Marcella and Tom Claridge
Created in the image and likeness of God, the origin of all life, men and women are called to be partners with the Creator in transmitting the sacred gift of human life. (Pontifical Council on the Family, The Ethical and Pastoral Dimensions of Population Trends, March 25th, 1994, no. 73)
The Human Life & Dignity Ministry promotes respect and protection for all human life from conception to natural death, through prayer, education, witness, and advocacy. The HL&D Committee meets on the third Monday of each month at 9:45 a.m. just outside the Sacristy. For more information on HL&D, contact Marcella or Tom Claridge at humanlifeanddignity@stfrancisyulee.org

Our next meeting: Tuesday, March 25th at 12:30 pm in the Quiet Room
It changes from our usual Monday meeting date and afternoon meeting time. There seem to be challenges to meeting on Mondays so that we may be looking for a new day of the week or a new location. We will discuss and decide at the meeting.
Please join us! Your gifts and talents are definitely needed and welcomed!

Spiritual Adoption Poster Located in the Narthex shows the first amazing month of life for this unborn baby!
Your spiritually adopted baby has been quite active over the past month. Already your baby is 10,000 times bigger than at conception. Your baby has developed the foundations of His/her brain, spinal cord, and nervous system by the 20th day. His/her heart began to beat on the 21st day and is pumping blood though its own circulatory system. The blood type can be different from the mother’s. Your baby is most vulnerable during the next month of being aborted. Pray that the Lord of Life might move the heart of His/her mother to give him the most precious gift of all – the gift of life.
Two Months: Your baby is making progress in developing all of his/her external features and internal organs. his/her brain is functioning at 40 days. His/her mother can hear his/her heartbeat now on an ultrasonic stethoscope. His/her milk teeth buds are present at 6 ½ weeks. And it has been reported that a two-month-old baby can suck his/her thumb. From this moment onward, your spiritually adopted baby grows and refines his/her body. But everything she needs to survive once she is born is already present by the end of the eighth week.
Our poster located in the narthex by the prayer intentions book shows the third amazing month of life for your spiritually adopted unborn baby!
Three Months: Your baby is quite active in the womb now – although his/her mother won’t feel him/her for another couple of months. If his/her mother’s womb had a window, you could watch your spiritually adopted baby squint, swallow, and move his/her tongue. He/she can make a tight fist if you touch his/her palm. He/she obtains the oxygen his/her body needs through the umbilical cord. The baby you are praying for weighs one ounce. What a miracle he/she is!
4 Months! Take a look at the poster in the narthex to see your baby’s growth!
Well, your little baby now weighs 6 ounces. He/she has fingernails and eyelashes. He/she has his/her own unique fingerprints which will remain unchanged until he/she dies. His/her taste buds are working. His/her sense of hearing is present at 14 weeks. There are no major bodily developments anymore. Your spiritually adopted baby is already well-formed, internally and externally. All he/she needs now is time to gain weight and grow strong.
“I am 5 months old now. I’m 12 inches long and weigh about a pound. I’m really getting big and my mommy can feel me kicking and stretching, especially when she’s resting.”
We are now halfway through the pregnancy and your spiritually adopted baby is very active. This month say a special prayer to St. Joseph for the father of your baby that he has the courage and strength he needs to support mom and baby.
Six Month Spiritually Adopted Baby Check-up
“I’m six-months old now and sitting up straight! I just opened my eyes; before today they were sealed shut for protection. I wonder what you look like. I can hear sounds, too. It’s great to have someone praying for me.”
We are now nearing the end of the second trimester and your spiritually adopted baby is growing quite beautifully. His or her weight is approaching 2 pounds and the body organs have moved into their final place in the body. Babies born prematurely at this time have a very good chance of surviving. The medical advances in caring for extremely small newborn infants are extraordinary indeed. Each passing year, we witness medical advances that allow our medical professionals to save younger and younger premature infants. (View the poster in the Narthex to see your baby’s growth.)

