This picture is the “thought” imprinted on an herbal tea bag.
I read it and re-read it several times. I was trying to give the author and tea seller the benefit of the doubt. I guess I failed. I could not see much, if any, wisdom in: “In the beginning is you, in the middle is you, and in the end is you.” I suppose it’s some kind of self-empowerment mantra or affirmation. It just seems like total self-absorption to me. The thing is, this is the sentiment of society. I decide what the truth is. The beauty and genius of the Catholic Church is that wisdom is based on universal truths, faith, and reason…not shifts in trend, or me. So maybe instead of making resolutions this year…my resolutions…I will pray deeply and ask Jesus what he wishes me to change or do…for Him. I will run my revelations by my trusted friends, ones who I called spiritual advisors, just so I know The Evil One is not creeping in to delude me as he can do… This may not be a one shot process, a “one and done visit” with Jesus.
It may take some uncovering and opening up…time. I don’t want to get swept up in the commercialism, the consumerism of resolution-making. I would like to get into the sacredness of repentance. The putting on of a new mind. The mind of Christ.
If this leads me to exercising more, eating better, and being purer to follow Him that’s what I’ll do. If I am at the center of it, it won’t last; if He’s at the center of it, it stands an excellent chance.
Here’s a good way to start the New Year resolution-making process, with the Suscipe prayer:
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my understanding, and my entire will, and all that I have and possess. You have given it all to me. To you, I return it. Dispose of it entirely according to your will. Give me only your love and your grace, that’s enough for me.
This wisdom will not appear on a tea bag because it calls for pulling one’s self out of the center of the universe and placing God squarely there. Sounds like a good place to start my resolutions…
From 1558 until1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. The Twelve Days of Christmas was written as a catechism for Catholic children. Learn, teach, sing…
1. A Partridge in a Pear Tree—Jesus Christ. A partridge is a bird that is willing to sacrifice its life to protect its young by feigning injury to draw away predators.
2. Two Turtle Doves—Old Testament and New Testament
3. Three French Hens—Theological virtues: Faith, Hope, and Love
4. Four Calling Birds—Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
5. Five Golden Rings—First books of the Old Testament (Pentateuch) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy which describe man’s fall into sin and the great love of God in sending a Savior
6. Six Geese A Laying – Six days of creation: 1. Light/Dark, Heaven/ Earth; 2. Sky/Waters; 3. Dry Land/Plants; 4. Sun/Moon/Stars; 5. Birds/Fish; 6. Animals/People
7. Seven Swans a Swimming—Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of the Lord
8. Eight Maids A Milking—Beatitudes: 1. Poor in spirit (Heaven); 2. Those who mourn (Comfort); 3. Meek (Inherit the Land);4. Hunger/Thirst for righteousness (Satisfied); 5. Merciful (Mercy); 6. Clean of heart (see God); 7. Peacemakers (Called Children of God); 8. Persecuted (Kingdom of Heaven)
9. Nine Ladies Dancing- Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Charity (Generosity), Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness (Kindness), Gentleness, Fidelity, Modesty, Self-Control (Chastity)
10. Ten Lords Leaping—Ten Commandments: 1. One God/No idols; Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain; 3. Keep Sabbath Day holy; 4. Honor Father and Mother; 5. Don’t kill; 6. Don’t commit adultery; 7. Don’t steal; 8. Don’t lie, 9. Don’t covet (lust) another’s wife/ husband; 10. Don’t covet (Envy) another’s goods
11. Eleven Pipers Piping—Eleven Faithful Apostles: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James bar Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas bar James
12. Twelve Drummers Drumming—Twelve points of belief in The Apostles Creed
Test each other around the dinner table! Have a truly blessed Christmas.
The expression “in the pink” means to be in good physical condition. Where did this expression originally come from? We may think that it comes from the rosy cheeks of a thriving child or the color of our healthy internal organs. The expression actually dates back to 16th century England (like most of these sayings). When one was in top form of anything, health, prosperity, or athletics, they were said to be “in the pinnacle”. This was shortened to be “in the pink”.
Today is The Third Sunday of Advent or Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is Latin for “Rejoice” and it comes from the Entrance Antiphon of today’s Mass. Violet (so much more gravitas than purple!) is the liturgical color to remind us of the penitent nature of the season, like Lent. We (me included) really should be more introspective, watchful, and emptying during this season to prepare for the awesomeness of God about to join us on earth. It’s hard not to be distracted with the bombardment of media and social pressure and our consumer programmed minds. Now is the time to sweep out the stable, to clear the cave, and to Ad-vent our secular clutter in our brains.
That’s why we have Gaudete Sunday to let us know we are getting close to proclaiming what no other religion can: That our God became one of us! Just pause and really think about this…We are blessed in the church to use either violet or rose (so much more gravitas than pink!) as our liturgical color for this Sunday. It tells us we are getting close to him, the Pinnacle. If you have been too busy or time has just slipped by this Advent, push the reset button now. Suggestions for the week: Spend ten solid minutes each day with an online Advent meditation, attend daily Mass at least one extra day, and/or lead family prayer each evening before or after dinner.
There’s time to prepare and finish “in the pink”!
Lord Jesus, as I enter this workplace, I bring your presence with me. I ask your peace, your grace, and your perfect order to penetrate the atmosphere here.
I acknowledge Your Lordship over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and accomplished within these walls.
Lord Jesus, I thank you for the gifts you have deposited in me. I do not take them lightly, but commit to using them responsibly and well. Give me a fresh supply of truth and beauty on which to draw as I do my job.
Anoint my creativity, my ideas, my energy, so that even the smallest task may bring you honor.
Lord, when I am confused, guide me. When I am weary, energize me. Lord, when I am burned out, infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit. May the work that I do and the way I do it, bring hope, life, and courage to all I come in contact with today.
And, Oh Lord, even in this day’s most stressful moments, may I rest in you. In the mighty name that is above all names, in the matchless name of my Lord and Savior Jesus, I pray, Amen.
Mary Pat and I visited our son Brian and his family in New Orleans. We enjoyed the food, culture, music, and faith while were there. The Catholic faith is deeply engrained in the people. Their neighborhood streets spoke of the hub of the parish church and school. Church is at the center of life, literally. Brian embarked on a new teaching career this year and it is a challenge. He teaches ninth grade English at the all boys Archbishop Rummel High School. I have never seen him work so hard preparing his day, during school hours, and after.
The strong faith environment at Rummel is a real support for him. The saying goes that “Other New Orleans schools produces the lawyers, doctors, and politicians, but Rummel produces the priests!” They start every class with prayer.
It is a real “call and response” regimen that really lifts me up…it goes like this:
Teacher: Remember that…
Class: We are in the presence of God!
Teacher: St. John Baptist de la Salle…
Class: Pray for us!
Teacher: Live Jesus in our hearts…
Class: Forever!
Teacher: Thank God Almighty…
Class: I’m a Raider!
All: Our Father…
Unity. Focus. Awareness. Six times a day. Hearing those young men with their deepening voices in unison with singleness of purpose is a sight and sound to behold! The first lines, REMEMBER THAT WE ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, is emblazoned in huge letters on the wall of the main student gathering area. It made me think how much I forget this during the day. Wish I had a community to chant this back and forth during the day. To remember the gifts, graces, duties, and love of Our Father in Heaven.
If you don’t already, you may wish to place reminders of God’s Presence in your home…sacred art, a statue, a holy water dish on the wall to bless yourself as you enter and leave. You may wish also to develop your own family call and response tradition to focus your group prayer. Brian’s school is a holy place that could be tangibly felt. Our homes are “domestic churches” where some of the deepest faith learning can occur…places where it is good to be reminded that we are is God’s presence
Did you notice that Jesus uses exaggerated speech at times to get his message across because the people of the day were so misguided that they needed a jolt to get it right. This messaging technique is called hyperbole, and we see it elsewhere in the Gospel (e.g., “pluck out eye, cut off hand” Mt 5:29-30). In addition to using this strong messaging technique, using for example the title “father” for others is actually supported elsewhere in the Bible. See below. We should be ready to calmly and lovingly correct others that misread or unfairly isolate Scripture text to question our Catholic faith. The practice of this defense is called apologetics. Remember: The best response when you cannot answer a Catholic faith question is: “I don’t know, but I will find out and get right back to you.” And do it!
- Mt 19:19 – Jesus confirms commandment “Honor mother and father”
- Mt 3:9 – Jesus calls Abraham “father”
- Acts 7:2 – St. Stephen calls Jewish leaders “fathers”
- Acts 21:40, 22:1 – St. Paul calls Jerusalem Jews “fathers”
- Rom 4:16-17 – Abraham called “father of all”
- 1 Cor 4:14-15 – “I became your father in Christ through the gospel”
- 1 Tim 1:2 – “My true child in faith”
- Heb 12:7-9 – “We have earthly fathers to discipline us”
- Lk 14:26 – “If anyone comes to me without hating his father”
- 1 Thess 2:11 – “We treated you as a father treats his children”
The scribes and the Pharisees are always looking to trip up the faithful by distorting and perverting the Truth. They are still around. The Truth of the Gospel is One. One God. One Father in Heaven. One Teacher above. Strong fathers make strong families. Holy priests that we lovingly call Father make strong communities. We are blessed with both.
Our gratitude may be expressed at our yearly gatherings, but in an increasingly secular society,
“It has pleased Almighty God to prolong our national life another year, defending us with His guardian care against unfriendly designs from abroad and vouchsafing to us in His mercy many and signal victories over the enemy, who is of our own household. It has also pleased our Heavenly Father to favor as well our citizens in their homes as our soldiers in their camps and our sailors on the rivers and seas with unusual health. He has largely augmented our free population by emancipation and by immigration, while He has opened to us new sources of wealth and has crowned the labor of our workingmen in every department of industry with abundant rewards. Moreover, He has been pleased to animate and inspire our minds and hearts with fortitude, courage, and resolution sufficient for the great trial of civil war into which we have been brought by our adherence as a nation to the cause of freedom and humanity, and to afford to us reasonable hopes of an ultimate and happy deliverance from all our dangers and afflictions:
Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart the last Thursday in November next as a day which I desire to be observed by all my fellow-citizens, wherever they may then be, as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, the beneficent Creator and Ruler of the Universe. And I do further recommend to my fellow-citizens aforesaid that on that occasion they do reverently humble themselves in the dust and from thence offer up penitent and fervent prayers and supplications to the Great Disposer of Events for a return of the inestimable blessings of peace, union, and harmony throughout the land which it has pleased Him to assign as a dwelling place for ourselves and for our posterity throughout all generations.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.”
