann Mitchell
  7. Visit of Bishop Pohlmeier November 27, 2022
  8. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs (Please limit your comments to those items requiring action/concurrence by Fr. Slawek and those matters of interest to all the ministry leads)
  10. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek
  11. Next Meeting – Tuesday, November 8, 2022 – Advent and Christmas Planning.
  1. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek
  3. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen

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“Jesus keeps knocking on our door in the faces of our brothers and sisters, in the faces of our neighbors, in the faces of those at our side.”  Pope Francis

Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 6:30 p. m.

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

Tuesday May 24, 2022, 6:30 p. m.

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

I.        INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)

1.      Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight.  May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help.  We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly.  We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

2.      Welcome new attendees – Jess Simpson (Men of St. Francis); Suellyn Masek (Human Life & Dignity)

3.      Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek

II.      OLD BUSINESS (5 minutes)

1.                  Easter Season Feedback – All

a.      RCIA – Deacon Tom

b.      Fish Fry – Bob Bell/Cathy McKnight

2.                  Confirmation and First Communion Feedback – Victoria Blackwell

3.                  Facility Support Teams – Jess Simpson

4.                  Protecting God’s Children training – Gene Hudak

III.  NEW BUSINESS (70 minutes)

1.      Pentecost Masses – June 5 – Fr. Slawek

2.      Corpus Christi Procession – June 19 – Fr. Slawek

3.      First Friday Adoration – Sandy Pineault

a.      Ministry Sponsorship

4.      Budget Submission/Finance Report – Marie Sullivan

5.      Parish Calendar Scheduling for next FY – Bob Bell

6.      Relocation Progress – Ashley Powell

7.      Parish Weekend – Deacon Brian

a.      Ministry Minute

8.      Chapel Access After Hours – Bob Bell

9.      Clean up after events – Bob Bell

a.      Kitchen Etiquette – Bob Bell/Jean Stanley/Cathy McKnight

10.  Renewal of Ministry Plans – Bob Bell

a.      Turnover sheets for new Ministry Heads – Bob Bell

b.      Update of St. Francis of Assisi Pastoral Plan and Pastoral Council Constitution – Bob Bell

11.  Alarm Procedures – Bob Bell

12.  Sacred Environment – Sally Brainard

13.  Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs (time permitting)


1.    Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek

2.    Next Meeting – Tuesday, September 13, 2022 @ 6:30 p.m.

V.   CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1.    Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

2.    Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting.  We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen


“Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.”  Pope Francis

Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 6:30 p. m. – St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)


  1. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help.  We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly.  We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  2. Welcome new attendees – Fred Sanchez (Usher Ministry); Sandy Pineault (Spirituality); Robin Holmes (Secretary)
  3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  1. OLD BUSINESS (5 minutes)
    1. Latest COVID guidance from the Diocese – Fr. Slawek
    2. Calendar Schedule Maintenance – Bob Bell
    3. Moving of the Altar?

III. NEW BUSINESS (70 minutes)

  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries
    1. Liturgical Events
      1. Ash Wednesday Mar 2 – Mass times 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; EM requirements?
      2. Palm Sunday – Apr 10 – Ordering of Palms; blessing and distribution. Additional Readers?
  • Holy Thursday – Apr 14 – Mass time, Washing of Feet?
  1. Good Friday – Apr 15
  2. Easter Vigil – Apr 16 – Mass time; Candles for parishioners; RCIA?
  3. Easter Sunday – Apr 17 – Mass schedule?
  1. Stations of the Cross – Mar 4, 11, 18, 25, Apr 1, 8. – Looking for Ministries to lead
  2. Parish Penance Service – April 4 at 6:00 p.m.
  3. Covering of Cross etc. – Mary Flanagan
  4. Altar of Repose –Looking for a Ministry to lead
  5. Fish Fry – Cathy McKnight
  1. Feast of St. Blaise, Feb 3 – Blessing of the Throats?
  2. Prayer Watch Ministry – Sandy Pineault
  3. Lack of Volunteer Altar Servers, Lectors, EMs for masses
  4. Tidiness of the Narthex
  5. Purchase Order Requirements – Jean Stanley
  6. Advertising in the News-Leader
  7. Key Audit – Gene Hudak
  8. Finance Report – Marie Sullivan
  • Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs
  2. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek
  3. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 24, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.
  1. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek
  3. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen

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‘Whenever we do something together, something good, something beautiful, everyone changes.  All of us change in some way and this does us good.’  Pope Francis

Tuesday September 21, 2021, 7:00 p. m. (Refreshments at 6:30 p.m.) – St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)

 Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help.  We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly.  We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  1. Welcome new attendees – Tony Vellucci (Men’s Activities); Lyndan Maron (Web Site)
  2. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  1. OLD BUSINESS (10 minutes)
    1. Latest COVID guidance from the Diocese – Fr. Slawek
    2. Train Operators for live streaming the Hispanic Masses – Kathy Junker.
    3. Summary of Sally Brainerd’s meeting with Father concerning the Sacred Environment Committee – Mary Flanagan
    4. Establish an area dedicated for pet food donations – Kate Waldrop

III.  NEW BUSINESS (45 minutes)

  1. Feast of St. Francis of Assisi – Monday, October 4
    1. Blessing of the Animals – Saturday, October 2nd @ 12:00 p.m. and Sunday, October 3rd @ 10:30 a.m.
  2. Parish Weekend – October 23 & 24, 2021 – “Together, We Can Do More for The Lord!”
    1. Ministry Fair – Deacon Brian
    2. Picnic, Sunday, October 24; 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Cathy McKnight
  3. Mass of Remembrance – Tuesday, November 2nd, 7:00 p.m. – Ann Mitchell
  4. Feast of the Immaculate Conception Tuesday, December 7th Vigil @ 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday, December 8th – 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
  5. Our Lady of Guadalupe – Sunday, December 12 – Ismael Hernandez
  6. Advent Wreath (November 28th) – Mary Flanagan
  7. Christmas Schedule:
    1. Christmas (Saturday, December 25th) & New Year (Saturday, January 1st) Mass Schedule – Fr. Slawek

Friday, December 24th – 4:00 p.m. Children’s Mass and 6:00 p.m. Adult Mass

Saturday, December 25th – 10:00 a.m. (only Mass/no 6:00 p.m. Hispanic Mass)

Saturday, January 1st – 10:00 a.m. (Only Mass)

  1. Streaming of Christmas Mass
  2. Children’s Christmas Mass – Cathy McKnight/Mary Flanagan/Julie & Jerry Kara
  3. Decorating the Church – Sunday, December 19th – 10:30 a.m. – All Ministries
  4. Set up of the Creche – MOSF – Tony Vellucci
  1. Financial Summary – Marie Sullivan
  2. Bookkeeper Comments – Kathy Junker
  3. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs (Please limit your comments to those items requiring action/concurrence by Fr. Slawek and those matters of interest to all the ministry leads)
  5. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek
  6. Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 25, 2022 – Lent and Easter Planning.
  1. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek
  3. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen

D:\St. Francis\logos & statues\letterhead\letterhead nikon logo scaled.pngAGENDA OF THE PASTORAL COUNCIL

“The path to peace does not mean making society blandly uniform, but getting people to work together, side-by-side, in pursuing goals that benefit everyone.” Pope Francis

Tuesday May 25, 2021, 6:30 p. m. – St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)
  2. Opening Prayer – Loving heavenly Father, we come to you this hour asking for your blessing and help as we are gathered together. We pray for guidance in the matters at hand and ask that you would clearly show us how to conduct our work with a spirit of joy and enthusiasm. Give us the desire to find ways to excel in our work. Amen.
  3. Welcome new attendees – Fr. Gill, Ismael Hernandez and Armando Rodriguez (Hispanic Community); Victoria Blackwell (Religious Education)
  4. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  5. OLD BUSINESS (5 minutes)
    1. Easter Season Feedback – All
    2. Confirmation and First Communion Feedback (Liz Milo)
    3. Parish Calendar – (Bob Bell)

III. NEW BUSINESS (40 minutes)

  1. Coming out of COVID (Fr. Slawek/Bob Bell)
    1. Lifting of Dispensation from Attendance at Mass
    2. Form of the Holy Eucharist
    3. Live Streaming of Mass
    4. Mask & Social Distancing Guidance
    5. Other Considerations (e.g., Holy Water, Rite of Communion Service etc.)
    6. Eucharistic Minister Requirements
    7. Usher Requirements, Collection, Presentation of Gifts
  2. Feast of Corpus Christi Procession (Fr. Slawek)
  3. Budget Submission/Finance Report – (Marie Sullivan)
  4. Liability Concerns for Volunteers Working (Bob Bell for Jean Stanley)
  5. Purchase Order Requirements (Bob Bell for Jean Stanley)
  6. Lock-up Procedures review (Bob Bell)
  7. Beautification Committee (Mary Flanagan)
  8. Father’s Day Breakfast (Mary Flanagan)
  9. 2022 Catholic Calendars (Bob Bell)
  10. Wildlight Status (Fr. Slawek)
  11. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, September 21, 2021 @ 6:30 p.m.

V. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

2. Closing Prayer – Heavenly Father, as we come to the end of our time together, we thank you for what has been accomplished here today. May the matters discussed serve as a catalyst to move us forward and cause us to advance and see growth in all areas of our lives. In Jesus name we pray, Amen


“Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.” Pope Francis

Tuesday January 26, 2021, 6:30 p. m.

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)
  2. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
  3. Welcome new attendees – Marie Sullivan (Finance Council)
  4. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  5. OLD BUSINESS (5 minutes)
    1. Calendar Maintenance – Bob Bell
    2. Live Streaming of Mass – Fr. Slawek

III. NEW BUSINESS (40 minutes)

  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries
    1. Liturgical Events
      1. Ash Wednesday Feb 17
      2. Palm Sunday – Mar 28
      3. Holy Thursday – Apr 1
      4. Good Friday – Apr 2
      5. Easter Vigil – Apr 3
      6. Easter Sunday – Apr 4
    2. Stations of the Cross
    3. Parish Confessions
    4. Covering of Cross etc. – Mary Flanagan
    5. Altar of Repose – (looking for a Ministry to lead)
    6. Fish Fry – Cathy McKnight/John Sullivan
    7. Reception for RCIA Following Easter Vigil – Deacon Tom
  2. Impact of COVID Pandemic on Ministry Events and Mass attendance
    1. Meetings or events we should cancel?
  3. Sanitizing of Facilities after a Ministry Event – Jean Stanley
  4. Plans for 5th Anniversary Event on March 14, 2021 – Cathy McKnight
  5. Finance Report – Marie Sullivan
  6. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 25, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m.

V. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus name, Amen

“The pandemic has highlighted how vulnerable and interconnected everyone is. If we do not take care of one another, starting with the least, with those who are most impacted, including creation, we cannot heal the world.” Pope Francis

Tuesday November 17, 2020, 7:00 p. m.

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)
  2. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything, we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
  3. Welcome new attendees – Gene Hudak (Volunteer Coordinator)
  4. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  5. OLD BUSINESS (10 minutes)
    1. Mass of Remembrance – Ann Mitchell
    2. Calendar Inputs – Bob Bell
    3. 2021 Catholic Calendars – Bob Bell
    4. Bazaar Wrap-up – Cathy McKnight

III. NEW BUSINESS (35 minutes)

  1. Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass Schedule
  2. Preparations for Advent and Christmas
    1. Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule – Bob Bell
    2. Streaming of Christmas Mass – Fr. Slawek
    3. COVID constraints on number of attendees
    4. Advent Wreath – Mary Flanagan
    5. Children’s Christmas Mass – Cathy McKnight/Mary Flanagan
    6. Set up of the Creche – John Sullivan
  3. Our Lady of Guadalupe – Saturday, December 12 – Tony Garcia
    1. Visit of Bishop Estevez – Fr. Slawek
  4. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 26, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m. – Lent and Easter Planning.

V. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus name, Amen

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

September 1, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Fr. Slawek Bielasiewicz, Bob Bell, Deacon Tom Healy, Tony Garcia, John Sullivan, Cathy McKnight, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Walt Paskowski, Vivian Paskowski, Pat Deacon, Wayne Munson, , Ashley Powell, Julie Kara, Steve Borusovic, Deacon Brian Campbell, Liz Milo, and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Joe Dzwilefsky, Beth Jurovcik

I. Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome and introduction of new attendees was made for Fr. Slawek, new Ministry Chairs: Beth Jurovcik, Music and Walt and Vivian Paskowski, Liturgy.
  3. Opening Remarks by Fr. Slawek: This is a good time to prepare for when everyone returns. We are going to begin publishing our calendar in the weekly bulletin. It is extremely important to get Father’s authorization prior to an event and to be considerate of space and availability.

II. Old Business:

  1. Review of Action Items from the February 4, 2020 Pastoral Council meeting by Bob Bell:
  2. Building Signage Project – Ashley Powell: The interior signs are up. Ashley still needs to locate someone to erect the exterior signs.
      1. John Sullivan volunteered MOSF to assist with this project.
  3. Security Inspection Open Items – Ashley Powell: Exterior lighting has been completed. The light timer has been updated for easier use. As of now, lights will come on at 7:00 p.m. and go off at 7:00 a.m.

III. New Business:

  1. Dealing with COVID-19 – Fr. Slawek: We will continue to follow diocesan requirements and the guidelines we developed. The diocese has not made any changes as of now.
  2. Review of upcoming events – Bob Bell:
    1. PREP Classes begin September 9th – Liz Milo
    2. RCIA begins September 14th – Deacon Tom
    3. Mint Magazine – September issue – Lyndan Maron created the cover and the half-page ad for the middle of this issue. The cover features our church for the feast of St. Francis and Blessing of the Animals; the ad features our upcoming bazaar.
    4. Blessing of Animals – Saturday & Sunday, October 3rd & 4th at 12:00 p.m. – Fr. Slawek and the Deacons
    5. Mass of Remembrance – November 2nd – Ann Mitchell is coordinator.
  3. Review of Ministry Plans and Calendar – All:
    1. Charity – The Needlework Group will now be part of Charity.
    2. Eucharistic Ministry – This ministry will now include lectors, eucharistic ministers and home-bound ministers.
    3. Plans and Calendar – Ministry Plans were reviewed and the need for some revisions was discussed. Copies of the Ministry Plans were given to the Secretary. Plans needing revision are to be submitted within the week.
  4. Bazaar – Mary Flanagan and Cathy McKnight: An ad will be in the news paper September 9th and 11th. The entire event is online this year, due to COVID-19. It begins September 12th and ends October 24th.
  5. Finance Report – Fr. Slawek: Budgets for FY2020-2021 were sent out to all Ministry Chairs.
  6. 2021 Catholic Calendar Sponsorship Bob Bell: One sponsor is needed for the calendars; cost is $600. Due to space constraints, only one sponsor may be used.
  7. Mint Magazine Advertising – Bob Bell: Lyndan Maron created the cover and the half-page ad for the middle of the September issue. The cover features our church for the feast of St. Francis and Blessing of the Animals; the ad features our upcoming bazaar.
  8. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs:
    1. Sacristans – Ann Mitchell: The book kept in the sacristy needs to be updated to reflect current ministry chairperson contact information.
    2. MOSF – John Sullivan: Meetings will be on the 1st Thursday of each month and will include dinner and a guest speaker.
    3. Altar Servers – John Sullivan: Servers will slowly begin again:
      1. Adults – weekday masses
      2. Children – weekend masses
      3. Women – are now welcome to join
    4. Eucharistic Ministers – Walt & Vivian Paskowski: This ministry now includes eucharistic ministers, lectors, and home-bound ministry. All lectors will be contacted to confirm their continued interest.
    5. Ushers – Steve Borusovic: More ushers are needed; we are down by 50%.
    6. PREP (Religious Education) – Liz Milo: There are ten classes this year, made up of grades 1 through 8, as well as two “bridging classes” (i.e. students without past religious education). There are 18 teachers and 48 students as of today.
    7. RCIA – Tom Healy: There are currently two people signed up for the program and seven team members. There are also several children who will be baptized next spring.
    8. Weddings – Brain Campbell: Susie Bryant is coordinator for this ministry. She is working on setting up a Bride’s Room (Quiet Room to be used). There are currently two upcoming weddings scheduled: One in October and one in May.
    9. Charity – Kathleen Waldrop: $2,400 was donated to Gracie’s Kitchen during the past fiscal year. St. Francis volunteers help serve dinners at Gracie’s twice a month. There is a request for small bags of dry cat and dog food (smaller bags are easier for volunteers to handle).
    10. Social Events – Cathy McKnight: Bingo will now be held at St. Francis. The first event will be for bingo’s 6th anniversary, Sunday, September 20th, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Regular monthly bingo will now be held on the 2nd Friday of each month beginning October 9th. Past monthly attendance was approximately 40 to 60 people.
    11. Family & Youth – Julie Kara: There will be a potluck on the 1st Sunday in October. There will be a bounce house for the children.
    12. Hispanic Community – Tony Garcia: Weather permitting, there will be an outdoor mass (and possibly a social gathering to follow) in October.
    13. Spirituality – Tom & Marcella Claridge: Devotions, rosary and adoration have resumed. Deacon Tom is establishing virtual rosary sessions as a new outreach program. Those wishing to participate will just need to call in to join (a separate telephone number has been assigned for virtual sessions). Rosaries will be led by Deacon Tom or volunteers. A letter will be sent by Fr. Slawek to welcome all members of St. Francis (date still to be determined). Gregorian Chants have been added as background music during adoration. Book Club begins again this week. The 3rd and final session of Lord Teach Me to Pray will be on Monday evenings, in the chapel, beginning in September and will continue for 14 weeks. Eight women have signed up for the session. Fall bible study will be a video program, entitled “Jesus: The Way, the Truth and the Life”, beginning September 30th, from 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., for 10 weeks.
    14. Women’s Activities – Mary Flanagan: Monthly meetings will now alternate on Thursdays and Saturdays. This month’s meeting will be held under the pavilion, on Thursday, September 3rd. The next meeting will be held on the 1st Saturday in October. Saturday meetings will now include a guest speaker. Sgt. Charlie Lucas will address Child Trafficking, at the October meeting. Fr. Slawek may speak at the December meeting. There will also be a retreat on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit; date to be determined.
    15. Building – Ashley Powell: Nothing more than addressed at the beginning of this meeting.
    16. Business Manager – Jean Stanley: Nothing more than addressed at the beginning of this meeting.
    17. Fundraising – Wayne Munson: Wayne reviewed the original $2,100,000 construction project for St. Francis’s current building. Changes will be necessary in the future. There must be a willingness to engage and talk with people. St. Francis must continue to operate, as well as plan for a new building. Estate gifts, online giving and the amount currently contributed by all parishioners should be considered.
    18. Volunteers – Joe Dzwilefsky by Bob Bell: Walt and Vivian Paskowski will need a key and code for building access, as well as Protecting God’s Children training, if necessary.
    19. Website and Facebook – Bob Bell: These are great places for parish information. All ministries should make a strong effort to provide pictures from their meetings or events for these sites.

IV. Practical Discussion and Tasking:

  1. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00 p.m. and will cover Advent and Christmas.

V. Conclusion:

  1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek: Please be sure to get calendar items to Robin as soon as possible. A review of monthly finances, as well as the exterior lighting project, has been done. There are no updates from the diocese as of now; ministry chairs will be kept up to date. Father thanked everyone for attending the meeting, sharing information and their service.
  2. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

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Tuesday February 4, 2020 – 7:00 p. m.

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

“Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.” Pope Francis

  1. INTRODUCTION (5 Minutes)
  2. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
  3. Welcome / Julie and Jerry Kara / other new attendees
  4. Opening Remarks – Fr. Rafal

II. OLD BUSINESS (20 minutes)

  1. Review of Action Items from September 24, 2019 meeting – Bob Bell
    1. Implementation of the Welcome Table – Deacon Brian
    2. Establishment of the Altar Flowers Committee – Rosanne Jameson
    3. Efforts to address items identified in the Security Inspection – Jean Stanley
    4. Feasibility of a Valentine’s Day Social Event – Cathy McKnight
    5. Addition of Pavilion to Scheduling Calendar – Kathy Junker
    6. Rotation of Ministry Leads – Bob Bell

III. NEW BUSINESS (60 minutes)

  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Rafal/All Ministries
    1. Liturgical Events
      1. Ash Wednesday
      2. Palm Sunday
      3. Holy Thursday
      4. Good Friday
      5. Easter Vigil
      6. Easter Sunday
    2. Stations of the Cross
    3. Parish Penance Service
    4. Covering of Cross etc.
    5. Altar of Repose
    6. Fish Fry/Soup and Bread
    7. Reception for RCIA Following Easter Vigil
  2. Finance Report – Bob Eggleston
  3. Plans for 4th Anniversary Event on March 15, 2020– Cathy McKnight
  4. Altar Servers Status – John Sullivan
  5. St. Clair Early Learning Center – Bob Bell
  6. Name the Street Results – Bob Bell
  7. Mint Magazine Advertising – Bob Bell
  8. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Rafal

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 26, 2020

IV. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal

2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus name, Amen

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“He who doesn’t pray to the Lord prays to the devil.” Pope Francis

Tuesday September 24, 2019, 7:00 p. m.

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  2. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
  3. Welcome new attendees – Susan Altman, Liz Milo
  4. Opening Remarks – Fr. Rafal

II. OLD BUSINESS (20 minutes)

  1. Review of Action Items from May 21, 2019 meeting – Bob Bell
    1. Roll Out of E-Giving Program – Kathy Junker
    2. New Parishioner/Visitor Recognition – Bob Bell
    3. Safe and Sacred Environment Committee – Deacon Brian
    4. Altar Flowers Committee
  2. RCIA Program – Deacon Tom
  3. Youth Ministry – Wayne Munson
  4. Security Inspection Report Plans – Jean Stanley

III. NEW BUSINESS (60 minutes)

  1. Feast of St. Francis – October 4th
    1. Visit of Bishop Estevez
    2. Blessing of the Animals
  2. Preparations for All Saints and All Souls Day
  3. Preparations for Advent and Christmas
    1. Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule
  4. Finance Report – Bob Eggleston
  5. Social Events Plan for 2019-2020 – Cathy McKnight
  6. Purchase Order Procedures – Jean Stanley
  7. Pavilion Use/Beautification – Jean Stanley
  8. Mission 52 Program – Kate Waldrop
  9. Adopt A Soldier Program – Bob Bell
  10. Ministry Sign-Ups on Google Sheets
  11. Rotation of Ministry Leads
  12. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Rafal

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 28, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.

V. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal

2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus name, Amen

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“There is no cross, big or small, in our life which the Lord does not share with us.” Pope Francis

Tuesday May 21, 2019, 7:00 p. m.

St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.

  2. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
  3. Welcome new attendees – John and Roseanne Kennedy
  4. Opening Remarks – Fr. Perko

II. OLD BUSINESS (20 minutes)

  1. Review of Action Items from January 22, 2019 meeting – Bob Bell
    1. Roll Out of E-Giving Program – Kathy Junker
    2. New Parishioner/Visitor Recognition
    3. Scheduling of Altar Servers – Mark and Jenny Hebert
    4. Directory update – Mary Flanagan
    5. Pentecost planning – Pat Deacon
  2. Take aways from Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Easter – Fr. Perko/All Ministries
  3. Pavilion status – Ashley Powell
  4. Anniversary Picnic feedback – Cathy McKnight

III. NEW BUSINESS (60 minutes)

  1. Finance Report – Bob Eggleston
  2. RCIA Program – Deacon Tom
  3. Youth Ministry – Wayne Munson
  4. Security Program Training – Steve Borusovic
  5. Safe and Sacred Environment Committee – Deacon Brian
  6. Parishioner Contact Information Listing – Fr. Perko
  7. Census and Survey Update – Bob Bell
  8. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Perko

2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, September 24, 2019

V. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Perko

2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus name, Amen

“Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.” Pope Francis

Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 7:00 p. m.
St. Francis of Assisi Community Hall, Yulee, Fl.


  1. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
  2. Welcome Fr. Perko/Marcella & Tom Claridge/Kate Waldrop/ other new attendees
  3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Rafal

II. OLD BUSINESS (20 minutes)

1. Review of Action Items from September 25, 2018 meeting – Bob Bell

a. Appointment of new ministry leads
b. E-Giving Implementation
c. Recognition of New Parishioners
d. Building Improvement Projects/Pavilion
e. Stewardship Weekend Results
f. Parish Directory
g. Establishment of an Altar Guild

III. NEW BUSINESS (85 minutes)

1. Liturgical Ministries Organizational Change
2. Fr. Rafal Sabbatical
3. Preparations for Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Easter – Fr. Rafal/Fr. Perko/All Ministries

a. Liturgy Events
b. Stations of the Cross
c. Parish Penance Service
d. Jesus’ Tomb?
e. Fish Fry/Soup and Bread

4. Lord Teach Me To Pray Program – Deacon Brian/Deacon Tom
5. Finance Report – Bob Eggleston
6. Plans for 3nd Anniversary Event – Cathy McKnight
7. Pentecost Liturgy – Pat Deacon
8. Altar Servers Status – Mark Hebert
9. Web Site
10. Rotation of Ministry Chairpersons – Bob Bell
11. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Rafal
2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 21, 2019

IV. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal
2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus name, Amen


  1. Opening Prayer – Father, We thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help.  We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly.  We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
  2. Welcome new attendees
  3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Rafal

OLD BUSINESS (30 minutes)

  1. Review of Action Items from May 22, 2018 meeting – Bob Bell
    1. E-Giving Program Status – Kathy Junker
    2. Development of a Parish Prayer – Bob Bell
    3. Security Training/Coverings for Side Doors – Jean Stanley
    4. New Parishioner Recognition – Kathy Junker
    5. Update on Building Improvement Projects – Ashley Powell
    6. Syncing of Google Sheets – Ellen Harper
    7. Parish Survey – Bob Bell
    8. Stewardship Weekend October 20-21
    9. Parish Directory – Mary Flanagan

III.     NEW BUSINESS (75 minutes)

  1. All Saints Day and All Souls Day Liturgy requirements – Fr. Rafal
  2. Preparations for Advent and Christmas Season – Fr. Rafal/All Ministries
    1. Scheduling
    2. Establishment of an Altar Guild
  1. Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration planning and requirements – Tony Garcia
  2. Finance Report – Bob Eggleston
  3. Ministry Scheduling – Bob Bell
  4. Selection of rotating ministry leads – Bob Bell
  5. 2019 Catholic Calendars – Bob Bell
  6. Christmas Bazaar – Cathy McKnight
  7. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


  1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Rafal
  2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 29, 2019

CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

  1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal
  2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus name, Amen

“A Christian who does not pray for those who govern is not a good Christian.” Pope Francis

Tuesday May 22, 2018, 7:00 p. m.
St. Francis of Assisi Hall, Yulee, Fl.


1. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
2. Welcome new attendees
3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Rafal

II. OLD BUSINESS (15 minutes)
1. Review of Action Items from January 23, 2018 meeting – Bob Bell
2. Ministry Calendar – Ellen Harper
3. Baby Bottle Campaign Wrap-up – Beverly Crowley
III. NEW BUSINESS (90 minutes)
1. Lessons Learned from Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Celebrations – All Ministries
a. Liturgy Events
b. Stations of the Cross
c. Parish Penance Service
d. Jesus’ Tomb

2. Finance Report
3. Status of Prioritized Actions from Oct Parish Town Hall
4. E-Giving Program Status – Kathy Junker
5. Mass Schedule on Sunday
6. Ministry Scheduling
7. Development of a Parish Prayer
8. Security Concerns
9. Emergency Call List
10. Christmas Bazaar
11. Parish Directory
12. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs
1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Rafal
2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, September 25, 2018

IV. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)
1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal
2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus name, Amen

“Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.” Pope Francis

Tuesday January 23, 2018, 7:00 p. m.
St. Francis of Assisi Hall, Yulee, Fl.


1. Opening Prayer – Father, we thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help. We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
2. Welcome new attendees
3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Rafal

II. OLD BUSINESS (15 minutes)
1. Review of Action Items from August 22, 2017 meeting – Bob Bell
a. Appointment of new ministry leads
b. Sponsor for 2018 Religious Calendars – Bob Bell
c. Status of Confessional, Gutters, Security Lights, Cameras, etc. – Steve Ashwell

2. Plans for 2nd Anniversary Event – Cathy McKnight
3. Ministry Calendar – Ellen Harper
III. NEW BUSINESS (90 minutes)
1. Preparations for Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Easter – All Ministries
a. Liturgy Events
b. Stations of the Cross
c. Parish Penance Service
d. Jesus’ Tomb?
e. Fish Fry/Soup and Bread

2. Finance Report
3. Campaign Report
4. Parish Picnic – Cathy McKnight
5. Training on Fire Alarm System – Joe Dzwilefsky
6. Support of YUM Food Pantry – Pat Janco
7. Facebook Coordinator Position
8. Update of the Constitution of the Pastoral Council – Bob Bell
9. Dinner Group Proposal
10. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs
1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Rafal
2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 22, 2018

IV. CONCLUSION (5 minutes)
1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal
2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today. May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future. We pray in Jesus name, Amen


  1. Opening Prayer – Father, We thank you for the opportunity to gather tonight. May everything we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your help.  We ask your guidance throughout this meeting, that all of our thoughts and actions would reflect your holy will, and that you would grant us the grace to love you and our neighbors more perfectly.  We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
  2. Welcome new members
  3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Rafal

OLD BUSINESS (20 minutes)

  1. Review of Action Items from April 2017 meeting – Bob Bell
  2. Building Coordinator Position
  3. Ministry Calendar
  4. Co-chairs for ministries
  5. Status of Confessional
  6. Fellowship after Mass

III.     NEW BUSINESS (80 minutes)

  1. Preparations for Advent and the Christmas Season – All Ministries
  2. Update of the Pastoral Plan – Bob Bell
  3. Selection of replacement ministry leads – Bob Bell
  4. Website – request for updates and pictures
  5. Eucharistic Adoration – Pat Ruebush
  6. Dealing with the needy – Pat Janco
  7. Ministry Briefings before Mass
  8. New parishioner’s welcome event – Bob Bell
  9. Sponsor for 2018 Religious Calendars – Bob Bell
  10. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs


  1. Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Rafal
  2. Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 9, 2018

CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

  1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal
  2. Closing Prayer – Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting. We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus name, Amen


St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

January 28, 2025

The meeting was called to order on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.

All Ministry Heads were represented with the exception of the Building Ministry and Jesus Wept Ministry.


  1. Opening Prayer said together
  2. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  3. Welcome: Spirituality Ministry – Bill Tighe

Music Ministry – Andy Wallace


Christmas Season Review

  1. The number of Poinsettias purchased for the Altar Flowers this year was the correct amount.
  2. The Three Wise Men statues should be placed on the creche for the Christmas Eve Mass.

Financial Update – Bob Eggleston – For the fiscal year to date, income is exceeding projections and expenditures are below budgeted amount. Collections at Christmas were up 38% from last year. Financials are in good shape to date.


  1. Easter Season – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries

Liturgical Events

  1. Ash Wednesday, Mar 5 – Mass times 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Will need Deacons and ashes.

Action item: Jackie – include in the announcements a request for parishioners to bring in their old, blessed palms, for burning in preparation for Ash Wednesday. Set up a basket in the Narthex for collection of the palms.

  1. The 9:45 a.m. Mass on the 1st Sunday of Lent will be the Rite of Election for OCIA Catechumens and Candidates. Deacon Tom will coordinate.
  2. Palm Sunday – Apr 13 – Ordering of Palms has been taken care of by Jackie Sanchez. Palms will be blessed and available in the Narthex for the 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Masses. The procession and blessing of palms will start at the pavilion for the 9:45 a.m. Mass.