“Thank you for praying for me. I am 7 months old now. I am growing every day. I’m between 14 and 17 inches long and weigh about 4.5 pounds. I move around a lot but it’s getting crowded in here! Sometimes I even get the hiccups!
You’re in the home stretch with your baby now. He or she is wholly formed, can see, hear, and recognize mom’s voice, taste, cough, yawn, and is gaining weight, making his/her mother uncomfortable. Mom is planning to bring the child home or place them for adoption. She appreciates your prayers for her and her baby throughout the pregnancy. It hasn’t been easy, but your prayers have given her the grace to seek help from caring people.
Let us pray: “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Please remember to pray daily for your baby, mom, and dad.
“I like to listen to my Mommy’s voice! Thank you for praying for me! I am 8 months old now. I’ve got long fingernails, and I’m busy getting ready for my birthday. I can’t wait to see my Mom and Dad. Thanks to your prayers, I’ll see them soon.”
Now, your spiritually adopted baby is finished developing and is concentrating on gaining weight, making his or her mother uncomfortable with their size. The baby will need a layer of fat to help him or her stay warm after it leaves the perfect temperature inside the mother’s womb. For some time now, the baby has recognized the mother’s voice. In a short time, the baby will be born. Your prayers have helped give your spiritually adopted baby’s mother and father the graces they needed to bring their baby to term. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph bless these families.”

God gave you life with great human frailty and through God’s grace your limitations became brilliant blessings. May you intercede to bring abortion to an end as well as intercede for all those whose lives are threatened because of their frailty no matter their stage of life. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Sign up, receive and follow through on “action” alerts from the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (www.usccb.org/take-action).
Participate in 40 Days for Life, a peaceful vigil and community outreach. For locations in Florida, click HERE
Join with members of the Human Life & Dignity Ministry and the RCIA in one hour of Adoration on Friday, October 7th, 1 pm – 2 pm for the restoration of the dignity of LIFE in all its stages. During the hour, Deacon Tom will lead us in the Litany of Life.
Volunteer at the Women’s Help Center in Callahan. Visit the elderly, especially family.
Holy mother of the infant Christ
Hope of Christian Womanhood
Model of all Christian mothers
Consolation of motherhood
Protector of motherhood
Queen of mothers
Mother of happy delivery

Human trafficking is a situation in which an individual is compelled to work or engage in commercial sex through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. If the individual is under the age of 18 and engaging in commercial sex they are experiencing trafficking regardless of force, fraud, or coercion.
If you believe you may have information about a trafficking situation, call the 24/7 confidential National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free at 1-888-373-7888 or text “Be free” to (233733). For more information locally, email Ruby Peters, Human Trafficking educator for Catholic Charities at rubygeerspeters@gmail.com.
For more information, click HERE

Child Sex Trafficking Thriller
Based on the gripping true story of a man’s mission (Tim Ballard played by Jim Caviezel who portrayed Jesus in “The Passion of the Christ”) to rescue children from the darkest corners of the world. This action-packed drama shines a light on the harrowing reality of sex trafficking and the valiant efforts of those who work tirelessly to combat it.
About 2 million children are trafficked every year worldwide. The United States is considered one of the top destinations for victims of child trafficking and cases have been reported in all 50 states. According to a 2019 report from the Human Trafficking Hotline, California, Texas, Florida, Ohio, and New York rank at the top with the most cases. There are more than 350,00 children who go missing in the U.S. each year. Of those 350,000, it is estimated that roughly 100,000 are being trafficked. catholicnewsagency.com.
Child Sex Trafficking Thriller
Based on the gripping true story of a man’s mission (Tim Ballard played by Jim Caviezel who portrayed Jesus in “The Passion of the Christ”) to rescue children from the darkest corners of the world. This action-packed drama shines a light on the harrowing reality of sex trafficking and the valiant efforts of those who work tirelessly to combat it.
Members of St. Francis of Assisi share their comments.
“This movie is one that should be seen by many, especially by teens & parents of young children. The movie is gut wrenching & heart breaking. These children were stolen under false pretenses by a well-dressed glamorous lady, the former Miss Cartagena who is a kingpin in the child sex trafficking business. Child sex trafficking is the fastest growing international criminal network the world has ever seen. How anyone can hurt a child over & over again in such a heinous way is beyond my comprehension! “God’s children are not for sale”. Mary Flanagan
“I encourage everyone to see the movie, “Sound of Freedom” and promote what is so obvious and sacred: ‘God’s children are not for sale!'”
“You cannot be Pro-Life before birth, and ignore this insidious evil after birth. All God’s children must be protected and loved. We are loved into existence and must exist in Love.” Deacon Tom
“I hope every caring member of our Parish will ensure to see this movie, “Sound of Freedom”. What you don’t know will definitely hurt you. The movie made 5 years ago is now only being released. Why you ask? Could it be the effort of the evil one who has been active to stop it? German people were taken in by Hitler by not investigating what he stood for. Slavery has been with us for decades, but not in the number as seen today. Be informed. Get active.” Don Douglas
“Apparently it should have been released 5 years ago! The cast is superb, the movie is gripping and the ending is real! It is also eye-opening & sickening! It showed why it is so lucrative for the boss to do this instead of drugs!!! Call AMC and get a longer run!!” Nancy Terrell
“Exceptionally well done presentation. A must see film.” Jim Walsh
“Jolts one out of complacency. I can do something about this problem from praying, to being more aware in my neighborhood, to lobbying my legislators, to financially supporting groups who rescue those who are trafficked.” Marcella Claridge

