Almighty Father, source of forgiveness and salvation, grant that our relatives and friends who have passed from this life may, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, come to share your Eternal happiness through Christ our Lord.
Please also heal and comfort, as only You can, those left behind through their hope in the Ressurection. Amen!
Deborah Ann Iaciofoli – 01/31
Gary Douglas Farrar – 02/20
John Storey Gallagher, MD – 03/05
Betty Cosson Montroy – 03/27
John Quinn – 08/29
Vivian Annette DeCanio – 12/30
Robert “Bob” Mason
Ruth Yvette McNeil
Rafael Ernesto Rodriguez Ortiz
Robert “Bob” Baker
Shirley Ann Brechler
Daniel Hammer
Robert Jameson
Thomas Michael Mekara, Sr.
Lorraine Catherine Orr
Robert James Pfleiger
Lawrence Plourde
Jennifer Catherine Richert
Barbara Mary Ross
John Michael Starek
Samuel Vasquez-Ramos
Mary “Sue” Vasas
Wayne Munson

Vincent Anthony Abrahams
Joseph Thomas Cotter
Laurel Ohlsen Dwinnell
Margaret Dolores Edwards
Richard Frederick Keller
Courtney “Biff” Joseph McCoy
Rafael Alberto Ortiz-Bocanegra
Betty L. Pascarella
Rosa “Minia” Santiago

Patrick Monaghan
Gina McKinna
Nancy Sauter
William C. Labermeier, Sr.
Genevieve Lambiase
David K. Sturges – 01/11
Donald F. Watson – 04/08
William O. Rabitaille – 05/19
Paul J. Hargraves Sr. – 06/25
Kathleen O’Day – 08/30
Angela Virginia Loper – 09/01
Robert J. Lowery – 08/18
Sandra A. Kendall – 10/20
Norm Pineault – 10/25
Joseph Pascarella

Mark Welliver
Morris Shipper
Guy Kneedler
Mary “Josie” Foley
Joy Dzwilefsky
Maria Quinn
Joan Brooks
Robert Tobin
Patricia LeRoy
Donna Zigmund
Fr. Gerald O’Shea
John “Jack” Sullivan
Infant baby Rose
Kathleen Wiseman
Richard Austin
Ruth Norton
Eric Munson
Feliciano Hernandez
Agustin Hernandez
Gary Ritchie
Dustin Demers
Dorothy Cascone
Let perpetual light shine on them Lord, and may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in Peace.

On June 30th, 2020, we said goodby to Fr. Rafal as he left for his new parish, St. Mary’s in Bunnell, Florida. Fr. Rafal has been with us since 2017 as our pastor and beloved member of our parish family. We will miss you, Fr., but wish you all the best and many blessings in your new home. You need to keep in mind there are speed traps down there…
For St. Mary’s Parishioners – if you drive anywhere with Fr. Rafal, wear your seatbelt!
The Respect Life Ministry and everyone at St. Francis of Assisi Mission will greatly miss Bunny Smithson when she moves to Texas later this month. She has been involved in the Respect Life Ministry and was instrumental in the fundraising Tree of Donors project. At the 4:00 pm Mass on March 16th, Bob Bell and Fr. Perko presented Bunny with a Certificate of Appreciation for all she has done. God Bless you, Bunny in your new life!