Done at the city of Washington, this 20th day of October, A.D. 1864, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-ninth.
Some asked me to review what holiness has to do with fashion. Here it is: How do we respond to God’s universal invitation to be holy? We change our clothes, of course! Let’s consider three styles for us to change into: “Protective Wear”, “Relaxed Fit”, and “Total Makeover”.
First, “Protective Wear” was originally designed by St. Paul who advises us to “put on the armor of Christ” and was popularized by St. Patrick by his famous Breastplate prayer, designed for those who are very aware that Evil will certainly seek to attack us each day.
Second, the “Relaxed Fit” was also designed by St. Paul and is best shown in his reading last week when he claims that he can live equally well in abundance or need only through God’s strength. Our beloved patron St. Francis of Assisi later embraced this style when he said: “Wear the world as a loose garment, which touches you in a few places and there, lightly.”
Third, the “Total Makeover” is the only style that well known speaker and author Matthew Kelly urges us to consider for our wardrobe change. He says it incorporates the benefits of Protective Wear and Relaxed Fit, and MUCH more…by living the Christian life through the beauty and genius of the Catholic Church. Here’s how:
- Bathe your soul in forgiveness and love through the beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation found only here,
- Be fed by Jesus Himself in the Eucharist found only here,
- Bond with Jesus the real person by meditating on Bible passages compiled by this Church.
- Give and get active here, part of the largest charitable organization on the planet,
- Search and find the Truth in the Catechism of the Catholic Church where all faith questions are answered in easy to read English, and
- Be transformed by Sacred Liturgy that has guided us for over 2000 years. Result: Become the Best Version of Yourself.
A co-worker bursts in and asks “Did ya get my email?” that he just sent 20 seconds ago. Your three year old wants you to draw several pictures with them as you are working on a deadline for a huge project. You realize you must evacuate (indefinitely) as a hurricane approaches. You lose your job. You are unexpectedly diagnosed with a severe illness requiring prolonged treatments.
These are various life interruptions that many of you are familiar with. How we handle interruptions in life, small or large, is a measure of our spiritual condition. How close we are to Jesus. What was the first interruption recorded in Holy Scripture? God had Paradise created as man’s home. That was the First Plan. Man disobeyed God. That was the First Interruption. How did God handle interruption? He was incredibly magnanimous, loving, and giving: He sent His only Son to die for us, to die for the result of the First Interruption.
There will be interruptions in our lives, no doubt about it. We need to be prepared for them physically and pre-prayered for them spiritually. When life’s interruptions occur, we may ask “Why me?” or “Now? I can’t believe this!” or we may lash out at the interrupter when we are not pre-prayered. Think of the love of the Father, the love of the Son, and how that love is expressed by the Holy Spirit. Embrace and welcome interruptions? Not sure if I can go that far yet, but I now know where to look and how to act when they come.
A deacon brother of mine and I have passed this prayer back and forth to each other over the years. It seems to always apply…sometimes more than others…
A PRAYER for my FUTURE[spacer height=”-15px”]
Lord, help me to know what the next step is in my life. I cannot stay put where I am, but I am not sure what comes next. Show me the path for my life, or at least the next portion of it. Help me to focus more on finding a way to serve you than satisfy myself, for I know you will always give me the strength and satisfaction I need to keep going. Guide me in the ways of truth.
This question is posed on a church marquee right here in town. It made me think how acceptable gossip has become through reality TV shows, social media, and daily life. I once worked for a private company whose corporate Mission Statement was “To Glorify God and Care for People” and it was a dismissible offense to gossip at work. Wow! It was amazing how this policy fostered an incredibly positive culture. Whenever a discussion was getting close to gossip, someone would usually simply say: “MT18”. This is not the human resource handbook section, it is Matthew’s Gospel chapter 18, verses 15-19. Apply this 4-step process and you will have a healthy family, ministry, business, or parish.
Go Direct
This is the key step. If someone has done or is doing something wrong, speak to them directly. Usually not easy, but sooooo important. Pray first for the Holy Spirit to give you the right words and heart. This is the mandatory step that short-circuits the poison and dysfunction of gossip.
Bring One or Two
If #1 above works, great! If not, go to another person or two in your family, ministry, business, or parish so that “every fact may be established” and present it to the wrong-doer. In families sometimes, we express our difficulties about a family member only to the others and it decays the love that God wishes us to have in this sacred community.
Go to the Group Leader
If #1 and #2 don’t work, then go to the group leader. In our church, sometimes we don’t follow this sequence. A person may feel something is not right so they “discuss” it with other parishioners and then may write a letter to the pastor or bishop, and leave the errant person out of the loop. When we resolve any concerns together, we all grow in the love of Christ.
Pray for Them
If #1, #2, and #3 don’t work, Jesus says “treat them as you would a Gentile or a tax collector”. At first this seems to say, outcast them. Not with Jesus, he mixed with them and had compassion for them. We should sincerely pray for them.
In a form of examination of conscience based on the 10 Commandments I sometimes use, it lists the sin of gossip under “Thou Shall Not Kill”. Seems harsh, but it is really what I recklessly do by not applying Steps 1-4 in order.
Hours before Hurricane Irma hit our area, I walked along the beach and prayed the rosary. It was the Nativity of Mary. I prayed for the intercession of Our Lady of Lepanto, one of Mary’s titles many are not familiar with.
In 1571, there was a huge sea battle between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League. The Christians were severely outnumbered, so Pope Pius V opened all churches to pray the rosary day and night to request Mary’s intercession with Jesus. The result was a dramatic unanticipated shift in the Mediterranean winds that led to Christian victory. Irma shifted path too. The power of prayer.
While our power in Fernandina Beach was out during the storm, I thought of living life without electrical power, like the old days. While it has an attraction to a simpler life, I like cranking the AC too much to fully embrace life without 110 volts. I found myself for almost two days “assuming power” by constantly hitting light switches and pressing garage door openers that provided no juice.
I shed my Breviary app for my old worn Liturgy of the Hours volumes to pray morning and evening prayer, waiting for daylight and being sure of its completion before sunset to read those printed pages. There was a peace to it.
“Power is not given, it’s taken” say some in political and financial power. Jesus’ power on earth and heaven was given to Him, by the Father. He was clear about this, especially throughout John’s gospel. As the destruction of Irma came through, I thought of Jesus’ power of destroying the temple and rebuilding it in three days. I thought of his crown of piercing thorns puncturing His temples instead of the bejeweled crown of earthly reigns. I thought of the ridicule He suffered instead of adulations the brutal beating instead of pampering. Even before The Passion: The modest upbringing instead of the opulent palace; the itinerant life on the road instead of the comforts of home; the embracing of sinners instead of the exclusion of the club.
Jesus shows us how to assume power in our lives in a way that is still radical today. We follow Him. We do it in silence in our private prayer and we do it together, in community, at St. Francis of Assisi. “Thine is the kingdom, the power, and glory forever and ever. Amen!”
Everything I Need to Know About Life I Learned From Noah’s Ark No one seems to know where this originally came from, but it’s useful in today’s world and it will make you smile, too. So when life seems too hard, too stressful, or too fast, just think of Noah’s Ark because everything you need to know about life is right there.
- Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.
- Stay fit. When you’re 600 years old, someone might ask you to do something Really big.
- Don’t listen to critics. Do what has to be done.
- Build your future on the high ground.
- For safety’s sake, travel in pairs.
- Two heads are better than one.
- Speed isn’t always an advantage. The cheetahs were on board, but so were the snails.
- When you’re stressed, float for a while.
- Don’t forget that we’re all in the same boat.
- When the doo-doo gets really deep, don’t sit there and complain- shovel!
- Stay below deck during the storm.
- Remember that the ark was built by amateurs & the Titanic was built by professionals.
- Remember that the woodpeckers INSIDE are often a bigger threat than the storm outside.
- No matter how bleak it looks, there’s always a rainbow on the other side.
A couple of weeks ago, Father Rafal challenged us whether we may suffer from “spiritual Alzheimer’s” when it comes to knowing who Jesus is. He did not casually offer this reference for our consideration; he was very thoughtful about it. He told the story about how he saw his friend fade away over the years as the result of this devastating disease. I identified strongly with this reference since my dad suffered from this slow debilitating affliction. The once respected lawyer and judge, father of eight, and Catholic Layman of the Year was no longer with us. Father’s point was dramatic for a reason: We all tend to forget who Jesus really is…
Bishop Robert Barron helped me to appreciate where our power to remember (and not forget) comes from: Jesus asks his disciples that devastating question: “But who do you say that I am?” But the disciples don’t speak. Are they afraid? Perhaps. Finally Simon Peter speaks: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” You are the Meshiach, the anointed one, the long-awaited savior, but more to it, you are the Son of God, not just a human hero. This is the mystical faith that stands at the heart of Christianity.
To hold this Petrine faith is to be a Christian; to deny it is to deny Christianity. “But who do you say that I am?” But the disciples don’t speak. Are they afraid? And then those amazing words of Jesus: “Blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father.” This insight did not come from Simon’s own intelligent speculation. It came from above, through grace, from God. And this is why Peter is a rock.
The Church is built, not on a worldly foundation of any kind, but on a mystical foundation, born of Peter’s faith in the revealing God. The Church is neither democratic nor aristocratic—it is charismatic. And this is where its power comes from.
“The Church is a house of a hundred gates, and no two people enter at exactly the same angle” once stated the witty Catholic convert and apologist G.K. Chesterton. Cradle Catholic, Conversion Catholic, CEO Catholic (Christmas and Easter only), Fallen Away Catholic, and Reversion Catholic…So many labels! That’s because each of us are on our own unique faith journey.
Some of us were raised Catholic, went to Catholic schools, raised in the local parish with the sacraments not only providing God’s grace but being life milestones. For many, this is what provided the foundation for our faith fifty years later. For some of us, the same experience provided us the reason not to be an active Catholic. Many times it was not a doctrine that turned us off, but a person, place or thing that rubbed us the wrong way. A priest that was judgmental. A parish receptionist that wasn’t nice. A school that was stifling. Mass that is boring.
Some say converts make the best Catholics. This is because they have usually done their homework, searching, and commitment as adults. They intelligently research and discover the Scriptural basis for the Church; they see how Church Tradition complements Scripture and why the Church is hierarchical with the Pope as leader (Jesus set it up that way). Those who are spiritual and not religious discover a primal truth too.
Question – Why can’t I just be a good person and go to heaven?