The Feast of the Visitation on May 31 celebrates the meeting of two mothers—Mary and Elizabeth—both with a child hidden within their wombs.
Scripture tells us that, following the Annunciation, Mary set out in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant (Lk 1:39). Despite being pregnant herself, Mary undertook the long and likely difficult journey to be at Elizabeth’s side. The Blessed Mother’s example demonstrates supporting and accompanying mothers, especially those who may be experiencing challenging or difficult circumstances. Yet in a culture that disproportionately values independence and self-reliance, mothers in need are too often left isolated and alone, not knowing where to turn for support or assistance. Mary provides a model of how we, as Catholics, are called to come alongside such mothers. (USCCB Respect Life)
One out of every five couples in America suffers from infertility issues. This means in the United States, 7.3 million women of childbearing years, are infertile. Infertility affects people from every racial, ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic level. Read more on For Your Marriage by visiting https://www.foryourmarriage.org/.

The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral—a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby’s body— The angels have not been blessed with such a grace. They cannot share in God’s creative miracle to bring new saints to Heaven. Only a human mother can. Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creature; God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation… What on God’s good earth is more glorious than this; to be a mother?
Venerable Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty
Loving God, we lift up to you all those who are hurting today especially those who are yearning to have a child. May this longing be filled with hope and desire to seek ways to bear fruit and be a channel of your grace. We also lift up those who are mourning and have lost a child. May they be healed mind, body and soul.
May the example of Mary, mother of Jesus, inspire them to live their vocation as spiritual mothers. Guide and protect them in challenging times and help them to continue to trust in you all the days of their life. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Supporting Infertility & Pregnancy Loss on Mother’s Day
For all whose hearts ache from the sin of abortion: that God will soothe and heal them with the balm of his mercy; For mothers broken by the memory of a child lost to abortion: that through the intercession of the Mother of God, the gentle and merciful love of God may heal their innermost being; For everyone who is haunted by the memory of abortion: that they might know repentance, mercy, and peace; We pray to the Lord: Lord, hear our prayer.
Intercessory prayers (USCCB)

Jan. 22, 1973, Supreme Court issues its landmark Roe v. Wade decision establishing abortion rights in 1973.
June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court issued its landmark Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
[We need] To redouble our efforts to accompany women and couples who are facing unexpected or difficult pregnancies, and during the early years of parenthood, offering them loving and compassionate care through initiatives such as Walking with Moms in Need and countless others. https://www.usccb.org/resources/statement-standing-with-moms-031522.pdf Our diaper and wipes drive in 2022 supported Walking with Moms in Need. This is just one example of participating in this program.