Action item: 1) Fred Sanchez arrange for a table to be set up in the Narthex for palms at the 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Masses. Parishioners will pick up their palms as they enter for Mass.

  1. Holy Thursday – Apr 17 – 6:00 p.m., Each ministry is to nominate a parishioner to have their feet washed by Fr. Slawek; twelve will be selected. Bob Bell will coordinate selection of persons from the ministries based on nominations from ministry heads. (Deacon Ralph)

Five altar servers are needed for the Holy Thursday Mass. (Jacqueline Castaneda)

Chip and Maryfaith Stone will identify 4 women to dress the altar.

Action item:

  1. Identify parishioners to present the Holy Oils – Holy Chrism, the Oil of Catechumens, and the Oil of the Sick – (Deacon Tom)
  2. Ministry heads provide Bob Bell with the names of nominated members of their ministry to have their feet washed.

Portable Tabernacle – Deacon Ralph/Chip and Maryfaith Stone will arrange for the portable tabernacle to be placed in the chapel.

  1. Good Friday – Apr 18 – Veneration of the Cross and Passion 3:00 p.m.. (Fr. Slawek and the Deacons) –

Action item: Jacqueline Castaneda coordinate with Fr. Slawek for the number of Altar Servers needed.

  1. Holy Saturday – Apr 19
    1. Blessing of the Food – Deacon Ralph – 11:00 a.m.
    2. Rehearsal for all those involved in the Easter Vigil will be held immediately after the Blessing of the Food (Deacon Ralph, Deacon Tom, Ministry Leads).
    3. Easter Vigil – 8:31 p.m. Mass

Fr. Slawek will advise the number of readings and the number of Lectors needed (Ron and Rossana Hebron coordinate with Fr. Slawek)

Five Altar servers are needed (Jacqueline Castaneda)

Deacon Tom coordinate OCIA participation.

Chip and Maryfaith Stone ensure all Holy Water fonts are filled.

Joe Miller ensure the fire pit is ready.

Action item: 1. Jean Stanley purchase candles for parishioners.

  1. Fred Sanchez arrange for extra chairs to be set up.
  1. Easter Sunday – Apr 20 – 8:00 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. Mass

Action item: Fred Sanchez set up additional chairs for Easter Sunday Masses.

  1. Lectors announce 5 minutes of Silence following the Prayer to St. Francis at all weekend masses during Lent. (Ron and Rossana Hebron)

Action item. Jackie Sanchez prepare a Bulletin article and Announcement advising parishioners of the Silence before Mass initiative. Prepare signs for the Narthex doors advising parishioners to remain silent upon entry.

  1. Stations of the Cross – 6:00 p.m. Fridays. The following Ministries will conduct the Stations of the Cross on the date indicated:

Mar 7 – Youth Group

Mar 14 – Women’s Activities Ministry

Mar 21 – Usher Ministry

Mar 28 – Liturgy Ministry

Apr 4 – Men’s Activity Ministry

Apr 11 –Fr. Slawek & Deacons

Living Stations of the Cross will be conducted by the Hispanic Community @ 6:00 p.m. on Apr 18

  1. Lenten Penance Service – Tuesday Apr 8 at 5:30 p.m.

There will be 5 priests who will be hearing confession.

Action item: 1.) Jackie Sanchez include in the Announcements information about Lenten Penance.

2.) Jess Simpson coordinate FST set up.

  1. Covering of Cross etc. – Mary Flanagan will coordinate covering of the cross and statues. Sally Brainerd will oversee the Lenten banners.
  2. Altar of Repose – The Hispanic Ministry is the lead ministry for decorating the chapel this year.
    1. Move the flowers to the altar after the Easter Vigil. Some limited amount of flowers may be moved on Saturday morning. (Javier Yllanes)
  1. Fish Fry Dates – Susie Bryant &Cathy McKnight and Mike Flanagan will coordinate the Fish Fries

Scheduled dates: Mar 7, 14, 21, 28 and Apr 4, 11 and 18 from 4:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.

  1. Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal – March 1 – 2
  2. First Communion Schedule: Victoria Blackwell

May 17 – SaturdayRetreat for 1st Communion candidates 9:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.

May 18 – Sunday – 1st Communion Mass at 11:00 a.m.

  1. Confirmation Schedule: Victoria Blackwell

May 10 – Saturday – Confirmation Retreat 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

May 13 – Tuesday Confirmation Mass celebrated by Bishop Pohlmeier at 5:30 p.m.

  • the chapel will be used for confession during the Saturday Retreats
  • Youth Group members will be the lectors for the Masses.
  • Jess Simpson & Victoria Blackwell will coordinate the setup of the church.

Action item: Jackie Sanchez promulgate the schedule of Confirmation and invite parishioners to join the Mass celebrated by the Bishop.

  1. Coffee and Donut Sundays – The Religious Education Ministry volunteered to provide Coffee & Donuts on the last Sunday of the month through June 2025.
  2. Bill Tighe provided a short summary of Jubilee Year of Hope 2025. Free material will be available on the credenza in the Narthex.
  3. Andy Wallace introduced himself as the new Music Ministry lead and described his approach and goals for leading the ministry.
  4. Options for St. Francis’ future – Fr. Slawek led a discussion of the location and building options for the future of St. Francis of Assisi Parish. Parishioners will be asked to vote on the option of their choice and results will be presented to the Bishop.


Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek – No Comment

Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 27, 2025 @ 6:30 p.m.


2. Closing Prayer said together.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Minutes of the St. Francis of Assisi Pastoral Council

May 28th, 2024

  1. The meeting was convened by the Chairman at 6:30 p.m. with the Opening Prayer.
    1. Those present were: Fr. Slawek, Bob Bell, Deacon Ralph, Deacon Bill, Beth Jurovcik, Ann Mitchell, Fred Sanchez, Victoria Blackwell, Ashley Powell, Lauren & Ryan Ketelhut, Bob Eggleston, Ismael Hernandez, Javier Yllanes, Pat Ruebush, Tom Sintes, Jess Simpson, Cathy McKnight, Suzie Bryant, Sandy Pineault, Mary Flanagan, Jackie Sanchez, Jean Stanley, Georgia Capobianco, Marcella & Tom Claridge, Ron & Rosanna Hebron, Jacqueline Castanada
    1. Absent: John Sullivan, Walt & Vivian Paskowski, Deacon Tom, Deacon Brian, Tony Vellucci
  1. Old Business
    1. Easter Masses – Deacon Ralph reported that everything went well and having a practice for the Vigil worked well. He and Fr. Slawek thanked all ministries for the excellent job. Particular mentioned was for the flower arrangement and the preparation of the Altar of Repose in the chapel by the Hispanic Community.
      1. Discussion ensued about the congestion caused on Easter Sunday by the closeness of Mass times. Fr. Slawek stated that next year we may move the 9:30 Mass to 10:00 for Easter.
    1. Fr. Slawek reported that Stations of the Cross were well attended.
    1. Jess Simpson reported that the Vigil Mass with OCIA members went well and the rehearsal played a major role.
    1. Cathy McKnight reported that the Fish Fry was a big success having served 950 dinners. She stated that the schedule for the fish fries will remain the same for next year.
    1. Victoria Blackwell reported that the number of children receiving First Communion and Confirmation continues to increase. Both events went well this year. The date for next year’s Confirmation has already been set for May 13th, 2025.
      1. There was some discussion about use of the Quiet Room for First Communion recipients precluding other parishioners from using it for Mass. A decision was reached that next year we will have bulletin entries and pulpit announcements advising parishioners several weeks ahead.
      2. Registration packets for next years Religious Education classes will be available starting June 1st.
  1. Coffee & Donut Sunday. Bob Bell solicited ministry volunteers to sponsor Coffee & Donut Sundays for the next six months. Volunteer Ministries are:
    1. June – Hispanic Community
    2. July – Events Ministry
    3. August – Family Ministry
    4. September Youth Ministry
    5. October – December – Religious Education Ministry

Victoria Blackwell noted that she changed the provider of the donuts from Dunkin to Publix at a substantial savings.

  1. New Business
    1. Feast of Corpus Christi. – Hispanic Ministry is setting up the Stations. Men are available for carrying the Canopy. Music Ministry is ready. Flowers will be obtained by Thursday. The Youth Group is assisting with the celebration.

ACTION ITEM – Beth is to ensure the portable speaker system is fully charged.

    1. Requirements for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation on Thursday, August 15th, 2024.
      1. Mass Times at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. – there is no Vigil Mass. Ushers. EMs, Altar Servers, Lectors, and Sacristan are required. Deacons will work out their assignments.
    1. Parking congestion. There was discussion about the congestion in the parking lots between the 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Masses on Sundays. Fr. Slawek proposed delaying the 9:30 a.m. Mass start time to 9:45 a.m. to allow additional time between Masses for the parking lot to clear. The members of the Council approved this change with an effective date of July 7th.

ACTION ITEM – Jackie prepare a bulletin entry and Announcements to advise parishioners of the change.

UNRESOLVED ACTION ITEM – No ministry stepped up as responsible for movement of the Parking Cones to allow two-way vehicle flow between the Masses. In the absence of any ministry taking responsibility, Fr. Slawek said he would move the cones. This item requires further discussion.

    1. Turnover of Ministry Leads. The following new ministry leads have been identified:
      1. Men’s Activities – Deacon Bill
      2. Altar Servers – Deacon Bill initially and then Jacqueline Castenada
      3. Women’s Activities – Georgia Capobianco
      4. Hispanic Community – Javier Yllanes
      5. Human Life & Dignity – Marcella & Tom Claridge
      6. Liturgy – Ron & Rosanna Hebron
      7. Events – Suzie Bryant, initially as Co-lead with Cathy McKnight

Transition is to occur starting in June and to be completed by the end of July.

There will be a Commissioning of New Ministry Heads at the 9:30 a.m. Mass on June 9th. All new Ministry Heads and their predecessors are asked to attend.

ACTION ITEM – notify Maria/Jackie and Bob Bell when the transition is completed so the bulletin, web site, security and email accounts can be updated

NOTE: A new lead for the Charity Ministry is still required due to the resignation of Barbara Strang for health reasons. (Late Update – Mary Flanagan has volunteered to take on the Charity Ministry)

    1. New Parishioner Welcome Event. General comments were that the event went well although attendance was below expectations. Food was planned for 120 attendees but only 60 attended. Take away is that we need more time to adequately prepare for the next event and that maybe we should hold the event only once a year, perhaps in September. A recommendation was that we hold the event on a different day rather than after the 9:30 Sunday Mass. This recommendation is under consideration.
    1. Parish Calendar Scheduling. Ministry Heads were tasked to provide their space scheduling requirements to Maria for FY 24-25 no later than June 30th.

ACTION ITEM. – Ministry Heads submit space requirements for the next Fiscal Year to Maria by June 30th.

    1. Financial Report – Bob Eggleston reported that the parish is in good financial shape with approx. $1.4M in the savings account. Contributions are up and expenditures below budgeted. A lot of parishes would like to be in our condition. However, the year ahead will be a challenge as we prepare for the move to Wildlight, as we can expect to have many unknown costs.
    1. Relocation Update – Ashley Powell provided an update on the status of our relocation to Wildlight. Initial drawings are complete and a building contractor has been selected. We are moving on toward a final set of drawings and cost estimate. Current estimate is around $10.5M. There will be a need to provide approximately 3-4 Feet of fill dirt to the foundation of the site before building can commence.
      1. We will be responsible for the purchase of kitchen equipment, chairs, the St. Francis statue, and several other items.
      2. We will start fund raising soon to support the building effort. We are in need of parishioners with Fund Raising experience and Internal Design experience.
      3. Fr. Slawek will make a presentation to all parishioners once final plans and cost estimate are developed.
    1. Facility Support Team – Jess Simpson reminded ministry leads of the need to provide precise times when reconfiguration of the church is required and to consider other ministry events activities when requesting support. He reported that there are 4 teams who do the reconfiguration and they normally are at the church about 3 times weekly. Only FST members should be moving the walls for partitioning.
    1. General Housekeeping – Jean Stanley reminded all ministries that use the facility that they should leave it like they found it, or better. When using the ice maker make sure to follow directions. The ice machine was found set in the wash mode several times by mistake.
      1. There was meaningful discussion about expanding the parking lot including using the grassy area. Further investigation is needed.
      2. The storage room continues to need cleaned out. Jean stated that any unclaimed items will be taken out and donated.
    1. Ministry Highlights
      1. Mary Flanagan reported that there will be a Father’s Day Breakfast for all Fathers after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on June 16th.
      2. Ishmael Hernandez thanked all ministries for their support of the Hispanic Community during his tenure as ministry head.
  1. The Next Pastoral Council meeting will be on Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
  1. Fr. Slawek thanked all ministry heads for their participation and input.
  1. The meeting adjourned with a prayer at 7:50 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

January 30, 2024

The meeting was called to order on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.

The following were present: Fr. Slawek, Bob Bell, Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Ismael Hernandez, Fred Sanchez, Jackie Sanchez, Beth Jurovcik, Deacon Brian, Deacon Ralph, Deacon Tom, Sandy Pineault, Pat Ruebush, Ashley Powell, Walt Paskowski, Jean Stanley, Tony Vellucci, Gene Hudak, Victoria Blackwell, Bob Eggleston, Genevieve Barker, Ann Mitchell, Jess Simpson, Lauren Ketelhut & Javier Yllanes.

Absent: Barbara Strang and John Sullivan

I. INTRODUCTION: consisted of the following items

  1. Opening Prayer led by Fr. Slawek
  2. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  3. Welcome: Charity Ministry – Barbara Strang

Family Ministry – Lauren Ketelhut

Hispanic Ministry – Javier Yllanez

Facility Support Team – Jess Simpson

  1. Farewell to Gene Hudak (Volunteer Ministry)


Christmas Season Review

Started the collection using the passing of basket method during the Christmas mass.

Action item: Ushers will have to check the offertory basket in the narthex to monitor if the passing of the basket is better than the narthex offertory basket.

Comment from Deacon: Thanksgiving Mass was a regular daily mass. The mass was very crowded. It did not have any usher. Requesting to have a mass to be celebrated for 2024 Thanksgiving Day. Also, January 1 – needs to have a mass to be celebrated for 2025. January 1, 2024, was not a holy day of obligation, according to USCCB.

Financial Update – Bob Eggleston – from the fiscal year of 2023/2024 midway – overall has a good result. Total revenue was good. Total expenses fiscal year – a good result.

Building Committee Update – Ashley Powell – presented the printed plan. Fr. Slawek will present the plan for weekend mass (15 minutes before mass). The next building committee meeting will be on February 8th Thursday at 11:00 am.


  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries
    1. Liturgical Events – Special EM/Server/Usher /Banner requirements
  1. Ash Wednesday, Feb 14 – Mass times 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. – will need ushers & 2 EMs. Fr. Slawek will require at least 1 deacon with him. Deacon Ralph will help in the 9 am mass. Deacon Tom for the 7 pm mass.

Action item: announce in the pulpit announcement to bring old, blessed palms for burning.

  1. Palm Sunday – Mar 24 – Ordering of Palms (Jackie Sanchez); blessing and procession/distribution; Additional Readers – 9:30 am mass procession will start at the pavilion.
  1. Holy Thursday – Mar 28 – 7:00 p.m., Selection of parishioners for washing of feet – 12 people/volunteers needed for the washing of feet. Will require 5 altar servers for Holy Thursday.

Portable Tabernacle – Deacon Ralph/Ann Mitchell – needed 4 women to dress the altar. The Sacristans (Ann Mitchell) team will dress the altar.

Action item: Genevieve’s husband will make the cross.

  1. Good Friday – Mar 29 – Veneration of the Cross and Passion 3:00 p.m.

Catechumens, Eucharistic ministry, and Homebound ministry

Action item: announce the schedule of the Blessing of Food and OCIA rehearsal at 11:00 on Holy Saturday. Deacon Tom’s OCIA candidates are 9.

Action item: Ann Mitchell (Sacristan) will have to check the sound system and fix it.

  1. Holy Saturday – Blessing of the Food – Deacon Ralph – 11:00 a.m.
  2. Easter Vigil – Mar 30 – Mass time 8:00 p.m.; will wait for the Diocese to announce the time of the Easter vigil mass. The Hispanic community will prepare 1 Psalm to be read by the Hispanic lector.

Candles for parishioners (Jean Stanley); changed quantity from last year.

OCIA (Deacon Tom); 9 candidates

Action item: Fred Sanchez (Ushers) will prepare the chairs like last year on Sunday mass.

  1. Easter Sunday – Mar 31 – 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Mass
    1. Stations of the Cross – 6:30 p.m. Fridays

Feb 16 – Youth Group,

Feb 23 – Sacristans,

Mar 1 – Lectors,

March 8 – Family Ministry,

March 15 – Hispanic Ministry,

March 22 – Deacons & Fr. Slawek.

  1. Living Stations of the Cross with the Hispanic Community @ 6:30 pm 

March 29

    1. Parish Lenten Penance Service – March 20 at 6:00 p.m.

There will be 5 priests who will be hearing confession.

Spaces for Confession: 1. Office; 2. Sacristy; 3. Chapel; 4. Quadrant by kitchen; 5. Quiet Room – needs curtains. Coordinate with FST (Jess Simpson)

Action item: add in pulpit announcement on the schedule of the Lenten Penance.

    1. Covering of Cross etc. – Mary Flanagan – cannot cover the hanging cross but the rest of the statues will be covered. Sally Brainerd will oversee the Lenten banners.
    1. Altar of Repose – Hispanic Ministry to lead.
    2. Fish Fry Dates – Cathy McKnight

Schedules: Feb 16, 23, Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 from 4 pm.

Bingo is scheduled for March 10 (Sunday) instead of Friday.

  1. Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal – Deacon Brian

February 10 & 11 Bishop will preach in the seminar, it is a live seminar this year.

  1. First Communion Schedules: Victoria Blackwell

May 11 – SaturdayRetreat for 1st Communion candidates (9:00 – 1:00)

May 12 – Sunday – 1st Communion Mass (11:00 – 12:00)

  1. Confirmation Schedule: Victoria Blackwell

May 18 – Saturday – Confirmation Retreat (9:00 – 1:00)

May 21 – Tuesday Confirmation Mass by Bishop Pohlmeier (5:30 pm)

  • they will use the chapel for confession during the Saturday Retreat
  • Youth Group will be the lectors for the masses.
  • Jess & Victoria will coordinate the setup of the church.
  • The 1st Communion Mass is for family only.

Action item: announce the schedule of Confirmation and invite parishioners to join the mass celebrated by the bishop.

  1. Family Ministry Restart – Lauren Ketelhut – introduced the ministry’s 2 main focuses: kids’ monthly playdate and capturing older family’s attention.

Action item: Lauren & Ryan will present the ministry to the community around the 17th and 18th of February after the 4 masses.

  1. Charity Donation Drives – Barbara Strang

February 10 & 11 – Pet Food Drive

March 9 & 10 – YUM Food Pantry (Yulee United Methodist)

April 13 & 14 – ARC for Unborn & Special Needs Adults

May 11 & 12 – Adopt a Soldier

June 8 & 9 – Gracies Kitchen Food

July — no schedule yet

August 17 & 18 – YUM

September — no schedule yet

October 5 & 6 – Gracies Kitchen Pet Food Drive

November 9 & 10 – Adopt a Soldier

November 31 to December 1 – Angel Tree

  1. Offsite Storage Unit – Bob Bell/Tony Vellucci – acknowledged Mary & Mike Flanagan for all their support in keeping the storage accessible. The unit has to be inspected, all the items in there should be checked, and inventory everything.

Action item: Jean Stanley, Joe Miller, and Jackie Sanchez will inspect the storage.

  1. Coffee and Donut Sundays

January – Men’s Activities

February – Facebook Ministry

March to June – Religious Education Ministry

Action item: continue to look for alternatives other than Dunkin Donuts due to price increase & and quantity of servings each month.

  1. Ministry Head Nominations – Bob Bell – if they have to nominate someone, they need to contact the Pastoral Council leader (Bob Bell).
  1. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs

Facility Support Team – by Jess Simpson with 4 teams changing turns weekly.

MOSF & Women’s Club – Tony Vellucci – advertised about the Mardi Gras on February 4th Sunday.

Spirituality – by Sandy Pineault – discussed the 1st Friday Adoration to start from 5:00 pm instead of 6:00 pm. Spirituality Ministry is becoming busy with activities and events.

Deacon Brian – brief report about the Eucharistic Revival about the “year of sending”.

Hispanic Ministry – Ismael Hernandez – brief announcement of the Lenten Retreat with Bishop Pohlmeier at Boneyard Beach – Big Talbot island.

Facebook Ministry – Genevieve Barker – discussed the format when a ministry is sending announcements/posts on Facebook.

Business Manager – Jean Stanley – addressed each ministry on security system and leftover garbage in the kitchen and narthex.


Tasks for next meeting. – Fr. Slawek – No Comment

Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 28, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m.


1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek

2. Closing Prayer – Fr. Slawek

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission – Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting – September 26, 2023

The meeting was called to order on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.

The following were present:  Fr. Slawek, Bob Bell, Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Ismael Hernandez, Fred Sanchez, Jackie Sanchez, Beth Jurovcik, Deacon Brian, Deacon Ralph, Deacon Tom, Sandy Pineault, Pat Ruebush, Ashley Powell, Walt Paskowski, Gene Hudak, Shawn Trego, Bob Eggleston, Genevieve Barker & Javier Yllanes.

Not present: Jean Stanley, Tony Vellucci, Victoria Blackwell, John Sullivan, Ann Mitchell

  1. Introduction consisted of the following items:
  2. Opening Prayer led by Fr. Slawek
  3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  1. Old Business:
  2. Ministry Budgets Update – Bob Eggleston
  • Had a good start (August) – financials are posted in the bulletin.
  • Expenses are up but ministries kept expenses down.
  1. Orderly Evacuation of the Church during Emergency – Fred Sanchez
  • Exit to the nearest exit. Ushers have been trained on procedures for directing parishioners to exits.
  1. Additional Concerns: securing the main church door is still an issue.
  • Some ministries are not properly locking up the main church door and forgetting to set the alarm when the last to exit. Bob Bell suggested the need to review lock up procedures for ministries that are repeat offenders
  • Gene Hudak suggested giving a refresher course to the ministry leaders on procedures for locking up the doors and entering alarm codes.


III.  New Business:

  1. Daughter of the King RetreatSandy Pineault
  • 32 women signed up.
  • Some did not make it due to illness.
  • Lots of new people joined in
  • Overall, it was a successful event.
  1. Commitment Weekend –Deacon Brian
  • Will be announced on September 30 – October 1 Masses
  • The letters from Fr. Slawek were sent out to registered parishioners.
  1. Eucharistic Revival – Sandy Pineault / Deacon Brian
  • Eucharistic Revival nationwide started.
  • About 70% of Catholics do not believe in the real presence in the Eucharist.
  • There will be a Parish Gathering on November 7 (Tuesday) for the start of the Eucharistic Revival at St. Francis.
  • Details will be announced in the bulletin & Facebook/Website.
  1. Parish Weekend – Deacon Brian
    1. Transitus – Traditional Franciscan Feast
  • Tuesday, October 3 — 7:00 p.m. Vigil for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
  • Consists of a series of readings on the life of St. Francis by our Deacons.
  • Francis of Assisi was a Deacon.
  1. Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
  • Wednesday, October 4
  • 9:00 a.m. mass will be offered.
  1. All Day Adoration will be held on October 6 – Friday – Sandy Pineault
  1. Blessing of the Animals / Pet Food Drive – Bob Bell
  • Saturday – October 7 at 12:00 p.m. – Bob Bell
  • Will be using the grassy area of the church lot.
  1. Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Pohlmeier
  • Sunday, October 8 at the 9:30 a.m. Mass.
  • Servers for the Mass will be from the SFA Youth Group.
  1. Parish Picnic, Sunday October 8 from 12:00 till 3:00–Shawn Trego & Deacon Brian
  • Volunteers have signed up and will be contacted directly by Shawn with specifics.
  • There will be a variety of games for adults and children.
  • Door prizes and a 50-50 raffle will be held.
  1. All Saints Day Mass – Wednesday – November 1 – Fr. Slawek
    • Holy Day of Obligation
    • 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Masses
    • Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers – coordinated by Walt Paskowski
  1. Mass of Remembrance –– Ann Mitchell
    • Thursday, November 2 – 7:00 p.m.
    • Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Altar Servers will be coordinated by Ann Mitchell
    • Mary/Mike Flanagan will ensure the box and sand are ready
  1. Advent / Christmas Season Schedule – Fr. Slawek
    1. Advent Wreath – Mary Flanagan will coordinate.
  1. Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Friday, December 8
  • Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – Vigil Mass
  • Friday, 9:00 a.m. Mass
  • Lectors, EM & Altar Servers needed – Walt Paskowski. to coordinate.
  1. Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration – Ish Hernandez
  • Tuesday, December 12
  • October 27 there will be Raffle tickets for sale to fund the event.
  • There will be 9 days of novena & celebration.
  1. Decorating the Church and Setting up the Creche for Christmas
  • Mary Flanagan (Women’s club) & Tony Vellucci (Men of St. Francis) are in charge of decorating the church
  • Decorating to be done after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on December 24th.
  1. Advent & Christmas Day Schedule:
  • December 24th Christmas Eve.

8:00 a.m. Regular Sunday Mass

9:30 a.m. Regular Sunday Mass (Family Mass)

4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass (Children’s Mass)

6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass

8:00 p.m. Hispanic Christmas Eve Mass

  • December 25th 10:00 a.m. Christmas Day Mass (Monday)
  • Collection baskets will be passed by the Ushers for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses

New Year Mass Schedule:

  • December 31st Sunday

8:00 a.m. Regular Sunday Mass

9:30 a.m. Regular Sunday Mass (Family Mass)

Late Note: It is determined that Monday, January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, is not a Holy Day of Obligation for 2024.  Therefore, there will not be a Mass on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.  Regular Sunday Masses will be celebrated on December 31st at 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

  1. The streaming of Christmas Mass will be confirmed with Francesco – Fr. Slawek
  1. Children’s Christmas Mass treats will be coordinated by Cathy McKnight and Mary Flanagan
  1. Wildlight Relocation Update – Ashley Powell
  • Ashley showed renderings of the proposed building plan.
  • They will have a meeting with the DoSA for plan approval.
  • SFA will no longer be a mission church
  • 2 separate buildings are planned – a Multipurpose building that can double as our church for masses and an Administrative Building.
  • There will be more storage space & larger gathering area.
  • We will take what is possible from our current facility including the stained-glass windows.
  • There will be a statue of St. Francis of Assisi in the plaza between the buildings.
  • The admin building will have meeting rooms and conference rooms.
  1. Disaster Recovery Plan – Tony Vellucci
  • Tony was absent and will discuss the matter some other time.
  • Everything is a work in progress.
  1. Ministry Heads Reach Out to New Volunteers – Bob Bell
  • When notified of new parishioners’ interest in specific ministries, ministry heads should contact the persons and see their level of interest in joining the ministry.
  1. Parish Office Privacy – Jackie Sanchez / Bob Bell
  • Due to the sensitivity of information in the office and on desks, visitors are asked to not go behind the office desks.
  1. Donation Collection Bins – Bob Bell
  • Donations bins were removed and there will be an announcement on monthly drives in various charities.
  1. Rotation of Ministry Heads – Bob Bell / Fr. Slawek
  • Need to update the Pastoral Council Constitution.
  • A 3-year term can be continued for another 3-years at the Pastor’s discretion.
  • Charities – need a new ministry head. (Note: Barbara Strang has stepped forward to take the position.)
  • Bob Bell will ask for nominations to relieve rotating Ministry Heads in the Bulletin within the next month or two.
  1. Ministry Highlights
  • MOSF canceled the meeting for October.
  • MOSF November meeting was moved to November 30
  • Beers and cigars around the campfire on November 30
  • Bob Bell is looking for someone who will replace him in the Salvation Army Red Kettle Ring the Bell program. Francis parishioners will be ringing the bell at the Yulee PUBLIX every Friday in Advent.
  • Jesus Wept Group is led by Tom Sintes & Deacon Tom Healy. The group is doing very well.  They have their own contact information – email account.
  • The Rosary Ministry is looking for more rosary leaders.
  • The Call-In-Rosary Ministry is led by Deacon Tom Healy, they are also looking for rosary leaders.
  • Social Events Ministry’s Bingo for December will be on the Friday, December 15.
  1. Practical Discussion & Tasking
  • Next Meeting will be on January 23, 2024 (Tuesday) at 6:30 p.m.


  1. Conclusion:
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek:

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of the Pastoral Council Meeting

May 23, 2023

The meeting was called to order Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.

The following were present: 

Fr. Slawek, Bob Bell, Jackie Sanchez, Sandy Pineault, Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Beth Jurovcik, Ashley Powell, Deacon Brian Campbell, Bob Eggleston, Walt Paskowski, Gene Hudak, Ismael Hernandez, Pat Ruebush, Genevieve Barker, Tony Vellucci, Deacon Tom Healy & Ann Mitchell

Absent: Jean Stanley (Business Manager), Fred Sanchez (Ushers), Religious Education (Victoria Blackwell), Altar Servers (John Sullivan), Charity (Kathy Waldrop), & Deacon Ralph LaMachia

  2. Opening Prayer
  3. Opening Remarks – by Fr Slawek & Bob Bell
  4. Welcome new attendees: Bob Eggleston (Finance Council); Maria Owens (Secretary) & Genevieve Barker (Facebook)
  2. Easter Season    

        Deacon Ralph did a great job on the ceremony planning.

            There were more attendees at Masses this year.

  1. RCIA – Deacon Tom

     May 22 was the last class for this year

     Already have 3 candidates for next year’s class

  1. Fish Fry – Cathy McKnight (Social Event)

     Great feedback from parishioners

     Options of fish & shrimp were a good plan

     Feedback: Volunteers did a great job.


  1. First Communion & Confirmation
  2. First Communion had 8 participants
  3. Confirmation had 9 participants

Feedback: well-organized & well-behaved crowd

  1. Coffee & Donuts Sundays – Bob Bell

        Ministry leads volunteered to sponsor Coffee & Donuts for the last Sundays of each month as follows:

June – Pat Ruebush (Human Life & Dignity)

July – Genevieve Barker (Facebook)

August – Ashley Powell (Building Ministry)

September – Tony Vellucci (Men of St. Francis)

October – Walt Paskowski (Liturgy Ministry)

November – Ann Mitchell (Sacristans Ministry)

December – Mary Flanagan (Women’s Group)


  1. Pentecost – May 27 & May 28 Mass will be on the normal schedule

– no special requirements

– celebrated with 2 Deacons

  1. Corpus Christi – June 11

– The procession will be after the 9:30 mass.

– A Canopy was borrowed from St. Patrick’s for a pattern

Mary Flanagan’s group will make a Canopy for St. Francis.

  • The procession will be following the 9:30 mass.
  • The music will be the same as last year. A guitar player will be needed for the procession.
  • Deacon Brian & Deacon Tom will be attending.
  1. Budget Submission / Finance Report – Bob Bell & Bob Eggleston

        Budget submissions are due by June 1.

        Submissions should be very detailed with specifics & amounts.

  • need the real value, estimated cost & revenue.

        Topics Discussed:

        – Reimbursement of travel mileage is authorized when travel is performed for official business only

        – Votive candles donation amount, monitored

– YUM donation box – removed because of liability and need for accountability of funds

        – Purchase of Adoration candles are under the Liturgical Ministry budget

Action Item: Submit detailed Ministry’s budget by June 1 for July – the start of the Fiscal Year

  1. Parish Calendar Scheduling for next Fiscal Year – Bob Bell

          – July will be the start of the new FY and all scheduling requirements need to be updated.