Answer – Because Jesus says clearly (particularly in Johns Gospel) that “no one goes to the Father except through me.” We have to get to know Jesus intimately.
Question – But how do I get to know Jesus? Answer – Hang out with Him. So if you haven’t been around in a while and have this small flicker of faith that seems to be pulling you back, what angle back do you take?
Answer – Whatever angle you believe is best to start hanging out with Jesus. This can be through your kids’ school, it can be through bible study groups, it can be through young family, men’s, or women’s social group, it can be your raw need for healing and forgiveness.
The Holy Mass is the source and summit of our faith. It is prayer par excellence and beauty beyond words, but it is not an angle…it is a destination. Find your new angle, hang out with Jesus, enter your gate. Welcome home.
The songs of Frank Sinatra New York, New York (“if I can make it here, I can make it anywhere”) and My Way are quintessentially American, inspiring our personal drives to conquer the world alone. Don’t get me wrong, I love belting out Frank’s lines and feeling the empowerment, the rise and success of the little guy, winning against the odds. Americans love the underdog. We naturally root for them. It’s part of our national psyche. The thing is these anthems of individualism and self-determination leave zero room for God. We see this even more today as younger people (due to their higher education indoctrination) define the world with themselves at the center. Things are true or false as they relate to me. This is also known as relativism. It recognizes no objective truth, only subjective truth…truth if I think it’s true for me.
The Bible is filled with stories of underdog success: David slays Goliath, Job sustains hardship, Moses leads a nation with a speech impediment, and a construction worker’s son from a backwater town declares victory over death for all of us. All these feats were possible because of a character trait that repulses many today: Obedience. Obedience to the truth starts with the simple Truth: “I am your God, and you are my people”. Just focus on this one and the rest takes care of itself. It starts to deflate the #1 root sin: Pride. It leads us to something other than “my way”…His Way. The Way.
The picture inset is a message painted on a building in the trendy Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, where Gen X, Y, and Millennials thrive. It seems to be another anthem of individualism, one that might give credence to the latest “my way”: personal gender selection. It is a statement by Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel, the legendary fashion designer. Her mother died and her father left home. At an early age, Chanel was dropped off at Aubazure Abbey in France and raised by Catholic nuns. It is here that Chanel first saw a recurring “CC” adorning the beautiful stained glass windows of the Abbey church, inspiration for what would later become her iconic logo. It is here that Gabrielle learned to sew, to create.
She was captivated by the simple lifestyle of the sisters that would later become the foundation for her simple luxury philosophy.
It revolutionized fashion forever. Even the nuns habits with odd, elegant angles of black and white, free of corsets and frou-frou, would inspire her designs. Thank you Frank and Coco
This coming Monday, August 21st at 2:47 p.m., we can witness here in Yulee a 91.7% eclipse of the sun. The last time there was a total eclipse visible in the US was 38 years ago. So what? It’s out of the ordinary. It’s rare. It’s odd. We look up (with protective glasses from Walmart) and see something we don’t usually see.
St. Francis was known as Brother Sun and St. Clare was known as Sister Moon. Francis led the way in challenging the church structure in Assisi to follow Jesus’ way more closely by shunning the material trappings that had encrusted it over the generations. Clare followed Francis and, like the Moon, she reflected Francis’ bright sunlight of the Word found in the ordinary life and the beauty of nature.
The model these saints follow is Jesus the Sun (Light of Christ) and Mary the Moon (reflecting the Light of Christ). Christ is the source and Mary receives her radiance from Him and only Him.
We may witness the darkening of the day this coming Monday, but Mary could never eclipse Jesus and Clare would never eclipse Francis. They saw, felt, and were filled with the Light and desired only to reflect, magnify, and show it to others.
Brandon Vogt’s book RETURN, How to Draw Your Child Back to Church is the best I’ve ever read on the subject. Brandon is Content Director for Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and he delivers new insight and guidance on one of the most frustrating situations for parents. This is a superb book whether your child is a millennial, Gen-X, Gen Y, or Baby-boomer. It is also an excellent book to read if your child is in middle school or high school and attending Mass with you now. Believe me, their wheels are turning and they will be derailed at most colleges.
After an excellent real-time analysis of why young adults raised Catholic are now marking “None” as their religious affiliation in alarming numbers, Vogt walks the reader through how they can prepare themselves spiritually for a process that may take years to bring their child back to the church. Knowing that you are moving forward helps you have a patience you never thought possible. He walks you through how to equip yourself with effective information and best approaches. He skillfully walks the reader through the expected stages of this ministry and how to calmly overcome personal, moral, and theological objections from your child.
Go to www.brandonvogt.com for four excellent videos on this subject and a way to receive a free copy of this book! For so long parents have felt powerless and saddened in this fight. Vogt shows the reader it is not a fight, but a journey for parent and child at God’s pace…a journey unlike any attempted by a parent in the past. Deep down your child yearns to come home. You can open the door wide for them. I highly recommend this book for a parent with a child of any age who wishes to become empowered with new insight, a fresh plan, and a proven path for doing what all Christians are called to do: Bring others to Christ.
G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936) was an English writer, poet, and philosopher known for his poignant wit and his conversion to Catholicism…sometimes they come together! Enjoy…
“Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.”
“Christmas is built on the beautiful and intentional paradox that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home.”
“Religious liberty might supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice, it means that hardly anyone is allowed to mention it.”
“Just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.”
“The difference between the poet and the scientist is that the poet tries to get his head into the heavens, while the scientist tries to get the heavens into his head.”
“Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions.”
“The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people.”
“These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own.”
“Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it has a God who knew the way out of the grave.”
“Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all.”
“The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and ordinary woman and their ordinary children.”
“It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it.”
“The difficulty of explaining ‘why I am Catholic’ is that there are ten thousand reasons, all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.”
“Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.”
“When we cease to worship God, we do not worship nothing, we worship everything.
The Spirituality section of this Mission Bulletin is a rich deposit of inspiration. In addition to Holy Scripture and Holy Eucharist, we are blessed to have articles on devotions, sacramentals, saints’ lives, church calendar seasons, and Suggested spiritual readings to help deepen our faith. Thank you Pat Ruebush! This month’s devotion is The Most Precious Blood of Jesus. I think about how Jesus’ blood courses through our veins upon receiving His blood at Mass. Awesome (truly). I also think of the scene in the movie The Passion where Pilate’s wife Claudia gives our mother Mary spotless linens with which to wipe up Jesus’ precious blood. Very moving. While this scene does not appear in Scripture, it depicts the sympathy (yearning?) of a pagan woman to connect with Truth. The careful treatment of any sacrificial blood was standard for the Jews. It is also Jewish custom to this day to treat the blood of anyone as sacredly as the body itself in burial preparation.
Last month’s devotion to The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus was a good preparation for this month. In my mediations I sometimes envision myself embracing the Lord: My heart touching His Sacred Heart. I used to think the flames depicted
coming from the top of Jesus’s Sacred Heart were “over the top”. I don’t think this anymore. It makes sense now and does not seem cartoonish to me anymore. Jesus’ heart burns for us. This burning is all the time. The lamp is always lit and offering us light in the dark, heat in the cold, and a way to burn off our impurities.
My home office desk has a large family picture from our Ireland trip last summer that faces me. It is flanked by a statue of Our Lady offering Her comfort to me on the right desk corner and a picture of Jesus revealing His Sacred Heart to me of the left wall. It’s a good space!
I went to take a photo of Jesus on the wall. Phone cameras usually show a yellow square that locks the focus on the face of the subject. It did this initially on Jesus’ face, but then kept pulling the photo focal point to His Heart. It kept alternating from His face to His heart, as if He was saying:
“If you wish to know me better, enter My heart”.
I am a real list person. I like writing out my “To-Do” list nearly every day, starring the priority items that have to be done, then crossing off the items when done. A friend of mine years ago would call me “The Maximizer” or “Max” for short. This nickname was part admiration, since he was a real doer, too, and part loving poke to slow down and not be so activity driven all the time. He was also my spiritual advisor!
A list I don’t seem to make until I am too restless, irritable, and discontent is a gratitude list. A list to remind me of God’s many blessings to take me out of my funk, out of the mud, and raise me up to my benevolent Father. Catholic writer GK Chesterton once said “There is nothing as poetic as a list”. Think of our beautiful lists: Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Cardinal Virtues, Corporeal Acts of Mercy. Lists that can serve as a meditation piece or an action plan for anyone seeking a life closer to God.
Not sure why I don’t do my periodic gratitude list until I get too uncomfortable. Must be my fallen nature. Or my self-centered desire to figure out life by myself. Pride. What I do know is that this list must be a written list, no causal mental notes here. Something profound happens when pen goes to paper and I see the showering of God’s blessings in my life in black and white. Incredible! Try it!
Date nights, they ought to be almost as obligatory as weekly Mass, and they don’t have to be expensive or complicated! It’s easy to forget once children come into the picture, but time with your spouse and only your spouse is as necessary to your marriage as Sunday Mass.
Marking the Sabbath is a way of refreshing and renewing our commitment to loving God and neighbor, to growing deeper in faith. Failing to meet our weekly minimal obligation to listen to the Word of God and participate with the Body of Christ at the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith, weakens our capacity to be a living witness all the other hours of the week. Missing Mass erodes our capacity to hear God’s Word. It dims our willingness to see God in others. It allows the coarse business of the world to seem more pressing than seeking the Kingdom of God. Everything about us that is wrong is given priority when we fail to put the Sabbath first.
Likewise, setting and keeping a date night with your husband or wife, is a necessary means of making sure we don’t fall into bad habits with respect to each other; relating as roommates or as merely Mom and Dad, or worse, as adversaries battling for turf on the home front with respect to parenting, finances, and even the most minute of details.
God knows we need time to reconnect with Him despite all the evidence of His gifts around us, and that time is no less necessary for husband and wife, with all of reality pressing down around us. The tendency in this culture is to put career first, me first, kids first, community first, but notably not us (husband and wife) first.
But marriage, as anyone in a marriage knows, requires a willful putting of the relationship first. We sacrifice with and for each other. We sublimate to each other. Date night is a way of reminding each other of the joy of marriage, and it is most necessary when everything else is not running smoothly. Many couples tend to skip scheduling date nights when things are running smoothly, and when things begin to not run smoothly, they use the fact that things aren’t good as a reason to not schedule a date night — such that date nights almost never happen unless it’s a birthday or anniversary. That’s like only going to Mass at Easter and Christmas. Yes, it’s good to go at Easter and Christmas, but all the weeks in between matter as well.