Project Isobel – St. Gerard Campus
Project Isobel is an annual opportunity for our parish faith community to support teenage mothers who have chosen life for their unborn babies. We all understand the importance of receiving a high school diploma for the future well-being of young people. Our diocese is fortunate to support St. Gerard’s Campus in St. Augustine as they provide a high school education for pregnant teenage mothers who have chosen life for their unborn babies. Through Project Isobel, our parish makes Mother’s Day even more special for the ten girls currently in their program. Our Walmart gift cards and lovingly handmade blankets, booties, hats, and cosmetic bags made by our Prayer Shawl Ministry for these mothers genuinely touch their hearts.
If you choose to help, please:
- Pray for these new mothers! They will greatly benefit from your prayerful support.
- You can donate a $10 Walmart gift card by placing it in an envelope marked “Project Isobel” and putting the envelope in the weekend Mass collection basket. (Please do not drop the gift card off at the church office—the best way to ensure your gift is delivered is to place it in a marked envelope in the collection basket. Thank you!)
- Plan to participate in presenting gifts to the teenage mothers! The date is to be determined. Please contact humanlifeanddignity@stfrancisyulee.org with your questions, ideas, and interests.
Thank you!
Isobel Bento Correia Motta was born in 1897 and died in 1956. She was the grandmother of parishioner, Sandy Pineault. Isobel had three children, one of whom, a son, died at a year and a half. Her daughter, Angelina, was Sandy’s mother. Isobel treasured her children. Her last son was born in tragic circumstances, and she honored his life though her own life was falling apart. That child was taken from her and never knew of his mother or of her love for him until the age of 77 when through genealogical research Sandy found him and reunited him with the family he never knew was his.
Sandy’s reverence and love for this unknown grandmother followed her all her life, and it is Sandy’s belief that Isobel led her in the search for Isobel’s story while all the time leading her to her son. It was not a far leap to name Project Isobel for her grandmother who safely nurtured her last child beneath her heart and delivered him into life.
On May 10th, Beverly Crowley and Sandy Pineault visited St. Gerard Campus in St Augustine. They delivered to the 17 young mothers and Carol Wolff, the Director, funds totaling $2,205. Each of the girls received a Mother’s Day present for herself and her baby to thank and encourage her for choosing the gift of life. The funds collected for infrastructure needs included a donation toward their year-end graduation ceremonies. The Respect Life Ministry would like to thank the following ministries for their generous monetary participation: The Women’s Group, The Men’s Group, Spirituality, Events, Charity, and Bingo. A special thank you to the Needlework Group for making the baby blankets, hats and booties, Pat Deacon for making the make-up cases, Jenny Hebert for making the bracelets and to all those individuals who provided gift cards.
St. Francis of Assisi “Mother’s Day 2022” at St. Gerard Campus
Thank you for your generous donations to the moms at St. Gerard. We collected $775 and were able to bless them with gifts and gift cards to show our support for them and their decisions to choose life. Thank you!
Graduation Day at St. Gerard’s
A Message from St. Gerard’s Campus:
A Message from St. Gerard’s Campus: St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission Parish sponsors Project Isobel through its Respect Life Committee each year. The goal of Project Isobel is to offer the young mothers at St. Gerard’s a short time of pampering just for themselves. It all happens on the Friday before Mother’s Day each year and it deeply touches the hearts of all who take the pilgrimage all the way out to St. Augustine. For those who support this event with small items and gift cards we thank you. This past week a very special thank you message came from Miss Carol (Caroline Wolff ),the charismatic founder and director of St. Gerard’s. I share this with you now. Project Isobel delivers its gifts two weeks before these young women, some as young as 14 years of age, graduate from the high school program at St. Gerard’s. The graduation is a full throated celebration of success and life. But, this year, that graduation was in financial peril. The Director, staff and young mothers decided to pool all of the gift certificates from St.Francis and lo and behold, they had enough to make this graduation ceremony take place!! Over 300 family and friends gathered to watch 14 young women with their babies in their arms receive their diplomas and then throw their caps in the air. For many families this was the first high school graduation they had ever celebrated. Culminating this ceremony: a young father went up on the stage and proposed to his lady and their child!
These young women were leaving the safe sanctuary that had sheltered them to return to often perilous situations. They were leaving knowing they were loved by a small mission Parish way out in a corner of Yulee. A small mission Parish reached out from their corner all the way to an unassuming cluster of buildings called St. Gerard’s in a corner of St. Augustine whose soul indeed Magnifies the Lord.
This is the fifth year of Project Isobel. It is my honor to have founded it five years ago in the name of my Grandmother as a tribute to her own courage for Life. I am deeply touched as others come forward to do the work now. Next year, Project Isobel will go parish wide and offer everyone the chance to participate in this moment of Grace. We here at St. Francis have a big wide open heart. Naysayers for Life often criticize those who work to protect LIFE saying there is no real reaching out but rather only noise. We know that not to be true, we at St. Francis, we of the big, wide open heart.
God’s blessing for the support of so many including those outside of St. Francis whose generosity has been there year after year. We thank, also, those who gave to the Baby Bottle Campaign which gifted St. Gerard’s generously this year.
Sandy Pineault- Founder of Project Isobel
Diane Shipper – 2018 Chair for Project Isobel
Beverly Crowley and Bunny Smithson- 2018 Chairs of the Respect Life Ministry at St. Francis Mission Parish.
This story of practical love for life was presented last week at the annual meeting of the Pontifical Academy for Life in the Vatican to encourage members and the Holy See in their effort to make life welcomed, nurtured and protected always and everywhere and by everyone.
Many of you know that Project Isobel is near and dear to me and is named for my grandmother. It benefits St.Gerard’s Campus each year for Mother’s Day. This is its fifth year and it is sponsored by the Respect Life Ministry at our parish: St. Francis of Assisi Mission Church in Yulee, Florida. Each year we gift the group of brave young mothers at St. Gerard’s with pampering gifts just for them. We meet them and often their babies in a grace-filled moment. St. Gerard’s is in St. Augustine and is unique in that it provides a Christian high school as well as shepherding these young women through their pregnancies. This year it turns out that with the gift cards we included we were able to sponsor their very special high school graduation. Pictured here are Jim Crowley, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life at the Vatican (and a member of our Parish and husband of our Parish Respect Life Committee Co-Chair Beverly Crowley) ) presenting a summary of a letter that details Project Isobel and its work. Jim said that the Commission really likes hearing about grassroots endeavors for Life such as St.Gerard’s and Project Isobel. For me, it was the grace that this little Parish project could reach all the way to the hallowed halls of the Vatican. Here is Pope Francis blessing that letter.
Sandra Souza Pineaut