          – Bob Bell reiterated the need for proper scheduling of the different church areas for ministry’s functions or events

– Bob Bell explained the use of My Parish App to check the availability of different church areas & events schedules

Action item: Always check with the office for reservations.

  1. Relocation Update – Ashley Powell

– Canceled the May Building Committee meeting due to a death in the architect’s family.  Meeting will be rescheduled for June.

The presentation of the new building plans will occur sometime after Summer.

  1. Emergency Evacuation of the Church – Fred Sanchez/Mary Flanagan

Topics Discussed:

  1. Emergency situation during Sunday Masses: Mary Flanagan suggested that ushers should lead the way to safety.
  2. Daily mass has no ushers around.
  3. During Youth Programs or Religious classes: Youth & Religious Ed Ministers have their emergency evacuation plans all prepared.

Action item: Fred Sanchez get with Father Slawek to present his plan for orderly evacuation of the church and for further discussion.

  1. Office Procedures – Office staff

For every calendar scheduling & appointment with Fr. Slawek for each ministry or group, email correspondence is preferred for record keeping, preventing loss & helping in organizing the parish calendar & office system.

  1. Ministry Highlights:
  2. Spirituality – by Sandy Pineault

          – Jesus Wept Group will be coordinated by Tom Sintes

            last week’s Jesus Wept Group had 17 participants.

          – Prayer Watch – there are new volunteers who will be sending out notices on occasion

          Feedback: complimented about the praying forward system by most participants

          – Daughter of King Retreat

          guest speakers: Catholic Women of America

– Fr. Slawek approved of the St. Francis Eucharistic Revival; date (TBD), will be advertised on Facebook.

  1. Social Events – by Cathy McKnight

Bingo will be in the 9th year this Sept

– Next Bingo will be on June 9

  1. Women’s Activities – by Mary Flanagan

Father’s Day Brunch – after 9:30 Mass

Koffee Klatch will be announced on Facebook

** It’s Mary’s 6th year in this ministry, starting to look for a replacement

  1. Human Life & Dignity – by Pat Ruebush

– complimented as a good group but few parishioners are attending the meetings

– will have some guest speakers to discuss Human Trafficking


  1. Men of St. Francis – by Tony Vellucci

– 400 roses were presented for the 2023 Mother’s Day

– Plan on getting 400 for 2024 (Mother’s Day)


Topic Discussed:

Newly-Wed Game setting has been built for the game.

– During 1st Sunday of the month, MOSF will have Dress-up Sunday


  1. Volunteer – by Gene Hudak

– suggested the registration form be modified

– having difficulty in the distribution to ministry leads of the new members volunteer or ministry choice

          Action Item: Gene & Maria will coordinate & discuss this.


  1. Hispanic Community – by Ismael Hernandez

**He will be out for some time with surgery

– Marianne Sanchez will assist when she can.

  1. Finance – Bob Eggleston

– as discussed above: the submission of the next Fiscal Year’s budget for each ministry will be due on June 1st

  1. i. Liturgy – by Walt Paskowski

– when substituting for someone, need to sign in to the computer.

**To avoid confusion, check with the sacristan.

– there will continue to be no distribution of wine during the Communion due to purification process issues

  1. Facebook – by Genevieve Barker

– complimented the supporters who give input for daily postings

– in contact with Facebook admin to merge the old account and new account

– Fr. Slawek asked if it was possible to make our St. Francis page a private page for parishioners only.

– Fr. Slawek suggested requesting Facebook to close the old account

– advised to be careful when there are children involved to have signed permission from parents before posting children’s photos on social media

  1. Music – by Beth Jurovcik.

– last 2 weeks have been light due to kids on vacation

– choir schedules need to be updated in Parish Calendar

  1. Deacon Tom – no comment
  1. Deacon Brian

– discussed the need for a listing of new parishioners to be invited to the next “Meet n Greet” – Maria will provide the list.

– inquired about the offertory basket to be passed around.  if passed around, it creates distraction during mass, if left in the Narthex, it needs to be monitored by ushers.  Fr. Slawek has not made a decision about passing the basket.

– Consider reinstituting the announcement about baskets in the Narthex at Mass

  1. Youth Group – by Jackie Sanchez

– in the process of forming a Youth Worship Band

– youth group is growing in number

  1. Sacristans – by Anne Mitchell

– have two new members for Sacristan & Eucharistic ministers

  2. Tasks for the next meeting

– All-Souls & All-Saints Day

– Advent season

– New Year planning

  1. Next Meeting will be on September 19, 2023 (Tuesday) 6:30 pm


  1. Closing Comments by Fr. Slawek

– Complimented on the Easter celebration

– very pleased with the great effort of all the ministries

  1. Closing Prayer

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

January 24, 2023

The meeting was called to order Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. The following were present:  Fr. Slawek, Bob Bell, Jean Stanley, Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Ismael Hernandez, Fred Sanchez, Jackie Sanchez, Beth Jurovcik, Deacon Brian, Deacon Ralph, Deacon Tom, Sandy Pineault, Pat Ruebush, Victoria Blackwell, Tony Vellucci, Jess Simpson, Walt Paskowski, Gene Hudak, and Robin Holmes.

Absent:  Julie Kara, John Sullivan, Ashley Powell, Ann Mitchell

  1. I. Introduction consisted of the following items:
  2. Opening Prayer led by Fr. Slawek
  3. Opening Remarks – Fr. Slawek
  4. Farewell to Julie & Jerry Kara (Family Ministry); Tina Clark and Beckie Bliss (Facebook) – Fr. Slawek:
  5. Slawek moves to put Facebook on hold due to very little traffic and unkind, confrontational comments
  1. Old Business:
  2. Thank you and Well Done to all involved in the visit of Bishop Pohlmeier, Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration, and the Christmas Season events.
    1. All events went very well
    2. Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration estimated attendees at 350 per Ismael
  3. Volunteer Agreement and Release form status
    1. Sandy Pineault stated quite a few refuse to sign.
    2. Jean Stanley states no signing, no participation – this is a common hold harmless agreement
    3. Consensus amongst Ministry Leads that someone from diocese better explain the need for such an agreement

ACTION ITEM(S): Answer to the question: What qualifies as a volunteer – actively does something with people within the ministry (i.e.: EMs). Can we ask Deb Tauro (diocese) or John Sullivan (Insurance agent) to speak on this?


III.  New Business:

  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries  
    1. Liturgical Events – Special EM/Usher requirements?
      1. Ash Wednesday, February 22 – Mass times 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
        1. Depending on deacon schedule: EMs 2 maybe 3 and 3+ ushers. Liturgy to coordinate with deacons
        2. Prepare for extra set up in narthex and additional ushers for collections for areas used outside of church hall

ACTION ITEM(S): Liturgy and Usher lead discussion with deacons

  1. Palm Sunday – Apr 2 – Ordering of Palms; blessing and procession/distribution; Additional Readers?
    1. Sacristans and ushers work together to prepare palms
    2. m. & 8a.m. Masses tables holding palms to be set up in narthex by ushers
    3. Ushers to be available in narthex to instruct parishioners to take a palm to seat where blessing of the palms will take place
    4. 9:30 a.m. Family Mass – procession with children beginning from pavilion where palms will be blessed

ACTION ITEM(S): Robin Holmes to gather palms ordering information for Fr. Slawek

  • Holy Thursday – Apr 6, 7:00 p.m., Washing of Feet will be conducted
    1. Slawek would like to reinstate this year.
    2. Each ministry is to nominate one candidate to have their feet washed by Fr.
    3. Deacon Ralph would like to see diversity – i.e.: men, women, young, old, special needs, etc.…
    4. Bob Bell will collect nominees

ACTION ITEM(S): Ministry leads forward nominees to Bob Bell no later than Sunday, February 26.

  1. Good Friday – Apr 7 – Veneration of the Cross and Passion 3:00p.m.
  2. Holy Saturday
    1. m. Blessing of Food followed by RCIA & altar server rehearsal
    2. Slawek asked Deacon Ralph to MC
  3. Easter Vigil – Apr 8 – Mass time determined by email to Fr. Slawek from Bishop
    1. Deacon Ralph state sundown on April 8 is at 7:44 p.m.
    2. Slawek state Mass will probably be at 8:00 p.m. but must wait for Bishop’s direction
    3. Spirituality will decorate Altar of Repose in the Chapel – Fr. Slawek explained Spirituality and Hispanic Ministry alternate year – so next year will be Hispanic Ministry
    4. Jean Stanley to purchase candles for parishioners as she did last year
    5. Deacon Tom has 1 catechumen and 7 candidates for RCIA
    6. Ann Mitchell and Deacon Ralph will be responsible for locating and placing the tabernacle and key in the week PRIOR to Vigil

ACTION ITEMS(S): Fr. Slawek to announce Vigil Mass time

              Jean Stanley to obtain candles

              Ann Mitchell and Deacon Ralph responsible for tabernacle

  • Easter Sunday – Apr 9 – 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Mass
    1. Liturgy and Usher leads to arrange for additional EMs and ushers
    2. Ushers to make rounds with collection baskets in areas outside of church hall
    3. Extra chairs set up to handle expected attendance
    4. Slawek would like to arrange for an extra speaker in the pavilion for overflow
    5. Ushers to direct parishioners to overflow seating in Chapel and/or pavilion
    6. Banner color to be change go white for Easter
    7. How many readings?

ACTION ITEMS(S): Robin Holmes will check on speaker set up

                             Ushers to prepare for overflow

                             Sally Brainerd will change out banners

                             Fr. Slawek to distribute list of readings when decided

  1. Stations of the Cross – 6:30 p.m. on Fridays during Lent
    1. Schedule of Ministry to take the lead:
      1. February 24 – Youth Group
      2. March 3 – Liturgy
      3. March 10 – MOSF
      4. March 17 – Hispanic Ministry
      5. March 24 – Koffee Klatch
      6. March 31 – Fr. Slawek + deacons
    2. Each ministry may choose their preferred booklet

ACTION ITEM(S): Ministry lead select booklet, feel free to make copies if not enough copies

                             Sunday of Divine Mercy – Apr 16

  • Beth Jurovcik asked to play longer version of Divine Mercy song
  1. Parish Penance Service – Mar 28 at 6:00 p.m.

ACTION ITEM(S): Robin Holmes set up for visiting priests

  1. Covering of Cross, etc. – Mary Flanagan
    1. To be covered for the 5th Sunday of Lent (Mar 26)– may be covered after 4th Sunday of Lent (Mar 19)
    2. Lenten banners – Sally Brainerd
  • Fr. Slawek requests red banners for 4/25 confirmation when the Bishop will be here to celebrate
  1. Confirmation reception (Victoria Blackwell & Mary Flanagan)

ACTION ITEM(S):   Sally Brainerd – Lenten banners up on Ash Wednesday

                                                            Red banners up on Good Friday

                                                            White banners go up week following until Ordinary Time

                               Victoria Blackwell & Mary Flanagan coordinate Confirmation reception

  1. Altar of Repose – Looking for a ministry to lead
    1. Spirituality volunteered
      1. Flowers for altar
      2. Mary Flanagan will share last year’s notes on flowers
    2. Fish Fry Dates – Feb 24, Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31, Apr 7 – Cathy McKnight
      1. 10 people volunteered to help in kitchen
      2. Cathy McKnight working with Mike Flanagan to gather fish fryers
        1. Tony Vellucci clarifies MOSF will support any needs
      3. Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal – February 18 & 19 – Deacon Brian
        1. Deacon Brian shared the process remains mostly the same as prior years
        2. Slight change in that it is designed that the Homily will flow into video, so the video may be shown immediately following Homily
      4. Purchase Order Requirements – Jean Stanley
        1. Reminder of Purchase Order and Reimbursement Procedures that was emailed to all Ministry leads by the Bookkeeper on Monday, January 9, 2023
        2. Everyone is doing a great job with due diligence
      5. Coffee and Donut Sundays – Bob Bell
        1. Great opportunity to promote ministries
        2. Mary Flanagan has done the legwork to arrange for a standing, last Sunday of the month order with Dunkin’ Donuts of 8-10 dozen with a 20% discount
          1. Donut Sunday Schedule through May 2023:
            1. January 29, 2023 – Koffee Klatch
            2. February 26, 2023 – MOSF
            3. March 26, 2023 – Charities
            4. April 30, 2023 – Religious Education
            5. May 28, 2023 – Social Events

ACTION ITEM(S):  Assigned ministry to contact Bookkeeper to pick up a check to be made out to Dunkin’ Donuts the week of their assigned Sunday – should be same order and amount every Sunday

  1. Sound System – Bob Bell
    1. If you use it turn it off when finished
    2. Responsibility is a Sacristan duty however, many times there is not a Sacristan involved in the activity that uses the system
    3. Handheld microphones – advise Beth Jurovcik when being used so she can confirm they are charged for Masses. Beth has begun using regular AA batteries as she has found the rechargeable batteries are not holding a charge
    4. Slawek stated lapel microphones are not holding charge either

ACTION ITEM(S): Jean Stanley will purchase and place a supply of AA batteries in the sacristy


  1. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs
    1. Events – No comment
    2. Sacristans
      1. Issue with vigil candles being replaced incorrectly. Failure to remove the metal wick holder can create a fire hazard

ACTION ITEM(S): Jean will place sign asking only Sacristans change votives

  1. Business Manager
    1. Illegal dumping in parish dumpster resulting in us incurring overage fees
      1. Reminder to place event garbage in outside bins
      2. Keep away from retention ponds; especially curious children. There is a danger of alligators and snakes

ACTION ITEM(S): Jean will place a lock on garbage gate and distribute code to ministry leads

                                Jean has planted cacti near the retention pond to discourage getting too near

  1. MOSF
    1. Mardi Gras party in partnership with Koffee Klatch Friday, February 17
    2. Hosting panel discussion on Making of a Homily with 3 deacons Thursday, February 2 at 7:00 p.m.

ACTION ITEM(S): Check with parish office for parish calendar availability for Mardi Gras party before announcing event…

  1. Facilities Support Team
    1. Thankful for good communication from ministries needing set up
  2. Koffee Klatch
    1. Hosting Ken Hackett, former U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See for 4 years during Obama Administration, former president of Catholic Relief Services, and author on Saturday, February 4 at 10:00 a.m. open to all
      1. Hackett will have his book, The Vatican Code, available for purchase for $30 – $5 from each book purchased at St. Francis will be donated to the parish
    2. Spirituality
      1. There will be no First Friday Adoration during Lent
      2. Next All-Day Adoration is scheduled for Friday, June 9, 2023
        1. Grateful to those who have already volunteered for coverage
  • Friday Prayer Share meetings have been rearranged due to Stations of the Cross
    1. Please invite friends and family to participate in prayer share. There are currently 75 prayer warriors
  1. Charities
    1. YUM collected $2,651 in the food pantry box located in the narthex for 2022
    2. Gracie’s Kitchen served 46,176 meals in 2022 an increase of 8,302 meals from 2021 (37,874 in 2021)
  2. Human Life & Dignity
    1. Pat Ruebush asks that we all just take a moment to be aware of current life issues such as suicide, end of life, etc. and the stressors of electronic age affecting our youth
    2. Bishop Pohlmeier has approved a diocesan post card campaign to pass laws to create an abortion free state. Postcards will be available in the narthex for your signature upon our receipt from the diocese some time in February. Signed postcards will be given to the Florida legislators during Catholic Days at the Capitol, March 7-8, 2023, in Tallahassee
  • Trudy Perez-Poveda with Family for Life sets up an outdoor Mass on specific dates just outside of or within sight of the abortion clinic, A Woman’s Choice, in Jacksonville. Pat Ruebush is happy to carpool with anyone who wishes to attend
  1. Music
    1. Scheduling extra rehearsals for Lenten practice
    2. Choir is growing, creating seating issues. Beth is doing her best to be considerate of parishioner space while also keeping choir areas clear
  • Wayne Munson Memorial funds left to our Music Ministry will be used toward the purchase of a wireless unit for guitars
  1. Youth Group – No Comments
  2. Ushers – No Comments
  3. Hispanic Ministry – No Comments
  4. Volunteers
    1. New lock placed on exterior Chapel door – working very well thanks to John Warner and Mike Flanagan
    2. A new internal kitchen door lock was necessary and will need to be rekeyed. It remains unlocked until locksmith can rekey
  5. Religious Education – No Comments
  6. Deacon Ralph
    1. Requests a clergy meeting to confirm deacon participation/duties for Lenten/Holy Week events
  7. Deacon Tom – No Comments
  8. Deacon Brian – No Comments
  9. Practical Discussion and Tasking (5 minutes):
  1. Tasks for next meeting – Fr. Slawek
    1. Come prepared to discuss individual Ministry budget proposal
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, May, 23, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. –
    1. Budget Planning
    2. Conclusion (5 minutes):
  3. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek: No additional comments
  4. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek: Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting.  We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.

The meeting was called to order Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. The following were present:  Fr. Slawek, Bob Bell, Deacon Brian Campbell, Deacon Tom Healy, Cathy McKnight, Jean Stanley, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Ann Mitchell, Fred Sanchez, Jackie Sanchez, Beth Jurovcik, Sandy Pineault, Julie Kara, Walt Paskowski, Pat Ruebush, Ish Hernandez, and Robin Holmes.

Absent:  Gene Hudak, Deacon Ralph LaMachia, Ashley Powell, Victoria Blackwell, Tony Vellucci, John Sullivan

  1. I. Introduction consisted of the following items:
  1. Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  2. Opening Remarks by Fr. Slawek:
  1. Old Business:
  1. Budget – Bob Bell/Fr. Slawek
    1. Budgets based on projections – be mindful ministry budgets are based on project income and may be modified based on collection amounts


  1. Facility Support Team – Jess Simpson/Bob Bell
    1. Jess named coordinator
    2. Facility set up once a week, except for office wall as needed


  1. Storage Room Cleaning Date/House Keeping Reminders – Jean Stanley
    1. Chair cart purchased for Storage Room. Clean out to be conducted Saturday, 10/22 at 9 a.m.
    2. Sanitizing tables and counters after events
    3. Replenish event supplies – leave it as found – notify Jean if paper products needed.
    4. Groundskeeper/Maintenance Person hired to begin 10/1/22 – has since declined position

Action Item:   Storage room clean out 10/22 9 a.m.; if you have items in the storage room, be present for clean out.

  1. Copying Needs – Bob Bell
    1. Use the supply room copier for all ministry copy needs
    2. Can sign out storage room key for use with the office

III.  New Business:

  1. Ministry Minutes – Bob Bell  
    1. Thank you to all ministry leads for great job
    2. 3 more weekends to go
    3. Sandy noted she got 5 new volunteers from Ministry Minutes
  1. Quest Women’s Retreat/Prayer Burst 2022/Come Let Us Pray/Prayer Watch – Sandy Pineault
    1. 34 attendees for retreat, prayers for the day welcome
    2. Prayer Burst Invitations being printed, same format as last year, handing out on Oct. 9
    3. Prayer Watch – 73 prayer partners, added 16 (Most new parishioners) since beginning of year. 205 prayer requests received since start up, working on software designed for ease of distribution & tracking.
    4. Jesus Wept – parishioner school counselor joining the group. Looking to expand to child/parent loss
  1. Commitment Weekend – Deacon Brian
    1. 9/17 commitment weekend, mailing to all parishioners out today (9/13/22)
    2. Parish weekend all day adoration, picked parish theme “brand”, Come Follow Me
    3. Picnic notice to be handed out by ushers this weekend
    4. Parish video Franciscans of the renewal, Come Follow Me song/video for Parish weekend shown before Masses
    5. Flat screen looping video in narthex
  1. Feast of St. Francis of Assisi – Tuesday, October 4
    1. Activities are set around this time intentionally
  1. Parish Weekend – October 6-9, 2022 “Come Follow Me!” – Deacon Brian
    1. Koffee Klatch, Oct. 6 – Mary Flanagan
      1. Fire truck/police car arranged
    2. MOSF BASH, Oct. 6 – Jess Simpson/Ish Hernandez
      1. Tony has a project plan
      2. Ish looking into music, keg, and will handle tents
    3. Day of Adoration, Oct. 7, 9a.m. to 7p.m.– Sandy Pineault
      1. Need response from a couple of ministries, most slots filled
      2. Signup sheet and info sheet bulletin insert on 9/25 with schedule
  • Small table near sacristy door, signups come 10 minutes before scheduled time
  1. 3 litanies led by Deacons
  2. flowers ordered by Mary,
  3. Signs on the door silence adoration in progress enter only if partaking in adoration – unlock only one door – sign made for narthex – enter in silence
  1. Blessing of the Animals/Pet Food, 12:00 p.m. Oct. 8 – Kathy Waldrop
    1. Gary Janco will have truck in parking lot to collect donations of pet food
    2. Monday after Ministry Minutes collected $135 in the food pantry box.
  2. Parish Picnic, Oct. 9 – Cathy McKnight/Ish Hernandez/Deacon Brian
    1. Karaoke, face painting and bounce house. Food will be ordered week of picnic. Served off the grill instead of wrapped.
    2. Welcome table door prize tickets, 50/50 raffle, do not need to be present for 50/50. Entry around by the office, kitchen area blocked off by cones due to cooking/grills.
  • Mary contacting fire dept and police dept
  1. Count is a concern; we currently have 700 Mass attendees.
  2. Fr. will ask who is planning to attend at the end of mass to get an idea of how many will be attending

       Action Item(s):  Pulpit Announcement addressing adoration – encourage people to come any time throughout the day.

Tony to put out signup sheet for picnic

  1. Mass of Remembrance – Wednesday, November 2nd, 7:00 p.m. – Ann Mitchell
    1. Ann Mitchell ordered candles
      1. Flanagans will bring in sandbox
      2. 7 p.m. Mass
  1. Visit of Bishop Pohlmeier November 27, 2022 –
    1. Cathy planning reception after 9:30 Mass probably begins at 11 a.m.
      1. Set up like the picnic and inside weather permitting
  1. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs (Please limit your comments to those items requiring action/concurrence by Fr. Slawek and those matters of interest to all the ministry leads)
    1. Business Manager
      1. Be considerate and help keep areas clean


  1. Sacristans
    1. John Pulsinelli new sacristan
    2. Interested party from Ministry Minutes


  1. Liturgy
    1. CCD do readings last Sunday of the month currently 69 registered children
    2. Jackie will have youth group participate 20-25 registered children
  • Increase the number of OEMs for 8 a.m. Mass
  1. Lector training after picnic
  1. 10/8 10th anniversary Hispanic ministry
    1. 12/12 Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration
    2. Armando and Victoria have stepped down as co-leads, recruiting


Action Item(s): take their names off of the bulletin

  1. Youth Ministry
    1. No comments
  1. Family Follow Me
    1. Parents take care of their own children; family keeps eye on bounce house
    2. Coffee & donuts going very well – no volunteer for the end of this month yet
  1. Music
    1. No comment
  1. Deacon Tom
    1. Thank you all for prayers
    2. 10 RCIA candidates 1 Hispanic, 1 confirmation
  • Bishop coming for Rite of Acceptance 11/27/22
  1. Take participants up until Rite of Acceptance
  1. Koffee Klatch
    1. No comment
  2. spirituality
    1. no comment
  1. Volunteers
    1. PGC reminder for new volunteers
    2. Chapel code – need something new
  1. Practical Discussion and Tasking (5 minutes):
  1. Tasks for next meeting – Fr. Slawek
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, November 28, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. – Advent and Christmas Planning
  1. Conclusion (5 minutes):
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek:
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek: Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting.  We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission – Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting – May 24, 2022

The meeting was called to order Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. The following were present:  Fr. Slawek, Bob Bell, Deacon Brian Campbell, Deacon Ralph LaMachia, Deacon Tom Healy, Cathy McKnight, Jean Stanley, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Ann Mitchell, Ashley Powell, Fred Sanchez, Jackie Sanchez, Sandy Pineault, Pat Ruebush, Victoria Blackwell, Jess Simpson, John Sullivan, Marie Sullivan, and Robin Holmes.

Absent:  Tony Vellucci, Ismael Hernandez, Julie Kara, Gene Hudak, Beth Jurovcik, Walt & Vivian Paskowski,

I. Introduction consisted of the following items:

  • Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  • Welcome and introduction of new attendees: Jess Simpson attended in Tony Vellucci’s absence.
  • Opening Remarks by Fr. Slawek:

II. Old Business:

  1. Easter Season Feedback: Very positive comments. It was noted: Rehearsal is a must. An announcement should be made regarding Holy Communion for non-Catholics. Ideas on how to manage a very large crowd overflowing to the outside of the front entrance were discussed with no resolution. Ideas on how to pass collection baskets in the narthex and outside front doors – pole baskets were proposed.
    1. RCIA – Deacon Tom: Largest class yet with 9 catechumens. Will hold an inquiry session in July 2022 and another in August 2022. Classes will begin after Labor Day next year.
    2. Fish Fry – Bob Bell / Cathy McKnight: sign-up sheets should include everyone and not be gender-specific to cooking/kitchen help. Sign-ups should be announced and take place at least a couple of weeks prior to the fish fry. Cathy would run the kitchen crew. Someone else (TBD) should run the cooking crew. Some expressed an opinion that a Good Friday Fish Fry is inappropriate, this will be Fr. Slawek’s call.
  2. Confirmation and First Communion Feedback – Victoria Blackwell: We had 12 youths receive the Sacrament of 1st Communion and 7 Confirmed. Registration will open in July with classes beginning after Labor Day and ending after Confirmation. Will not schedule CCD for Wednesday of Holy Week and will make Holy Thursday attendance mandatory.
  1. Facility Support Teams – Jess Simpson: Successfully created 4 teams that will rotate assignments on a weekly basis.

Action Item:  Jess will be the coordinator for all setup requests and may be contacted at or 904.583.0437.

  1. Protecting God’s Children training – Gene Hudak: Successful on-demand scheduling.

Action Item:  Identify a parishioner to be recommended to the diocese as an in-house facilitator.

III.  New Business:

  1. Pentecost Masses – June 5 – Fr. Slawek: experimental intercession prayer in different languages. Tom Sintes will coordinate.

Action item: Secretary will place pulpit announcement to wear red for Pentecost.


  1. Corpus Christi Procession – June 19 – Fr. Slawek: will follow 9:30 a.m. Mass. Hispanic Ministry in charge of prepping altars. Fr. Slawek and deacons will conduct stations in English and Spanish. Same pamphlet and music as last year will be used.

Action Item:  Ish Hernandez to procure 3 white canopies for the stations.

  1. First Friday Adoration – Sandy Pineault: Thirty-five to forty people attended the very first May 6th First Friday Adoration with excellent feedback.

Action Items: Chris Warner will be taking over coordination with deacons.

Sandy will email ministry leads asking them to adopt a Friday to educate the congregation and grow attendance.

  1. Budget Submission/Finance Report – Marie Sullivan: Finance Council needs all ministry budget plans and thoughts on amount needed to budget for the next FY. There is no budget report at this time. Mass attendance is up. Offertory amount per parishioner is about $19.50/person.

Action Items: Submit budgets to Marie no later than June 7, 2022. Any questions regarding past budget, please call Marie at 904.415.5010.

  1. Parish Calendar Scheduling for next FY – Bob Bell: SPECIFY EXACT calendar dates of meetings. It is becoming more difficult to accommodate all who want space. If not meeting, it is required to specify dates there will be no meeting so space may be made available for others. There will no longer be a blanket scheduling of every specific day of the week. MyParish app may be used to access calendar. EXACT calendar dates needed should be emailed to
  1. Relocation Progress – Ashley Powell: New site plan handout include changes made from the diocesan plan and approved by diocese. Architectural RFP out for bid. We will have a 12.5 thousand square foot all-purpose building, a 2500 square foot administrative building, and a pavilion. Maybe in 10-15 years the church building. Father is thinking we will have a better timeline in the Fall to be able to give a presentation of the master plan and stages of location.
  1. Parish Weekend – Deacon Brian: Great feedback from last year’s event. Will repeat plans from last year as they seemed to work well. Thinking to begin Ministry Fair weekend of October 8th and 9th, with Parish Picnic being Sunday, October 9th.

Action plan: Poco a Poco Friars have given permission for use of one of their songs for our parish children to record first and last verse. Francesco will produce a parish video with the song to be played before and after each Mass and posted to social media

  1. Ministry Minute: Ministry heads will provide a brief of their Ministry to parishioners at each mass beginning in early September. No more than a 2-minute presentation for each ministry minutes.
  2. Chapel Access After Hours – Bob Bell: Gene Hudak is now code keeper. Remember to lock the door with the code when exiting the chapel. When locking up, make sure chapel doors are locked. The subject of changing to more user-friendly hardware came up but was decided not cost-effective due to the move and training everyone who has access.

Action item: Bob will place a reminder on chapel access in the bulletin.

  1. Clean up after events – Bob Bell: Keep the refrigerator clean. Take items or distribute them to participants when finished with an event. Clearly mark the item(s) if donating to another ministry with their knowledge. DO NOT LEAVE LEFTOVERS IN THE KITCHEN. Take out ALL garbage after every event to the garbage center. Sweep up. Do better with recyclables after events. Deep cleanings will be scheduled at least twice a year.
    1. Kitchen Etiquette-Bob Bell/Jean Stanley/Cathy McKnight: DO NOT OPEN outside the door for air. Thanks to Men’s and Women’s Groups for a job well done executing cleaning. Storage room cleaning by ministry leads is necessary. No food should be stored in the Storage Room at any time.

       Action plan: Jean Stanley will schedule storage room cleaning.


  1. Renewal of Ministry Plans – Bob Bell: Sent out existing Ministry Plans/templates. Return completed Ministry Plans to Bob by June 7th.
    1. Turnover sheets for new Ministry Heads – Bob Bell: Put something together for the next ministry leads in accompaniment with the ministry plan and Pastoral Council Constitution.


  1. Update of St. Francis of Assisi Pastoral Plan and Pastoral Council Constitution – Bob Bell: sending to ministry leads to be worked on over the summer. Selection of new ministry leads pinned down so we don’t have constant turnover. Need 3-year term commitment. The pastoral Plan is a five-year plan and will probably be sent out later summer.


  1. Alarm Procedures – Bob Bell: 904.388.6417 ACS Central Control. 757.373.6284 Bob Bell – Please put these numbers in your phone. If alarm is accidentally set off, ACS WILL respond and call Bob asking if they should send police. Call ACS and tell them who you are and then call Bob and let him know. After ACS is called, they will call Bob to verify the name given.


  1. Sacred Environment – Mary Flanagan (on behalf of Sally Brainerd): Banners will be switched out for Pentecost. Sacred Environment has purchased five sets of banners and will purchase flowers for specific Sunday feast days. Better communication with ministries needed regarding plans for confirmation, Crowning of Mary, etc. so it may be coordinated with Sally Brainerd or 619.252.4877.


  1. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs (time permitting):


  1. Kathy Waldrop – Charities: Gracie’s Kitchen served over 4700 people. They are maxed on volunteers and do not currently have a need for more. Gary Janko would like to have a pet food drive. The consensus was Blessing of the Animals weekend would be an appropriate date.


  1. Spirituality – Sandy Pineault: Jesus Wept Grief Retreat was very well received. Reached not only our parishioners but one gentleman from St. Michaels and another attendee came from Jacksonville. June 24 will be the next event/luncheon. Sandy plans to grow this into a larger program.
  1. Practical Discussion and Tasking (5 minutes):
  1. Tasks for next meeting – Fr. Slawek – nothing noted.
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.
  1. Conclusion (5 minutes):
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek: please meet budget and scheduling deadlines.
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek: Father, we give you thanks that you have allowed us to work together and serve you during this meeting.  We ask your blessing upon our endeavors, and upon all present today.  May your love and grace continue to guide us, in everything that we do, today and in the future.  We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Meeting adjourned at    8:15 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

January 25, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present:  Fr. Slawek, Bob Bell, Ismael Hernandez, Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Walt Paskowski, Julie Kara, Steve Borusovic, Deacon Brian Campbell, Deacon Tom Healy, Deacon Ralph La Machia, Jean Stanley, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Victoria Blackwell, Gene Hudak, Tony Vellucci, John Sullivan, Marie Sullivan, Ann Mitchell, Pat Ruebush, Sandy Pineault, Jackie Sanchez, Fred Sanchez, Beth Jurovcik and Robin Holmes.