The internet is filled with “Five Steps to a More Satisfying Marriage”, “Seven Tips for a Better Love Life”, “Three Quick Ways to Increase Your Happiness” and “Buzzfeed quizzes”. But, if you want to deepen your marriage, if you want to grow in intimacy, then make your marriage the focal point of your prayer life and a willful part of your weekly life. Schedule a weekly date night. Take turns planning it. Don’t skip, even if it’s just to take a walk around the neighborhood or split a milk shake at the drive thru at McDonald’s. Make it an obligation to each other. It will be a reminder of the joy promised as part of marriage, bringing you and your spouse closer together, and as a result, closer to God. Adapted from Aleteia article by Sherry Antonetti dated July 5, 2016
Known as “Affirmative Action” in the US, “Positive Discrimination” in the UK, “Employment Equity” in Canada, and “Reservation” in India, it is the policy of favoring a disadvantaged group, usually in job hiring or school admission, who suffer or have suffered from discrimination within a culture. While the proper implementation of these policies has been debated for over 50 years, there is a different Affirmative Action Program that has been perfectly implemented since man first uttered a prayer to our Heavenly Father.
God always answers our prayers in the affirmative. When we ask for something in prayer, God responds with one of these three affirmative responses:
“Not yet…”
“I have something better planned for you”
“Yes” – This is the answer we usually want. Of course, why else ask? And it’s OK. But we run into problems (feelings of rejection, not being heard and not being loved) when this is the only answer we want. This is us trying to play God in a way. The other problem is when God answers our pray, we get what we want, and then forget to thank our Benefactor for His loving generosity. I do this fairly frequently. I will be deep in sincere prayer and even say “but your will, not mine be done” and mean it (I think). Then I receive what I requested and don’t remember to thank God until many hours later. For the period that I forget from whom all good things flow, I seem to move myself into the center of the universe and shove God aside. When I do eventually thank Him, it is so sweet
“Not yet” – This affirmative response is often taken as “No”. As humans in a consumer society, a customer-centric culture, with on-demand expectations, “Not yet” is not easy for us to recognize. We are always right on time in God’s world, never late or early. He knows when the timing is right. He knows when we can better handle something like health, wealth, honor, or relationships. And get this: I’m not talking about a day or month delay on your request. It may be years until God deems the timing right, if at all. It’s not God’s will that gives us inner turmoil, it’s our non-alignment with it that does.
“I have something better planned for you” – This is a close cousin to “Not yet”. The same challenges to recognize God’s will , and for us to align, apply here too. How many times did something turn out far better than you fretted about or requested? That was God. Thank Him. Be expectant without expectations. Expect God to have the best plan for you in motion, but don’t burden yourself with your expectations of how the plan is to play out. Be still and know that He is God. Be still… Listen… Align.
If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a movable feast.” Ernest Hemingway’s classic, A Movable Feast, captured a sentiment that has been used to name catering companies and travel firms for decades. Hemingway used a religious reference to coin a secular experience, and it stuck.
The Catholic Church was the first to describe movable feasts. For example in 325, the Council of Nicaea established that Easter would be held on the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the vernal equinox. Whew! Oh, so that’s why it’s not on the same date each year… Is that why Ascension Thursday was on Sunday this year and the deacon was somewhat baffled? That’s another story. So glad that there are also fixed feasts on the church calendar, like St. Patrick’s Day on May 17th. Now, there’s a date you can rely on! It’s interesting when we come across things that are meant to be fixed in one spot and they become portable. We recently took a beautiful, lazy bike ride through Fort Clinch. We were determined not to rush, to read every Department of Parks placard along the way, and discuss the history, not blow through the experience like we (I) usually do. We were intent on savoring our experience, and it meant a huge difference long after we were gone.
We learned that the Amelia Island Lighthouse was moved to Egan’s Creek in Fernandina Beach from Cumberland Island GA in 1838 because the shore and river beds shifted so much the old GA spot didn’t light the right way anymore. That’s “a thing that shouldn’t move being moved” #1. To light the way along the windy creek at night to the new Amelia Island lighthouse location, four beacons (smaller towers with fires) were built. Three were fixed beacons, and the fourth was, yup you guessed it, movable. Not kidding. That’s “a thing that shouldn’t move being moved” #2. It was made movable because the river bed to the lighthouse and safe harbor dangerously moved from week to week.
The lighthouse is Christ. The beacons are us when we are on fire for the Lord. We are so filled and inspired that we want to light the way for others to Him. Christ is the fixed One. We are invited to be movable beacons to assist the searching ships. Movable beacons assess the drift of society, community, and each other in the parish and move themselves into better positions to serve God’s people.
The most profound piece of ministry advice I ever received is:
“Meet people where they are (be movable) and just be yourself (be fixed)”.
A couple of weeks ago, Jesus enlisted us in The Great Commission (“Go make disciples”). St. John Paul II drafted us all into “The New Evangelization”. Here’s Pope Francis’ guide for us:
1. Everyone is Meant to Evangelize – Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love.
2. Want Authentic Personal Fulfillment? Evangelize – When the Church summons Christians to take up the task of evangelization, she is simply pointing to the source of authentic personal fulfilment. For here, we discover a profound law of reality: that life is attained and matures in the measure that it is offered up in order to give life to others. This is certainly what mission means.
3. Evangelization Starts with Our Own Relationship with Jesus -The spreading of the Gospel is not guaranteed either by the number of per-sons, or by the prestige of the institution, or by the quantity of available resources. What counts is to be permeated by the love of Christ, to let oneself be led by the Holy Spirit and to graft one’s own life onto the tree of life, which is the Lord’s Cross.
4. We Must Witness the Faith with Our Lives – If you happen to be with an atheist who tells you that he does not believe in God, you can read him the whole library, where it says that God exists, and where it is proven that God exists, and he will not believe. [However] if in the pres-ence of this same atheist you witness to a consistent, Christian life, something will begin to work in his heart…. It will be your witness that brings him the restlessness on which the Holy Spirit works.
5. An Evangelizer Must Be Joyful – An evangelizer must never look like someone who has just come back from a funeral! And may the world of our time, which is searching, sometimes with anguish, sometimes with hope, be enabled to receive the good news not from evangelizers who are dejected, discouraged, impatient or anxious, but from ministers of the Gospel whose lives glow with fervour, who have first received the
6. We Must Encounter People to Evangelize – Be servants of communion and of the culture of encounter! I would like you to be almost obsessed about this. Be so without being presumptuous, imposing “our truths”, but rather be guided by the humble yet joyful certainty of those who have been found, touched and transformed by the Truth who is Christ, ever to be proclaimed.
7. We Must Know How to Give an Initial Proclamation of Jesus – On the lips of the catechist the first proclamation must ring out over and over: “Jesus Christ loves you; He gave His life to save you; and now He is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.” Nothing is more solid, profound, se-cure, meaningful and wisdom-filled than that initial proclamation.
8. Get Out of Our Comfort Zone – I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security. I do not want a Church concerned with being at the center and then ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures.
9. Evangelizers Love People – Evangelizers thus take on the “smell of the sheep” and the sheep are willing to hear their voice. An evangelizing community is also supportive, standing by people at every step of the way, no matter how difficult or lengthy this may prove to be. It is familiar with patient expectation and apostolic endurance.
10. Everyone Needs to Be Evangelized – Jesus teaches us that the Good News, which He brings, is not reserved to one part of humanity, it is to be communicated to everyone.
We are blessed to have our community named after St. Francis. It’s almost hard to believe that another diocesan church didn’t snag the name. We always see our patron saint in neighbors’ backyards…in the garden section at Home Depot and Lowe’s. And the Pope was the first to take his name! It was very deliberate. It is a renewed message to the world: Avoid the trappings, rebuild My church, be bold, and love My creation…all of it.
Pope Francis combines his Ignatian spirituality (Jesuit or-der/formation) that seeks God in all things throughout the world and Franciscan spirituality that urges the disciple to live very simply to find happiness and to seek Jesus in the poor. On a recent visit to NYC for the joyful occasion of our beautiful grandson Rocco’s birth, we visited The Church of St. Francis on 31st Street near Penn Station. I used to frequent this church years ago when I worked in Manhattan. It always impressed me as an active working city parish serving the needy in the community. I was not disappointed and very pleased at the continued mission of the parish…at the things that remain…and the improvements made.
First, as we walked up the block at 7:30am, we noticed a long line of 50+ men and women lined up for morning breakfast at the church. Something was different about this soup kitchen line. People we not downcast at all. They were talking and laughing, enjoying each other’s company. Here’s partly why: There was a St Francis parishioner standing beside the line every five persons or so greeting and talking to the homeless members of the community. These volunteers seemed to be men and women, younger and older, who were joyfully making time before going to work to feed and encounter God’s children.
Next, we climbed the stone steps to the church. We were greeted by a striking bronze sculpture, not of a great saint or an important benefactor…this sculpture was of a begging man seated on the second step with his weathered humble hand out to me for food. What a message. The parish did not limit the homeless to the side door…they honored them at the front door! We exited on the other side of the church (after passing through the garden…what an oasis in the city!) where a statue of St. Francis greets visitors also with a humble reaching hand…his hand is not darkly tarnished like the rest of him…his bronze hand gleams brightly from all the pilgrim hands that grasp it on the way in.
There are 3 morning Masses, 3 midday Masses, and 3 evening Masses celebrated at St. Francis. In the lower church, half the space has been renovated as a perpetual Adoration Chapel where the weary can escape the noise and heat of the city to be silent with Jesus 24/7. The other half has been renovated into multiple confessionals where one can release their burden and receive the grace of great Reconciliation 7:30am-7:30pm every day. We did it all. Heaven in the city!
In the Disney story, Belle finds beauty in the Beast. In our Christian faith life, the beast is clearly…the Beast (Evil). Our secular society succeeds many times at beautifying (or at least neutralizing) the Beast in the hearts of people.
The beauty and genius of our Catholic faith is firmly supported by a 3-legged stool: Holy Scripture, Church Traditions and Church Teachings. Some believe these three legs have been whittled down in recent years, weakening our understanding of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Three legs of Holy Matrimony strength are Scripture: Christ elevated weddings to prime position by performing his first miracle and starting his public ministry at a religious wedding. Tradition: Weddings were always the exclusive purview of the Church through the centuries; civil marriages are a relatively recent function of government. Teachings: Holy Matrimony keeps the married Catholic in communion with the Catholic Church, enabling him, her or them to continue to receive the graces of the sacraments.