Gifts from generous parishioners were delivered the Friday before Mothers’ Day to the St. Gerard Campus in St. Augustine as part of the Project Isobel outreach. The five resident teen mothers each received a gift bag including $100 in Walmart gift cards and a baby-safe Rosie Posie pearl necklace. The campus center was grateful for the (7) handmade baby blankets, and (8) sets of baby booties and hats with cards that read “made with love; each stitch a prayer.” The campus center, which not only serves its resident teen Moms but also the community-at-large, received an additional donation of $1,365.00. Center staff were very appreciative of the donations, remarking that this boosts not only their coffers but also warms their hearts. Thank you, St. Francis!
Let’s help out this wonderful organization which creates meaningful work opportunities for survivors of human trafficking right here in Jacksonville. They are trying to fill a huge new order for their all-purpose industrial rags which are made with gently used t-shirts. Your donated t- shirts will be repurposed for local businesses which will reduce waste and keep textiles out of landfills. Most importantly, you will be helping women reclaim their lives through employment.
Please contact humanlifeanddignity@stfrancisyulee.org with your donations or drop them off at Rethreaded located at 515 E 9th St., Jacksonville 32206. They are open Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.. Thank you
9:30 A.M. on First Thursday of the Month
Copies of prayers are available on the table in the narthex.
First Thursday Eucharistic Adoration
Join us for our monthly First Thursday Eucharistic Adorations after the 9:00 am Mass as we pray for the advancement of a Culture of Life in our town and beyond and for the needs of those experiencing Reproductive Loss, Abortion, Human Trafficking, the Death Penalty, End of Life issues, and Special Needs. Printed prayers will be available for your assistance in expressing your petitions.
The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society (USCCB).

Rise and Shine a Bit Earlier!
Our daily rosary at 8:30 am in the chapel will now resume on a regular basis. Join us from Monday through Thursday as we ask Our dear Blessed Mother to intercede for our needs, especially as we enter the election cycle and work and pray to defeat Amendment 4!

On the last Sunday of every month, the rosary will be prayed for the protection of all life from conception to natural death. It begins at 7:30 am before the 8:00 am Mass. Please join us! If you would like to be part of this ministry of leading the congregation in the praying of this rosary, contact Ami Gold at agold54@gmail.com
Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Florida Legislative Session begins March 4th and ends May 2nd , 2025. This month, we will explore two of the four areas of concern – Life & Dignity.
The true moral test of a society is how the weakest and most vulnerable members are treated. If the inalienable right to life of the unborn is not protected, the human family will make little progress with other issues relating to life and dignity; including the death penalty, euthanasia, poverty, and immigration.
- Opposing abortion and limiting its harm to the greatest
extend possible. *
- Strengthening the social structures that support pregnant women and families, including the Florida Pregnancy Care Network.
- Highlighting moral and practical problems with Florida’s
death penalty to contribute to the end of its use.
- Improving prison conditions to ensure adequate staffing, health care, and air conditioning.
- Opposing any efforts to overturn Florida’s bans on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia, while supporting palliative and hospice care that respects the dignity of the person.
*When it is not possible to overturn or repeal a pro-abortion law, “Proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law are legitimate and proper. (St. John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, no 73)