Absent:  Erie Santiago, Ashley Powell.

I. Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome and introduction of new attendees: Deacon Ralph La Machia, Deacon; Sandy Pineault, Spirituality Ministry; Fred Sanchez, Usher Ministry; Robin Homes, Secretary
  3. Opening Remarks by Bob Bell: The purpose of the meeting is to plan for Lent and Easter Activities

Old Business:

  1. Latest COVID guidance from the Diocese – Fr. Slawek – Weekly update currently all counties “high”. Nassau County at 20%. Maintain social distancing. Chairs will remain in place. Masks are encouraged during masses and meetings. Clean and disinfect tables after meetings. Kneelers and hymnals to be left out for parishioner use. No holy water, offertory collections; Holy Communion in one form only.

 Moving of the Altar – Jean Stanley found someone in Jacksonville who can work on the base. Father suggests waiting for the new church. Beth Jurovcik and Jackie Sanchez expressed concerns that Altar may have been moved back because they now have difficulty seeing Fr. Slawek’s cues. It was confirmed the Altar has not been moved.

Action Item CLOSED: Will wait for new church   Further discussion with Father will be necessary concerning any modifications or moving of the altar. Also look at the possibility of moving the ambo back a few inches at the same time the altar is moved, so that the Music Director can see the priest.

Establish an area dedicated for pet food donations – A permanent pet food and food pantry location needs to be found in the narthex.

Action Item:  Jean Stanley to investigate standardized bins with holder for narthex.  (Note: This action has since been completed.)

Calendar Schedule Maintenance – Make sure to schedule with Robin. Be considerate and do not over schedule time on the calendar and monopolize time and space that can be used by others. Notify Robin of requirements and any cancellations if the space will no longer be used. Adherence to deadlines for Pulpit Announcements and Bulletin must be taken into consideration.

III.  New Business:

Easter Season Schedule – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries:

 Ash Wednesday, March 2nd 9 a.m. (1 Deacon, 2 EMs, 4 Ushers) and 7 p.m. (2 Deacons, 1 EM, 4 Ushers). Deacon Brian inquired if ashes will be placed on the forehead or sprinkled. Fr. Slawek indicated there has not been any direction from the diocese at this time. (Note – guidance from the diocese directs the ashes will be sprinkled as they were last year.)

Action items:

  1. Ann Mitchell to assess availability of ashes remaining from last year.
  2. Bulletin and Pulpit Announcement to bring in past palms for burning.
  3. Mary Flanagan to locate basket for past palms to place in narthex.
  4. Jackie Sanchez to do translation as last year

Palm Sunday Apr 10th – palms to remain covered on a table until blessed, then taken from the table by parishioners.

  1. Saturday Apr 9th 4 p.m. Blessing of the palms in the narthex
  2. Sunday, April 10th 8 a.m. Blessing of the palms in the pavilion
  3. Sunday, April 10th 9:30 a.m. Procession with children
  4. Reading of the Passion: Fr. Slawek/Jesus, 1 deacon each Mass/Narrator, parishioners/crowd, Deacon Brian will be at each Mass, Deacon Tom and Deacon Ralph at two Masses

Action items:

  1. Slawek will investigate whether readings will be different for procession.
  2. Joe/Bookkeeper to order palms. Order extra this year.
  3. Mary Flanagan will contact Kathy Munson regarding palm buds and how many needed.
  4. Ismael Hernandez will verify if the Hispanic community will be making palm crosses again this year.
  5. Holy Thursday Apr 14th 7 p.m. (Only Mass)

Action items:

  1. Father will verify if Washing of the Feet will occur this year.
  2. Walt and Victoria will identify volunteers for Washing of Feet, if needed.
  3. Good Friday, April 15th at 3 p.m. Veneration of the Cross and Passion with all three Deacons.
  4. Saturday, April 16th, 11 a.m. Blessing of Holy Food and altar server rehearsal, if needed.Easter Vigil,
  5. Saturday, April 16th at 8:30 p.m. with candles for the congregation

Action items:

  1. Appropriate ministry leads to arrange for altar servers, RCIA, Deacons, ushers, Hispanic Reader, Sacristan.
  2. 9 RCIA candidates with 2 baptisms at the Vigil Mass.
  3. Deacon Brian will provide a schedule based upon his notes from prior year. Each reading has a dedicated Psalm and Prayer. Will distribute once Fr. Slawek confirms readings.
  4. Ann Mitchell to provide All Souls candles to light congregation candles.
  5. Jean Stanley to purchase glass candles.

Easter Sunday, April 17th 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

Action items:     Usher Ministry –4 ushers needed for all masses.

  1. Stations of the Cross beginning March 4th at 6:30 p.m. Different ministry leads each week.
  2. March 4th Men of St. Francis
  3. March 11th Finance Council
  4. March 18th Liturgy
  5. March 25th Human Life & Dignity
  6. April 1st Hispanic Ministry
  7. April 8th Slawek & Deacons
  8. Parish Penance Service – Monday, April 4th at 6:00 p.m. No ushers needed.
  9. Covering of Cross. – Mary Flanagan will coordinate the effort.

Action item:  Mary Flanagan and Sally Brainerd will cover the cross, place altar runner, and banners on partitions.

Altar of Repose –A ministry is needed to lead this effort.

Action items: The Hispanic Community will prepare the Altar of Repose. Purchase of Easter flowers will be handled by Mary Flanagan.

Lenten Fish Fry – beginning March 4th Through Good Friday, April 15th 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. then orders taken for after Stations of the Cross. Will have ability to accept credit cards. Cost will be dependent upon pricing of fish, probably $15/adult meal, $8/under 10 youth meal. Cathy McKnight may be adding shrimp to the meals on occasion. Men’s club has agreed to cook again, Cathy McKnight and kitchen crew will pack, distribute and collect payments.

Action item:  Cathy McKnight to meet with Tony Vellucci of Men of St. Francis regarding cooking needs.

Day before St. Blaise – Deacon Ralph asked if St. Francis of Assisi has Blessing of the Candles. Fr. Slawek stated we will not, as this is not a tradition known here.

Feast of St. Blaise, Thursday, February 3rd – Blessing of the Throats will be the same as last year, Mass, no touching of the throats.

Prayer Watch – Sandy Pineault – Prayer partners are needed; also, those from outside of the parish are welcome. Angela Sukotsky will assist in keeping a log of inputs. Sandy would like to be invited to ministry meetings to discuss Prayer Watch for about five minutes.

Lack of Volunteer Altar Servers, Lectors, EMs for Masses – It appears volunteers are not signing up or not showing up for the time they committed. Fr. Slawek asked Ann Mitchell to ensure the Sacristans check to ensure positions are filled and to obtain volunteers to fill vacancies. Bob Bell explained that sign ups should be completed by the 20th of the preceding month. Fr. Slawek suggested sending out reminders. Bob asked that ministry leads encourage those within their ministry to sign up timely. Walt Paskowski indicated that the next EM training session will probably be June of 2022. Walt will also offer one on one training if someone is interested. Fr. Slawek authorized opening weekend masses to adult Altar Servers if there is not a youth available.

Action item: Pulpit Announcement (Robin Holmes) and Bulletin Announcement (Josie Años) to be prepared stating that we are looking for Altar Servers for all Masses.

Tidiness of the Narthex procedure: Clearance from Fr. Slawek must be obtained before putting ANYTHING in the narthex. Deacon Brian is okay with the Men of St. Francis’ Newsletter being on the corner of the Welcome Table. Fred Sanchez suggests purchasing a chair cart for the folding chairs.

Action item: Jean Stanley will investigate purchasing chair carts.

Purchase Order Requirements – Jean Stanley – a reminder that any purchase over $50 must obtain 3 bids and fill out a Purchase Order form. Jean gave a building lock-up procedure review as well as written instructions. Jean reminded everyone, the last one out should put the thermostat back to the programmed setting and pay attention to the mode (heat or cool), replace cones, and to check ALL doors when locking up.

Advertising in the News-Leader – Bob announced we have an advertisement with Mass times and Fr. Slawek’s name as Pastor that is costing us $10 per week. Asked how everyone felt about keeping the advertisement. Consensus was to discontinue the ad.

Action item: Joe Iaciofoli – Bookkeeper discontinue the ad.

Key Audit – Gene Hudak: Bob asked that anyone who has a building key that is no longer needed, to turn it in. Gene took a count and feels the issue is getting a key in the hands of the people who actually need one. There are 25 Ministry Leads, 3 office staff, 1 housekeeper, and 1 maintenance. Gene reported that the diocese can accommodate an onsite Protecting God’s Children training session at St. Francis of Assisi.

Action items: Gene Hudak will review who has keys and what others need one. Robin to contact Donna Wilhelm regarding a date and facilitator for Protecting God’s Children training.

Finance Report – Marie Sullivan: Participation is on the rise with an average of about 618 people attending masses and $13,000 in offertory contributions per week, meeting budget. Deacon Brian reports this is due to the Stewardship drive in October of 2021. There is an average of 44 online (e-givers) donators.

Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs

Deacon Brian: Nothing to add.

RCIA – Deacon Tom: The program has 9 participants; 2 to be baptized and 7 candidates.

Deacon Ralph: Nothing to add.

Altar ServersJohn Sullivan: Nothing to add; all good.

Liturgy (Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors)Walt & Vivian Paskowski: Nothing to add; all good

MusicBeth Jurovcik: Nothing to report; all good.

UshersFred Sanchez: The Usher Ministry has gained 10 new ushers. Always looking for more volunteers.

Religious EducationVictoria Blackwell:  Everything is going well. 1st Reconciliation and Holy Communion retreat is scheduled for May 7 with 1st Communion on May 8.

CharitiesKathy Waldrop: Blanket collection was greatly appreciated by those in need. Maryellen from Gracie’s Kitchen has all the volunteers they need. Kathy encourages people who wish to volunteer to sign up for other ministries within the parish. …

Family/Youth – Julie & Jerry Kara: Family – nothing else.

Youth Ministry – Jackie Sanchez: 25 youths registered, 10 more interested. Meeting on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. is working well for children and parents.

Hispanic – Ismael Hernandez: Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration went very well. Ish expressed gratitude for the support of all involved.

Men’s Activities (MOSF) – Tony Vellucci: Poinsettia sales were 60% more than last year. 55 poinsettias were donated for the altar with 177 total sales. Proposed a poinsettia dedication and list in the bulletin. Tony has implemented a monthly Men of St. Francis newsletter. Men of St. Francis are co-sponsoring a Superbowl/Valentine’s Day Dinner with the Koffee Klatch on Sunday, February 13th catered by Willie Jewels. Will ask for a $10 donation per person, beer/drinks provided. Tony brought up the need for a Facility Support Team for church setup and teardown to include partitions, chairs, and tables.

Action item:  Tony to invite ministries to a meeting for a roundtable to discuss Facility Support Team ideas.

Human Life & DignityPat Ruebush: Permission was received to place a Women’s Health flyer in the narthex. Respect Life contest entries will be displayed in the narthex as well. There were 18 people in attendance at the Rosary Rally on October 3rd with 2 high schoolers and 1 middle schooler who asked to stand in front of an abortion clinic. A human trafficking event will be upcoming at St. Francis of Assisi and an End-of-Life event held at St. Michaels. Tony Vellucci mentioned that the MOSF put a lot of work into the Women’s Help Center in Callahan.

 Spirituality – Sandy Pineault: Sandy is the new Spirituality chair and is taking over for Marcella and Tom Claridge. On Thursday, February 10th a special Adoration with Taizai Chant will be held from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Fr. Eric Spicer, Director of Vocations will be the guest speaker. May 6th will begin our First Friday Adorations, which will be from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Sandy is working on a Healing Grief Retreat for May of this year. She is also looking for volunteers to assist with a Prayer Telephone Hotline.

Women’s Activities – Mary Flanagan: Sandy Pineault is scheduled to speak at a Koffee Klatch meeting. Barb Baptista will be speaking with Koffee Klatch ladies regarding a Health Ministry. Barb will provide more details on how other churches have started a Health Ministry and how to go about setting it up.

Building – Ashley Powell: Not in attendance.

Business Manager –Jean Stanley: Storage room organization, be respectful of others. The Chapel after hours door lock is not working and a locksmith has been scheduled to fix.

Social Events – Cathy McKnight: Lenten Fish Fry will begin on Friday, March 4th and be every Friday through Good Friday, April 15th. Valentine’s Day Dinner with Music has been canceled. It will be replaced by a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner on Sunday, March 20th. Cathy informed there will be bingo on Friday, February 11th. March bingo will be on Sunday, March 13thThere will be no April bingo due to Palm Sunday. Bob asks that if any ministry uses soda, water, or wine, please replenish. Feel free to use opened bottles of wine so it doesn’t spoil.

Volunteers – Gene Hudak: The diocese will be utilizing a new format for Protecting God’s Children Training in March of this year. He will be working on background check expiration dates to send out reminders to those about to expire.

 Finance Council – Marie Sullivan: nothing else.

Practical Discussion and Tasking:

  1. Tasks for next meeting – nothing noted.
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.


  1. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  2. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek and the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission – Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

September 21, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Bob Bell, Beth Jurovcik, Ismael Hernandez, Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Walt Paskowski, Vivian Paskowski, Julie Kara, Ashley Powell, Steve Borusovic, Deacon Brian Campbell, Deacon Tom Healy, Jean Stanley, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Victoria Blackwell, Gene Hudak, Tony Vellucci, John Sullivan, Marie Sullivan, Ann Mitchell, Erie Santiago, Lyndan Maron, and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Fr. Slawek Bielasiewicz, Jackie Sanchez.

I. Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome and introduction of new attendees Tony Vellucci, Men’s Activities, Lyndan Maron, Website, and Erie Santiago, acting Human Life & Dignity Chair
  3. Opening Remarks by Bob Bell: Fr. Slawek is out sick. Daily masses are canceled for the week; however, the Deacons will hold daily communion services. Issues that require Father’s attention should be discussed with him personally when he returns.

II. Old Business:

  1. Latest COVID guidance from the Diocese – No new updates since the August 16th update by the Bishop. Maintain social distancing. Chairs will remain in place. Masks are encouraged during masses and meetings. Clean and disinfect tables after meetings. No changes – still no kneelers, holy water, offertory collections; Holy Communion in one form only.
  2. Train Operators for live streaming the Hispanic Masses – Kathy Junker: I contacted Francesco Patrinicola about training. He is happy to train anyone interested in learning to live stream the masses. Ismael Hernandez identified Armando Rodriguez for training.

Action Item: Ismael Hernandez will contact Kathy Junker regarding any other interested operators.

  1. Summary of Sally Brainerd’s meeting with Father concerning the Sacred Environment Committee – Mary Flanagan: Budget of $4,200 was approved for the fiscal year. Father does want flowers for Holy Days and other specified occasions. Mary has a florist available for these special occasions; however, for other times when a parishioner desires to provide flowers, any local florists you wish to use for these weekends are welcome. Banners will be made by volunteer parishioners and are to be hung at the back of church, on the partitions. Banners must be approved by Father. Volunteers are needed to make the banners. Discussion took place regarding donations for flowers in honor of a person or special event. Guidance has subsequently been published in the bulletin.

Action Item: Further discussion with Father will be necessary concerning any modifications or moving of the altar. Also look at the possibility of moving the ambo back a few inches at the same time the altar is moved, so that the Music Director can see the priest.

  1. Establish an area dedicated for pet food donations – Kathy Waldrop: A permanent pet food location needs to be found in the narthex.

Action Item: Identify a permanent Pet Food location: Discuss Father’s preference for container and placement. Subsequent discussions with Fr. did not identify a solution; therefore, no changes will be made for now.

III. New Business:

  1. Feast of St. Francis – Monday, October 4th – Deacon Brian:
    1. Blessing of the Animals – Saturday, October 2nd at 12:00 p.m. and Sunday, October 3rd at 10:30 a.m.
  2. Parish Weekend – October 23rd & 24th, 2021 – “Together, We Can Do More for the Lord!”
    1. Ministry Fair – Deacon Brian: 2022 Covenant Cards will be mailed to parishioners asking them to pledge their Time, Talent, and Treasure for the coming year. The Treasure entry is only intended to assist with determining our annual budget. It will have no connection with Wildlight or a capital campaign. A committee met with Queen of Peace parish within our diocese who is very successful with their pledging. Two weeks prior to this event, each ministry will be responsible to “create” something to engage parishioners to participate. Signs will also be posted around the church, listing the various ministries. The covenant card and a letter will be mailed out to all parishioners one week prior to the Ministry Fair. We are not looking to have tables set up that require parishioners to approach. It was recommended by Queen of Peace to have the Ministry Fair held on the same day as the parish picnic, as it creates a greater synergy and response.

Action Item: Brian Campbell and Ismael Hernandez to look at the possibility of building up the Saturday, October 23rd date to generate more interest and excitement to truly make this a “Parish Weekend.”

    1. Picnic Sunday, October 24th; 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Cathy McKnight:
      1. Picnic Food and Beverages, MOSF will cook, and Women’s Activities will be in the kitchen
      2. Raffles
      3. Fire Department and Police Department to bring a vehicle
      4. Karaoke
      5. Chili Cookoff
      6. Cake Walk – Mary Flanagan will coordinate

Action Item: Mary Flanagan and Cathy McKnight to discuss further with Father as necessary.

  1. Holy Mass of Memories – Tuesday, November 2nd, 7:00 p.m. – Ann Mitchell: The box for candles will again be setup for mass. Candles will be provided. Ann may not be available and asked for assistance if she is not available.
  2. Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Tuesday, December 7th Vigil @ 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday, December 8th – 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
  3. Our Lady of Guadalupe – Celebration will be Saturday, December 11th at the 6:00 p.m. Mass – Ismael Hernandez: A committee has been set up for this event. A nine-day novena will be held. The Hispanic Community will present a movie in English to tell the story for those who are not familiar with this celebration. There are six sponsors providing the food; however, volunteers from the parish will be needed to serve the food. There will be dancers again this year. Fundraisers have been done at the Hispanic masses to provide funding for the event.
  4. Advent Wreath – November 28th – Mary Flanagan: The wreath and candles will be taken care of.
  5. Christmas Schedule:
    1. Christmas (Saturday, December 25th) & New Year (Saturday, January 1st) Mass Schedule – by Bob Bell for Fr. Slawek:
      1. Friday, December 24th – 4:00 p.m. Children’s Mass and 6:00 p.m. Adult Mass
      2. Saturday, December 25th – 10:00 a.m. (only Mass/no 4:00 p.m. and no 6:00 p.m. Hispanic Mass)
      3. Saturday, January 1st – 10:00 a.m. (Only Mass)
      4. There are two mass obligations this weekend, due to Christmas falling on a Saturday.
    2. Streaming of Christmas Mass – Mass will be streamed; however, the specific mass is still to be determined.
    3. Children’s Christmas Mass – Mary Flanagan/Julie & Jerry Kara: goodie bags and cake will be provided. Mary Flanagan will make the cake.
    4. Decorating the Church – Sunday, December 19th – 10:30 a.m. – All Ministries: Everyone interested in helping will be welcome, including children. Trees (artificial) will be decorated. Kathy Munson will oversee making wreaths for the exterior church doors.
    5. Set up of the Creche – MOSF Sunday, December 19th – 10:30 a.m. – Tony Vellucci: The Men of St. Francis will get the creche from storage and set it up in the church.
    6. Angel Tree – tags will be available before and after masses, November 6th & 7th. Fewer tags will be put out, due to COVID.
    7. Red Kettle Drive – Bob Bell has not received anything from The Salvation Army yet but will sign us up for all the Fridays of Advent.
  6. Financial SummaryMarie Sullivan: Our Statement of Financial Position as of June 30, 2021, is available in the narthex. Average weekly attendance is 460 people/weekend, and the average contribution is $16/person.
  7. Bookkeeper Comments – Kathy Junker: Please remember to complete estimated Purchase Orders/Check Requisition Requests for amounts greater than $50 prior to spending the money. Please sanitize tables after use. When returning chairs and tables to the storage room, please do not block the copy machine, Religious Ed carts and maintenance/janitorial shelves. Please be respectful of tables, chairs and other items used for ministry purposes. They are beginning to show a great deal of wear and tear. Finally, Kathy will be retiring at the end of the year. A new bookkeeper is currently being sought.
  8. Ministry Highlights – Ministry Chairs:
    1. Altar ServersJohn Sullivan: Slow go…parents need to bring their children to mass and encourage them to serve. John is available to train anyone interested in serving. There are currently very few servers.
    2. Liturgy (Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors)Walt & Vivian Paskowski: EM training was rescheduled for October 9th, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. There is a new map for the traffic flow for communion at the Saturday, 4:00 p.m. and Sunday, 9:30 a.m. masses.
    3. MusicBeth Jurovcik: The music program is retaining most of the youth choir members. Beth asked if a set monthly date for Donut Sundays has been determined. Father would like Donut Sundays to be combined with the Birthday celebration at the last weekend of the month. Youth choir practices will be held after the Donut event.
    4. UshersSteve Borusovic: There are fewer ushers now. Two people are now assigned to a mass; they are tasked with getting two additional ushers at the 4:00 p.m. and 9:30 a.m. masses to assist with the communion flow. The suggestion was made to get former altar servers to move on to volunteering as ushers.
    5. Religious EducationVictoria Blackwell: The program has a total of 53 students; 8 are preparing for confirmation; 10 are preparing for First Communion. They are still short of teachers. Five students who were confirmed last year have returned to help with religious education classes. They will receive community service hours for volunteering.
    6. RCIADeacon Tom: The program has 6 participants; 2 to be baptized and 4 candidates. Deacon Tom is interested in getting more bi-lingual teachers. The Rite of Acceptance is scheduled for November 28 at the 9:30 Mass. Call-in rosary is still active but could use more participants.
    7. Parish Weekend and StewardshipDeacon Brian: nothing else.
    8. CharitiesKathy Waldrop: Blanket Drive will be held Oct 22 through Nov 19th. A box will be placed in the narthex for donation of blankets.
    9. Social EventsCathy McKnight: nothing else.
    10. Family/Youth – Julie & Jerry Kara: Family – nothing else.
    11. Youth Group – Jackie Sanchez will hold a meeting for interested youths on October 21st at 6:30 p.m.
    12. Hispanic – Ismael Hernandez: The ministry is preparing for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration. It will be held on December 11th this year. A committee has been established to prepare for the celebration. The documentary file “The Miracle and the Message” depicting the Guadalupe apparitions of the Virgin Mary will be shown on Friday, October 15th. It will be shown in English at 6:00 p.m. and in Spanish at 7:30 p.m.
    13. Men’s Activities (MOSF) – Tony Vellucci: Tony is the new MOSF chair and is taking over for John Sullivan. The Callahan Knights of Columbus have reached out and would like to do a BBQ dinner for MOSF here at St. Francis.

Action item: Tony to discuss this with Father.

    1. Human Life & DignityErie Santiago: The Baby Bottle Drive is this weekend. Pat Ruebush is leading the rosary for Respect Life at John Kennedy’s home on Oct. 3rd. Religious Ed students will also be entering the poster contest for Respect Life. Callahan is opening a Women’s Help Center and is looking for volunteers. The building itself has been completed and should be ready by the end of October.
    2. Women’s Activities – Mary Flanagan: The next meeting is Thursday November 4th. Nancy Basham, Director of the Women’s Help Center, will be the guest speaker.
    3. Building – Ashley Powell: There is not much to report now. The Building Committee is meeting in October with Steve Bell, CFO for the Diocese of St. Augustine to discuss funding requirements and procedures.
    4. Business Manager –Jean Stanley: Storage room organization, be respectful of others.
    5. Volunteers – Gene Hudak: Gene is looking at compliance with Protecting God’s Children (PGC). There is a possible audit coming. Training sessions could be arranged. PGC is a one-time training; however, background checks need to be completed every 5 years. Each diocese will require their own trainings. All EMs are home-bound EMs. Gene will coordinate with Walt and Vivian Paskowski for EM training.
    6. Finance Council – Marie Sullivan: nothing else.
    7. Website – Lyndan Maron: suggested that some kind of social event be planned for after the Saturday 4:30 mass on Parish Weekend to encourage parishioners to become involved in the weekend activities.
    8. Spirituality –Marcella Claridge:
      1. 13 women are currently participating in LTMTP
      2. 31 parishioners are participating in the Bible Timeline sessions
      3. The Our Lady of La Leche Coronation will be October 10th. Father will be attending the event. September 28th we will combine with the Hispanic community for adoration and a prayer service from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m., with the rosary each hour. A Spiritual bouquet to Our Lady will be offered at the Coronation. Slips to add your spiritual offerings to the bouquet will be available in the narthex.

IV. Practical Discussion and Tasking:

  1. Tasks for next meeting – nothing noted.
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held January 25, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. and will discuss Lent and Easter planning.

V. Conclusion:

  1. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  2. Closing prayer was led by Bob Bell and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting – May 25, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following were present:  Fr. Slawek Bielasiewicz, Bob Bell, Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Vivian Paskowski, Ashley Powell, Steve Borusovic, Deacon Brian Campbell, Deacon Tom Healy, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Liz Milo, Gene Hudak, John Sullivan, Marie Sullivan, Ismael Hernandez, Armando Rodriguez, Victoria Rodriguez, Victoria Blackwell, Sally Brainerd, and Kathy Junker.

Absent:  Beth Jurovcik, Julie Kara, Jean Stanley, Kevin Thompson, Mary Thompson, Erie Santiago, Walt Paskowski, Tony Garcia

I. Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome and introduction of new attendees –Ismael Hernandez, Armando and Victoria Rodriguez from the Hispanic Ministry and Victoria Blackwell from Religious Education.
  3. Opening Remarks by Fr. Slawek: Father acknowledged Liz Milo and thanked her for her service to the Religious Education program.  Victoria Blackwell will take over for her

II. Old Business:

  1. Easter Season Feedback – All
    1. Beth Jurovcik – Would it be possible to start the Easter Vigil a little later? Slawek added that the moon and calendar dictate the start time.
    2. Mary Flanagan – Easter Sunday: There seems to be a bottle-neck between masses.  Could mass times be spread out a little more (possibly at 10:00 a.m.).

ACTION ITEM:  Discuss this possibility at the Spring 2022 Pastoral Council Meeting

  1. Confirmation and First Holy Communion Feedback – Liz Milo: Liz thanked the many individuals and ministries who assisted in making the Confirmations, First Holy Communions and Baptisms so successful.
  2. Parish Calendar – Bob Bell: Please remember to schedule all your events with Robin Holmes, Secretary, for the entire year by the end of June, as the new fiscal year begins July 1st.

III.  New Business:

  1. Coming out of COVID – Fr. Slawek/Bob Bell
    1. Lifting Dispensation from Attendance at Mass
      1. The bishop has lifted the dispensation for those able to attend mass
      2. Returning to normal processes will be done in stages. The diocese is following CDC guidelines and is monitoring all counties within the diocese to determine when counties may move through the stages.
    2. Form of the Holy Eucharist
      1. Only the host will be distributed, beginning this weekend (May 29th – 30th), we will need 4 Eucharistic Ministers, maximum (some masses may need less than this).
      2. Ushers – 4 ushers will be used for the 9:30 a.m. masses.
      • Collection Baskets – No changes at this time; baskets will remain in the Narthex.
    1. The Communion Service, following 9:30 a.m. mass, will be discontinued
  1. Live Streaming of Mass
    1. We will continue to live stream mass each weekend and will add the Hispanic mass

ACTION ITEM:  Kathy Junker – Contact Francesco about training someone who attends the Hispanic Mass to operate live streaming of those masses.

  1. Mask & Social Distancing
    1. Masks are no longer required for people who have been fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated persons are still required to wear masks.
  2. Other Considerations (e.g., Holy Water, Rite of Communion Service, etc.)
    1. Holy Water will not be available for now.
    2. The Communion Service (that followed 9:30 a.m. mass) has been discontinued.
  3. Eucharistic Minister Requirements
    1. 2 for 8:00 a.m. Sunday mass. 4 for 4:00 p.m. Saturday and 9:30 a.m. Sunday masses.
  4. Usher Requirements, Collection, Presentation of Gifts
    1. Collection, Presentation of Gifts – No changes yet.
    2. 2 Ushers for Saturday masses and 8:00 a.m. Sunday mass. 4 for 9:30 a.m. mass.
  1. Feast of Corpus Christi Procession – Slawek:
    1. The procession has been rescheduled to be held after the 9:30 a.m. mass, Sunday June 6th. This is our first time holding this event.  We have decided to return to this traditional procession.
    2. There will be four stations; one will be led by the Hispanic Ministry.
      1. Pavilion
      2. Behind the Church
  • Outside of Office
  1. Outside of the Mechanical Room (outside, to the right of the main doors)
  2. There will be a small altar at each station.
  3. There will be a canopy carried by The Men of St. Francis and members of the Hispanic community. They will assist in moving people through the stations.
  • This event will be led by the various ministries in the future.


  1. Budget Submission/Finance Report – Marie Sullivan:
    1. The budget for FY 2021-2022 is just about completed and will be provided to ministry leads prior to July 1.
    2. Our income is doing okay and holding its own. The average contribution fell from $25/person to $17/person this past quarter.
    3. Budget spending/income updates must be requested from the Head of the Finance Council, not the bookkeeper.


  1. Liability Concerns for Volunteers Working – Bob Bell for Jean Stanley:
    1. NO WORK may be done by parishioners without prior authorization from Father, due to insurance liability concerns (plants in planters is permitted).


  1. Purchase Order Requirements (POs) – Bob Bell for Jean Stanley:
    1. Any outside vendors needed will require 3 bids PRIOR to contracting for services.
    2. Revised guidance for all purchases will be promulgated soon.



  1. Review of Lock-up Procedures – Bob Bell:
    1. Alarms – When entering/leaving the building, you MUST enter and exit the main door nearest the alarm panel. Use of any other door will cause the alarm to sound immediately.
    2. Alligators – There are alligators in the retention ponds. We have been told that Lofton Creek has many alligators and that we should expect that they will continue to come to the retention ponds near the church.  Please make sure your ministry members are aware of this and that everyone uses caution when near the ponds and on our grounds.
    3. Police – If you ever have any concerns regarding your safety at the church, you are welcome to call the police to have them drive through the church grounds and/or assist with concerns.


  1. Beautification Committee – Mary Flanagan:
    1. Father would like to have more plants/flowers in the church. These will need to be maintained.
    2. Banners for various seasons would also be added.
    3. Sally Brainerd will be chair of this new committee and is working on a policy. Volunteers will be needed to water and maintain these plants.  As of now, four people have volunteered to be part of the committee.  This is a good opportunity for the Confirmation students requiring competition of service projects.
    4. An online donation opportunity can be established. This is open to all parishioners (e.g., families and groups, as well as individuals).  This is an additional way to give back to the church.
    5. A budget will be established based on what Father wants; bids may be needed.  Sally would like the program up and running by September.  Text Sally at 619-252-4877 or email her at if interested in participating.

ACTION ITEM:  Sally to meet with Father to get his thoughts and preferences and to approve the policy and budget by late July.


  1. Father’s Day Breakfast – Mary Flanagan:
    1. Father’s Day breakfast will follow the 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. masses on Sunday, June 20th. Sign up sheets are in the Narthex.
    2. There will also be a Consecration of St. Joseph after the 9:30 a.m. mass on June 20 and will last approximately 15 minutes. Breakfast will still be available after this event.