When a Catholic gets married outside the Church, he or she is to refrain from receiving Communion until their marriage is convalidated by the Church. Why? Beauty: Holy Matrimony is a sacred heavenly covenant between man and woman, and God…“Beast”: Civil marriage is an earthy contract; no different, on one level, than two people entering into a contract to buy/sell widgets or provide / receive landscaping services, where your remedies for breach are dictated by the government. Life in the Church is above earth; it is otherworldly; it does not respond to clock-time, it responds to God-time; it does not recognize contracts of fidelity, only covenants of fidelity. Receiving Communion when not married in the church damages the soul. Beauty cannot nourish the Beast. Thinking it doesn’t matter or it is OK to receive, is the Beast, not Beauty, talking to you. You are highly encouraged to come forward to receive a blessing during Communion.
Getting married outside the Church is a detour from the never changing beauty of our “grace delivery system” set up by Jesus called the Sacra-ments. The beast of secularity can redefine the definition of marriage when-ever fashionable. Sometimes we get married outside the church due to practicality at the time or because we were simply at a different part of our faith journeys. Marriage convalidation is an onramp back to Communion via the sacred road of Holy Matrimony and a powerful faith witness to your family and our St. Francis community.
It is not simply “getting your marriage blessed in the church”. Convalidation is the beauty of God’s graces being restored to you. It transports your break-able courthouse marriage or your destination wedding from the earth to its heavenly destination: The throne of God the Father, through Jesus our Sav-ior, by the breath of the Holy Spirit.
Please contact our parish office to restore beauty in your lives.
Someone very close to me recently lost his job in a corporate downsizing. After the initial shock and blaming his superiors for mismanaging the company, he took a deep breath and…prayed.
During his prayer time, he remembered what was suggested he do when in times of stress or downturn: Change 2 (“to”) to 4 (“for”). What? In other words, don’t ask yourself, “Why is this happening to me?” Instead ask, “Why is this happening for me?” Not so easy to do when you are facing a very difficult situation. So, is it that my friend is not a victim, but the recipient of some sort of gift by being let go? C’mon! Actually, yes, according to Holy Scripture: “We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose”.
Romans 8:28
Maybe the company is in worse shape than anyone thinks, and by getting out now before severance packages disappear later will be a good thing. Maybe my friend’s hard travelling schedule was taking a toll on his home life or much worse, his soul, without him realizing it. Maybe God wants him to shift his career to serve Him more fully. Maybe my friend should be using his underutilized creativity to glorify God in a different career. God is all good; He does not do bad things to us. Things happen to us in life and when we put on the mind of Christ, we can see how they are happening for us. The unpleasant can draw us closer to Him.
Changing “to” to “for” in a time of job loss, marital difficulty, terminal illness of self or close ones, death of a family member, or any jolt in our lives takes prayer and spiritual guidance. It is best to be “prayed up” before the trauma occurs, but many times is not the case. With trusted spiritual guidance my friend adopted a new patient attitude. He is expectant without expectations, meaning that he is ex-pectant that God will provide if he puts in the job search and networking footwork. But he is careful not have expectations of getting a specific job that he “deserves”. He has asked that he be God’s instrument in this challenging time. What a relief!
Changing “to” to “for” requires all key elements of Paul’s letter verse above to be working:
“All things..” – I need to have faith that even the bad stuff we go through is a pathway to the really good stuff in our life as God’s child;
“…for those who love God…” – I have to love God, really love him, for this to work. I may need to spend (much) more quiet time with Him; and
it works for those “called to his purpose” – Those that follow Jesus’ commands: “Take this…, Go…, Make…, Teach…, Sell…, Give…, Wash…, Feed…Love…”
Our secular world programs us to keep our eyes downcast and believe that bad things happen to us. Our heavenly world can transform us to train our eyes up-ward to believe that all things happen for us for the good. As always, in God’s time.
They are replacing the roofs on the condos down the street from us. There are twelve buildings in a line. I heard the hammering off in the distance months ago when they first started, and they are now near us. I walked by and looked up and I saw this picture. It reminded me of one of the more dramatic Gospel stories: The lowering of the paralytic through the roof to be healed by Jesus.
When I saw the stacked tiles on the condo roofs, I saw the faithful men in 30 AD carrying their friend in need of healing, hoisting him up and removing the roof tiles to create a hole to lower their precious cargo to Jesus. This is why I like Luke’s Gospel account (Luke 5:17-26)… He writes for a Greek (Hellenistic) audience, so he depicts Greco-Roman architecture. I admire these men so filled with faith that they are tearing off the roof! A hard permanent tile roof. In Mark’s account (Mark 2:1-12), “they opened the roof above him,” most roofs in this area of Palestine were straw and dried mud.
Mark’s account is illuminating for a few reasons. 1) It tells us where Jesus’s home base was during his three year public ministry: Capernaum, at the top of Lake Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee). This was Jesus’ ministry “strategic operations hub”, with easy access to the main road to the Mediterranean Sea from/to which newcomers travelled. 2) It was the most efficient way to get around the area to preach: Crisscrossing the lake by boat. 3) Mark’s account also tells it is in Capernaum that Jesus “was at home”. Born in Beth-lehem…raised in Nazareth…“at home” in Capernaum. I like thinking of Jesus at home down the street from me.
You can see a lot of action in this roof scene. It was evening time, maybe some torches lit for light…a full house listening to Jesus laying out the beauty of the New Covenant…the crowd spilling out into the narrow streets of this fishing village…the naysayers (Pharisees) tossing barbs trying to trip up the Lord. Then through the crowded streets, a group of men show their love for “a lesser one”, a paralytic, an outcast, a sinner, with a great public show of affection. It was these friends that lowered their friend to the One who would soon descend, rise, and ascend. It was not the faith of the paralytic that moved Jesus; it was the faith of the men that moved Jesus. These men were what are known today as “a small faith community”. They surely spent time together when not in the formal synagogue setting. They hung out together and talked about Jesus, what Jesus was doing and saying…how Jesus was healing others…how their own thinking was changing.
It is the faith of our community at St. Francis, when we offer our prayers for others, that moves Jesus. It is the small faith groups of our mighty mission here in Yulee that are formed among men and women that moves Jesus. Small groups of maybe 3, 4, or 5 kindle the fire of faith with bible studies or personal witness or simply sharing of stories of how Jesus moves and shows himself in each of our lives. When this fire of faith is lit, we can carry the hurting one’s home, raise the roof, and lower him or her into Jesus’ loving, healing hands.
I recently set some stepping stones on my front lawn (actually, I paid strong young men to do it!) to connect my front walk to the path on the side of the house. Tina and her mom, Miss Ruth, were kind enough to let us place a stone partly on their lawn to make the connection. Good neighbors. There were a lot of bare spots where the work was done and my Type A need for immediate gratification started to kick in. I thought about running out and getting sod to fill in the bare spots. But after a few days, I noticed the lawn had already started to creep in to fill the spots. Miss Ruth told me the grass was “St. Augustine” one evening when we were watering. I thought how Augustine’s mom, Monica, was patient in her prayers for her son’s conversion. Then, I thought of this prayer:
Above all, trust in the slow work of God
We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay.
We should like to skip the intermediate stages.
We are impatient of being on the way to something unknown, something new.
And yet it is the law of all progress
that it is made by passing through
some stages of instability—
and that it may take a very long time.
And so I think it is with you;
your ideas mature gradually—let them grow,
let them shape themselves, without undue haste.
Don’t try to force them on,
as though you could be today what time
(that is to say, grace and circumstances
acting on your own good will)
will make of you tomorrow.
Only God could say what this new spirit
gradually forming within you will be.
Give Our Lord the benefit of believing
that his hand is leading you,
and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete.
—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
So now, I water and…trust.
Nothing soothes me more during a restless night than meditating on the mysteries of the rosary in bed during the dark still of the night. My rosary sits on my night stand ready to go. The rhythmic peace of the olivewood beads slipping through my fingers is my physical therapy. The cadence of my prayers is my lullaby. The contemplation of the mysteries and their gifts are my sedative. I urge every-one to consider a prescription in this medicinal sacramental.
I have recently had a lot on my mind that has caused me to pop up around 3am with my mind racing. I can usually go back to sleep, but not lately. So, I usually reach for my comfort of choice: My Rosary. Last night, I could not find my rosary on the night stand. The low glow of the clock radio showed that it was not there. Maybe I left it somewhere. I decided to get up and sit in the dark of our sunroom and pray. I swung my legs out of the bed to put my feet on the floor and stepped right on my rosary! I jumped a bit as I initially felt that I was being irreverent to this sacred object. Then, almost immediately, I thought of Mary’s foot crushing the head of the Serpent. I always look for this feature on a statue of Mary. I look for the tenderness and femininity of her holy foot. I look to see how evil the Serpent is depicted. I seem to revel that this sweet foot crushes this insidious Evil. I pray for Her to do this in my life. My brief feeling of irreverence switched quickly to connection to faithful empowerment, as if Mary was letting me borrow some of her strength to perform the crushing act.
I purchased this rosary at a gift shop at Montepulciano Italy, near Assisi, where St. Francis received the wounds of his stigmata (his hands, feet, and side bled for the rest of his life). Right at the rock where Francis received these wounds, a priest was leading a tour out. I asked, “Could you bless my rosary?” He replied, “Auf Deutche, OK?” I replied, “Ja, sehr gute!” (Yes, very good!) I was working for a German bank at the time and my minimal language skill came in handy.
A few years ago my rosary made the trip through the washing machine. The twine broke, but the holy women of our Rosary Society restrung them better than ever for me! The olivewood beads became dry so no longer slipped through my fingers. I thought they were ruined forever, but with a year of recitations, the smoothness, like Mary’s foot, was restored…the evil crushing power never left.
Saint Patrick brought the Christian faith to a heathen Ireland at a very dangerous time long ago. He was threatened bodily and spiritually all the time. Kind of like us today. Patrick would say a prayer and envision him-self putting on a shield of protection, the Armor of Christ, to keep him from evil so that the world could witness Our Savior’s power in their lives.
A month ago, we may have been distracted by the commercialization of this great saint’s feast day. Look at his life of evangelization afresh for inspiration as you meet people today. As part of our continued Easter renewal in Christ’s glorious Resurrection, you are invited soon after you awaken to pray Patrick’s Prayer and seize the day!