The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society.
Physician Assisted Suicide
Obstacles that diminish our sense of the profound intrinsic value of every human life:
“Quality of Life” – …life is viewed as worthwhile only if it has, in the judgment of the individual or of third parties, an acceptable degree of quality as measured by the possession or lack of particular psychological or physical functions, or sometimes simply by the presence of psychological discomfort.
A False Understanding of “compassion” – …it is better to die than to suffer… In reality, human compassion consists not in causing death, but in embracing the sick, supporting them in their difficulties, in offering them affection, attention, and the means to alleviate their suffering.
Physician Assisted Suicide is legal in Washington DC (’16) & 9 states: California (’15), Colorado (’16), Hawaii (’18), Maine (’19), New Jersey (‘19), New Mexico (’21), Oregon (’97), Vermont (’13), and Washington (’08).
One state, Montana (’09) has legal physician-assisted suicide via court ruling.
Additional information, such as annual reports, on states with physician-assisted suicide can be found HERE
Excerpts from Articles – May 2022
Reflects the Importance of Being an Advocate for Life
Delaware: House Bill 140, legalizing physician-assisted suicide in Delaware, is on the House Agenda for Thursday, May 19, 2022. The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington along with a coalition of other faith communities, organizations, and advocates for the elderly, sick, and persons with disabilities have been working against various versions of this bill for years. This vote is critical.
By Delaware Catholic Advocacy Network
CURRENT STATUS: As of July 7th – https://deathwithdignity.org/states/
Feature Article from “The Dialog”
Massachusetts: With a shrinking window of time left in the legislative session, the Massachusetts Catholic Conference is urging the faithful to speak out against pending legislation that would legalize physician-assisted suicide in the Commonwealth. (The Pilot, America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper
UPDATE: As of July 7th – The Joint Committee on Health Care Financing has extended their consideration of The End of Life Options Act (H.2381/S.1384) to July 31st. https://deathwithdignity.org/states/
On Thursday, March 16th, 2023 at 6:00 pm, the St. Michael’s Respect Life ministry hosted internationally acclaimed speaker, Fr. Tad Pacholczyk, from the National Catholic Bioethics Center. His presentation focused on End of Life Decision Making: Physician Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, Pain Management, and Hospice.
If you missed the presentation on June 21st 2023, the Diocese has provided access to the webinar by Jason Everret online through the Diocese of St. Augustine Office of Family Life. Click HERE for FB link.
The Human Life and Dignity Ministry visits and spends time with the elderly in our parish who are home bound or reside in assisted living facilities to pray the Rosary, read the Bible or just talk and listen. If you know of anyone who would welcome such a visit, please contact Mary or Kevin Thompson, or Erie Santiago at:

Women’s’ Help Center
541841 U.S. Highway 1, Callahan
Your generous contributions to our Baby Bottle Campaign yielded a $5,000 donation to the Women’s Help Center in Callahan. The men of St. Francis of Assisi were recognized and a grateful thank you was given by Nancy Basham, the Executive Director, for the extensive number of volunteer hours of labor in preparing the building for the Center’s opening. On Tuesday, October 26th, Bishop Felipe J. Estevez, as the guest of honor, led all in prayer, during the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The Knights of Columbus Council 14295 (St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission and St. Michael Catholic Church) presented a gift of $14,750 for a state-of-art ultrasound machine. The Knights Supreme Council will provide matching funds for a total cost of $29,500.