  1. 2022 Catholic Calendars – Bob Bell: It is time to order new catholic calendars for 2022.  The cost will again be approximately $600.  John and Marie Sullivan have committed to purchasing for the next two years, through their business.


  1. Wildlight Status – Slawek: The diocese has done a growth study for the Wildlight development and expects tremendous growth.
    1. We are in the initial stages of our project.
    2. We know that we cannot take on the project on our own.  The bishop has committed to donation of the land and paying of at least 50% of the cost to make our move possible.  Details will follow once finalized.
    3. Estimated time for relocation is approximately two years.
    4. There is land for additional buildings, such as a school, but that would be a future project.
    5. Estimated seating will be approximately 700 people.
    6. The diocese will probably split the mortgage expense with us 50/50. Their total contribution will probably be approximately 65%.  It is very unusual to get so much assistance from the diocese.
    7. We are now a quasi-parish. The bishop can still control whether our parish remains open.  Once we are a full parish, they will no longer have this control.
    8. Again, information currently is still in the beginning stages and not yet formalized. The bottom line – we ARE moving.


  1. Ministry Highlights – Any Ministry Chairs:
    1. Altar ServersJohn Sullivan: Additional details and requirements will follow as things are formalized.
    2. Liturgy (Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors)Vivian Paskowski:
      1. Refresher EM training course – Training plans are to combine with the Hispanic Ministry. Fall timeframe is being considered; however, the Hispanic Ministry has a more immediate need for the training.  More information to follow.
      2. EM positions will be opened on Google Sheets this week.
  • EMs for the homebound – This is starting up again; however, individuals participating must receive the mandatory training.

ACTION ITEM:  Schedule EM training.  This should be coordinated with the Hispanic Ministry.

  1. MusicBeth Jurovcik: Beth would like the links for the books on an app for phones.
    1. Jackie Sanchez is starting up a youth group.
  2. UshersSteve Borusovic: Nothing to add
  3. Religious EducationLiz Milo/Victoria Blackwell: Liz thanked everyone for their assistance with Holy Communion, Confirmation and Baptisms.
    1. Victoria will be handing out a brochure in the narthex after masses, looking for volunteers for next year. Enrollment is expected to be larger than this past year.
  4. RCIA & GeneralDeacon Tom: RCIA is now done.  The call-in rosary is still being done daily.
  5. Deacon Brian: Nothing to report.
  6. CharitiesKathy Waldrop: Gracie’s Kitchen is in desperate need of cat and dog food.
    1. A more permanent drop area for donations needs to be established

Action Item – Establish an area dedicated to pet food donations.

  1. Veteran’s – There is a Memorial Day Celebration for veterans who died this past year. Both Wayne Munson and Dr. W. Patrick Monaghan will be honored.  The event is planned for Memorial Day, at 12th & Atlantic, Fernandina Beach, at approximately noon.
  1. Social EventsCathy McKnight: Events will basically stay the same, with the possibility of one or two added events.  Bingo is still going on the 2nd Friday of the month.
  2. Family – Julie & Jerry Kara: Absent – No comments provided
  3. Hispanic – Ismael Hernandez and Armando Rodriguez: Ismael wants to integrate the Hispanic Ministry with the other ministries and is currently working on a plan.  They are also working on developing a structure of how things should be done to maintain consistency.
  4. Men’s Activities (MOSF) – John Sullivan: Final Bash is June 3rd; low-country boil by Deacon Brian.  The group will then be off for two months.  All men are invited.
  5. Human Life & DignityKevin & Mary Thompson/Erie Santiago: Thompsons will be moving out of state and are looking for replacements.  There will be a baby bottle drive in October.
  6. Women’s Activities – Mary Flanagan: The group is now off for the summer; next meeting will be in September.  They will continue to try to have speakers at the Saturday meetings.
  7. Building – Ashley Powell: Nothing is planned for at least the next couple of months.  Ashley will be meeting with Father regarding Wildlight.
  8. Business Manager – Bob Bell for Jean Stanley: Comments have already been provided.
  9. Volunteers – Gene Hudak: Transition in ministry chairs – make sure to get your keys to Gene or Robin if you are an outgoing chairperson.
  10. Finance Council – Marie Sullivan: No additional comments.
  11. Spirituality –Marcella & Tom Claridge:
    1. Father’s Day, June 20th – A Prayer Basket for loved ones will be set out for parishioners to write the names of Fathers to be remembered, as was done for Mother’s Day.
    2. FORMED – This continues to be a great source of spiritual growth.
  • The Year of St. Joseph: Consecration to St. Joseph – we have sold approximately 100 books.  Approximately 30 people are attending the evening sessions.
  1. Looking to expand leadership of the Spirituality activities. There will be an organizational meeting in mid-June to brainstorm ideas. Current volunteers to lead these areas include:
    1. Ami Gold – Sunday Rosary
    2. Lorraine Carson – Book Club
    3. Sandy Pineault – Prayer Chain
    4. Angela Sukotsky – Lord Teach Me to Pray – We are looking for more people in leadership to reduce the responsibility of the ministry lead and to create opportunities for new offerings and approaches.
  2. Eucharistic Congress is June 4th & 5th. This year it will be split into two sessions.  The Jacksonville session will be on the 5th.
  1. Practical Discussion and Tasking:
  1. Tasks for next meeting – Fr. Slawek: After summer, we will focus on planning for our future.  It is VERY important to get calendar items for the upcoming year turned in no later than June 30th.
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, September 21st, 2021, at

6:30 p.m.

  1. Conclusion:
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek: Father thanked everyone for all that they are doing.
  3. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  4. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

January 26, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Fr. Slawek Bielasiewicz, Bob Bell, Beth Jurovcik, Gabriella (substitute for Tony Garcia), Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Walt Paskowski, Vivian Paskowski, Julie Kara, Ashley Powell, Steve Borusovic, Deacon Brian Campbell, Deacon Tom Healy, Jean Stanley, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Liz Milo, Gene Hudak, John Sullivan, Marie Sullivan, and Kathy Junker.

Absent: None

I. Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome and introduction of new attendee Marie Sullivan, Finance Council Chair and Gabriella, Tony Garcia’s daughter, representing the Hispanic Ministry.
  3. Opening Remarks by Fr. Slawek: Father acknowledged that a parishioner anonymously donated money to purchase food for dinner tonight and gave thanks for their generosity.

II. Old Business:

  1. Calendar Maintenance – Bob Bell: Scheduling continues to be somewhat of a problem. People are still trying to request space at the last minute. Everything MUST be scheduled in advance and put on the calendar maintained by the Secretary. If it is not, the meeting or event will not be allowed to be held. Beth requested that Sunday events for the Quiet Room not be held before 11:10 a.m. This will allow for the Children’s Choir to finish their rehearsals and clean up the room.
  2. Live Streaming of Mass – Fr. Slawek: Mass has now been set up to be viewed on YouTube. Click the link on our website and then click “subscribe.” Father encouraged everyone to subscribe (no charge). YouTube allows access to additional features once we reach 1,000 subscribers.

III. New Business:

  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Slawek/All Ministries
    1. Liturgical Events
      1. St. Blaze Blessing of the throats – Feb. 3rd: This year there will be no candles or touching; only a general blessing.
      2. Ash Wednesday – Feb. 17th: Masses will be at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. This year ashes will not be placed on foreheads; blessed ashes will be sprinkled on the head of everyone attending.
      3. Palm Sunday – Mar 28th: Regular mass schedule. Additional readers will be needed for each mass. Palms will be blessed at the pavilion, followed by a procession into the church. Parishioners are asked not to bring in the old palms from last year as we cannot accept items from households due to COVID restrictions. Parishioners are to dispose of the old palms themselves by burning.
      4. Holy Thursday – Apr 1st: Mass will be at 7:00 p.m. There will not be any washing of feet.
      5. Good Friday – Apr 2nd: Passion of Our Lord and Veneration of the Cross will be at 3:00 p.m. There will not be any kissing/touching of the cross instead bowing to the cross is acceptable.
      6. Easter Vigil – Apr 3rd: Mass will begin at 8:30 p.m.
      7. Easter Sunday – Apr 4th: Masses will be at 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. An Easter Egg Hunt may be held after the 9:30 a.m. mass, Family Ministry is to host it.
    2. Stations of the Cross
      1. Every Friday during Lent. Time: 6:30 p.m.
      2. Ministries will lead and provide 2 altar servers and cross-bearer (if used):
        1. Feb. 19th – Fr. Slawek and Ushers w/1 reader (Paskowskis) and 2 altar servers (John Sullivan)
        2. Feb. 26th – Men of St. Francis (MOSF)
        3. Mar 5th – Lectors
        4. Mar 12th – RCIA
        5. Mar 19th – Hispanic Community
        6. Mar 26th – Women’s Koffee Klatch
    3. Parish Confessions – Tuesday, March 16th at 6:30 p.m. Fr. Slawek, Fr. Jose, Fr. Bui, Fr. Hernandez will hear confessions.
    4. Covering of Cross, etc. – Mary Flanagan: Items will be covered on Holy Thursday, after the 7:00 p.m. mass. Mary is making new coverings.
    5. Altar of Repose – MOSF will set it up; flowers will be ordered by Mary Flanagan.
    6. Fish Fry – Cathy McKnight/John Sullivan: 4:00 p.m. every Friday night during Lent. Dinners may be picked up or eaten in the pavilion. They will also be available for pick up to take home, immediately following Stations of the Cross.
    7. Reception for RCIA Following Easter Vigil – Deacon Tom: There are 4 candidates. Nothing is planned yet.
      1. ACTION ITEM: Deacon Tom and Liz Milo will work together to determine a later date for the reception.
  2. Impact of COVID Pandemic on Ministry Events and Mass Attendance – Bob Bell:
    1. If people have colds or are sick, please stay home.
    2. Most of the masses are remaining under the 125-attendee limit. Attendance at the

9:30 a.m. mass is too high. This mass is intended for families with children. If people have flexibility, they should try to attend one of the other masses.

      1. ACTION ITEM: Bob Bell – Prepare a handout to be distributed with the Bulletins in the next week or two reemphasizing the requirements for attendance at Mass as a result of COVID.
    1. Are there any meetings or events we should cancel? No one responded. Bob stressed that any meetings or events MUST enforce the Social Distancing rules: Maintain a six-foot separation between families (people from the same household) and wear masks.
  1. Sanitizing of Facilities after a Ministry Event – Jean Stanley: Jean gave a demonstration of a Sanitation Spray bottle. The sanitation spray follows CDC guidelines. The canister is kept on the shelf inside the kitchen. The “recipe” is on the canister. Tables and bathrooms should be sprayed before and after each meeting or event.
  2. Plans for 5th Anniversary Event – Cathy McKnight: This event has been postponed until Sunday, October 3rd (celebration of the Feast of St. Francis).
  3. Finance Report – Marie Sullivan: We are down approximately $60,000 this year, when compared to last year; this is a shortfall of roughly $1,000/week. Average attendance is almost half of what it was last year; however, the average contribution has increased from $15.81/contributor to $20.23/contributor.
  4. Ministry Highlights – Any Ministry Chairs (Bob asked to limit comments for this meeting):
    1. Spirituality –Marcella Claridge:
      1. Marcella thanked Father for speaking to the Lord Teach Me to Pray class. A total of 22 women are attending the Monday evening and Tuesday morning sessions.
      2. FORMED now has 140 participating. Marcella encouraged everyone to spread the information about this great program. Our website has information as well.
      3. The Year of St. Joseph: Consecration to St. Joseph begins Wednesday, February 10th through most of Lent. Everyone is welcome to join. The St. Joseph Table and Consecration will be on Friday, March 19th, with Deacon Tom providing the word and a communion service.
      4. National Marriage Week: Fr. Slawek will provide a blessing to couples celebrating milestone anniversaries at all masses on February 13th & 14th.
      5. World Day of the Sick: Thursday, February 11th, we will dedicate Adoration to the healing of the sick on this feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
    2. Charity – Kathy Waldrop: Submitted a written report addressing the following:
      1. Donations to the YUM Food Pantry: In addition to our weekly food donations, SFA contributed $1,107.47 in cash last year (from the Food Pantry box in the Narthex). The money is used to purchase produce, meat, and dairy products. Our religious education program (PREP) donated approximately 150 pounds of canned goods, collected for use in their luminaries.
      2. Heart to Heart Cards: In 2020, over 150 cards were sent out. This includes 78 new parishioners, as well as RCIA candidates and those who made their first communion or were confirmed. Cards to new parishioners are now being sent 60 – 90 days after registration to welcome them, as well as to see how they are doing at St. Francis. A second sympathy card is also being sent to families 90 days after the first card was sent to them.

IV. Practical Discussion and Tasking:

  1. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

V. Conclusion:

  1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek: Father thanked everyone for all that they are doing. The Bishop and parishioners noticed the positive work of the ministries. Father also encouraged everyone to go to YouTube (via the link on our website) and click “subscribe.”
  2. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

November 17, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Fr. Slawek Bielasiewicz, Bob Bell, Beth Jurovcik, Tony Garcia, Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Walt Paskowski, Wayne Munson, Julie Kara, Ashley Powell, Steve Borusovic, Deacon Brian Campbell, and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Deacon Tom Healy, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, John Sullivan, and Liz Milo.

I. Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome and introduction of new attendee for Gene Hudak, Volunteer Coordinator Ministry Chair.
  3. Opening Remarks by Fr. Slawek: Father thanked everyone for coming. He is happy with the calendar and appreciates everyone’s assistance with it.

II. Old Business:

  1. Mass of Remembrance – Bob Bell for Ann Mitchell: All went well. Going forward names will be announced at a different time within the mass.
  2. Calendar Inputs – Bob Bell: Please make sure that Robin knows when your ministry will require space.
  3. 2021 Catholic Calendars – Bob Bell: A parishioner who wishes to be anonymous, paid for the calendars this year. The calendars have arrived and will be distributed after masses on the weekend of December 12th and 13th.
  4. Bazaar Wrap-up – Cathy McKnight: Cathy was pleased with the $2,100 in sales, as the bazaar had to be held online due to COVID.

III. New Business:

  1. Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass Schedule – Fr. Slawek: A vigil mass will be celebrated on Monday, December 7th, at 7:00 p.m. and a morning mass on Tuesday, December 8th, at 9:00 a.m.
  2. Preparations for Advent and Christmas
    1. Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule – Bob Bell: The Christmas Eve Children’s Mass will be celebrated at 4:00 p.m., followed by the Adult Mass at 6:00 p.m. The Christmas Day mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m.
    2. Streaming of Christmas Mass – Fr. Slawek: We have purchased equipment and will begin to do limited live streaming. A practice run will be done during one of the masses (TBD) for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Streaming will only be live. Father does not want them recorded for now. We will also consider using the Pavilion as overflow with a monitor streaming the live mass. Using a link on the website will be the preferred method of streaming; however, no final plan is in place at this time. This is still in the experimental stage.
    3. COVID constraints on the number of attendees – Bob Bell: To comply with Diocese guidelines, chairs are set up and arranged in the church for 125 people; this includes 10 people in the Quiet Room. People should not move the chairs or set up more chairs. Families/people from the same household should not sit with other families/people. 9:30 a.m. mass is beginning to be over-crowded; 4:00 p.m. is increasing in attendance but has not yet gone beyond capacity. In summary, please work with us.
    4. Advent Wreath – Mary Flanagan: The first weekend of Advent is November 28th and 29th. We will be able to use the large pillar candles from last year. Candle holders are beneath the candles to catch possible drips. The ribbons will be replaced.
    5. Children’s Christmas Mass – Cathy McKnight/Julie Kara/Mary Flanagan: Cathy has a sleigh and Santa sack; Julie will provide treat bags. After mass, the children will be called forward to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus (Mary will provide the cake without candles); the Deacons will pass out treat bags to the children.
    6. Decorating the church – Mary Flanagan: The Women’s group will be responsible for getting and setting up the trees. Liz Milo is bringing a tree for the PREP party on December 16th and will remain in the Narthex during the Christmas season. The church will be decorated on the 20th after the 9:30 a.m. mass.
    7. Fr. Slawek: A cross has been made by one of our parishioners and will be mounted on the exterior entrance of the church by the Hispanic Community.
  3. Our Lady of Guadalupe – Saturday, December 12thTony Garcia: The event will be handled the same as last year. Bishop Estevez is the celebrant for the mass; Fr. Gil Hernandez will be the con-celebrant. Food is being catered and will be served outside, following mass. Those attending the 4:00 p.m. mass will be allowed to park in the parking lot. The lot will be closed off after mass to set up for the event.
  4. RCIA – Bob Bell for Deacon Tom Healy: Candidates will participate in the Rite of Acceptance Sunday, November 29th, at the 9:30 a.m. mass.
  5. PREP (Religious Education) – Bob Bell for Liz Milo: There are no classes on November 25th, December 23rd, or December 30th. There will be a Christmas party for PREP teachers on Friday, December 4th, at 6:00 p.m.; it will require the use of the entire building. Results of the PREP Respect Life Contest will be announced in an upcoming bulletin (TBD).
  6. Women’s Activities – Koffee Klatch – Mary Flanagan: The next meeting and luncheon will be held on Saturday, December 5th, at 10:00 a.m. Fr. Slawek will be the guest speaker.
  7. Salvation Army Bell Ringers – Bob Bell: Bell ringers will be at the Yulee Walmart. All volunteer slots have been filled. Thank you to all who volunteered their precious time.
  8. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs:
    1. Charity – Kathleen Waldrop: The blanket drive was a great success. Those who received the blankets were extremely thankful. Angel Tree had 246 requests for gifts we have 90 tags left over as of now. Charity will donate the funds to cover any of the remaining tags.
    2. Liturgy – Walt & Vivian Paskowski: There are 27 people signed up as Lectors. A mission and procedures have been established. The recent Lector training was well attended and received by participants.
    3. Family Follow Me – Julie Kara: There will be a gathering at the Timbercreek Clubhouse, Sunday, December 6th at 3:00 p.m.
    4. Building – Ashley Powell: Signs have been erected on the church grounds regarding speed, parking, and trespassing.
    5. Fundraising – Wayne Munson: There is currently no capital fundraising. The necessity for an increase in contributions should be discussed next year.
    6. Volunteer Coordinator – Gene Hudak: Gene stated that he is still learning the ropes. There are no other items.
    7. Pastoral Council – Bob Bell: Building keys and alarm – Keyholders entering the building MUST use the far-right door when entering and leaving. Opening any other door will trip the alarm. Calls from the alarm company were made four weeks in a row. Make sure that the entire building is empty when leaving and that the interior chapel door is locked.
    8. Hispanic Community – Tony Garcia: Pictures of Fr. Gil Hernandez with the children will be in an upcoming bulletin.
    9. Music – Beth Jurovcik: Beth stated that she is trying to get the program up and running again. There are now both a children’s choir and a youth choir. The new hymnals will be handed out on the weekend of November 28th and 29th.
    10. Ushers – Steve Borusovic: There is a great, new interest in ushering; however, everyone wants to usher at the 9:30 a.m. mass. Some of the existing ushers are now returning as well.
    11. Spirituality – Deacon Brian for Tom & Marcella Claridge: FORMED has been renewed for another year; there are many positive reviews on its content. The Daily Reflections are excellent! Secret Santa Prayer Partners will return for Advent. Anyone interested in participating may pick up a name after all masses, the weekend of November 28th and 29th. The intent is for a prayerful advent. Next year is the consecration to St. Joseph. The Lord Teach Me to Pray women’s group will complete the third and final session in December. The “Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life” bible study has been well received.
    12. Wedding – Deacon Brian: Susie Bryant is our new wedding coordinator. She did a great job with her first wedding! We have new curtains for the Quiet Room, to allow for privacy for the bride and her attendants. There are two more weddings scheduled for May 2021.
    13. Social Events – Cathy McKnight: The annual craft bazaar is now done. A church store is being set up; there is no date set for it at this time. Upcoming events are as follows:
      1. Bingo: December 11th
      2. Cookie Exchange: December 19th and 20th
      3. Bingo: January 8th
      4. Ladies Tea: January 17th
      5. Chili Cookoff: January 31st
      6. Parish Picnic: March (TBD)

IV. Practical Discussion and Tasking:

  1. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held on January 26, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. and will cover Lent and Easter Planning.

V. Conclusion:

  1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek:
  2. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  3. The closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek and the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

September 1, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Fr. Slawek Bielasiewicz, Bob Bell, Deacon Tom Healy, Tony Garcia, John Sullivan, Cathy McKnight, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Walt Paskowski, Vivian Paskowski, Pat Deacon, Wayne Munson, , Ashley Powell, Julie Kara, Steve Borusovic, Deacon Brian Campbell, Liz Milo, and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Joe Dzwilefsky, Beth Jurovcik

I. Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome and introduction of new attendees was made for Fr. Slawek, new Ministry Chairs: Beth Jurovcik, Music and Walt and Vivian Paskowski, Liturgy.
  3. Opening Remarks by Fr. Slawek: This is a good time to prepare for when everyone returns. We are going to begin publishing our calendar in the weekly bulletin. It is extremely important to get Father’s authorization prior to an event and to be considerate of space and availability.

II. Old Business:

  1. Review of Action Items from the February 4, 2020 Pastoral Council meeting by Bob Bell:
  2. Building Signage Project – Ashley Powell: The interior signs are up. Ashley still needs to locate someone to erect the exterior signs.
      1. John Sullivan volunteered MOSF to assist with this project.
  3. Security Inspection Open Items – Ashley Powell: Exterior lighting has been completed. The light timer has been updated for easier use. As of now, lights will come on at 7:00 p.m. and go off at 7:00 a.m.

III. New Business:

  1. Dealing with COVID-19 – Fr. Slawek: We will continue to follow diocesan requirements and the guidelines we developed. The diocese has not made any changes as of now.
  2. Review of upcoming events – Bob Bell:
    1. PREP Classes begin September 9th – Liz Milo
    2. RCIA begins September 14th – Deacon Tom
    3. Mint Magazine – September issue – Lyndan Maron created the cover and the half-page ad for the middle of this issue. The cover features our church for the feast of St. Francis and Blessing of the Animals; the ad features our upcoming bazaar.
    4. Blessing of Animals – Saturday & Sunday, October 3rd & 4th at 12:00 p.m. – Fr. Slawek and the Deacons
    5. Mass of Remembrance – November 2nd – Ann Mitchell is coordinator.
  3. Review of Ministry Plans and Calendar – All:
    1. Charity – The Needlework Group will now be part of Charity.
    2. Eucharistic Ministry – This ministry will now include lectors, eucharistic ministers and home-bound ministers.
    3. Plans and Calendar – Ministry Plans were reviewed and the need for some revisions was discussed. Copies of the Ministry Plans were given to the Secretary. Plans needing revision are to be submitted within the week.
  4. Bazaar – Mary Flanagan and Cathy McKnight: An ad will be in the news paper September 9th and 11th. The entire event is online this year, due to COVID-19. It begins September 12th and ends October 24th.
  5. Finance Report – Fr. Slawek: Budgets for FY2020-2021 were sent out to all Ministry Chairs.
  6. 2021 Catholic Calendar Sponsorship Bob Bell: One sponsor is needed for the calendars; cost is $600. Due to space constraints, only one sponsor may be used.
  7. Mint Magazine Advertising – Bob Bell: Lyndan Maron created the cover and the half-page ad for the middle of the September issue. The cover features our church for the feast of St. Francis and Blessing of the Animals; the ad features our upcoming bazaar.
  8. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs:
    1. Sacristans – Ann Mitchell: The book kept in the sacristy needs to be updated to reflect current ministry chairperson contact information.
    2. MOSF – John Sullivan: Meetings will be on the 1st Thursday of each month and will include dinner and a guest speaker.
    3. Altar Servers – John Sullivan: Servers will slowly begin again:
      1. Adults – weekday masses
      2. Children – weekend masses
      3. Women – are now welcome to join
    4. Eucharistic Ministers – Walt & Vivian Paskowski: This ministry now includes eucharistic ministers, lectors, and home-bound ministry. All lectors will be contacted to confirm their continued interest.
    5. Ushers – Steve Borusovic: More ushers are needed; we are down by 50%.
    6. PREP (Religious Education) – Liz Milo: There are ten classes this year, made up of grades 1 through 8, as well as two “bridging classes” (i.e. students without past religious education). There are 18 teachers and 48 students as of today.
    7. RCIA – Tom Healy: There are currently two people signed up for the program and seven team members. There are also several children who will be baptized next spring.
    8. Weddings – Brain Campbell: Susie Bryant is coordinator for this ministry. She is working on setting up a Bride’s Room (Quiet Room to be used). There are currently two upcoming weddings scheduled: One in October and one in May.
    9. Charity – Kathleen Waldrop: $2,400 was donated to Gracie’s Kitchen during the past fiscal year. St. Francis volunteers help serve dinners at Gracie’s twice a month. There is a request for small bags of dry cat and dog food (smaller bags are easier for volunteers to handle).
    10. Social Events – Cathy McKnight: Bingo will now be held at St. Francis. The first event will be for bingo’s 6th anniversary, Sunday, September 20th, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Regular monthly bingo will now be held on the 2nd Friday of each month beginning October 9th. Past monthly attendance was approximately 40 to 60 people.
    11. Family & Youth – Julie Kara: There will be a potluck on the 1st Sunday in October. There will be a bounce house for the children.
    12. Hispanic Community – Tony Garcia: Weather permitting, there will be an outdoor mass (and possibly a social gathering to follow) in October.
    13. Spirituality – Tom & Marcella Claridge: Devotions, rosary and adoration have resumed. Deacon Tom is establishing virtual rosary sessions as a new outreach program. Those wishing to participate will just need to call in to join (a separate telephone number has been assigned for virtual sessions). Rosaries will be led by Deacon Tom or volunteers. A letter will be sent by Fr. Slawek to welcome all members of St. Francis (date still to be determined). Gregorian Chants have been added as background music during adoration. Book Club begins again this week. The 3rd and final session of Lord Teach Me to Pray will be on Monday evenings, in the chapel, beginning in September and will continue for 14 weeks. Eight women have signed up for the session. Fall bible study will be a video program, entitled “Jesus: The Way, the Truth and the Life”, beginning September 30th, from 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., for 10 weeks.
    14. Women’s Activities – Mary Flanagan: Monthly meetings will now alternate on Thursdays and Saturdays. This month’s meeting will be held under the pavilion, on Thursday, September 3rd. The next meeting will be held on the 1st Saturday in October. Saturday meetings will now include a guest speaker. Sgt. Charlie Lucas will address Child Trafficking, at the October meeting. Fr. Slawek may speak at the December meeting. There will also be a retreat on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit; date to be determined.
    15. Building – Ashley Powell: Nothing more than addressed at the beginning of this meeting.
    16. Business Manager – Jean Stanley: Nothing more than addressed at the beginning of this meeting.
    17. Fundraising – Wayne Munson: Wayne reviewed the original $2,100,000 construction project for St. Francis’s current building. Changes will be necessary in the future. There must be a willingness to engage and talk with people. St. Francis must continue to operate, as well as plan for a new building. Estate gifts, online giving and the amount currently contributed by all parishioners should be considered.
    18. Volunteers – Joe Dzwilefsky by Bob Bell: Walt and Vivian Paskowski will need a key and code for building access, as well as Protecting God’s Children training, if necessary.
    19. Website and Facebook – Bob Bell: These are great places for parish information. All ministries should make a strong effort to provide pictures from their meetings or events for these sites.

IV. Practical Discussion and Tasking:

  1. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00 p.m. and will cover Advent and Christmas.

V. Conclusion:

  1. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek: Please be sure to get calendar items to Robin as soon as possible. A review of monthly finances, as well as the exterior lighting project, has been done. There are no updates from the diocese as of now; ministry chairs will be kept up to date. Father thanked everyone for attending the meeting, sharing information and their service.
  2. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

February 4, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Fr. Rafal Mazurowski, Bob Bell, Deacon Tom Healy, Joe Dzwilefsky, Tony Garcia, John Kennedy, Rosanne Jameson, John Sullivan, Cathy McKnight, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Ashley Powell, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Ellen Harper, Pat Deacon, Wayne Munson, Susan Altman, Julie Kara, Bob Eggleston and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Deacon Brian Campbell, Jean Stanley, Liz Milo, Steve Borusovic.

I. The Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer was led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome and introduction of new attendees was made for new Family Ministry Chairs, Julie and Jerry Kara
  3. Opening Remarks by Fr. Rafal: The Souperbowl Drive was a big success! $111.00 plus a gift card of an unknown amount was donated. Special thanks to all who contributed!

II. Old Business:

  1. Review of Action Items from the September 24, 2019 Pastoral Council meeting by Bob Bell:
  2. Implementation of the Welcome Table – Bob Bell: The Welcome Table has been implemented and is off to a very successful start. The Welcome Table includes a pictorial “Every Family has a Story”, revised registration forms, and new pamphlets for our ministries and RCIA. It would be helpful to have the ushers greet and welcome new people and show them the Welcome Table. This is now a closed item.
  3. Establishment of the Altar Flowers Committee – Rosanne Jameson: Thanks to those who assisted with maintaining poinsettias during the Christmas season. Anyone interested in helping to maintain flowers is welcome to join this committee.
  4. Safe and Sacred Environment Committee – Ashley Powell and Wayne Munson: We received approval of a grant for improvements to our security cameras; they will be installed this month. Additional signage was also approved and has been ordered. We did not receive the requested grant for improving exterior lighting; however, we are still planning to make improvements.
  5. Feasibility of a Valentine’s Day Social Event – Cathy McKnight: No plans were made for a Valentine’s Day event this year. The proposal will be revisited for next year.
  6. Addition of Pavilion to Scheduling Calendar – Kathy Junker: Anyone who wishes to use the pavilion should contact the office to reserve a date and time. We expect to have increased demand for its use going forward.
  7. Rotation of Ministry Leads – Bob Bell: Leads (Chairs) are supposed to commit to a three-year term; however, this schedule is not working. Leads whose terms are ending, or who are leaving their positions early, must contact Bob Bell and Fr. Rafal. They may not assign their own replacements but can make recommendations to Fr. Rafal. Anyone with an interest in leading a ministry must be made aware of any opportunities. Those who intend to leave their positions soon should give Bob Bell and Fr. Rafal at least two months’ notice.

III. New Business:

  1. Preparations for Easter Season – Fr. Rafal and Bob Bell/All Ministries:
    1. Liturgical Events:
      1. Ash Wednesday – Masses at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
      2. Palm Sunday – announcements and bulletin notices will be made requesting old palms to be burned for ashes. Additional palms will be ordered this year for distribution at Palm Sunday masses. Palm baskets will be made again this year. Wendy Edwards will oversee this project. Palm crosses and flowers will also be made; Mary Flanagan will address this item at the next Women’s Koffee Klatch meeting.
      3. Holy Thursday – 7:00 p.m. mass (No 9:00 a.m. mass). The washing of feet will take place. Marcella Claridge will have 12 people to participate (sign-up sheets will be made available). Chairs will be provided for participants needing special assistance. There will also be adoration in the chapel following mass, until midnight.
      4. Good Friday – 3:00 p.m. service; no music other than 1 cantor (acapella); followed by 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross; no soup and bread will be served.
      5. Easter Vigil – This will be longer than usual, as we will have our first RCIA candidates participating. A reception for the candidates will follow, in the Cry/Quiet Room.
      6. Easter Sunday – There will be 2 masses: 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. – indoors only. Family Ministry will host an egg hunt, following the 10:00 a.m. mass.
    2. Stations of the Cross – Tom Claridge: There will be 7 Fridays in Lent, including Good Friday. Volunteers are needed to assist. There WILL be stations on Good Friday at 7:00 p.m., but no soup and bread. An email will be sent by Spirituality requesting sign up for leading stations and coordinating the soup and bread.
    3. Parish Penance Service – April 7th at 7:00 p.m. The service will be in the same format as in the past.
    4. Covering of Crosses and Tomb of Repose:
      1. Crosses, etc. – These must be covered by the 5th Sunday of Lent (March 29th); this will probably be done on Saturday, March 28th. Mary Flanagan has lead on this effort.
      2. Tomb of Repose – The ministries rotate setting this up in the chapel. The Men of St. Francis (MOSF) will lead this year and set up on Tuesday, April 7th. Women’s Activities will be responsible for ordering the flowers. A copy of previous flower orders may be obtained from the office. Flowers must be moved to the altar Saturday morning, April 11th. John Sullivan is coordinator for this effort.
    5. Ash Wednesday Fish Fry – Tickets for the fish fry (adults $12/children under 10 years of age $6) may be purchased after masses the weekend of February 22nd/23rd or at the door; dine-in or take-out; 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  2. Finance Report – Bob Eggleston:

Balance Sheet:

As of the mid-point in the 2019-2020 fiscal year, we have totally replaced SunTrust as our primary bank, and have established 3 separate bank accounts at Wells Fargo – the Operating Account, a Restricted Funds account and a Ministry/Association account.