I arise today through
God’s strength to pilot me, God’s might to uphold me,
God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to see before me,
God’s ear to hear me, God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s way to lie before me,
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s host to secure me against snares of devils, against temptations and vices, against inclinations of nature, against everyone who shall wish me ill, afar and anear, alone and in a crowd…
Christ, be with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ where I lie,
Christ where I sit,
Christ where I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
Deacon Bryan
Place: The Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem (The Tomb of Christ) Date: June 24, 2014 Time: 6:00am
The young priest with an imposing presence wedges through the narrow opening from a niche that could fit only one priest and one deacon. The outer room is not very big either. it can hold only about 10 persons. Minutes before, we travelled the streets of Jerusalem from our hotel in pre-dawn darkness to this sacred destination. We have secured a time slot to celebrate The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass…right on the tomb of Christ! The Mass is in process, the readings are completed: The priest emerges from the sacred altar-tomb niche and with conviction announces: “The tomb is empty! He’s alive!! Preach this!!”
I will never forget that moving message in that moving setting. The small gathering was deacons, men in diaconate formation, and our spouses. But the message is to all of us today and every day of our Christian lives. We are not a Good Friday people. We are an Easter Sunday people! Death surrounds us in our culture. We are the Living Body of Christ in a world that wants to limit, drag down, and throw away life. Sure we suffer from severe illness, financial reversal, job loss, death of close ones, and unplanned jolting disappointment. But all these “deaths” are conquered by our living Savior, the One we can rest in, the One who feeds us, the One who guides us from the valley.
Have you ever noticed that even though He walked the earth 2000 years ago, Jesus is never referred to in the past tense? Never has been throughout history. Always in the present tense. Even by non-believers! That’s because He’s here. It is up to each of us, through the faith life we choose, the degree to which we will experience His life-giving presence. I have tried half-measures…they availed me nothing. I have found that I am in the best space when I am full through regular deep prayer and action with others. That’s when I know He’s alive!!
Today marks the start of Holy Week: The homestretch of Lent, and a time to really laser-focus on the life events of Christ, our salvation, and our faith community here at St. Francis. Here’s a quick snapshot to assist in your planning, some emotion encounters with Jesus we may have, and our beautiful liturgies ahead.
PALM SUNDAY – Triumphal entry of our King into the Holy City! Hosanna! Our Encounter: Jubilation as we wave our palms in exultation and drop them in front of the colt to carpet the way for its divine passenger. Our Liturgy: Only one with two Gospels as we also read the Passion to ready ourselves for Good Friday.
HOLY THURSDAY – Institution of the Priesthood and the Eucharist. Fr. Rafal and his brother priests stand in the presence of Christ at every liturgy. It is no longer bread and wine but The True Presence of the body and blood of Christ. Our Encounter: Intimacy as we observe Jesus’ close circle of friends ordained to carry on and as we fuse ourselves directly to Him in the Eucharist. Our Liturgy: The presentation of the sacred oils of catechumen, chrism, and sick from the cathedral to our mission to use in the coming year. Washing of the feet, one of the most moving rituals of service in Christ. Mass = Last Supper.
GOOD FRIDAY – Christ’s passion and death. May be a good time to watch Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion. After viewing this graphic film, a moved Pope John Paul II stated, “This is how is was…” Our Encounter: Mixed…Revulsion, sickened, as well as gratitude for this ultimate expression of God’s love for us as we ponder the value of suffering in our own lives. Our Liturgy: Veneration of the Cross, quiet times of meditation. The reservation of the Eucharist to the Al-tar of Repose marks Jesus’ placement in the tomb and our bread for our journey.
HOLY SATURDAY – For purpose of this reflection, I am focusing on only the part before the Easter Vigil. Christ is now in the grave; He descends to Hell to carry the eternal message of forgiveness to all who have gone before. Our En-counter: This is the forgotten part of a Holy Day where we should take our cue from the actions of the disciples and Mary. They were scared, fearful, and doubtful. They didn’t know what was next. Some thought it was the end of an uplifting, but limited ministry, just another prophet. We can identify with these emotions at distinct points in our lives when traumatic or painful events occur. Don’t rush to the Resurrection…take time to meditate and identify with this stop on your Holy Week journey. Our Liturgy: “Liturgy” is purposely absent as we should experience emptiness to reflect what life would be alone without Christ. We gather quietly, as we do on Good Friday morning, to share The Divine Office, the prayer of the church.
EASTER – He is risen!! I am including the Easter Vigil here as well as Sunday Masses for the purpose of this reflection. Our Encounter: Joy at the splendor of Light returned to a darkened world! Awe at the Glory of Jesus! Emmanuel is with us! Our Liturgy: The Easter Vigil is the mother of all liturgies in our church. Its beauty is breathtaking and inspirational. If you can, come. It is the event when Catechumens who have been preparing for months joyfully enter the church. At the beginning of the Vigil, we hear The Easter Proclamation, a beautiful poem delivered in chant giving us a stunningly accurate capsulation of our salvation history.
Have a blessed journey this Week!
Peter asked Jesus how often should we forgive our neighbor? Seven times? Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy times seven.” Matthew 18:22. In other words, endlessly, constantly, without calculation.
This is precisely why the Gospel makes the link between God’s forgiveness of us and our forgiveness of one another. God’s foriGveness flows directly from our forgiveness of others. Note the correlation between the two modes of forgiveness in the Lord’s prayer.
How do you become a better forgiver? Consider these suggestions…
First, keep your own sins frequently before your mind’s eye. Use the Confiteor (“I confess…”), The Lord’s Prayer, and Your Daily Examen (see last week’s reflection) as points of reference.
Second, go to confession more regularly.
Third, forgive offenses quickly. Don’t give them time to settle deeply into your psyche; seek reconciliation with others right away.
Finally, forgive through a concrete act or a concrete sign. Write a note, make a phone call, give a gift, offer your own presence. Forgiveness is most effective when it becomes concrete.
Last year was the Year of Mercy. Every day is the day of mercy.
The preceding is an adaptation of a recent Lenten reflection by Bishop Robert Barron.
We observed our first Amelia Concours d’Elegance this year. Huge white tents appeared in fields a week before, the traffic mounted, and then a traveler’s nightmare…no rental cars available.
Car aficionados showed off their beautifully restored antiques, sponsors rolled out cutting edge vehicles, and people came together to share their American love affair for cars.
I am usually skeptical of these events, prejudging them as the idle rich indulging their toys, but what I saw more of is happy people. Spectators, owners, and volunteers were all so happy to be there around and cruising in these vehicles…because they were more than hunks of metal and machinery to them…they were transportation. Transportation to a different era. Usually an era of simpler times, more carefree times, times when we were safer, stronger, and more innocent. At least we think this because of “memory dynamic” which is part of our built in survival system that suppresses bad memories and retains the good. That’s why they are always “the good old days”.
We have a transportation system set up for us by God: It is called “The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass”. Our Mass Transportation System. Like the walk along the road to Emmaus with Jesus, we accompany the Priest to the altar during the opening procession and await Him to “burn in our hearts” when we listen to the Word “and to recognize Him in the break-ing of the bread” at the Eucharist. Luke 24:30-35 At the consecration when Father raises the Host, a hole is ripped through time and space that rockets us back to The Upper Room, Calvary, and the Open Tomb. That is when the angels and Saints, and you my brothers and sisters, peer down on our altar at that moment to experience two great realities: 1) Healing for our brokenness no matter what is, and 2) Love that is limitless.
Plan now to embark on the Triduum train with us this year during Holy Week at St. Francis. Come Holy Thursday evening and see Jesus with His apostles. Come Good Friday and share His Passion. Come To the Easter Vigil, the holiest of nights, and be transported by the Light of Christ.
“The unexamined life is not worth living” stated the philosopher Socrates long ago. St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, urged all who wish to follow a spiritual life that performing a Daily Examen is indispensable. I have touched on the Examen before in this column, but a reminder is always good! Lent is an ideal time to make this practice into your daily life. It is a little different than the Examination of Conscience we perform before the sacrament of reconciliation. It is a more meditative exercise.
Here are the preparation steps:
Find Your Spot – Find a quiet place at the end of your day…a favorite “prayer chair” in your home or in your hotel room if you travel like me.
Quiet Down – Breathe slowly and remind yourself you are with Jesus right now at that moment. Take your time.
Review – Play back your day, like a movie, from the beginning. Don’t rush. If you find yourself stopping on a specific event, stay there a while and ponder it, and then move on. As you review, follow the Examen steps below.
Here are the Examen steps:
Where Did I See God at the Time? – These are times when it was evident that God was present. It may be that you walked out or drove in the morning and saw the sunrise and saw God’s majesty or where some-thing unexplainably good happened and you thought God was showing Himself to you at that time
Where Do I See God Now Only Upon Looking Back? – These are the times of finding treasure in your day! One priest called this “rooting through his day to find God.” Many times we are just moving way too fast through our day to realize God in the smile of a clerk, the glance of a homeless person, music that played in the background, or a small act of kindness you gave to / received from another.
Where Did I Move Away from God? Where Did I Sin? Be mindful of what St. Ignatius called “attachments” to things of the world, usually when our pride takes over, or our maneuvering for prestige or power that makes us do things we regret. It can be worshiping a false idol by buying things or impurely looking at things.
I Ask God for the Strength to Do Better Tomorrow and End with An “Our Father”
If you keep at it, after a month or so of daily 10-15 minute Examens, you will become dramatically more aware of God’s presence in your life and receive that “peace beyond all understanding” that St. Paul talks about in Philippians 4:7. God bless you!
One of my greatest spiritual joys was learning to meditate on the mysteries of the rosary. I did not learn to do this until my 40s. It was the result of someone from the rosary ministry at a Eucharistic Congress handing me a zip-lock baggie containing a hand-made plastic rosary and a how-to pamphlet that led me through the prayers, mysteries, and fruits of the mysteries. I would recite the rosary as I drove across one end of my sales territory on Long Island to the other. It gave me a peace I never knew.
Public recitation of the rosary helps me galvanize my belonging to our faith community. Private recitation of the rosary helps me grow closer to our Blessed Mother and her Son. The Sorrowful Mysteries always seem to place me close to Christ and unite my daily life with His great sacrifice for us. They never fail to give me strength. In my pamphlet, the Sorrowful Mysteries and their fruits are: 1) Agony in the Garden (Sorrow for sin), 2) Scourging at the Pillar (Purity), 3) Crowning of Thorns (Courage), 4) Carrying the Cross (Patience), and 5) Crucifixion (Perseverance).