Grand Illusions, The Legacy of Planned Parenthood-Fourth Edition (George Grant)
Why Pro-Life? (Rand Alcorn)
Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments (Randy Alcorn) (This book has a couple of graphic pictures and needs to be kept away from children.)
Persuasive Pro-Life (Trent Horn)
What to Say When (Carney & Karlen)
Speaking for the Unborn – 30 Second Pro-Life Rebuttals to Pro-Choice Arguments (Steven A. Christie, M.D., J.D.
Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion (Theresa Burke w/David C. Reardon) (Revised & Updated)
Redeeming A Father’s Heart: Men Share Powerful Stories of Abortion Loss & Recovery (Kevin Burke, LSW, David Wernhoff, Marvin Stockwell)
From Fallen to Forgiven (Jennifer O’Neill)

Interested in our Jail and Prison Ministry Team?
We’ve got a special situation at Florida State Prison – it’s big, closed, and home to 1,400 inmates, including 85 Catholics we aim to serve. But here’s the deal: our team’s a bit short-handed for this commitment.
Typically, we visit twice a month, but with only 4 to 6 guys and a priest, we’re stretched thin. We need more folks to ensure we can reach everyone effectively. So, we’re looking for 24 to 30 extra men to join us. Unfortunately, due to the setting, we need male volunteers only. Ladies, if you know any interested men, please pass this along.
Contact John Chick, director of the diocese’s Prison Ministry, at jchick@dosafl.com or call (904) 293-3807. Let’s ensure we have a strong team spreading love and hope in St. Augustine.
A True Sign of Our Faith…

…on full display within feet of A Woman’s Choice, an abortion clinic in Jacksonville (rainbow umbrellas). Approximately 90 people joined in the celebration of Mass on the Feast of the Holy Innocents led by Father Ed Murphy, followed by Eucharistic Adoration for an end to abortion.

Blessed Hermann of Reichenau
Patron of the Unborn and Disabled and the Office of Human Life and Dignity, Diocese of St. Augustine
In September of 1013, a baby was born in what is now southern Germany. He was born with a cleft palate, cerebral palsy and spina bifida.
His parents did not leave him to die as so many other parents in the same position would have been tempted to do. In fact, his parents christened him with the name “Hermann” which means “Fighting Man.”
At the age of seven, his parents, recognizing Hermann’s gifts, took him to a Benedictine Monastery on the Island of Reichenau in Switzerland. He entered the cloister school there, a center of learning at the time. There he studied under the Abbot, Berno.
Through his studies there, Hermann became a celebrated mathematician and was known for his work in astronomy, history, and music.
Two hymns often attributed to Hemann are the Alma Redemptoris Mater and the Salve Regina. It’s possible he is the author of Veni Sancte Spiritus: “Come, Holy Spirit”.
Herman is said to have made astronomical and musical instruments and to have developed a system of musical notation.
In 1043, he became a monk at the Benedictine Monastery at Reichenau.
In 1048, when his beloved teacher Abbot Berno died, the monks of Reichenau made Hermann their abbot. This reflects how highly respected Hermann was among his peers despite his disabilities. Blessed Hermann died in September, 1054. He was beatified in 1863 by Pope Pius IX.
Florida Agency for Health Care Administration
9/2/2023 11:58 am
Abortion Performed due to Serious Fetal Genetic Defect, Deformity or Abnormality
Reporting Period: 2023 – Year to Date Total Cases: 221
Abortion Performed due to Fatal Fetal Abnormality
Reporting Period: 2023 – Year to Date Total Cases: 86
Monsignor Yennock’s Homily July 9, 2017 – Herman the Cripple
Total Cases of Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by Patient County of Residence
Reporting Period: 2023 – Year to Date Nassau County-Total Cases: 79
Induced Termination of Pregnancy – Report of Infants Born Alive
Reporting period: 2023 – Year to Date Total Cases: 10
Blessed Hermann, please intercede for all unborn children. Pray their mothers will understand they carry a person in their womb, a special and unique gift from God our Creator.

Blessed Hermann of Reichenau – Feast Day- September 25th
Blessed Hermann of Reichenau was an 11th century monk who was born with a cleft palate, cerebral palsy, and spinal muscular atrophy. Because of his disabilities, he could barely move and had to be carried everywhere. He was also a composer, music theorist, mathematician, astronomer, and historian. He wrote the comprehensive history of the first millennium starting with Jesus Christ. Most notably, he wrote the Salve Regina (Hail, Holy Queen).
“God gave you life with great human frailty and through God’s grace, your limitations became brilliant blessings. May you intercede to bring abortion to an end as well as intercede for all those whose lives are threatened because of their frailty no matter their stage of life. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”