Income and Expense Activity Report:

Offertory Income exceeded budget by $25,000, primarily as a result of increased average giving. Attendance came in as budgeted, but the average gift exceeded budget by $1.80 per attendee.

Although not budgeted, we collected some $10,365 in Restricted Fund donations.

Resident Clergy Benefits were lower than budgeted, as Fr. Rafal’s sabbatical expenses were lower than budgeted. Parish Health Insurance payments did not occur since the previous Music Director left Diocesan employment at the start of the fiscal year. No other employee qualified for employee Health Care expenses during the first half of the fiscal year. We will begin to see some Health Care expenses as our current Music Director has become a full-time employee of the Diocese. We will share in her benefit costs with the other parish where she is employed.

We continue to underspend/over-budget Operations Repairs and Maintenance Expenses. Utility costs have been above budget, while telephone/technology expenses are below budget, due to delayed software conversion expense (PDS to ParishSoft) as directed by the Diocese.

Ministry Expenses have generally been much lower than budgeted as most Ministries are not delivering on their budgeted activities.

All in all, we spent $33,466 less than budgeted in Expenses for the first half of Fiscal Year 2020.

Cash Flow:

With Net Income of $33,466 and Depreciation Expenses of $57,185, the Net Cash from Operations amounted to $90,651.

  1. Social Events Plan for 4th Anniversary Event on March 15, 2020 – Cathy McKnight:
    1. Parish Picnic – Sunday, March 15th from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    2. Same format as previous year; Chili Cook-off (limit 12 contestants)
    3. Men of St. Francis (MOSF) – will help set-up smaller tents and tables
    4. Children’s Activities – Cathy suggested that Family Ministry take charge of this area. We do not have many children who attend. We will have the face painter again.
    5. The Hispanic Community is encouraged to join this event
    6. Live entertainment – possibly have someone each hour; different varieties of music to be performed; possibly a comedian
    7. Raffle – same as last year
    8. Bingo – inside
    9. Food – hamburgers, hot dogs, pulled pork, chips, French fries, cookies
    10. Beer – Cathy will order; Bob suggested canned beer instead – agreed upon; MOSF will serve
  2. Altar Servers Status – John Sullivan: Training was held and went well. We have some new servers. There are some changes taking place at 9:30 a.m. mass; 4:00 p.m. will be next in line. John would like to start having children serve at 8:00 a.m. masses.
  3. St. Clair Early Learning Center – Bob Bell: The learning center is in the process of being constructed in Wildlight and is scheduled to open in August 2020.
  4. Name of Street Results – Bob Bell: The street name works in conjunction with the St. Clair Early Learning Center. The most popular name suggested was St. Francis Way. The street must be named in time for the St. Clair Early Learning Center opening in the Fall of 2020 and we will not be able to keep the name at our current location if we choose to use St. Francis Way. The next most popular name was Franciscan Lane and will be a better choice for Wildlight, given the circumstances.
  5. Mint Magazine Advertising – Bob Bell: Our church will be featured on the back cover of the March 2020 issue, addressing our four-year anniversary. The September 2020 cover will feature our church for the feast of St. Francis and blessing of the animals. The cover is required to be simple in its design. The September issue will also include an internal half-page ad.
  6. Emailing scams – Bob Bell/Fr. Rafal: One of our ministry chairs received a fraudulent email claiming to be from Fr. Rafal asking for money. Father stressed that these emails should be ignored and that he would NEVER ask for money. A pulpit announcement will be made to further stress this point to the congregation.
  7. Baby Bottle Campaign for St. Gerard’s – Bob Bell: The ending date coincides with Palm Sunday. We do NOT want any extra collections on that weekend. The dates of this campaign may need to be adjusted at St. Francis. St. Gerard’s is also holding their own Angel Tree program to obtain needy items. The name will cause confusion with the Angel Tree program we run at Christmas time so is not acceptable.

ACTION ITEM: Discuss the St. Gerard’s Angel Tree program with Fr. Rafal.

  1. Narthex – Bob Bell/Fr. Rafal: The Narthex is becoming a dumping ground for cards and other items. Signage and donation boxes are being left longer than necessary. There is no room available for relevant displays. Items placed on display must be coordinated by Ministry Chairs and be approved by Fr. Rafal. Nothing should be left in place for extended periods.
  2. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs:
    1. Respect Life – Rosanne Jameson: There will be an ice cream social for the Religious Education students on April 19th for their participation in the Respect Life Poster Contest. The Women’s Help Center Gala fundraiser is Tuesday, May 12th. Candace Owens is the featured guest speaker. Tickets may be purchased for tables of ten.
    2. 2020 Florida Eucharistic Congress – Fr. Rafal: This important event will be held May 14th through 16th, at the Prime Osborn Convention Center, in Jacksonville.
    3. RCIA – Deacon Tom: Four of the five Sundays of Lent are devoted to RCIA and will take place during the 9:30 a.m. masses. The Rite of Sending Forth is March 1st, followed by the Three Scrutinies on March 15th, 22nd and 29th.
    4. Spirituality – Marcella and Tom Claridge:
      1. Holy Thursday – sign-up sheets will be available for washing of the feet.
      2. Stations of the Cross – Notice will be sent to all ministries to choose a week to lead the stations each Friday night during Lent. Each group will be responsible for leading the stations and providing soup and bread for 25 – 30 people.
      3. FORMED is up and running, with approximately 75 people signed up at this time; everyone is encouraged to join. The program is free and is a great resource!
      4. Delving with Donuts “Why We Believe” was very successful. The series “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass” is currently underway.
      5. The study on Romans begins February 5th; 15 people are signed up; this is an 8-week session.
      6. The movie to address human trafficking, “The Price of Free” will be shown February 8th.
      7. Thursday Adoration has been extended to a full hour (9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.).
      8. Spirituality would like to expand Delving with Donuts, possibly after 4:00 p.m. masses, and would need a volunteer to run these sessions.
      9. During Lent, Delving with Donuts will feature “No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion”.
      10. Book Club will discuss “Prodigal Son”, by Henri Nouwen.
      11. The St. Joseph’s Table will honor the Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 19th. Coffee and Dessert will be served. Food collected will be sent to Gracie’s Kitchen.
    5. Women – Mary Flanagan: Women’s Activities is looking to add more speakers to their meetings, to expand interest. The first speaker discussed addiction and was very well received! This month’s meeting will address insurance needs. A speaker who will address the topic of adoption is also being organized.
    6. Liturgy – Ellen Harper: Training for lectors will be arranged soon.
    7. Fundraising – Wayne: Nothing new to add.
    8. Building – Ashley Powell: Safety issues as discussed earlier.
    9. Charity – Kathleen Waldrop: In 2019, Y.U.M. Food Pantry served 2,146 households which represented 8,025 individuals. Of this total, 2,775 were children; 1,643 were seniors; 1,412 were people with disabilities and 493 were veterans. In January 2020, 50 households representing 196 individuals were served during the average week. This included 71 children, 41 seniors, 35 people with disabilities and 15 veterans. Y.U.M. Food Pantry expressed their sincere appreciation and thanked St. Francis for its continued support.
    10. Music – Susan Altman: Susan brought up the possibility of choir concerts during the year. Fr. Rafal stated that one concert per year would be approved. It should be held on St. Cecelia’s Feast Day (patron saint of music). Susan also added that she would like to explore choir training.

ACTION ITEM: Susan will discuss the possibility of additional training for choir members/cantors.

    1. Eucharistic Ministers – Pat Deacon: Pat is leaving this position due to other obligations outside of the church. This is her last meeting. EM training was conducted recently. There are some new members starting; one is a teenager.
    2. Volunteers – Joe D: As of January 1, 2020, all Protecting God’s Children (PGC) will be done online through the VIRTUS system (virtusonline) to eliminate the need for hard-copy paperwork. To ensure that all records are current and correct, everyone must go into VIRTUS online to ensure that their information is up to date. New ministry chairs will need to obtain fingerprinting for background checks and PGC. Joe will be sending an email outlining these requirements to everyone affected by them. Finally, the Y.U.M. Food Pantry was extremely pleased with our January donations and extended their thanks.
    3. Hispanic Ministry – Tony Garcia: The Our Lady of Guadalupe event was a great success. Fr. Rafal encouraged more of our parishioners to attend this special event next December.
    4. Men of St. Francis “MOSF” (aka Men’s Activities) – John Sullivan: The Men of St. Francis have resumed their meetings, beginning with their 2020 Tune-up event. The group will also take responsibility for overseeing the Tomb of Repose during Holy Week.

IV. Practical Discussion and Tasking:

  1. Tasks for next meeting – Fr. Rafal: nothing not already included above.
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held May 26, 2020 at

7:00 p.m.

V. Conclusion:

  1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal: nothing to add.
  2. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Rafal and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting – September 24, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Fr. Rafal Mazurowski, Bob Bell, Joe Dzwilefsky, Tony Garcia, Jean Stanley, Deacon Brian Campbell, John Sullivan, Steve Borusovic, Cathy McKnight, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Ashley Powell, Mary Flanagan, Kathleen Waldrop, Pat Deacon, Susan Altman and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Liz Milo, Ellen Harper, Mark Hebert, Jenny Hebert, Ken Norstrem, Kelli Norstrem, Deacon Tom Healy, Wayne Munson.

I. The Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer was led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome and introduction of new attendees was made for Susan Altman, Music Director and Liz Milo, Administrator of Religious Education (Unable to attend).

II. Old Business:

  1. Review of Action Items from the May 21, 2019 Pastoral Council meeting by Bob Bell:
    1. Roll Out of E-Giving Program – Kathy Junker: We have closed out this action item as the diocese has changed our software programs to ParishSoft and is encouraging the parishes to use the ParishSoft online giving program.
  2. New Parishioner and Visitor Recognition – Bob Bell: This has still not been implemented.
  3. Fr. Rafal and Deacon Brian like the idea of setting up a new member Welcome Table in the Narthex and feel that this should be established; however, this would require that someone stand at the table each week, for each mass. An announcement could be made to welcome all who are interested in joining our church and direct them to see someone in the Narthex for registration information. There was additional discussion regarding the timing of announcements and leaving mass early.

ACTION ITEM: Deacon Brian, Bob Bell and Fr. Rafal will come up with a plan to implement the Welcome Table idea.

  1. Safe and Sacred Environment Committee – Deacon Brian: We have made some strides. The Welcome Table will be part of this (i.e. keeping the Narthex welcoming but uncluttered for safety and fire obstruction concerns).
  2. Altar Flowers Committee – Bob Bell: This has been brought up several times in the past. There has not been anyone willing to take responsibility for this function. Fr. Rafal and Ann Mitchell are willing to see that the altar has flowers on a weekly basis, when there are no other flowers to be displayed. Rosanne Jameson and Susan Altman expressed an interest in working with this program but also voiced concerns that a committee is needed to adequately handle this function. Rosanne and Susan agreed to lead this committee. There may be additional help from ministries and individuals willing to assist in this area during the year. Fr. Rafal also thanked all who volunteered to help as of now and in the past.

Action Item: Rosanne Jameson and Susan Altman establish a committee to oversee and care for flowers for and decorating of the altar.

  1. RCIA Program – Submission from Deacon Tom: The program has 1 catechumen and 7 candidates. Things are progressing well.
  2. Youth Ministry – Submission from Wayne Munson: Nothing has progressed in establishing this ministry. The diocese has denied two grant requests. As of now this is a dead issue. This is a Closed Item for the Pastoral Council.
  3. Security Inspection Report Plans – Jean Stanley: Wayne Munson is working with this concern; however, no comments were available from him at the time of the meeting. Jean commented that there is a concern with our property (sprinkler system, lawn, parking lot, etc.) due to construction traffic coming onto and turning around on our property. Erecting a “No Construction Traffic” sign was approved. Fencing has proven to be too expensive. We are waiting for approval on a new/expanded camera system. The suggestion of adding a camera pointed at the safe was made. Fr. Rafal did not feel that this is necessary as money is bagged and sealed under dual control. The safe is also emptied under dual control. Access to the safe is limited to two people.

Action Item: Jean Stanley continue efforts to address items identified in the Security Inspection Plan and provide an update at the next Council meeting.

III. New Business:

  1. Feast of St. Francis – October 4th
    1. Visit of Bishop Estevez – The Bishop will celebrate the 4:00 p.m. mass. Ministry leads were asked to make sure that their members are aware of his visit. There will be food provided.
    2. Blessing of the Animals – Sunday, October 5th at 12:00 p.m. to be conducted by Deacon Brian.
  2. Preparations for All Saints and All Souls Day – Fr. Rafal:
    1. All Saints Day masses will be November 1st, at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
    2. All Souls Day Holy Mass of Memories will be held Saturday, November 2nd, at 12:00 p.m.

Action Item: Kathy Junker – locate items used for the Mass of Memories (“candle box” items), as well as make an inventory of the items on the shelves and in cabinets behind the large white-board.

  1. Preparations for Advent and Christmas – Fr. Rafal:
    1. Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule
      1. Advent Wreath – Mary Flanagan has already taken care of the wreath, stand and candles.
      2. Angel Tree – Fr. Rafal would like to try to reach the needy of our parish first. After these needs are addressed, we could reach out to the rest of our community. In the past, it has been difficult to get people from the parish to come forward.
      3. Mass Schedule: Fr. Rafal commented that we do not have enough interest in a midnight mass.
        1. Immaculate Conception December 9th: Not a Holy Day of Obligation this year; however, Fr. Rafal WILL hold mass on Monday, December 9th at 9:00 a.m.
        2. Christmas Eve: 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
        3. Christmas Day: 9:00 a.m.
        4. New Year’s Day: 9:00 a.m.

Action Item: Robin Holmes and Julie Gross will see that the holiday mass schedule is included in the bulletin and announcements, as well as posted on the Church doors in mid-November/early December.

Action Item: Kate Waldrop will solicit Ministry Leads to provide nominations of parishioners In Need who can be included in the Angel Tree program.

  1. Finance Report – Bob Eggleston:

For the completed Fiscal Year, Offertory giving amounted to $440,803, an increase of $69,298 when compared to FY 2017/2018. Building Fund collections amounted to $91,489 which covered the cost of the Pavilion Project without a designated Capital Campaign.

Operating Expenses remained fairly flat in FY 2018/2019, totaling $494,013.82 including the non-cash expense of depreciation of $109,225.

Cash Flow for FY 2018/2019 amounted to a Net Increase of $134,842 bringing the bank balances in our Operating Account and Other Accounts to $404,397 and $45,083 respectively.

ACTION ITEM: Julie Gross and Robin Holmes will see that this financial report is also included in an upcoming bulletin.

  1. Social Events Plan for 2019-2020 – Cathy McKnight:
    1. September 20th: Fish Fry
    2. October 4th – 6th: Craft Boutique
    3. November 10th: Oyster Roast 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    4. December 21st and 22nd: Cookie Exchange
    5. January 12th: Mother – Daughter Tea
    6. February 25th: Ash Wednesday Fish Fry 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
    7. March 15th: Parish Picnic 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
    8. April 19th: Parish Potluck 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Fr. Rafal also commented that all ministries must provide a schedule of events for their ministry to him and thanked them.

ACTION ITEM: Cathy McKnight – investigate the possibility of a Valentine’s Day party (it is on a Friday this year).

  1. Purchase Order (PO) Procedures – Jean Stanley: Jean reviewed the PO procedures with the group and provided her cell phone number for any possible questions or concerns. Copies of the procedures may be obtained from the bookkeeper.
  2. Pavilion Use/Beautification – Jean Stanley: Jean asked that the ministries let our Maintenance Technician, Gerry Derenberger, know if any clean-up or provide assistance to keep the area clean. There is now a grease spot on the new cement. Jean would like to have some type of scheduling procedure created for use of the pavilion. There is also a corner of our property that needs to be beautified. Jean asked about the possibility of getting interested scouts, youth, etc. to take care of the project.

ACTION ITEM: Kathy Junker/Robin Holmes – Add the Pavilion as a room to the calendar; reservations must be made with one person acting as the responsible party (just as we currently do with the Cry/Quiet Room, etc.)

  1. Mission 52 Program – Kathleen Waldrop: This program provides food for needy families. It is done anonymously. The program is ONLY for St. Michael’s parishioners. Fr. Rafal wants to be careful about how this program would be handled if we should decide to have such a program to prevent fraudulent requests. The bulletin should also not be used to advertise this program.
  2. Adopt A Soldier Program – Bob Bell: Bob asked about who authorized the box in the Narthex. These types of programs may be acceptable; however, there must be rules established regarding permission and limitation. Boxes should not be placed in the Narthex or Church without obtaining approval from Fr. Rafal. We do not want to encourage collection requests by allowing uncontrolled placing of collection boxes in the Narthex.
  3. Ministry Sign-Ups on Google Sheets – Bob Bell: These sheets are not being completed by the 20th of the month as required. Ministries that assign time slots do not have as many issues. Ministry leads must be proactive in seeing that open spaces are completed each week.
    1. Altar Servers – Bob Bell: The issue of Alter Servers not signing up on the Google Sheets has been raised several times. The response has been that the sheets are put out and spaces are often not filled in. Parents must be asked about times that their children can serve.

Action Items: All Liturgical Ministry Leads review the Google Sheets a week in advance to identify vacancies for the positions under their responsibility. Attempts to fill vacancies should be undertaken via personal contact, telephone calls, and emails in sufficient time to have the position filled by the time of the Mass.

  1. Rotation of Ministry Leads – Bob Bell:
    1. Altar Servers – John Sullivan has agreed to take over as Chairman of the Altar Servers Ministry as of January 1, 2020. He will relinquish his duties as a Sacristan. John’s goal is to identify the issues and solve the problem (see #10 above).
    2. Family Follow Me – Ken and Kelli Norstrem are finishing their term. No replacements have been identified as of yet.
    3. Social Events – Cathy McKnight is finishing her term as of January 1, 2020. She has agreed to stay on for another term.

Action Item: Ministry Leads who believe their term is to complete by the end of this year are to notify Bob Bell of that fact and identify a recommended parishioner to assume leadership of their ministry.

  1. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs:
    1. Family Follow Me – Submission from Ken and Kelli Norstrem: Their term as Ministry Lead expires at the end of 2019. Attempts to identify follow-on Ministry Leads is in process.
    2. Religious Education – Submission from Liz Milo: All roles are filled; however, assistance with the program in general is always welcome. There is no cap on the maximum number of students; 8th graders now meet on Wednesday evenings. Annual safety training was held on September 11th; a fire drill was held during the training.
    3. Women’s Activities – Mary Flanagan: The group has started up for the fall. There was a delay in startup due to Hurricane Dorian; the October meeting was rescheduled for another Saturday time slot to allow an opportunity for more people to attend. Attendance at the meeting was low, due to the inability to add this meeting to the bulletin. The group received an unexpected $1,500 donation this month. The next meeting is in November. The kitchen cleaning team is in place. Meal Train has recently been implemented for parishioners in need of meals (due to surgery, illness, family emergency, etc.); it was very successful. There is no charge for this service. This service could also be announced to general parish.
    4. Spirituality – Marcella and Tom Claridge: “Lord Teach Me to Pray” is taking place now, on Mondays; there are groups for both men and women. In October, two new educational groups are beginning: “Why We Believe – Answering Common Questions about the Catholic Faith” on Sunday mornings and “The Prophets – Messengers of God’s Mercy” on Wednesday evenings. There is also a new concept they would like to explore – “FORM” (Catholic Faith on Demand) – a website that helps families, individuals and parishes explore their faith and faith growth, accessed from home, online and through various electronic devices. There are also several Spanish resources available in this program. The price is normally $2,000/year; however, they can get it for $1,000/year as St. Francis is considered a small parish. Deacon Brian commented that the program is rich in content, but there will be a challenge in getting people to use it. If we set up this program, EVERYONE in the parish will have access to it at no cost. The Spirituality Ministry has the money in the budget to purchase it. A vote was taken, and purchase of this service was approved for the first year. Claridges will get it up and running before Advent begins.

Action Item: Tom and Marcella Claridge conduct an informational session to introduce parishioners to the FORMED program and provide bulletin articles to inform parishioners how to log in to the program.

    1. Eucharistic Ministers – Pat Deacon: Craft Boutique – MOSF (Men of St. Francis, aka Men’s Activities) will set up a tent, tables and assist with preparations on Thursday, October 3rd. The boutique will run Friday, Saturday and Sunday; lunch will be sold; it will be eaten in the Pavilion. Tear-down is Monday, October 6th at 11:00 a.m. We have volunteer parishioners for security. All volunteers will work two-hour shifts. The theme is World War II.
    2. Social Events – Cathy McKnight: nothing to report.
    3. Hispanic Ministry – Tony Garcia: October 5th at 7:00 p.m. there will be a small reception after Mass (families will bring the dishes to be served). The group is beginning to prepare for the Our Lady of Guadalupe event on Thursday, December 12th. They want to have dancers this year and may use the Pavilion instead of parking lot. Tony will get a volunteer priest to conduct the ceremony.
    4. Charity – Kathleen Waldrop: nothing to report.
    5. Respect Life – Rosanne Jameson: They will host the movie “Unplanned” in the Cry/Quiet Room, Sunday, October 27th, probably at 1:00 p.m.
    6. Music – Susan Altman: The choirs are planning for the upcoming holiday season. We have new hymnals that must be changed out prior to Advent. Susan will laminate the Parish Prayer to slide into the books. Susan also spoke with Liz Milo about brainstorming to involve music in Religious Education without taking away from the children’s studies (e.g. holiday hymns). Susan would like to combine the children’s choir with the children from Religious Education to go out to nursing homes, etc. during the holiday season. The Adult choir is interested in participating in at upcoming community events in November.
    7. Building – Ashley Powell: The Pavilion, additional parking area and bush hogging have all been completed.
    8. Men of St. Francis “MOSF” (aka Men’s Activities) – John Sullivan: The End of Year “BASH” was a great success; additional activities are being considered.
    9. Deacon Brian Campbell: nothing to report.
    10. Ushers – Steve Borusovic: nothing to report.
    11. Respect Life – John Kennedy: nothing to report.

IV. Practical Discussion and Tasking:

  1. Tasks for next meeting – Fr. Rafal: nothing not already included above.
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at

7:00 p.m.; the topic is preparations for Lent and Easter.

V. Conclusion:

  1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal: nothing to add.
  2. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Rafal and the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission

Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting

May 21, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Fr. Richard Perko, Bob Bell, Wayne Munson, Deacon Tom Healy, Deacon Brian Campbell, John Sullivan, Steve Borusovic, Cathy McKnight, Beth Jurovcik, Beverly Crowley, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Ashley Powell, Mary Flanagan, Dawn Welliver, Kathleen Waldrop, Pat Deacon and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Joe Dzwilefsky, Tony Garcia, Ellen Harper, Mark Hebert, Jenny Hebert, Ken Norstrem, Kelli Norstrem

I. The Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer was led by Bob Bell
  2. Welcome
  3. The introduction of new attendees was made for John Kennedy and Rosanne Jameson, new ministry chairs for Respect Life and the return of John Sullivan, as ministry chair of Men’s Activities.
  4. Opening remarks from Fr. Perko – Father welcomed everyone to the meeting.

II. Old Business:

  1. Review of Action Items from the January 22, 2019 Pastoral Council meeting by Bob Bell:
    1. Roll Out of E-Giving Program – Kathy Junker: We have not made any announcements about the program; however, we are continuing to have parishioners sign up for both ACH (automatic clearing house) bank transfers, as well as credit card transfers. Weekly, online giving is included with the other contribution information in the bulletin. Sign-ups, transfers and importing into the church software system are functioning properly.

ACTION ITEM: Kathy Junker will prepare a bulletin piece and lector announcement. She should also make herself available after masses on an upcoming weekend, to explain and answer questions for parishioners who are interested.

    1. New Parishioner and Visitor Recognition – This has still not been implemented. It had been decided that at the time of registration, new members would be asked which mass time they planned to attend. Their names would then be included in the announcements for that mass the following weekend (in the same manner mass intentions are read). They would then be asked to stand and be recognized. It was also decided that visitors would be recognized, either at the beginning or just before the end of mass. As part of the registration process, the Parish Secretary had begun contacting new members to request the mass they planned to attend for that specific weekend; however, no recognition process has begun. Fr. Perko suggested the possibility of meeting with new parishioners for a light meal or coffee after mass. This has been attempted in the past, with minimal success.

ACTION ITEM: Bob Bell will come up with a proposal to bring to Fr. Rafal.

    1. Scheduling of Altar Servers – Mark and Jenny Hebert: No representatives for the altar servers attended this meeting and no report was provided. Scheduling continues to be a significant problem, as most weeks have no one scheduled via Google Sheets as altar server prior to the masses, especially at the 4:00 p.m. and 9:30 a.m. masses. It had been determined that an adult male would be responsible for 8:00 a.m. masses, and the daily 9:00 a.m. masses. Deacon Brian asked if parents of altar servers are part of the email blast sent to the other liturgy ministry members.

ACTION ITEM: Heberts MUST establish an altar server schedule, using Google Sheets, to be completed PRIOR to weekend masses. Servers (or their parents) should be included in email blasts sent when open spots remain in the liturgy schedule.

    1. Parish Directory – Mary Flanagan: No decisions have been made since the last meeting. There are approximately ten companies that offer software directory programs to be purchased by the church, with various features offered. There are fewer companies offering the traditional books with photo purchase requirements (such as Life Touch). Fr. Perko suggested the possibility of providing a directory of parishioner names and contact information, without photos. This option could be faster and less expensive, as the information would be provided from our existing software system. Parishioners would either be asked to confirm their approval or opt out of inclusion.

ACTION ITEM: Mary was tasked to continue her research for the best overall options.

    1. Pentecost planning – Pat Deacon: Pat suggested encouraging the congregation to wear red. She also suggested having the Gospel read by several individuals in various languages simultaneously. Fr. Perko does not want anyone other than the priest or deacons to read the Gospel, and it should be read in English. He did offer the option to have this done with other readings. The suggestion was accepted to have the Prayers of the Faithful read in different languages by parishioners. Ellen Harper was not in attendance at this meeting; however, Pat stated that Ellen is aware of the suggestions and the options that may be considered. Pentecost is June 8th and 9th.

ACTION ITEM: Pat is to contact Ellen Harper to have a plan presented to Fr. Perko for multi-lingual lectors for the June 8th and 9th masses to read the Prayers of the Faithful. Follow-up: This action was dropped for this year due to inability to identify speakers in a timely manner.

  1. Take-aways from Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter – Fr. Perko/All Ministries:
    1. Stations of the Cross – There was consensus that Stations were done extremely well this year. It was also suggested that keeping them simple allows for greater opportunity to focus on the content, not just the presentation. Attendees preferred one of the two books provided.
    2. Confessions – Offering penance more frequently, such as after Stations of the Cross, was positively received and eased the demand at our penance service.
    3. Flowers – It was suggested that better organization and planning be done for next year for purchasing and set-up for the Altar of Repose.
    4. The Easter Sunday mass schedule seemed to adequately handle the 910 attendees for the masses. There was a positive response to increasing the time between the Sunday masses (8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.). The suggestion was made that a third Sunday mass be considered in the future; however, it was decided that the Easter Vigil and two Sunday masses are still sufficient at this time, especially with a greater time period between masses.
    5. The suggestion was made to set up a committee for flowers and decorating in the future. The committee should meet outside of the Pastoral Council meeting. Although the establishment of an Altar Guild or similar committee has been supported, the inability to identify a volunteer to lead the effort has resulted in nothing being done.

ACTION ITEM: Mary Flanagan will work out a plan for better planning and organization in purchasing flowers and decorating the Altar of Repose for next year. A committee should be arranged, and a meeting separate from the Pastoral Council should be planned. This meeting would involve only committee members. A volunteer to lead this effort is still a requirement.

  1. Pavilion Status – Ashley Powell: The pavilion is still not completed. Ashley has had frequent contact regarding the delays with Forever Redwood, the company contracted for materials and construction. There has been no follow through by the company for installation revisions. The completion date continues to be pushed back, with a new anticipated completion date of Saturday, May 25th. Forever Redwood has offered two benches to be provided as some compensation. It has also been decided that Peacock Electrical will take care of the electrical work. Peacock will also provide for the use of multiple appliances at one time (such as crockpots, roasters and coffee makers). Ashley has found wooden picnic tables from Lowe’s that would be well-suited to our needs. Note: This effort has since completed and the pavilion is available for use.
  2. Anniversary Picnic feedback – Cathy McKnight: Cathy thought that the event was a success, despite the poor weather. A suggestion was made that we review the date for the picnic for future years because of the uncertainty of the weather and conflicts with other events in the area.

Action Item: Social Events Ministry Lead discuss with Fr. Rafal and review the dates for the 2020 Parish Picnic.

III. New Business:

  1. Finance Report – Bob Eggleston: Finance Report Account Balances as of May 21, 2019

As of April 30, 2019, SFA had the following cash amounts on hand in the various bank accounts at SunTrust, Wells Fargo, and the Diocesan Savings & Loan:

Operating Funds $415,000

Restricted Funds $ 48,000

Associations/Ministries $ 10,000

Total Cash $473,000

We have approximately $4,000 in outstanding checks written against these accounts that have not cleared the bank at the end of April.

The Restricted Funds breakdown is as follows as of April 30:

Building Funds $ 6,500

Priest Housing/Pension $17,000

Liability Insurance $14,500

Maintenance Reserve $10,000

Total $48,000

We have submitted a check to the Diocese for $11,200 in May to pay for the annual Liability/Property Insurance bill, and that was paid from the Restricted Funds, and will lower the Restricted Funds balance by that amount.

We have paid $60,570 through April for the Pavilion Construction (2 of 3 payments to the pavilion vendor, concrete slab, fan procurement, permit costs). We should expect a final bill from the pavilion supplier for the balance of the materials plus erection, as well as an invoice for electrical work to supply power to the pavilion area. Should be less than $30,000 yet to spend, some of which will have to come from the Operating Funds available.

Income amounts (Offertory plus other collections) through April total $494,000, with Expenses of $360,000 including $92,000 in non-cash depreciation expense. Cashflow FYTD is approximately a positive $140,000.

Wayne Munson added that all building fund contributions collected so far this year have been allocated to the Pavilion project. Any shortage would be covered by general operation funds. We will be debt free after the construction of the pavilion has been completed. He also added that the draft budget is based on attendance and participation by the congregation. Estimates have been based on 650 people per week; however, we are still somewhat short of this average amount. These numbers include all attendees, regardless of age and function at the mass (that is, choir members and children are included).