I am always amazed that Jesus agonized, that he was faced with a task that he prefered not to do. For us, it’s the phone call or meeting we agonize over, or how to best approach a friend, spouse, or child on an important issue. I never thought of praying for a deeper sense of sorrow for my wrongdoing…wasn’t my guilt enough? But I found that this deepened sorrow was more of a heart to heart expression to Jesus. The final three Sorrowful Mysteries and fruits are my “go to” ones that provide on-the-spot union and strength in challenging times. I call them “C3” and they may be worth contemplating on your Lenten journey:
Crowning of Thorns – Courage does not mean lack of fear. It means going forward in action despite your fear. Jesus was human and wanted to avoid the excruciating pain he knew was coming, but his love for the Father and us outweighed His personal feelings. We need courage daily.
Carrying the Cross – Patience eluded me for many years, and still does from time to time. This can be the restlessness of the heart that St. Augustine talks about, one that won’t rest until our hearts rest in God. Not only did Jesus have to be put to death, he had to endure the torture before that included carrying a heavy rough cross. We need patience when interruptions arise.
Crucifixion – Perseverance can be mustered up inside sometimes but I find it helps to talk to another when I am about to give up on something. I need perspective because I am too close to a situation. Jesus was in direct communication with the Father; Mary and John were at the foot of the cross; Simon of Cyrene was pulled in; the people and the soldiers all gave Jesus perspective to move on and achieve his mission of love for us. We need perseverance as an expression of our love for others.
May you be blessed this day on your Lenten journey.
Our bodies boss us around all day long: “I’m hungry, feed me. I’m tired, don’t push me further. I’m upset, get angry”. In his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey states: “The distance between stimuli and response can be measured as a per-son’s maturity.” This is how “counting to 10” to diffuse anger was developed. What happens to us in our secular consumer driven society, we don’t really want for anything or do without anything. Everything is at our fingertips to order, eat, or look at. So, what happens, we become less mature, less wise as the world moves in on us.
Lent is an ideal time to build up our maturity muscles by telling our bodies “No, not now, I (along with Jesus) am in charge for these 40 days”. We can slow down the hair-trigger stimuli-response time that enslaves us sometimes to our bodies. That’s the whole idea behind fasting or “giving something up for lent,” to not be bossed around by our bodies so the Holy Spirit can move in and be the Boss.
There is another more specific use for fasting in our spiritual lives: To help free us from stubborn sin. Some of us struggle with a par-ticular sin, sometimes for years. Despite our sincere desire, we can’t seem to shake it. That’s because WE aren’t supposed to shake it, HE is…with our help. When the disciples asked Jesus why they were unable to cast out a particular demon, Jesus replied “This kind [of demon] does not come out except by prayer and fasting.”
What is your stubborn sin? What behavior have you been struggling with? Don’t let your body boss you around this Lent. Lent starts this Wednesday. Let your fasting do double duty this year: Let your fasting help build the spiritual muscles that let the Holy Spirit IN and cast sin out!
This is a picture of the monstrance in the Adoration Chapel at St. Vincent Ferrer in Delray Beach, FL, where parishioners pray 24/7. It is placed inside a two-sided tabernacle. The other side of the tabernacle opens to the main sanctuary, just like ours here at St. Francis of Assisi. But did you ever see such a large home to hold Jesus in the monstrance!? It took a while for me to take it all in. This picture does not quite give you a sense of the large size.
After settling in, my mind slowly toggled back and forth: From Christ the King in majesty on this golden throne inside his tabernacle palace with guild and glitter sparkling from the lights. Then to Jesus the humble servant taking his form in an unassuming piece of bread. Back and forth. Alpha Omega. Big Little. Then my eyes dropped to the altar below this awe-some scene and I saw this:
Eleven small crosses etched into the granite altar, dutifully following one other small cross no different from the others accept that it is in front…leading. The eleven are following in line. Obedience. A priest friend once told me about his vows: “Chastity…you get used to that after a while; Poverty…you find that you really don’t need much and most needs are met; but Obedience…that’s one many struggle with!” Why do I fail to be obedient at times? Pride. I know it.
Let me just look at some more and envision Jesus walking ahead of me too…
Anxiousness, impatience filled me since I was young…
They actually helped me achieve a lot of things.
Life was pretty good, I thought, but a while back I became restless…
Wanting…I know not what…
Through the help of a friend, I was led to daily meditation on the Gospels. I came to know a very real Jesus for the first time.
A 2000 year vine came alive to connect me to Christ and His Church.
Now when I confess my sins, I feel loved to the core.
When I take His Body into my body, Jesus physically embraces me.
He burns in my transformed heart.
The anxiety is gone.
These eleven sentences are the result of a suggestion made to me by a Catholic bishop who was raised Episcopalian. He said that every Catholic should have a prepared memorized “elevator speech.” That’s what sales people do. They have a set of captivating points about their product or service that they can quickly and effectively articulate on a short 30-second elevator ride with a new found prospect. Not only does this exercise equip you to move hearts and evangelize, it solidifies your own spiritual passion about our beautiful faith. When asked “Why are you Catholic?”, a woman simply said: “It gives me peace”. Short, to the point, and no one can argue with it.
An elevator speech should be 100 words or less. It should have a se-quence and a rhythm that helps you remember it. Work on yours. It will pay divine dividends. That way you can always be prepared to give
people a reason for your hope as St. Peter urged and to make disciples as Jesus taught us. Every time you voice your “speech” to another you will be doing God’s work and you may even help save souls.
The Universal Call to Holiness is one of most impactful results of Vatican II over 50 years ago. But it is still misunderstood by many. It changed the sta-tus quo, which said that priests, nuns, and brothers had a “leg up” on the lay faithful in getting into heaven. That is, by their station in life, they were on a higher rung on the holiness ladder. Not true! Each one of us is called to be holy. There is probably no better manual on how to live out this calling than St. Francis de Sales 17th century work Introduction to the Devout Life. He uses the word devout to mean holy and it is an excellent pre-Lent read. Here is an abridged selection. Take some quiet time to read and contemplate:
When God the Creator made all things, he commanded the plants to bring forth fruit each according to its own kind; he has likewise commanded Christians, who are the living plants of his Church, to bring forth the fruits of devotion, each one in accord with his character, his station and his calling. I say that de-votion must be practiced in different ways by the nobleman and by the working man, by the servant and by the prince, by the widow, by the unmarried girl and by the married woman. But even this distinction is not sufficient; for the prac-tice of devotion must be adapted to the strength, to the occupation, and to the duties of each one in particular.
Tell me, whether it is proper for…a working man to spend his whole day in church like a religious; or on the other hand for a religious to be constantly exposed like a bishop to all the events and circumstances that bear on the needs of our neighbor. Is not this sort of devotion ridiculous, unorganized and intolerable? Yet this absurd error occurs very frequently, but in no way does true devo-tion destroy anything at all. On the contrary, it perfects and fulfills all things. In fact if it ever works against, or is inimical to, anyone’s legitimate station and calling, then it is very definitely false devotion.
The bee collects honey from flowers in such a way as to do the least damage or destruction to them, and he leaves them whole, undamaged and fresh, just as he found them. True devotion does still better. Not only does it not injure any sort of calling or occupation, it even embellishes and enhances it. Moreover, just as every sort of gem, cast in honey, becomes brighter and more sparkling, each according to its colour, so each person becomes more acceptable and fitting in his own vocation when he sets his vocation in the context of devotion. Through devotion your family cares become more peaceful, mutual love between husband and wife becomes more sincere, the service we owe to the prince becomes more faithful, and our work, no matter what it is, becomes more pleasant and agreeable…Therefore, in whatever situations we happen to be, we can and we must aspire to the life of perfection.
Grow where you are planted. Seek the Lord in the ordinary. Be holy in what you do each day.
word “routine” to people and they usually think either: 1) boring, common, and ordinary, or 2) comforting, safe, and pleasing. These are two very different ways of looking at the same thing! We sometimes hit the drudgery of day-in / day-out living. “It’s the same every day; I get up, I go to work, I come home, I do a few things around the house, I go to sleep, I get up.” Yet others relish the regularity of their day, with specific events pleasing them because of their predictability.
I have been badly craving a routine. For the past four months, our house has been turned upside down by construction workers as we renovate an older home that we bought. When it gets too much for us, we remind ourselves that we have “privileged problems” and have nothing to com-plain about. However, without a routine, my spiritual life has been negatively impacted. Then I thought: “Did Jesus have a routine?” It doesn’t seem like he did at first glance with his going from town to town and preaching the message of salvation. He was on course to Jerusalem be-cause he loved us so much. He seems to emphasize this lack of routine when he said “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to rest his head.” But he did have a routine! He routinely retreated to a quiet place like the desert to pray and reconnect with the Father…to fill up his spiritual gas tank.
After recently viewing a video on cloistered Carmelite nuns in the UK, I was struck at the overflowing joy these women had in simple routine. Prayer was at the center of their lives and Simple made Truth clearer. It was the first time in 90 years they let someone come in and film their daily lives. I have always been attracted to the monastic life, but could I really do it?
Maybe a better word to describe the pattern of a day is rhythm, an ebb and flow, a breathing of actions that are in tune with body, mind, and soul. The Christian life finds beauty in routine…Divine Office of prayer through-out the day…the structure of the Holy Mass…work…meal times. The beautiful paradox is that in these “routines” all is ever new, experienced for the first time each time. Maybe eternity is right in front of us, in our routines.
Many of you know I travel during the week for my job. While it is a hassle and lonely at times, one of my joys is visiting many parishes throughout Florida for daily Mass or to stop in and be with Jesus. I like to empty out in front of the tabernacle where Jesus is and ask Him to fill me up. I know the carpenter-king is there as my eyes will gaze over to the lit sanctuary candle. I am nearly ecstatic when I discover a parish that has perpetual Adoration. There is always something special about these parishes. The people seem to have a deep prayer life and Jesus’ continual presence in the monstrance radiates in the Adoration chapel, leaks through the door cracks out to the hallways and into the parking lot. Studies have shown that parishes that maintain perpetual Adoration generate significantly more children who become priests, deacons, and religious. Many times, in Adoration, tears will just start running down my cheeks. Many emotions and thoughts flood me: Joy, Relief, Embrace, Forever, Brother, Embrace, Listen, Peace, Embrace…
This week, I visited a parish down in Naples. I entered through the main door instead of my usual side door before 12:10 p.m. Mass. I did a double take at the prayer candles in front of the Mercy portrait of Jesus inscribed “Jesus, I Trust in You”! (Thank you, St. Faustina for putting an exclamation point to here!). I lit a candle in the lower left of the grid, most lit candles were in the upper right. It dawned on me I was alone in the lower left, SW Florida, and you at St. Francis are the lit candles that were in the upper right, NE Florida. So, I moved my candle from SW to NE to be with y’all.
Thanks for being there!
When God wants something great done in this world, He doesn’t dispatch a legion of avenging angels;Neither does He call forth a whirlwind nor ignite the fuse of volcanic fireworks.
No commandeering troops into battle nor discharging zealous crusaders to holy causes;
He does not orchestrate the burst and boom of thunder nor display His fiery arrows majesty across the sky to bring His purpose to pass.
When God wants something great done in this world…. He sends a baby and then….He waits.
Our Advent Season Reflection series on The Universal Prayer of the Church continues…
I worship You as my first beginning,
long for You as my last end,
I praise You as my constant helper,
and call on You as my loving protector.
Guide me by Your constant wisdom,
correct me with Your justice,
comfort me with Your mercy,
protect me with Your power.
Have you ever been RAPT in prayer? That’s when you express yourself in four ways when raising your heart and mind to God:You:
1) Repent
2) Adore
3) Petition
4) Thank
It’s a handy formula that can help jumpstart the prayer life of a beginner or refocus the prayer warrior. I find myself usually asking for things (petition) way too much. Being truly sorry (repenting) only after I am hurting too much. Thanking Him way too late because I first think I am the gift giver. And simply adoring Him way too rarely.
On the rare occasions that I can keep my mind from wandering or boomeranging back to me, what I want, I can enter a beautiful space of praise and only praise. Only praise. Only the A part; no RPT for now. Our Adoration Chapel or a retreat is the ideal setting for this special time to occur. Free from distraction and silent. Getting into “Adoration Shape” now during these coming weeks will help us sing “O Come Let us Adore Him” with a renewed heart when He arrives!
We await the coming of an infant that will grow into a man and teach us the way to Heaven. He will protect us. He will guide us. He will show us his Father’s mercy. He will correct us with His justice if our hearts are open to His ways in our lives. Let us get ready for the arrival of this infant, our God, this Emmanuel who protects us with his mighty power.
This is the second of a four-week Advent series of reflections based on The Universal Prayer of the Church attributed to Pope Clement XI in the 18th century. You are invited to read the entire prayer softly out loud each morning as a daily meditation this Advent season.
Lord, I believe in You: Increase my faith.
Lord, I trust in You: Strengthen my trust.
I love You: Let me love you more and more.
I am sorry for my sins: Deepen my sorrow.
This is the opening paragraph of The Universal Prayer of The Church, a prayer attributed to Pope Clement XI in the 18th century. I first heard the entire prayer recited by an Atlanta priest after Communion. The power of the words, the cadence of the lines, and the building of the message blew me away. The prayer is a guide to salvation and I had never heard it before. As part of your Advent preparation, I invite you to find the prayer online, print it out, and softly recite it each day. Like any sacred reading, be sure to make your words audible; you too will experience the power of their rhythm and message.
Advent is a time of waiting and preparation. Not the waiting like for a food order, but a holy waiting. It is a sanctified waiting where we are not inconvenienced, but enriched. Time is different in Advent, it nearly stands still with anticipated joy. Preparation during Advent is penitential, somewhat like Lent. We get our house in order to receive the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior, Emmanuel. We usually examine our lives and see where sinful behavior may have crept back in and blocked us from loving God as much as we can. Some counter the consumer- ism of the season by cutting things back, less food, or less entertainment as a way to prepare.
In his prayer, Pope Clement starts out with more, more, more! St. Ignatius of Loyola called this spiritual approach magis. The Christian should always be striving to increase or take it to the next level when seeking God in all things. I believe in God, but I don’t really ask to believe Him more. I should. I trust in God, but I know this trust should be increased because I often exert my will and it either gets me into trouble or makes me feel uncomfortable. My love for Jesus has deepened greatly in recent years, but I know from reading the great mystics and saints of the Church, that this love can deepen beyond my wildest imagination if I ask Him. Why would I want to deepen my sorrow for my sins? I already feel bad enough. Because if God deepens my sorrow, it can become a “treasured sorrow” where sorrow and joy occupy the same space in my heart and press me next to His Sacred Heart.
Sisters and brothers, prepare the way with more!
Our gratitude may be expressed at our yearly gatherings, but in an increasingly secular society, we may sometimes fail to really mention God. The purpose of establishing Thanksgiving as a national US holiday was clear. You may wish to have someone read the following to your gathering this year to tee up your Prayer Before the Meal…[spacer height=”-10px”]
It has pleased Almighty God to prolong our national life another year, defending us with His guardian care against unfriendly designs from abroad and vouchsafing to us in His mercy many and signal victories over the enemy, who is of our own household. It has also pleased our Heavenly Father to favor as well our citizens in their homes as our soldiers in their camps and our sailors on the rivers and seas with unusual health. He has largely augmented our free population by emancipation and by immigration, while He has opened to us new sources of wealth and has crowned the labor of our workingmen in every department of industry with abundant rewards. Moreover, He has been pleased to animate and inspire our minds and hearts with fortitude, courage, and resolution sufficient for the great trial of civil war into which we have been brought by our adherence as a nation to the cause of freedom and humanity, and to afford to us reasonable hopes of an ultimate and happy deliverance from all our dangers and afflictions:[spacer height=”-10px”]
Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart the last Thursday in November next as a day which I desire to be observed by all my fellow-citizens, wherever they may then be, as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, the beneficent Creator and Ruler of the Universe. And I do further recommend to my fellow citizens aforesaid that on that occasion they do reverently humble themselves in the dust and from thence offer up penitent and fervent prayers and supplications to the Great Disposer of Events for a return of the inestimable blessings of peace, union, and harmony throughout the land which it has pleased Him to assign as a dwelling place for ourselves and for our posterity throughout all generations.[spacer height=”-10px”]
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this 20th day of October, A.D. 1864, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-ninth.
Next Sunday, November 20th, marks the end of our beautiful Jubilee Year of Mercy. This year has been a time of special graces. Many have returned to the church and many have deepened their faith lives. With one week to go, you are invited to do two things: Get mercy and Give mercy. In both getting and giving mercy, we see the Holy Trinity in full operation: Mercy flows from our loving Father through a very real Jesus Christ in an ever present Holy Spirit.
Here are two quick stories that may guide you during this closing week….
Get Mercy…
Tom struggles with sin. No matter how hard he tries, temptation at his fingertips overwhelms him every week or so. He knows he is loved and forgiven after Reconciliation, but he can’t seem to change his behavior. Tom then slowly meditated on the final words of the Act of Contrition. “I firmly resolve with the help of Your Grace to confess all sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.” Amend my life? With Your Grace? Tom now realized that God’s grace and mercy are leading him to take regular continuous action after he leaves the confessional. He now talks with other men about the same struggles; he prays the rosary every evening, and attends Mass twice during the week at lunchtime. God’s powerful loving mercy is leading Tom to do what he could not do himself. Tears run down Tom’s cheeks as he is able to love more deeply those in his life.
Reflection: How can I get Mercy this week?
Give Mercy….
Patty just couldn’t forgive her father. While her mother was dying of cancer two years ago, Dad said some mean things to Patty’s husband and actually shoved him in the kitchen one night after Mom had died. Dad never took back the hurtful words or apologized for the shoving. He felt he was right and did not ask to be forgiven by Patty or her husband.
Mom’s ashes have been reserved in a sacred space while the parish built a beautiful columbarium. Now, two years late, Mom’s cremains will be inurned during a Committal Rite. Patty vowed not to attend the Rite as a continued protest to her father. Their parish was also blessed to have an Adoration Chapel where one can sit quietly with Jesus at any time day or night. Patty was drawn to Adoration later one evening. Tears ran down Patty’s cheeks during Adoration. Her iciness melted as Jesus embraced her with Mercy and heard Jesus say “Don’t wait for an apology, forgive him.” She reconciled with Dad as they together honored Mom. Patty was spared many years of misery by being a channel of God’s mercy.
Reflection: How can I give mercy this week?
“For Christ’s Sake Do Something With Your Life!” read the poster at the base of my parish church stairwell. It was aimed at recruiting young men to the priesthood, but that upward gazing face of Jesus, with cross weighted on shoulder and crown of thorns, was talking to me.
Later that year, I was raking leaves in my backyard in a rhythmic circular fashion so that I could pray the rosary at that same time…I still have the rake with the notched handle to track a decade!
On that late fall afternoon, I asked God out loud whether He was calling me to the diaconate. I heard “Not yet.” I took that as a definite maybe.
During the following year, my faith deepened as the result of daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Ignatian meditation, and through connecting with other men and women in ministry and community at my home parish. A faith life with others striving to love and serve Christ no longer seemed like something for someone else, but the way of life.
I finally picked up the phone to call my deacon friend and said I thought maybe, sort of, possibly, I may be interested in knowing more about the diaconate program, maybe. There, I went public with it…but he didn’t seem surprised…almost like he was expecting my call. That night, I did not sleep a wink, but for some unexplainable reason, woke up early unusually refreshed and energetic.
I finally asked God to take it all. All.Years of chasing careers, houses, cars, and prestige left me empty. I found the only way I could love God the way He wanted me to love Him was through a committed relationship.
The biggest treasure of my journey was the Spirit-led process called formation. There were classes, tests, and papers to complete on the five year preparation road, but the incredible part is how God reaches into you and takes that tepid piece of clay and fashions it into a warm beating heart. God can take a man who does not have a natural inclination to serve like me and remake him. Transformation, reconfiguration, call it what you want…God can move your pieces around in ways that are beyond your imagination if you let Him.
My wife Mary Pat is an angel from God and companion on this most beautiful journey. Our adult children, Brian (married to Lauren with our grandson Warren) in New Orleans and Maggie (married to Hugo with our granddaughter Evey) in New York, have witnessed from afar the changes in both of us that only Christ can make.
A big misnomer is that deacons just assist the priest on the altar. On the contrary, deacons are blessed to be Christ’s hands and feet in their work place, as well as ministries in hospitals, hospice, airport, and prisons. The joy of serving through the mission work of Saint Vincent de Paul and the Atlanta Men’s Shelter was a gift to me.The definition of diakonia is service: I can see that St. Francis and the Diocese of St. Augustine is already blessed with a vibrant diakonia!
The greatest gift for me has been witnessing in others how Jesus Christ can heal personal brokenness and change your life. Watching a slow spark of interest in someone…turn into change…turn into passion…turn into them bringing Christ to another is truly awesome.
If you have the slightest thought that God may be whispering to you…get quiet and listen…it may be your time to get more involved and Do Some- thing with Your Life for Christ’s Sake!