The draft budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 was sent out to all ministry chairs. Everyone is requested to complete their budget requests and return them to Marie Sullivan as quickly as possible so that the budget may be completed prior to July 1st.

  1. RCIA Program – Deacon Tom Healy: 13 people attended the planning meeting; 5 are interested in becoming Catholic. All scrutinies will be conducted at St. Francis. There will be another informational meeting in July. The annulment process must be made a priority, as the required paperwork MUST be completed and approved by the tribunal for processing, in order to complete the RCIA program.

Action Item: Deacon Tom conduct another Informational Meeting in July and finalize program plans and organization with Fr. Rafal for program start-up.

  1. Youth Ministry – Wayne Munson: A grant request was submitted to the Diocese for initial funding for this year. No approval information of the grant request has been received to date. We want to encourage and invite our youth to become active participants at St. Francis. This program will require pastoral approval and encouragement. If the program is started, it must continue to move forward and should not be discontinued.

Action Item: Wayne Munson meet with Fr. Rafal to discuss program concept and star-up plans. Identify program leads and participant members. Be prepared to introduce program specifics at the next Pastoral Council Meeting.

  1. Security Program Training – Steve Borusovic: Usher training will be conducted from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 12th; all ushers are to attend. Any of the other ministry chairs, or their representative, are also welcomed to attend. A security and safety inspection of the church and grounds was recently conducted by Life Safety Solutions, the company contracted by the Diocese of St. Augustine to review security and safety for churches of the diocese. Results of the inspection should be addressed by Fr. Rafal and will be tabled until his return.

Action Item: Fr. Rafal and Jean Stanley review the inspection report and develop a plan to address recommendations provided.

  1. Safe and Sacred Environment Committee – Deacon Brian: A suggestion to consider establishment of Safe and Sacred Environment Committee was made. This committee would address areas includes the various aspects of the liturgy and those qualified (such as Eucharistic Ministers) interacting with people attending mass, regarding their knowledge and preparedness to receive a specific sacrament. It also includes the chapel.

Action Item: Flesh out the requirements for this committee and present an update at the next Pastoral Council meeting.

  1. Census and Survey Update – Bob Bell: 144 of 380 families completed the census and Surveys. Census inputs are being used to update the Parish Database. Statistical results from the Surveys will be made public; however, Comments will not. Comments will be provided to Fr. Rafal for his review and action as appropriate. The Pastoral Council commented that they thought the survey was very well done.
  2. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs:
    1. Pat Deacon, Eucharistic Ministry – Another Eucharistic Minister training session was recently completed. Several people renewing their certification also attended the training. There seems to be fewer empty spots to be filled. 8:00 a.m. mass always has the highest number of Eucharistic Ministers.
    2. Dawn Welliver, Religious Education – Classes have finished for the year. The May Crowning was very well received and will become an annual practice.
    3. Mary Flanagan, Women’s Activities – A Father’s Day breakfast is being planned for the 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. masses on June 16th. She plans to use the pavilion for serving. Women’s Activities will break during July and August. When they resume at the end of the summer, the group plans to have a Saturday mass for the women, with a presentation of all areas covered by Women’s Activities.

ACTION ITEM: Mary needs to speak with Fr. Rafal about the plans for this mass and presentation.

    1. Cathy McKnight, Social Events – Social Event activities are done until September.
    2. Beth Jurovcik, Music – The adult and children’s choirs performed at Savannah Grand. Choir rehearsals are done for the year; however, we will continue to have music.
    3. Tom and Marcella Claridge, Spirituality – The St. Joseph’s table was well received and will continue to be used next year. The movies and presentations were well attended. There was a positive response to the Lord Teach Me to Pray class; approximately two-thirds of the registrants completed training. The Ephesians Bible Study began; 14 people have signed up and the response has been positive. Spirituality is now getting ready to begin the new Paschal Stations program, the Via Lucis or Stations of the Resurrection. There was also a very positive response to Divine Mercy Sunday, as well as the last speaker, Lisa Brenninkmeyer. Spirituality would like to have a bulletin board or something similar, in the Narthex, to provide the various areas and services available. The prayer chain ministry is growing and may need to be handled by a volunteer other than Marcella. It was suggested by members of the Pastoral Council that the pamphlet rack in the Narthex could be better utilized to address these areas.
    4. Steve Borusovic, Ushers – The temperature setting during mass is a concern. Fr. Rafal wants it at 70 degrees during mass. The thermostats should be set for pre-determined settings. If a thermostat is adjusted, ushers should use the “run program” setting after adjusting a thermostat to reset it.
    5. John Sullivan, Men’s Activities – The Men’s BASH is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, June 6th as the year-end wrap up. A father-child event in the Fall is being planned.
    6. Deacon Brian Campbell – no comments.
    7. Beverly Crowley, Respect Life – The total funds collected for the unborn amounted to $7,069.93. Of this, the $4,864.93 collected from the Baby Bottle Campaign was divided between The Women’s Help Center and St. Gerard Campus; $2,205.00 from Project Isobel went to St. Gerard Campus. John Kennedy and Rosanne Jameson will take over as chair for Respect Life on June 1st. On Saturday, June 8th, Beverly and Rosanne will attend a Respect Life workshop for new leaders. Bob Bell thanked outgoing chairs, Beverly Crowley and Bunny Smithson for their work and dedication to Respect Life.
    8. Deacon Tom Healy – no comments.
    9. Ashley Powell, Building Ministry – no additional comments.
    10. Kathleen Waldrop, Charity – Gracie’s Kitchen serves 75 families every 2 weeks, with approximately 40 children as part of the group. There has been an increased need for pet food. Comments have been received by those served that they are very grateful for the pet food, as pets ARE part of their families. Having food provided for them allows them to focus their limited finances for important items, such as medicine. Fr. Perko also address the need for caution when being asked by individuals for financial assistance.

IV. Practical Discussion and Tasking:

  1. Tasks for next meeting – Fr. Perko: Pray, pray, pray for the people in our diocese, that we can all be good Catholics and follow our Lord.
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.; the topic is Advent and Christmas.

V. Conclusion:

  1. Closing Comments – Fr. Perko – Children’s mass for Christmas should include Santa/St. Nicholas should come and present a gift to the baby Jesus.
  2. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Perko and the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission
Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting
January 22, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Fr. Rafal Mazurowski, Fr. Richard Perko, Bob Bell, Steve Borusovic, Pat Janco, Cathy McKnight, Joe Dzwilefsky, Pat Ruebush, Pat Deacon, Beth Jurovcik, Beverly Crowley, Marcella Claridge, Tom Claridge, Kelli Norstrem, Tony Garcia, Ashley Powell, Ellen Harper, Mary Flanagan and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Mark Hebert, Jenny Hebert, Ken Norstrem, Dawn Welliver

The Introduction consisted of the following items:

1. Opening Prayer was led by Bob Bell
2. Welcome to Fr. Richard Perko, he will be filling in for Fr. Rafal during his sabbatical.
3. Introduction of new attendees was made: Marcella & Tom Claridge, Spirituality; Kathleen Waldrop, Charity.
4. Opening remarks from Fr. Rafal – Father welcomed Fr. Perko and explained that Fr. Perko would be taking over and handling the Pastor’s duties during Fr. Rafal’s sabbatical.

Old Business:

1. Review of the Action Items from the September 25, 2018 Pastoral Council meeting by Bob Bell:[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Appointment of new ministry leads – Marcella & Tom Claridge, Spirituality; Kathleen Waldrop, Charity. Ellen Harper has agreed to stay on as Lector Chair.
b. E-giving Implementation – The e-giving program is now ready to roll out to parishioners. We have had a few parishioners sign up for both ACH (automatic clearing house) bank transfers, as well as credit card transfers. Sign-ups, transfers and importing into the church software system appear to be functioning properly. We are ready to begin Pulpit and bulletin announcements.

ACTION ITEM: Kathy Junker – Prepare bulletin piece and lector announcement. She should also make herself available after masses on an upcoming weekend, to explain and answer questions for parishioners who may have questions.

c. New Parishioner and Visitor Recognition – This has not been implemented yet. At the time of registration, new members will be asked which mass time they plan to attend. Their names will be included in the announcements for the mass they plan to attend the following weekend (in the same manner mass intentions are read) and they will be asked to stand and be recognized. It was also decided that visitors will be recognized, either at the beginning or just before the end of mass. Fr. Perko suggested the possibility of meeting with new parishioners for a light meal or coffee after mass. This has been attempted in the past, with minimal success.

ACTION ITEM: As part of the registration process, Parish Secretary, Genevieve Lambiase, will call new members and request the mass they plan to attend for that specific weekend. Their names will then be added to the announcements for that mass.

d. Building Improvement Projects/Pavilion Update – Building Ministry Lead, Ashley Powell provided the following update: The pavilion architectural design has been completed and construction design is being wrapped up. Materials are scheduled to be delivered during the first or second week of March. The goal is to have the structure completed in time for the parish picnic on March 17th. The company providing the structure is responsible for the footings; we are responsible for getting the concrete slab.

Volunteer Lead, Joe Dzwilefsky, brought up an issue with the building’s security system. The “fire box” alarm is tripping and attempts to correct the issue have been unsuccessful. Comcast appears to be responsible and Joe is continuing to find a resolution. Fr. Rafal added that the church’s two-year contract with Comcast is coming to an end. Fr. Perko indicated that he knew a man who could help us check out the system and determine the cause of our problem. He will provide contact information.

e. Stewardship Weekend Results – Bob Bell asked if last October’s stewardship fair was worth the effort. Meeting attendees agreed that it was worthwhile, with the following results:[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. Pat Deacon, Eucharistic Ministers – a few new participants were added
ii. Ellen Harper, Lectors – two new lectors were added
iii. Beth Jurovcik, Music – no new choir members were added that weekend
iv. Tom Claridge, Men’s Activities – a few men joined the group

It was agreed that the stewardship fair will be held again in the fall.

f. Parish Directory – Mary Flanagan presented the following update: Our webmaster, Lyndan Maron, provided another digital directory source for consideration: This program does not have a photo purchase requirement and allows the church to customize the entire directory. We may take our own pictures and upload them into the directory. This directory can also be used with android and i-phones. The program also includes privacy controls for member information. Setup time is approximately four to six weeks, with photos taken after that. We may continue to update the directory as we desire. Drawbacks to consider are the fact that this is an online program and includes monthly fees. Printed copies would probably need to be outsourced, adding additional cost. Mary was tasked to continue her research and consider cost trade-offs with a professional organization such as Life Touch.

New Business:

1. Bob Bell – Liturgical Ministries Organizational Change:[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Ministry lead positions were originally 3-year cycles
b. We now have 20 ministries; it has become difficult to determine the schedule of rotation for all of the ministries
c. Ministry leads let him know when terms are up and if you want to rotate off or stay on as lead

2. Fr. Rafal Mazurowski – Sabbatical leave:[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Priests are offered the opportunity to request a sabbatical every ten years
b. Fr. Rafal had requested a sabbatical that has been approved by the Bishop[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. Father will be studying various areas of psychology at the University of Gdansk, Poland beginning February 1st; he will return July 1, 2019
ii. Fr. Richard Perko, retired pastor from Our Lady of Consolation in Callahan, will be acting pastor during Fr. Rafal’s leave.

c. Fr. Perko – Plans while at St. Francis of Assisi:[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. He will continue current daily and weekend mass/confession schedules
ii. Adoration – hours cannot easily be extended, due to limited staff hours and availability of restrooms; any extension is tabled for now but may be discussed again in the future[spacer height=”-15px”]

1. Fr. Rafal added that it is difficult to maintain security
2. There is a possibility of adding an evening Adoration on Friday evenings; however, there would be a conflict with Stations during Lent[spacer height=”-15px”]

3. Bob Bell – Scheduling and Preparations for Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter season:[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Liturgical Events[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. Ash Wednesday – masses will again be held at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
ii. Stations of the Cross – will again be held on Fridays at 6:00 p.m.[spacer height=”-15px”]

1. The Deacons were originally scheduled to attend; Tom and Marcella Claridge, Spirituality leads, will coordinate with the Deacons and design the format to be followed
2. Claridges spoke with the Deacons about returning to use of booklets
3. Fr. Rafal would like to order a few types of booklets, covering different reflection topics
4. Claridges suggested a “family Friday” focus for Stations[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. Kelli Norstrem, Family lead, stated that the Religious Ed program will be doing Stations for their students during class on a Wednesday evening and that they would like to make it available to the parish[spacer height=”-15px”]

5. Fr. Perko offered to stay after Stations and hear confessions[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Claridges will follow up with him[spacer height=”-15px”]

6. Soup and Bread was previously handled by different ministries; there was discussion about the possibility of a fish fry before Stations or soup and bread after Stations[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. A fish Fry has already been planned for Ash Wednesday
b. If the new pavilion is ready, it could be used for a meal; the construction progress will be monitored to determine if this is possible[spacer height=”-15px”]

7. Parish Penance Service is scheduled for April 10th at 7:00 p.m.
8. The question of whether we will again have Jesus’ Tomb was raised[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Ellen Harper, Lector Lead, offered to help again this year
b. Mary Flanagan, Women’s Activities Lead, offered to take the lead on this initiative.[spacer height=”-15px”]

9. Flowers for Jesus’ Tomb and Easter – Kathy Junker, Bookkeeper, to complete Purchase Orders (POs) to order flowers for church

ACTION ITEM: Kathy Junker – pull out POs for flowers from previous years and order the same amount and selection

b. Statues – must be covered following the Palm Sunday masses
c. Holy Week – Fr. Perko will work with the Deacons and Ann Mitchell on the Holy Week schedule[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. Paschal candle – Fr. Rafal stated that we should order a new candle this year; Kathy Junker to check with Ann Mitchell
ii. Palms – Fr. Rafal asked the Bookkeeper to order 1000 palms this year; the 500 ordered last year was insufficient
iii. Readers for Palm Sunday – Ellen Harper asked if we will still need 3 readers for the passion at each mass, or if the Deacons will be participating
iv. Holy Thursday – Washing of Feet – per Fr. Perko we WILL have this[spacer height=”-15px”]

1. Fr. Perko prefers to keep it to 12 people; okay to include children
2. Fr. Perko will just randomly choose people from the congregation[spacer height=”-15px”]

v. No Mass on Good Friday; there will be a reflection and distribution of communion at 3 p.m.; no Stations of the Cross[spacer height=”-15px”]

1. Fr. Perko will confirm as time nears[spacer height=”-15px”]

vi. Egg Hunt – Family Ministry to coordinate
vii. Easter Mass schedule – Holy Saturday at 8:00 p.m., Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. (additional time is needed between masses for increased traffic)[spacer height=”-15px”]

1. We may have baptism(s)
2. No one will be received into church[spacer height=”-15px”]

viii. Use bulletin page 7 to publish a Lenten and Easter schedule

ACTION ITEMS: Ellen Harper – find out if the Deacons will be reading passion; Kathy Junker – contact Jean Stanley to put an ad in the News Leader to alert people of the change in the Easter mass schedule

4. Deacon Brian Campbell – “Lord Teach Me to Pray” Program; Tom Claridge reported on behalf of Deacon Brian:[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. 26 women and 10 men have signed up for the 12-week session; the last week is Monday, April 15th (the beginning of Holy Week); each session will be approximately 90 minutes long
b. There is still room for men to join; the women’s group is full
c. 4 facilitators are in training

5. Bob Eggleston – Finance Report Account Balances as of December 31, 2018 – Bob Bell reported on behalf of Bob Eggleston:[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Operating Account balance was $353,000
b. Building Fund Ministries balance was $4,000
c. Operating Account Maintenance Reserve/Building Fund/Priest Housing & Pension/Liability Insurance balance was $89,000
d. Pavilion Fund – the first two of three installments totaling $46,000 have been paid
i. Ashley Powell, Building Lead, commented that the structure will have electricity and ceiling fans but no water; however, the structure is up against the building and water is accessible there. The foundation will be a cement slab against sidewalk; no ramp should be needed.
e. The Finance Council is scheduled to meet Thursday January 24th at 7:00 p.m.

6. Cathy McKnight – Plans for our Parish 3rd Anniversary Picnic – Cathy McKnight, Social Events Lead, gave the following report: [spacer height=”-15px”]

a. The picnic will be held on Sunday, March 17th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
b. Sign-up sheets will be in the Narthex the weekend of March 2nd and 3rd
c. Committee Responsibilities:[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. Men’s Activities/Knights of Columbus – Set up/Tear down; cook food on large grills
ii. Susie Bryant – Kitchen food prep/Serving/Clean up
iii. Lori Gamble – Chili Cookoff
iv. Bingo Staff – handle bingo
v. Family Follow Me – oversee children’s activities
vi. J Tucker – Face Painting
vii. Drue Ashwell – MC
viii. Sound System – TBD
d. Fr. Rafal commented that there should be a meeting prior to discuss ideas; and that we should again use tickets for beer, due to liability concerns
e. Fr. Perko commented that we should not serve wine; Fr. Rafal commented that we may want to have a little on hand
f. We will again have the 50-50 raffle; there will be a tent for Bingo
g. Chili Cook Off will be in the hall outside of the kitchen
h. Another meeting will be scheduled for later in February

7. Pentecost Liturgy – Pat Deacon, Eucharistic Minister Lead commented that she was disappointed in last year’s celebration; it was just “flat”[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. She suggested gathering some people who speak different languages to read gospel in another language (no need to have a microphone; just stand at altar; all read at the same time); we may want to add an item to the bulletin at Easter time, looking for participants

ACTION ITEM: Pat Deacon should work with Fr. Perko on this; and add a bulletin item to look for people to participate

8. Mark and Jenny Hebert – Altar Servers Status – Kelli Norstrem, Family Follow Me Lead, spoke on behalf of Heberts regarding requests for additional altar servers:[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Only a couple of youth new servers have joined the group
b. Only two adult servers attended Mark’s recent training

ACTION ITEM: Kelli should pass on the information to Heberts that we NEED to establish an altar server schedule, using Google Sheets, to be completed PRIOR to weekend masses

9. Lyndan Maron – Website update – Bob Bell and Fr. Rafal spoke on behalf of Lyndan:[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Lyndan is not being made aware of items prior to seeing them in the bulletin; she thinks that her assistance is not needed[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. Attendees disagreed with this thought
ii. Bob Bell and Fr. Rafal asked all ministries to include Lyndan when submitting bulletin and pulpit announcement requests; weekly bulletin drafts are now being sent to Lyndan

10. All Ministry Chairs – Ministry Highlights:[spacer height=”-15px”]

a. Ellen Harper, Lectors – Training was recently done by Deacon Tom Healy; there are some new lectors but not all of them live here full-time (military); weekday mass lectors are more difficult to find.
b. Ashley Powell, Building – Small items being worked on (water softener; drainage); will talk w/Bob Eggleston further at the Finance Council meeting.
c. Kelli Norstrem, Family Follow Me – February 3rd is the next potluck with a new host family; there are a few new families who MAY have possible altar servers, but primarily the same core group.
d. Beverly Crowley, Respect Life – “Project Isobel” contributes to the young mothers at St. Gerard’s – Gift bags were normally prepared; however, there is no chair for the group; gift cards will be given to the girls instead; there are 20 young women this year; we would like to give them approximately $50 each; Respect Life usually donates approximately $250, but they need additional contributions.[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. Each ministry is being asked to donate; contact Kathy Junker, Bookkeeper, to transfer funds from your ministry to Respect Life, who will purchase the gift cards. Beverly will contact each ministry to request contributions.
ii. Cathy McKnight asked about collecting at Bingo again this year; Beverly would like them to collect again
iii. Respect Life Needlework Group already has blankets ready for each of the girls[spacer height=”-15px”]

e. Tom Claridge, Spirituality – The follow-up to this week’s movie will be a live production in Jacksonville, professionally done as a one-person performance. Additional information for more events will be in upcoming bulletins and pulpit announcements:[spacer height=”-15px”]

i. Blessing of Throats
ii. Book Club
iii. “Lessons from Lourdes” to be presented by Deacon Tom Healy on February 24th and will include his own experiences
iv. Eucharistic Congress in March – a group is being organized to attend; probably will car-pool, rather than renting a bus[spacer height=”-15px”]

f. Pat Ruebush, outgoing Spirituality Lead – is very thankful that Claridges have taken over this ministry and praised the program that was included with this week’s movie[spacer height=”-15px”]

1. Fr. Rafal thanked Pat for the wonderful and significant work she did during her time in the ministry.[spacer height=”-15px”]

g. Joe Dzwilefsky, Volunteers – Followed up on background checks of volunteers; key distributions and the alarm system
h. Steve Borusovic, Ushers – We have 5 new ushers and seem to have an adequate number to cover masses
i. Mary Flanagan, Women’s Activities – Women support many of our ministries; her group feels that there should be more “talking sessions” that allow the parishioners and ministries to become more aware of what is going on within the parish. They would like quarterly “town hall” types of meetings to obtain updates and bring up their concerns.
j. The question regarding the use of comments and suggestions was raised; Fr. Rafal said that we get very few of them
k. Pat Deacon, Eucharistic Ministers (EMs) – Now has more EMs to fill all spots; she has received certificates and now need frames before distributing them
l. Beth Jurovcik, Music – Would like to know more information in advance, to better prepare for upcoming special masses (such as Lent/Easter); she would also like to meet with Fr. Perko to plan for the Easter Season. The choirs went caroling for Christmas.
m. Kathy Waldrop, Charity – Praised Beth’s work and success with its choirs and expressed how uplifting it is![spacer height=”-15px”]

1. Bob Bell requested to please keep Kathy in the loop about what is going on within each ministry, as Charity is involved in so many areas.[spacer height=”-15px”]

n. Pat Janco, outgoing Charity Lead – Continues to work with Gracie’s Kitchen; they are expanding what they can accomplish there; the soup kitchen has moved to Fernandina Beach which results in more room for Gracie’s; she also continues to oversee socks and pet food[spacer height=”-15px”]

1. Bob Bell thanked her for her work[spacer height=”-15px”]

o. Dawn Welliver, Religious Education – Bob Bell spoke on behalf of Dawn: This year 3 students are preparing to make their first Communion; 1st Reconciliation will be March 2nd; 1st Communion will be held April 28th; 8th graders will provide a repeat performance of Shadow Stations of the Cross for a Wednesday evening during Lent (TBD); Religious Ed students have completed posters for the Diocesan Respect Life Poster Contest that will be judged by members of the Respect Life Ministry[spacer height=”-15px”]

1. Kelli Norstrem stated that 6 or 7 students are preparing to be confirmed at St. Michael’s

Practical Discussion and Tasking:

1. Tasks for next meeting – Fr. Perko would like to work with a Prayer Chain. Tom and Marcella Claridge should meet with Fr. Perko to discuss the existing Prayer Chain.
2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.; the topic is TBD.[spacer height=”-15px”]

1. Closing Comments – Fr. Rafal said good-bye for now, and hopes to learn a great deal, both in theory and practical things during his education; he will visit hospitals and prisons; he is very excited. He does plan to return.
2. Minutes will be out as soon as possible; please share them with ministry members, as these meetings are limited to Ministry Leads.
3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Mazurowski and the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission
Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting
September 25, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. The following were present: Fr. Rafal Mazurowski, Bob Bell, Steve Borusovic, Pat Janco, Cathy McKnight, Mary Flanagan, Pat Ruebush, Pat Deacon, Beth Jurovcik, Beverly Crowley, Ashley Powell, Marie Sullivan, John Sullivan, Bob Eggleston and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Mark Hebert, Jenny Hebert, Joe Dzwilefsky, Ellen Harper, Ken Norstrem, Kelli Norstrem, Dawn Welliver and Tony Garcia.

Invited Guest: Marie Sullivan

The Introduction consisted of the following items:

  1. Opening Prayer was led by Bob Bell
  2. Introduction of new attendee was made: Ashley Powell, Building Manager.
  3. Fr. Mazurowski did not have any opening comments.

Old Business:

1. Review of the Action Items from the May 22, 2018 Pastoral Council by Bob Bell:

  1. E-giving program status – The e-giving program is now live on the church website; however, additional testing on importing contributions must be conducted. A conference call with the vendor, VANCO, and Kathy Junker has been scheduled. Roll-out of the program has been delayed somewhat, due to office staff changes, and is expected to take place in early November.
  2. Development of Parish Prayer – Eleven new prayers were submitted. Fr. Mazurowski, Deacon Campbell, Bob Bell and Pat Ruebush reviewed the submissions and chose Cathy McKnight’s entry as the new parish prayer.
  3. Security and Training – during religious education classes, the side door visibility concern was taken care of by placing plastic poster boards in the windows during classes. Security training was planned to be conducted by parishioner, Mike Edwards, of the Nassau County Sheriff’s Department; however, it has been cancelled due to a recent program change by the Diocese of St. Augustine. The diocese is implementing a security program for its parishes in October. The program will be paid for by the diocese.
  4. New parishioner and visitor recognition – Beginning in mid-October, new parishioners will be recognized at the beginning of all weekend masses. New members will be asked which mass time they plan to attend, at the time of registration. Their names will be included in the announcements for the mass they plan to attend the following weekend (in the same manner mass intentions are read) and they will be asked to stand and be recognized. It was also decided that visitors will be recognized at the same time.
  5. Building improvement project update – A third bid is being obtained for the estimated cost of a water softener. As a result of diocesan plans for the Wildlight development, the parking lot and drainage project has been postponed by Fr. Mazurowski, as an unnecessary expense at this time. The drainage problem near the office entrance will be addressed. The sewer system has also been inspected. It was determined that a lack of sufficient water flow (due to limited use) causes the backup. A manhole is being installed. The lighting project is also on hold until the new diocesan safety and security program can be reviewed.A question was raised regarding the extent of the diocese’s knowledge of St. Francis’s situation. Bob Eggleston responded that St. Francis must still abide by diocesan borrowing and purchasing requirements. We can make suggestions or recommendations but may not move forward without approval by the diocese, when required.It was also suggested that quarterly updates of St. Francis’s financial situation be provided to the congregation. Bob Bell stated that ministry leads are welcome and encouraged to forward the Pastoral Council minutes to their members, and that printed copies should also be made available in the Narthex.
  6. Synching of Google Sheets – Marie Sullivan informed the Council that she and Ellen Harper have worked out the synchronization of the sheets. Marie Sullivan also commented that there is now but one sheet; old sheets are deleted automatically.
  7. Parish Survey – Bob Bell gave a general overview of the survey content. It was reviewed by Deacon Campbell and a few changes were made. Fr. Mazurowski now has the survey for final review. The survey is nine pages and structured as an opinion survey with affirmative responses. The primary issue is how best to conduct the survey: a website format or a printed version that would be mailed to parishioners. A November roll out date is planned.
  8. Stewardship Weekend – October 21st and 22nd. Bob Bell requested that each ministry planning to participate contact him by October 7th. Ministries participating were asked to try to provide handouts pertaining to their ministry. The Music Ministry requested assistance for setup.
  9. Parish Directory – Mary Flanagan presented two directory options. The first would be the traditional book, provided through Life Touch. The second is a digital online option. Software would be purchased by the church for approximately $200, with assistance provided for an additional fee. Mary will review these options further and report back to the council.

New Business:

1. All Saints Day and All Souls Day liturgy requirements from Fr. Mazurowski:

  1.  The All Saints mass will have two readings.
  2.  The All Souls Day mass will have one reading.
    1. Ellen Harper has requested lectors for each of these masses.
    2. Fr. Mazurowski requested a sacristan, altar server and eucharistic ministers for each of these masses.
    3. Pat Deacon reported that she is holding off on having eucharistic ministers sign up to serve these masses at this time. She added that certificates for the eucharistic ministers have arrived and will be presented at mass. Most of the new eucharistic ministers attend 8:00 a.m. mass.

2. Scheduling and Preparations for Advent and Christmas season: Fr. Mazurowski reported that the Feast of the Immaculate Conception mass will have two readings and be celebrated at
9:00 a.m.

  1.  Marie Sullivan reported that the Google Sheets schedule is up and ready for the remainder of the year.
  2.  Fr. Mazurowski stated that the music has already been established. He will be working on the Advent Wreath with Ann Mitchell; we already have the candles.
  3.  Father asked about what we would like to do for the children after mass on Christmas Eve; Ann Mitchell will handle their treats. Mary Flanagan offered to assist with a cake.
  4.  Father also said that he would like live trees, and that the Men’s Activities group would purchase and water them.
  5.  As Christmas is on a Tuesday, Father approved decorating to begin on Sunday afternoon, December 23rd.
  6.  Establishment of an Altar Guild – the ministries in attendance agreed that this is a good idea. The comment was made that the term “guild” is not a positive term. Bob Bell stated that the word “committee” could be used in its place. The question of who would look for members was raised. It was determined that there should be a table at the upcoming Ministry Fair for the Altar Committee. It was also stressed that it must be understood that the Altar Committee would be responsible for more than just the Advent and Christmas season. It would continue throughout the year and all special events. There is a need for someone to step forward as lead for this committee.

3. Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration planning and requirements: This event is scheduled for Wednesday, December 12th. Tony Garcia would like to have a dance group perform; however, waivers would be required. Bob Bell stated that as the event conflicts with the religious education classes that evening, it would be a good idea to have the students attend the event in place of class.

ACTION ITEM: Kathy Junker will contact Deb Tauro at the Diocese about waiver requirements for the dancers.

4. Finance Report – provided by Bob Eggleston, substituting for John Flynn, who was unable to attend:

  1. At the end of fiscal year 2017/2018, St. Francis had $315,000 in cash among the four bank accounts that St. Francis has between SunTrust and the Diocese of St. Augustine. Of this total, $245,000 was in the Operating Account at SunTrust. All previous debt was retired by the end of the fiscal year, so the Balance Sheet reflects zero Liabilities on
    June 30, 2018.

As of the meeting of the Pastoral Council, Total Cash Assets have increased to $362,000, with $283,000 in the Operating Account. St. Francis has $10,000 and $800 in the two Diocesan Accounts, the Maintenance/Emergency Repair Fund and the remnant of the Building Fund, respectively.

St. Francis maintains a second checking account at SunTrust in which we hold sub-accounts for the various St. Francis of Assisi Ministries and Clubs, as well as designated Building Funds and accrued funds for yearly bills like Liability Insurance and Retired Priests’ Housing and Pension.

The $68,000 total in this account breaks down as:

Building Fund $26,000
Priest Housing & Pension $31,000
Liability Insurance $ 4,700
Ministries $ 6,300

For fiscal year 2017/2018, St. Francis had Total Income of $651,000 and Total Expenses of $548,000, yielding a positive $103,000 net income.

Cash Flow for the fiscal year was a positive $315,000 increase.

Pastoral Council members questioned how St. Francis could have both a positive net income and cash flow when the weekly bulletin continues to show a collection shortage each week, actual collected versus budget. Bob Eggleston explained that the Diocese changed the accounting policy this past year, now requiring that we record depreciation expense monthly. Depreciation is a non-cash expense, reflecting the accounting loss in value of assets as they age. For St. Francis, depreciation expense for our facilities amounts to $101,000 per year, or about $2,000 per week. Each week that we fail to collect the budgeted amount in Offertory essentially means that we are not covering the monthly depreciation (meaning we are not accruing enough to replace assets in the future) but does not affect the actual cash accounts. That is why we show positive net income and cash flow.

Bob Eggleston also reminded the Pastoral Council that St. Francis is not free to decide how to spend the cash we have on hand, citing the Diocesan Policy that any expenditure greater than $10,000 requires the approval of the Chancellor and/or Bishop. To date, the only approval we have received is for us to find a home to purchase, somewhere between our current St. Francis location and Wildlight, to serve as a Rectory for St. Francis. No approval has been given to construct/erect a pavilion, additional parking, or a paved road around the current building.

The following questions were also addressed:

i. Could the $315,000 balance be used for shortages? Bob Eggleston stated that these funds may be used for that purpose; however, this action has not been necessary so far.

a. Bob also confirmed that this information may be viewed by parish members and is made available annually by the Finance Council Chair (currently, John Flynn).
b. Fr. Mazurowski added that we can add a line item to the bulletin for e-giving.

ii. Why not hire a commercial service [for the lawn/maintenance position(s)]? Bob Eggleston stated that this has been tried in the past. It is difficult to get businesses who have the insurance that meets Diocesan requirements of two million dollars per occurrence for liability.
iii. What is meant by “mission” [from a financial perspective]? Bob Eggleston explained that being designated as a mission allows us to avoid paying tax to the diocese. Last year, this tax for St. Francis would have been approximately $65,000.
iv. Is St. Francis separate from St. Michael’s? Bob Eggleston confirmed that St. Francis is essentially separate from them.

b. Why was our Rectory moved? Bob explained that the landlord recently ended its lease with St. Francis. We were able to set up a new lease for another residence to use as the Rectory.

i. As stated above the Wildlight project has influenced future Rectory plans, directing St. Francis to find a Rectory between our current location and the Wildlight location. The diocese will finance 80% of the purchase; St. Francis must provide 20%.

5. Ministry Scheduling – Bob Bell reported that there are problems with “holes” in scheduling; email requests are not working. Pat Deacon commented that prior to some masses, she has had to “swap” roles between ushers and eucharistic ministers to cover the eucharistic minister positions. Steve Borusovic commented that there were no altar servers at the 8:00 a.m. mass, two weeks ago, when Fr. Booth was guest celebrant. Bob Bell confirmed that Ann Mitchell oversees Sacristans. Bob also emphasized that we need one person in charge of liturgy, for all related areas. Marie Sullivan brought up the purpose of Google Sheets and sign-up to fill in holes on September 20th was meant to eliminate “TBDs”. Bob Bell reiterated the necessity of calling ministry members to fill holes, rather than sending out general email requests.

ACTION ITEM: Bob Bell will resolve Pat Deacon’s concern for keys to open and lock the church and sacristy. Joe Dzwilefsky will meet with Fr. Mazurowski to address the issue of insufficient keys for the church/sacristy.

6. Selection of rotating ministry leads – Bob Bell reported that the following ministry leaders will need to be replaced in January:

a. Spirituality
b. Charity
c. Volunteers (dependent on the timing of Joe Dzwilefsky’s departure)
d. Liturgy

i. Those who are currently leaders for these areas should help recruit new leaders. A Nomination Box should be placed in the Narthex for applicants in mid-November.
ii. The term for a ministry leader is three years.

7. 2019 Catholic Calendars – Bob Bell reported that the 2019 calendars have been procured. Pablo’s Restaurant contributed the necessary financing. Calendars are currently at the printer and will be ready in mid-November. The order was cut back from 2018, as approximately 100 calendars were left over. The cost was $525 for 350 calendars.

8. Christmas Bazaar – Cathy McKnight reported that preparations are progressing as planned. The Men’s Activities Group will be assisting. The event will be publicized in mid-October and the event will be held on November 3rd and 4th.

9. Ministry Highlights – Each ministry chair had an opportunity to comment:

a. Respect Life, Beverly Crowley – October is a big month, as it is “Respect Life Month”. October 7th is Respect Life Sunday; a table will be set up in the Narthex with information. A “Life Chain” with St. Michael’s has been set up, with members hosting at their home.
b. Building Management, Ashley Powell – Nothing new to present.
c. Spirituality, Pat Ruebush – Pray for ministry lead replacements. There is an interest in holding adoration in the evening. Would Fr. Mazurowski or Deacon Campbell be willing to come for one hour? The rosary will be said in front of a member’s home to celebrate Respect Life Sunday. She also asked if it is permissible to show email addresses when sending email. Bob Bell responded that this was permitted.
d. Charity, Pat Janco – Pat reported that things are going well. One year ago, Gracie’s was serving 180 to 200 meals per night; now, approximately 100 more meals are served nightly. There are many homeless people in the area. The biggest increase is for take-out meals; dine-ins are staying longer for fellowship.
e. Events, Cathy McKnight – The following events are scheduled for October: Bingo on the 8th; the Oyster Roast on the 14th and the Bake Sale on the 20th.
f. Google Sheets/Liturgy Scheduling, Marie Sullivan – No comments.
g. Men’s Activities, John Sullivan – A credit card machine is needed for activities for both women’s and men’s groups. Ray Harrington, from Knights of Columbus at St. Michael’s can obtain the machine for us. Bob Eggleston added that this may help to generate more revenue and that he will assist with set-up. John also commented that “Square” slides should not be used, as this program donates to Planned Parenthood.
i. A suggestion was also made not to accept American Express, as higher fees are charged by them.
h. Music, Beth Jurovcik – Beth reported that some families did not return for the children’s group; however, there were more new members to offset this loss. The grant obtained is being used for instruments for the children. The choirs will perform at St. Cecelia’s on Sunday evening, November 18th and at Osprey Village on Sunday afternoon, December 9th.
i. Eucharistic Ministry, Pat Deacon – Pat stated that she has “holes” in the schedule and will start calling eucharistic ministers to fill them in.
j. Women’s Activities, Mary Flanagan – The Women’s Retreat was well attended; very positive comments were received, and Deacon Campbell did an excellent job. She wants to continue with the retreats and add one for the men. The Women’s group sent an email broadcast to request food for a recent funeral. This method seemed to be the best way to announce the need. She received a very positive response to the request. Mary also commented that she wants to increase the Koffee Klatch membership by one percent.
k. Ushers, Steve Borusovic – There is a need for more ushers, especially at the 4:00 p.m. mass on Saturdays. Steve asked who oversees adult altar servers. Bob Bell responded that no one is responsible for this area as of now and he was trying to get a volunteer to take the position.

ACTION ITEM: Bob Bell will find a coordinator for adult altar servers. Fr. Mazurowski stated that is it very important to have altar server(s) at the 8:00 a.m. Sunday masses.

10. Upcoming Events:
a. Blessing of the Animals – Our guest priest, Fr. Ed Booth will conduct the blessing in our church parking lot, on Saturday, October 6th at 2:00 p.m.
b. Red Kettle – This will begin after Thanksgiving, for four weekends; sign-up sheets will be coming in early November.

11. Communion Service – There is a potential for October 3rd at 9:00 a.m. A lector would be needed. Fr. Mazurowski will confirm the communion service prior to leaving for the pilgrimage to Poland.

Practical Discussion and Tasking:

1. Fr. Mazurowski commented that he will be gone on pilgrimage during the first two weeks of October.
2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held January 22, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.; the topic will be Lent and Easter.

1. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Mazurowski and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission
Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting
May 22, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. The following were present: Fr. Rafal Mazurowski, Deacon Brian Campbell, Bob Bell, Steve Borusovic, Pat Janco, Mary Flanagan, Pat Ruebush, Bunny Smithson, Ellen Harper, Pat Deacon, Beth Jurovcik, Ken Norstrem, Kelli Norstrem, Dawn Welliver, John Flynn, Wayne Munson, Jean Stanley, Lori Gamble and Kathy Junker.

Absent: Cathy McKnight, John Sullivan, Joe Dzwilefsky

Invited Guest: Lori Gamble

The Introduction consisted of the following items:

1. Opening Prayer was presented by Bob Bell
2. Introduction of new attendees was made: Jean Stanley, Business Manager and Kathy Junker, Finance Council

Old Business:

1. Review of the Action Items from the January 23, 2018 Pastoral Council by Bob Bell:
a. Installation of security cameras and lighting – This has been approved; however, no work is being done due to the lack of a Building Manager. The church is looking for someone to fill this role.
b. Milling for the road to the North and East – This has been approved; however, nothing is being done due to the lack of a Building Manager.
c. Thermostats – These are being set by ushers and others should not be changing the setting.

ACTION ITEM: Kathy Junker – Print signs and place above all thermostats informing parishioners not to change the setting.

d. New parishioner recognition – Use of bulletin pictures and/or recognition of new members before mass as part of the announcements. This is still an open action.

ACTION ITEM: Kathy Junker – Discuss both options with Fr. Rafal and Office Staff and implement recognition of new members.

2. Update on the Ministry Calendar by Ellen Harper: There is a new Chrome Book, set up on a laptop in the Cry Room, to be initialed as present when serving at mass. This is replacing the printed calendar. Ellen assisted at each of the masses, including the Spanish masses, during the past two weeks; there were no issues. Marie Sullivan currently manually updates and copies the Ministry Calendar.

ACTION ITEM: Ellen Harper and Marie Sullivan – Determine a way to automatically sync Google Sheets.

3. Respect Life Updates by Bunny Smithson:
a. Baby Bottle Campaign – $4,416.39 was collected and distributed to the Women’s Help Center, St. Gerard’s Campus and The Nest. The Nest is no longer being used, as they require a statement of faith be signed by our volunteers. The statement differs somewhat from our Catholic faith and our volunteers did not want to sign it. The Nest will not allow anyone to volunteer who does not sign. The decision was then made to stop collecting funds for The Nest.
b. Needlework – 20 hand-knit baby blankets were presented to St. Bernard’s.
c. Certificate Awards were presented to winners of the CCD Respect Life contest at the 9:30a.m. mass on April 22nd.
d. Bunny Smithson and Beverly Crowley are completing their two-year term and will be looking for replacements. They would like to see a couple replace them, rather than two individuals. A notice will be posted in the Bulletin if replacements are not found.

New Business:

1. Lessons learned from Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Celebrations – discussion by all ministries:
a. Creation of Altar Guild – Bob Bell relayed an email he received from Kathleen Lunman. She would like to see an altar guild created to oversee the decorating of the church. Kathleen cited a lack of advance planning for Holy Week and Easter as an example. Ellen Harper responded that she agreed with this concern.
b. Use of Brick pavers – Ellen Harper stated that they will no longer be used in decorating, as they scratch the floors.
c. Jesus’ Tomb – Ellen Harper stated that this term should not be used, as it is a Protestant term. We should use the term Altar of Repose instead.
d. Availability of palms for Palm Sunday – Bob Bell stated that complaints had been made about a shortage of palms for some of the masses on Palm Sunday. No palms were available for the 9:30 Mass.
e. Altar Guild chair – Bob Bell brought this topic up again and asked if an Altar Guild should be established, and if so, will someone be willing to head up this function?
f. Additional comments for Lessons learned:
i. Pat Ruebush, Spirituality Ministry, added that our parish penance service be expanded to include more than just confession. Other suggestions were made to change the name to “confession” or “evening penance hour”, as well as to add recorded music in the background.
ii. Beth Jurovcik, Music Ministry, brought up suggestions to add an additional mass on Easter Sunday, make the Good Friday service shorter and hold it earlier in the day, purchase more palms next year, add a procession on Palm Sunday; include the Spanish congregation in Holy Week functions. There was also no washing of feet.
iii. Pat Ruebush, Spirituality Ministry, stated that Stations of the Cross, followed by soup and bread, was a good experience. She suggested alternating leaders next year and having someone other than the leader for stations set up for the dinner.

2. Discussion moved on to the Finance Report. John Flynn reported that as of April 30, 2018 there was a total of $290,000 in cash; of this, $53,000 was in the Building Fund account. He also stated that the Finance Council celebrated the December 31, 2107 payoff of the $446,000 loan at the February meeting. Further, the bishop notified St. Francis that the church would not have to repay the $200,000 Emergency Loan from the Diocese. While this loan did not have a specific repayment obligation, it was still a liability to the church. Mr. Flynn also commented that the some of the building requests still had to be completed; these items were under active review by the Finance Council. Individual ministry budget requests for fiscal year July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 are due by June 30, 2018.

3. Bob Bell brought up the status of prioritized actions from the October Parish Town Hall meeting. Several items had already been approved (confessional, cameras, lighting, gutters); only the gutters have been completed. Parishioners voted on three projects in October (pavilion, paved parking and drainage improvements, and millings); one bid of $166,000 for the paved parking project has been received to date. No action has been taken due to the lack of a Building Manager.
4. Kathy Junker reported on the status of the e-giving program. The church signed an agreement with VANCO Payment Solutions on April 6, 2018. There is no contract or requirement to remain with VANCO for any specific time. There is no cost to parishioners for participating in online giving; the church will pay a monthly fee to VANCO. St. Francis must now decide when they would like to roll this program out to parishioners.
ACTION ITEM: Kathy Junker – Determine a date to roll out online giving.

5. Bob Bell said that a proposal to change the current Sunday mass schedule from 8:00a.m. and 9:30a.m. to 8:00a.m. and 10:00a.m. to improve the parking situation. Discussion on this subject determined that this was not a constant problem. Kelli Nortstrem, from the Family program and Dawn Welliver, from the Religious Education program stated that they preferred to keep the current mass schedule in place. This item was shelved with no further action to be taken for the time being.

6. Discussion then moved to ministry Stewardship. Bob Bell stated that he received responses to his request for suggestions and comments from the various ministries. He suggested sign-up session(s), with tables for each ministry, to encourage new members. Mary Flanagan, from Women’s Activities, suggested to all of them at once outside, under our tents and serve finger foods. The suggested that it be scheduled for October; no one opposed. Pat Deacon, from the Eucharistic Ministry, suggested the possibility of offering a door prize.

ACTION ITEM: Set up and plan this event in October 2018 (no one assigned to this action item)

7. Bob Bell suggested having the parishioners develop a new parish prayer, and get their input on the development of an altar guild. The use of a survey to gather input was discussed.

ACTION ITEM: Bob Bell – Execute a plan for a survey and the creation of a new parish prayer by October.

8. Bob Bell shared comments he received regarding security concerns during mass, as well as possible solutions. There was additional discussion regarding problems locking one of the front doors to the building. Deacon Brian Campbell reminded everyone that concerns about security during mass and when the building is empty are two different topics. Steve Borusovic commented that the ushers monitor the use of the side doors during mass. Mary Flanagan invited Lori Gamble to present the possibility of obtaining a risk assessment that covers various areas of security for St. Francis.

ACTION ITEM: Lori Gamble – Obtain an estimate of the fee charged for the assessment and e-mail her findings to Bob Bell.

9. Bob Bell brought up the use of an emergency call list. As of now, Bob and Joe Dzwilefsky are the only two on the list to be called by ACS.
ACTION ITEM: Kathy Junker – Post Bob Rowell’s (Maintenance) telephone number in the kitchen.
10. Mary Flanagan, Women’s Activities, outlined the upcoming Christmas Bazaar. Sandy Pineault will oversee the bazaar. It will be held the first weekend of November, on both Saturday and Sunday, on the church’s lawn. The bazaar will be open to the public and larger than in the past. Crafts to be sold will be donated by our parishioners. Additional activities will be included. Hiring a Santa Clause or finding a volunteer was discussed. Additional detail will be emailed to Bob Bell, after the next Women’s Activities meeting on May 24th.

11. The suggestion has been made to create a parish directory. The pros and cons of a directory were discussed. Mary Flanagan, Women’s Activities, brought up a digital option as a possibility; it would allow for pictures to be added to the directory over time.

ACTION ITEM: Mary Flanagan to obtain information for a possible parish directory.

12. Discussion moved to ministry highlights. Each ministry chair had an opportunity to comment:
a. Liturgy, Ellen Harper – Some people are scheduling themselves too often or for more than one item during a mass. Procedures were originally established to allow more people to participate. Ministers should only be asked to participate one time per month for weekend masses and should only participate in one area (e.g. lector, eucharistic minister) per weekend mass.
ACTION ITEM: Ellen Harper – Provide new/updated procedures for lectors.
b. Spirituality, Pat Ruebush – The ministry recently showed a movie, and had about ten people attend the first of two showings. She thought that she could improved the coordination and explanation of events in the future. Faith Study is on break for the summer and a women’s bible study will begin in the fall. Sunday rosary will continue.

c. Charities, Pat Janco – Pat reported that Gracie’s Kitchen is doing well and need for YUM has almost doubled. There was an increase in seniors’ need for food and socks for men; the pet corner is doing well. St. Francis served over 4000 meals this month. Heart 2 Heart is requesting that Charities be notified if anyone could use a card. The blood drive is also going well.

ACTION ITEM: Pat Janco – Rename “Charities” to “Outreach”?

d. Women’s Activities, Mary Flanagan – The Father’s Day brunch will be discussed at the May 24, 2018 meeting for Women’s Activities. Details: Brunch will be held outside of the church after each of the Sunday masses and include breakfast casseroles, fruit, juice and coffee; sign-up sheets for attendance will be placed in the Narthex. A women’s retreat has been suggested and is being considered for a half or full day, at St. Francis. Mary is trying to get this established and would like to get Pat Ruebush, Spirituality, involved.

e. Music, Beth Jurovcik – The children’s music program was a success this year! The choir party was also a big success. The adult choir is growing; however, more participants are still needed for the Sunday 8:00a.m. masses. Beth is trying to limit the choir to 15 people at the 4:00p.m. masses. She requested that the chapel door be kept shut, due to allergies of some choir members. Beth also reported that she is working on a grant for materials for the children to use; they are currently using Beth’s own materials. She is also buying some “instruments” for them. Beth is also working on developing choir visits to nursing homes.

f. Family/Youth, Ken and Kelli Norstrem – Kelli reported that things are going well. In May, they did a trip to the beach; it was well attended. They are looking for ideas for a day trip in July. They are also getting some new members but are looking for more. Finally, the Easter egg hunt received a good response from attendees!

g. Ushers, Steve Borusovic – Steve reported that there are currently 34 ushers; however, more are still needed.

h. Religious Education, Dawn Welliver – Dawn reported that there were 40 children involved this year. An electronic registration form is being created on the church’s website. She also reported that she has a parent’s meeting coming up for next fall’s program. The bread distribution was a little smaller than hoped; however, a she received a positive response. Dawn also reported that she has security concerns during class, as children are visible through the side door windows. Finally, Dawn will be contacting Bunny Smithson regarding the Respect Life program.

ACTION ITEM: Jean Stanley to obtain blinds that can be installed on the side door windows.

i. Fundraising, Wayne Munson – Wayne reported on two items:

i. Building Fund – This fund still exists. Approximately $11,000 is still being collected. People continue to contribute to the fund; these funds will go to existing projects. Any new projects would be completed with new funds collected.

ii. Plumbing issue – The grading has failed under the sewage lines, causing them to sag; two areas have been affected. Roto Rooter provided a “healthy” estimate to correct the situation. Any warranty availability is also being researched. This is an issue that must be corrected. It is not a building fund issue or an operating/maintenance issue.

j. Finance Council, John Flynn – John stated that he had no comments.

k. Eucharistic Ministers, Pat Deacon – Pat reported that the eucharistic ministers now have added four stations at the 9:30 Mass. She also noted that there is not always a sacristan or altar server for Saturday masses; Deacon’s open “D” spots are also not being filled. Pat will be holding a training “recommitment” for new and existing eucharistic ministers on June 9, 2018. She will also hold a back-up session and put a notice in the bulletin. There are some certificates that need renewing. Those who would like to become eucharistic ministers must be at least 16 years of age, confirmed and in good standing with the church. Pat noted that no new interest has been expressed for altar servers and eucharistic ministers.

l. Women’s Activities, Mary Flanagan – Mary reported that any proceeds from the Christmas Bazaar will be donated towards a pavilion.

m. Men’s Activities, Bob Bell – Bob reported that they will be off for the summer; their final meeting this season is June 7th. John Sullivan is the president elect. An event is planned for a Jumbo Shrimp baseball game and buffet, on July 15, 2018. A sign-up sheet will be posted the first week of June; at least 24 participants are needed.

1. Father Rafal reported that Deacon Brian would like to have a discussion on a specific book. Father asked Pat Ruebush, Spirituality, if the Women’s Book Club would be willing to host.

2. The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 25, 2018. Discussion will address plans for Advent, Christmas and an Altar Guild.

3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Rafal and the meeting adjourned at 9:12p.m

The meeting was called to order Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. The following were present:  Fr. Slawek, Bob Bell, Jean Stanley, Cathy McKnight, Kathleen Waldrop, Fred Sanchez, Jackie Sanchez, Beth Jurovcik, Walt Paskowski, Jess Simpson, Deacon Ralph, Julie Kara, Deacon Brian, Ann Mitchell, Sally Brainerd, Victoria Blackwell, Sandy Pineault, and Robin Holmes.

Absent:  Gene Hudak, Ish Hernandez, Marianne Sanchez, Pat Ruebush, Mary Flanagan, Deacon Tom Healy, Ashley Powell, Tony Vellucci, John Sullivan

  1. I. Introduction consisted of the following items:
  1. Opening Prayer led by Bob Bell
  2. Opening Remarks by Fr. Slawek:
  1. Old Business:
  1. Parish Weekend Lessons Learned – Deacon Brian
    1. Picnic received positive feedback – Extremely well organized
      1. Flow worked very well
      2. Add henna tattoos
  • All food at same time instead of having Spanish food separate
  1. Improve sound quality by having inside/outside speakers coordinated
  2. Invite DJ Russell Bryant w/ Ozzie next year
  3. Karaoke contest
  • Add Franciscan Prayer Service
  • Have less major events – too many in the days leading up
  1. Identify an event planner among parishioners
  1. Annual banner contest should be continued and banner hung in Church hall
  2. Have a more informal picture of Fr. Slawek with parishioners on Covenant letter
  3. All day adoration very well received – positive feedback
  4. Positive feedback on both long and short video
  5. Blessing of the Animals
    1. Hold on grass due to hot pavement
    2. Pictures of pet/owner with Fr. Slawek
  • Advertise to community

Action Item: Begin planning earlier in the year


  1. Mass of Remembrance – Ann Mitchell
    1. A third Spanish speaking person was suggested to read names. Fr. Slawek does not feel this is necessary
    2. People who forgot to submit names had a quiet moment to go up and light a candle on their own. This opportunity was appreciated
    3. Names were much easier to read this year
    4. Noted that about a dozen people turned in their envelopes to Bob/ushers as they came in and Father graciously read them at the mass-which was appreciated
    5. At one point this is no longer going to be sustainable due to the number of families/names. Rethink the formula

Action Item: Consider other plans on how to recognize deceased if Mass of Remembrance becomes unmanageable


  1. Grief Ministry – Sandy Pineault
    1. Name changed to the Jesus Wept: St. Francis of Assisi Consolation Ministry
    2. Expanded to open ministry to any loved ones who have passed
    3. Flyers are being designed and will be in the narthex and available in the office
    4. Friday, November 18, 2022 “Facing the Holidays” Guest Speaker: Rev. Jim Tippins, Chaplain and Certified Grief Counselor
    5. Grief Ministry is growing – 11 attendees, possibly three more will attend the next meeting
  1. Lock up and Clean up – Bob Bell/Jean Stanley
    1. Last person in building to cut off lights, reset thermostat if it has been changed, lock panic bar if unlocked, ascertain building is secure and no one remains inside, set alarm
    2. Clean garbage after all events and take out to dumpster.
    3. Parking lot cones must be in place due to all of the truck parking from the gas station. Last person to leave put cones back. Cones are very important. Fred stated there are usher instructions in the credenza door and ushers have been notified via email of the placement of cones. They are aware of their duties. Leave it the way you found it.
    4. Nothing goes on top of the welcome table. The other credenzas are for ministries. Do not monopolize all of the space, leave room for others.
    5. Walk the bulletin box and any other recyclable garbage out to the recycle bin to ensure a neat, uncluttered atmosphere.

III.  New Business:

  1. Visit of Bishop Pohlmeier – November 27, 9:30 a.m. Mass
    1. Special Requirements – Fr. Slawek
      1. Rite of Acceptance for RCIA will be conducted here with the Bishop instead of at the cathedral
      2. Deacon Ralph coordinating servers, altar servers, ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, with ministry leads – Jackie noted youth ministry lectors have been selected for this Mass
  • possibly more attendees due to Rite of Acceptance and presence of Bishop
  1. Per Ann advent candle lit on Saturday and blessed
  2. Fr. Slawek would like things kept simple as possible
  3. length of Mass is uncertain as we do not know length of Bishop’s homily
  1. Reception – Cathy McKnight
    1. After 9:30 Mass
    2. Location (indoor/outdoor) determined by weather
  • Julie Kara – no donut Sunday due to Bishop’s reception immediately following Mass
  1. Feast of Immaculate Conception – Thursday, December 8th – Holy Day of Obligation
    1. 9:00 a.m. Mass followed by regular Adoration schedule
      1. total four EMs, four ushers needed
    2. 7 p.m. Mass
      1. four EMs, four ushers needed

              Action item:  Jess-Building needs reset Wednesday evening following Religious Ed classes

  1. Preparations for Advent and Christmas
    1. Advent Wreath –
      1. Current banners will come down after 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, November 13th. New banners will be up by Saturday, November 26th.
      2. Set up extra chairs after Thursday Adoration Dec. 22 and leave up through Christmas Day
  1. Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule – Fr. Slawek/Walt Paskowski/John Sullivan/Ann Mitchell/Beth Jurovcik/Fred Sanchez

Saturday, December 24th Christmas Eve

4:00 p.m. Children’s Mass – English

6:00 p.m. Mass – English

No Hispanic Mass

Sunday, December 25th Christmas Day

10:00 a.m. Mass – English


Saturday, December 31st

4:00 p.m. Mass – English

6:00 p.m. Mass – Hispanic

Sunday, January 1, 2023 – Solemnity of Mary

8:00 a.m. Mass

9:30 a.m. Mass

Action items:  1. One additional EM in narthex

  1. one or two additional ushers to pass offertory basket in narthex
  2. be sure offertory basket is visible
  1. Offertory basket discussion
    1. Reinstitute gift bearers weekend of Nov. 19-20– Ann explained the process as it was paused due to COVID prior to Fr. Slawek being here

Action item:  1. Ann will notify Sacristans to ensure proper set up for gift bearers

  1. Sacristans, ushers, and choir need to be advised of reinstitutions
  1. Poinsettias
    1. Kitchen will hold donated to parish orders Quiet Room will hold plants to be picked up (Note: it has since been decided to place poinsettias on tables in front of the cry room glass window)
    2. Jackie expressed concerns about poinsettias being in Quiet Room with choir children – asked if there is anywhere else poinsettias can go
  • Poinsettias not picked up will be placed on the altar
  1. Sally Brainerd will care for poinsettias between arrival and pick up
  1. Streaming of Christmas Mass – Fr. Slawek
    1. Fr. Slawek will discuss with Francesco – streaming license is for up to 600 people. Price goes up with over 600 people. Fr. will check with Francesco on how many are watching.
  1. Decorating the Church and Set up of the Creche – Mary Flanagan/Tony Vellucci
    1. Sunday preceding Christmas, after December 18th 9:30 a.m. Mass Creche set up
    2. Leave advent wreath up
  1. Children’s Christmas Mass – Cathy McKnight/Mary Flanagan/Julie & Jerry Kara
    1. Julie oversees gift bags for sleigh
    2. Live nativity display outside by Religious Ed on Christmas eve
      1. Victoria explained it is for viewing as parishioners enter for Mass, no early arrival necessary
  • Choir and Religious Ed will work out what children are where

Action items: -1. Julie to let Fr. Slawek know about happy birthday song and cake for Jesus

  1. Fr. Slawek requests Victoria submit Pulpit and Bulletin announcement regarding live nativity a couple of weeks prior
  1. Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration – Monday, December 12 – Ish Hernandez
    1. Tent set up on Sunday afternoon
    2. Pavilion set up will be Monday prior noon
    3. 6:00 p.m. Procession
    4. 6:15 p.m. Rosary
    5. 7:00 p.m. Mass celebrated by Fr. Slawek and Fr. Carlos
    6. Food and drink served until 10:00 p.m.
    7. Clean up immediately following event
  1. Building Committee Update – Ashley Powell
    1. Slawek states this is not to be discussed until accurate information is available
    2. Architectural bids are being requested
    3. Architect will be responsible for initial drawing and cost then decided by diocese and SFA and if we will need to raise more funds.
    4. Once Bishop’s approval, a timeframe, and cost are received, Fr. Slawek will make a presentation to the congregation.
    5. Asked if this is 2 to 3 years out, Father noted it is best to say we are looking for architect and cost. It is currently difficult to address the possible cost increase due to inflation and unpredictability of market. This will also affect the building timeframe.
    6. Beth receives numerous questions on if we need to add extra masses.
      1. Father stated there will be no additional Masses added to the schedule at this time.
  1. Ministry Highlights – All Ministry Chairs
    1. 2023 Catholic Calendars – Bob Bell
      1. 2023 calendars have been received and will be distributed the weekend of 11/12 – 11/13 this weekend.
      2. Thank you to John and Marie Sullivan of Amelia Insurance Agency, Inc. for sponsoring the calendars
  1. Salvation Army Ring the Bell – Bob Bell
    1. Signup sheet on credenza.
    2. Note it is not at Walmart this year, it is at Publix. Bob will send email reminders to all who leave their email address on the signup sheet.
  1. Business Manager
    1. New maintenance man hired, Carlyle, here all day Fridays and Saturdays
    2. Carlyle will address hurricane/storm procedures
  • Volunteer Agreement and Release form
    1. All volunteers need to sign
    2. Needed for liability protection of the parish
  1. Sacristans
    1. Tom Sintes in training for weekday masses
    2. We now have 4 regular and 1 sub sacristans for weekday Masses


  1. Liturgy
    1. Donated Poinsettia can indicate who they are in remembrance of and names will be posted in the bulletin Christmas weekend
    2. Binding of new missals after Sunday 9:30 Mass on November 20th
  • current books will be unbound through end of following weekend

Action item: 1. Fred and Walt will send an email to their ministry volunteers asking for assistance

  1. Robin will print Prayer of St. Francis insert on heavier stock paper
  2. Robin will add Pulpit Announcement looking for volunteers
  1. Social Events
    1. Bingo Friday, November 11, 2022
    2. Bingo has been bringing in from 64 to 68 attendees each month
  1. MOSF
    1. 5-minute Educator Series is working well and well received by attendees
  1. Spirituality
    1. Next All-Day Adoration will be Friday, January 6, 2023. Again, it will be ministry focused.
      1. Every ministry is asked to sponsor an hour to obtain 100% compliance
    2. Monthly First Friday Adoration currently brings in about 40 people on average
  • Sandy expressed her gratitude to the deacons for their participation in First Friday Adoration
  1. Second All-Day Adoration will be Friday, June 9, 2023
  2. Considering 2 days of Quest Reflections Women’s Retreat in June 2023
  3. Have a soft September reservation plan for an overnight women’s retreat at Marywood.
  • Prayer Watch is very active. Thank you all for your powerful prayers.
  • Currently have 74 prayer warriors in Prayer Watch group
  1. Jess and Sandy are in the developmental stage of creating a software program for Prayer Watch
  2. More details to come regarding Prayer Share.
  3. 350 Prayer Share invitations were distributed after Masses.
  1. Charities
    1. Blanket Drive has gone exceptionally well this year. Has far exceeded expectations.
  1. Practical Discussion and Tasking:
  1. Tasks for next meeting – Fr. Slawek
  2. The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held Tuesday, January 24, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
  1. Conclusion:
  2. Closing Comments – Fr. Slawek: Thank you all for the good work you do for our parish.
  3. Closing prayer was led by Fr. Slawek: Gracious Father, we thank you for the opportunity to meet together today. As we leave this place, surround us with your love. May we see your beauty, feel your love, know your wisdom and experience your power. May we find the comfort we desire in you and the strength we need in your name. May your presence be with us every hour of the day. May your love be the passion in our hearts. May your joy be our strength when times are hard. May your presence be the peace that overflows in our lives.  Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.